On How Abusive Essays Become Sweet Essays

Chapter 87: Spiritual Consciousness Sea

    "Master, are you hungry?"

    Lai also returned home, and when he stepped into the door, he heard Yinli's greeting.

    He frowned lightly, "I just ate it."

    After the doctor bandaged them on the spacecraft, they also prepared food to replenish the tired and paralyzed females. More than an hour has passed since they safely got off the spacecraft, but Lai also I didn't feel hungry at all.

    "Yinli, do you want to be my chef?" Lai also laughed.

     Yin Li answered very seriously: "If you don't dislike it, of course you can."

    He really has this idea.

    Lai was also speechless for a while, the females who were fighting on the battlefield returned home, like a different appearance, Lai also thinks Yinli is very interesting, vivid and colorful .

      , Lai did not look at the optical brain again, where the signal was blocked.

    "Welcome back." The little robot dutifully helped the two masters to the door with slippers.

    Lai also put on his slippers and did not continue the conversation with Yinli. Everything was business as usual at home. The bathroom on the second floor had hot water in advance. Lai also felt that he was already smelly. I want to wash the dust off my body.

    "Master, do you need my help?" Yin Li followed behind Lai Ye.

    Lai Ye's arm was injured, he thought that it might be inconvenient, and before Lai answered, he said, "I'll help you undress."

    Lai Ye: "No, Yinli, you should wash too."

    Ginri: "I can wait for you to finish washing."

    Lai also stopped his extending hand: "I can do it myself."

    Ginri looked at the arm hanging on his chest, with obvious worry in his eyes: "Your hand—"

    "I have no problem." Lai also said firmly.

    Yinli's eyes dimmed a little: "Master, why are you always resisting me."

    Lai also paused: "Yinli, don't think too much."

    He reflected on whether he had been too polite and seemed alienated. It is indeed easy to make the other party feel frustrated by always rejecting the female gentleman's kindness.

    Lai was also defeated: "Then... please help me."

     Yin Li raised her head, the corner of her mouth finally raised a faint smile, nodded and replied, "Yes."

    Lai was also injured because of his right hand, which made his movements very inconvenient. It took a while to take a bath. When he got up to take a shower, it was really troublesome. He took a long bath.

    Yinli took a shower very quickly. After washing, he waited for him outside Lai Yemen, waiting for him to ask for help, but he never heard the voice of Lai also asking for help.

    Then the door opened, and Lai also came out from the inside, full of heat, wrapped in a faint fragrance, he saw the silver inside the door, and was a little surprised: "What are you doing here? ?"

    Ginri shook his head: "Nothing."

    Some unexplainable loss.

    Twilight was approaching, and Lai also sat by the bed, wiping his hair. He didn't get a good night's sleep for two nights, making his face a little haggard, and his spirit was depressed and still handsome.

    Ginri squatted beside his legs, resting her head lightly on his knees. Lai was also stunned by the sudden dependence behavior, and he raised his hand and put it in Ginri's hair.

     Washed hair is clean and fluffy again, and the soft touch lingers in the fingers.


    He knew that if he fell into the trap without Lai holding him, he would be hurt far more than he is now.

    Once he thought he was in Lai Ye's eyes, just a dispensable female monarch, even Lai was very gentle to him, but he was very gentle to every female, but he was in the three It was only in Tianli that he realized that Lai was also a little gentle, and it was only given to him.

     I don't want to break free, I just want to sink in with it.

    Lai is also the water plant that entangles him.

    Ginri thinks he is lucky, the male he met that night was Lai Ye.

    "Can you still get up and make breakfast tomorrow morning?" Lai also combed her fingers through the silver hair.

    Ginri: "Yeah."

    He lowered his head, and his voice was muffled.

    I haven't eaten food made in silver for a few days, and Lai actually feels a little nostalgic for a long time. "I will rest at home for a while, maybe it will be boring."

     Yin Li said: "I will be back as soon as possible."

    "Sleep." Lai also pulled Yin Li to bed, "Rest early today."

    Yinli lay on her side, facing Lai and didn't move. He slept outside tonight. After Yinli turned off the lights, Lai was silent, and Yinli didn't speak, just Worrying about pressing on Lai Ye's arm, he always left a nerve for Lai Ye, so he didn't fall asleep.

    The next morning, Yin Li woke up, and Lai was still asleep.

    Lai Ye is really tired these days. For his body that rarely suffers, being thrown there from a comfortable environment is like an instant improvement from the simple mode to a difficult stage.

    He seldom said that he was tired during the process, but the response of the body was very honest.

     Yin Li didn't bother him, made breakfast and put it in the kitchen before returning to the political office.

    It was noon when Lai also woke up.

      He didn't sleep well either.

    When Yinli got up in the morning, he was conscious for a moment, but before he had time to wake up, he seemed to fall into the endless abyss. After three days of exhaustion, he suddenly relaxed. can be brought back.

    Lai also turned on the light brain for the first time after he came back, wanting to check the latest news on the star network, but as soon as he opened the light brain, he saw a series of messages bounced out, before he went to the assessment There were several missed call requests.

    The call request cannot find the number, it is all temporary information, it is difficult to find the other party if you want to check, and the last message was yesterday.

    [[UNKNOWN]: We are the same. 】

    Lai was also preparing to eat the breakfast that Yinli prepared for him at that time. The breakfast was cold and he heated it up. He sat at the table with steaming food in front of him.

    When he saw this news, his eyelids jumped, and his intuition was not so simple.

    After he had breakfast, he felt that something was wrong when he went to the study. Looking closely, the tape he put on the bookshelf was gone.

    —An outsider invaded his home without even setting off any alarms.

    Lai also stood in front of the bookshelf for a while, sat behind the desk, and opened the light brain with one hand.

    —We are the same.

    What does this mean?

    Lai also tried to call back, but the other party could not be contacted. He checked the address, but it was difficult to find it. The other party had been prepared enough from the beginning and left no trace. .

    The other party invaded his home.

    Lee was pretty sure too.

    He was caught off guard by this sudden surprise, but he calmed down quickly, he didn't know the other party's purpose, and at present, it was not friendly.

    Lee also asked the robot to thoroughly clean the house, but no clues were found.

    This made him confused and at the same time very confused, such as walking in the fog, unable to distinguish the direction, also unable to find the exit, no way to start.

    Yinli had to come back very late this day, he also sent a message to Lai, Lai also dragged his semi-disabled body to order a meal, the meal was delivered quickly, Lai also opened the door , and confront the familiar female worm outside the door.

    The female worm who brought him the meal before changed the night shift during this time. He was wearing a black red hat with a few strands of hair sticking out from the edge of the hat. Also showed a bright smile.

    "Mr. Laiye, your dinner."

    "Thank you." Lai accepted.

    "You're welcome." Tian Sen said, "You haven't ordered for a long time, I'm still a little worried."

    Lai also heard what he said, and suddenly realized that such a long time had passed. He smiled and said, "Admiral Yinli will make breakfast for me every day, so I don't need it."

    "That's great." Tian Sen showed his white teeth and hesitated, as if he had something to say.

    Lai Ye: "What's wrong?"

    Tinson: "Two days ago...I saw a strange female enter your home."

    Lai also paused and smiled, "Can you talk to me?"

    Tinson nodded.

    The relationship between Lai Ye and Yinli has been attracting attention from the very beginning. Every time Tian Sen passed by delivering meals, he would inadvertently take a second glance, and two days ago he saw a The female worm sneaked into Lai Ye's house.

     Cover tightly.

    After Tian Sen left, the curvature of Lai Ye's mouth slowly disappeared. He closed the door and walked thoughtfully to the dining table.

    It is a female.

    In the middle of the night, there was a sound from the door. Lai also finished dinner and sat in the living room to check the videos sent to him by his family in the past few days. Hearing the sound at the door, he turned off his brain.

    "Master." Yin Li opened the door and walked to Lai Ye's side, "Aren't you asleep yet?"

    Lai did not rashly tell him about the female insects in the house, "I'm waiting for you."

    Ginli's heart skipped a beat.

    "Have you eaten?" Lai asked him too.

    Ginri nodded.

    Lai also beckoned, Yinli got closer, and then Lai was caught off guard and reached out to touch his belly, Yinli's abdominal muscles were so hard, even through the clothes I can't tell if what he said was true or not.

    Yin Li misunderstood his intention, the corners of his eyes were dyed a thin red, and his pupils cut water to look at him, the blue eyes were like sea water, as deep as a whirlpool, usually cold and rigorous The female worm is now possessed.

    "Silver, my hand is injured." Lai also looked away, avoiding his hot gaze.

     Yin Li hesitated for a moment, mistakenly dismissed as a tease, and said, "Master, I know what to do."

    Ginli insisted a little, and Lai Ye's defense line could be broken for him in an instant.


    After the assessment, they didn't seem to have changed anything, but they all knew in their hearts that something had changed. This vague and ambiguous change could not be expressed in words, bit by bit. into their daily life.

    "Yinli, if you don't cook the dishes, it will be mushy." Lai also stood at the door of the kitchen, smelling the familiar smell in the air, which was often seen when he was cooking before. .

    When he starts, usually by the time he realizes it, the cooking progress has already jumped to this point.

    Yinli seemed to suddenly come back to his senses, and then he put the dishes out of the pot in a calm and orderly manner. Lai also likes to eat this kind of home-cooked food, so he often cooks it.

    Lei also walked over, with one hand hanging on his chest: "What are you thinking?"

    The shirt on his body was worn by Yinli for him in the morning. The buttons were buttoned to the top. He felt uncomfortable and unbuttoned two of them. The whole person looked a lot more casual. On the other side, the delicate collarbone is half exposed.

    Ginli glanced lightly, turned back and said, "I didn't think of anything."

    Lai Ye: "You just lost your mind."

    Ginri: "It was an accident."

    Lei also suddenly approached him, the tip of his nose was about to touch the tip of his nose, his dark eyes were very focused: "You have something to hide from me."

    His tone was positive.

    Maybe she lived with Yinli for a while, Lai also knew a lot about him, and he was even more familiar with some of his states, and it was easy to judge the reason why he appeared in this state .

    Ginli looked away in a restless mood, her pale thin lips murmured, unable to say anything to refute.

    He did hide something from Lai, but he didn't intend to hide it from him, he just didn't know how to tell him.

      Go to dangerous places.

    But he didn't want to worry about Lai.

    Also... I don't want to leave Lai Ye.

    He was afraid that Lai would keep him, he could not deal with Lai like that, and he was also afraid that Lai would be angry. Lay had seen firsthand how dangerous that could be.

    I don't know when it started, he was not the only one who shouldered the heavy responsibility, maybe it started when he decided to be a military female, or maybe it started when he became an admiral .

    He thought he would fight the aliens endlessly until he couldn't fight, but now... something unexpected happened.

     Yin Li did not organize his language well, and Lai did not force him.

    "It's okay, I won't ask if you don't want to say it." Lai also stepped back in time, giving Yinli room to breathe.

    "Master." Yin Li stopped Lai Ye, who was about to leave the kitchen, "I... Maybe after a while, I will go to the garbage planet."

    "Is it far?" Lai also looked back.

    The Zerg on Bluestar know about the junk planet, but probably not many Zerg will pay attention.

    Ginri: "Yes."

    Lee: "…"

    The first sentence Yin Li said, he already knew what Yin Li would do when he went so far.

    He was silent for a long time and asked, "Will you come back?"

    "Yes." Ginri said, "Just like every time before."


    Lai also stepped forward and hugged Yinli: "I will miss your craftsmanship."

    Yin Li lowered her eyes, tilted her head and rubbed Lai Ye's cheek.

    Lai Ye: "Yinli, I'm not used to eating outside—you have to come back early."

    "Okay." Yin Li replied, and then said in a low voice, "Sorry, Lord."

    Lai also recuperates at home for half a month. This evening, near dusk, Lai also sat in the living room, and the family doctor showed him the injury on his hand.

    "Alright, it's almost done, you still have to pay attention during this time, don't lift heavy objects and use less force."

    Lai was also aware of this, he nodded and sent the doctor away.

    And just like this, a call request was passed to his light brain. Because of the previous anonymous missed call request, Lai was also very sensitive to this for a while, and he was tense when he heard the voice nerves.

    After he saw the above message, he laughed and shook his head again. It was a call request from Yinli.

    Lee also connected.

    The voice over there was noisy, and soon a voice clearly reached his ears: "Doctor Lai Ye?"

    Arno Ann.

    Lai didn't know him very well, but after hearing his voice, he recognized him instantly. When Arnoan spoke, it was soft and weak, and his voice was soft.

    He looked at the information again and determined that it was Yinli's account.

    Lee: "It's me."

    Yanoan: "Great, Dr. Lai Ye, I finally got in touch with you. Brother Yinli is drunk, can you come and pick him up?"

    "Drunk?" Lai also stood up, frowning slightly.

    Ginri told him there would be a party today, and he did not doubt Arnoan too much.

    "Yes, I don't know your contact information, so I let Brother Yinri find it..." Arnoan chattered about the situation on his side.

    It was Yanoan who sent the call, not Yinli, which showed that Yinli might not even be able to speak. Lai also asked him for the address, changed clothes, and sat on the suspension The car is out.

    The place is not far away, and Lai arrived in a short time. Arnoan was waiting for him outside. When he saw him coming, he walked up quickly and said hello with a smile: "Doctor Laiye."

    "Where is the silver?" Lai also went straight to the point.

    Yanoan immediately put worry on his face: "Brother Yinli is up there, hurry up and have a look, he has been calling your name."

    Lai also took two steps forward, and suddenly stopped.

    Yin Li never calls him by his name, only calls him "Hero Lord".

    At the party on the first floor, most of them were females. No one cared about Lai Ye who came in at the door. Lai also swept around and followed Arnoan upstairs in a low-key manner.

    Yanoan went up to the second floor, and his pace slowed down.

    The corridor on the second floor is quiet, every door is closed, the corridor here is a circle, you can see the females downstairs when you look out from the guardrail, and the females downstairs Can't see them.

    "Yanoan, where is Yinli?" Lai also suddenly stopped.

    Yanoan glanced at him, and lowered his head to reveal a small section of his white neck: "Just in front."

    Lai also watched him silently for a few seconds, and directly located Yinli's position from the light brain.

    Positioning requires the consent of the other party's Guangnao, which is equivalent to binding their accounts together. Apparently, Arnoan did not expect that Lai would also be bound to Yinli.


    In the lounge.

    The female with her hat lowered stood beside the bed, the silver-haired female on the bed had a faint scarlet color deep in her blue eyes, he knelt on the bed, looked at them in a defensive posture, calmly Self-sustaining.

    "Are you all right?" Maud urged impatiently.

    The female insect, who lowered her hat, glanced at Yinli, and murmured: "Impossible, the effect of the drug should have occurred..."

    He didn't know, Yin Li was already blurred, and the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness collapsed recklessly, putting a irritable look on his face.

    "Is it okay?" Maud glanced at the female, "If you dare to lie to me... I promise you will regret it."

    "Don't worry." A drop of cold sweat slowly dripped from the female's forehead.

    No, not at all.

    At this time, Yinli's light brain suddenly turned on.

    Maud and the females present were found.

    Mood figured it out in a flash, "Damn, it must be Arnoan who delivered the message."

    "I said he was unreliable!" said the female.

    Modd was reprimanded by the female, with a sorry face, gritted teeth, and gloomy eyes.

    The female told him that the medicine could make Yinli give up on him, Mu De couldn't get close to Yinli's body, so he asked Yanoan to help him, he knew that Yanoan hated Yinli He must be happy to help him, but he didn't expect that Arnoan also hid his thoughts.

    "Bang Bang Bang"—

    There is a knock on the door.

    The female worm was the first to react. He lowered the brim of his hat and glanced at Yinli unwillingly.


    Only when Yinli enters and loses his vital signs, can he enter Yinli's body and get close to Laiye - this is what he speculates.

    When she was squeezed out of Lai Ye’s body, it must have been the work of another more powerful soul. He must take back his own body, and Yinli is the most promising female to get close to Lai Ye. insect.

    —he doesn't want to be this lowly female.

    "Silver, are you in there?"

    Seeing that the male worm outside did not hear the answer and was about to break in, the female worm looked at Mo De, gritted her teeth, pushed open the window and jumped down.

    This move made Mu De dumbfounded. He ran to the window and looked down. The female worm disappeared. This is the second floor. Jumping down will inevitably hurt Mu De. Did not jump down.

    He didn't notice that Yin Li on the bed quietly got out of the bed when he was pulling at the window, walked to the door and opened the door.

    Lai also stood with Arnoan outside.

    Seeing Yinli's appearance, Arnoan couldn't help backing away.

    Maud is useless.

     Yin Li saw Lai Ye, resting her forehead on his shoulder, the temperature came through the clothes, and it was terrifyingly hot, Lai also supported him, so that he would not slide down, he looked at the room The other male in the worm narrowed his eyes.

    Maud put his hands on his chest: "This is a misunderstanding."

    "Really?" Lai's voice was also very soft, and his eyes were unpredictable.

    He didn't say anything, holding Yin Li and preparing to leave.

     Yinli's spiritual consciousness is very disordered.

    Why does it always hurt his females?

    Perhaps under extreme anger, Lai also calmed down, and the top priority is silver.

     Yin Li grabbed Lai Ye's collar, he could feel the steady stream of reassurance coming from Lai Ye, he knew he was Lai Ye.

    It seems that there is only him left in the world, and he can no longer feel the existence of other Zerg.

    When they went out, the females in the bottom circle were quiet, and after they went out for a long time, the noise slowly recovered.

    In the hovering car, Lai also kept kissing and comforting Yin Li, but Yin Li became more and more dissatisfied, and Lai closed the window and let him go.

    This time, the spiritual comfort lasted for a long time. When the suspension car arrived home, Lai also put on his clothes loosely and entered the door with Yinli in his arms.


    In the early morning of the next day, Lai, who had not slept all night, also checked Yinli's body and asked a special doctor to test him for his spiritual consciousness, which showed that Yinli's spiritual consciousness had gradually It was stabilized, and Lai also learned why Yinli suddenly had a mental sea of ​​consciousness last night.

    The doctor said that it was a banned drug, which was originally used as a soothing agent for the female worm's spiritual consciousness, but it was found to have a strong backlash side effect, so it was banned a long time ago.

    Doctor Yashe carried the medicine box and was about to leave. He said, "If you have any questions, you can contact me."

    "Okay, thank you." Lai also got up to see him off.

    There is no sun today and the weather is gloomy. Lai also opened the curtains of the room and opened the windows to let the room breathe.

    It wasn't until noon that Yinli woke up leisurely. Lai also sat beside the bed to guard him, passing the time with a book in his hand. When Yinli woke up, he noticed it.

    He looked away from the book.

     Yin Li was still a little dazed: "Master."


     "Yanoan said it was the light brain you unwrapped, do you still have an impression?"

     Yin Li leaned against the head of the bed, silently, shaking her head: "I didn't give him permission to open it."

    Lai Ye: "Can you tell me about him?"

    Ginri: "Yanoan?"

    Lee also put the book cover on his lap: "Yes, I think he's a little strange."

    Ginri understood what he meant, and he suspected that Arnoan was involved.

    "Yanoan is not my brother." Ginri did not evade this question, "I just lived in the same place with him when we were young..."

    Yanoan was the sub-female of a wealthy family, but later the female who raised him died, Yinli's female father couldn't bear to let him wander outside, so he took him home, and later They have always been brothers.

    But when Yinli was eleven years old, the place where they lived was attacked by alien insects, they separated, and Yinli stumbled all the way into the academy and became a military female, he wanted to find Arnoan , but there has been no news.

    It wasn't until a month before she was about to get married to Lai Ye that Yinli found Arnoan, which was a slum in the northern city. Arnoan was injured and pitiful.

    When Yin Li took him back, he was very obedient and obedient enough to make him feel a little distressed.

    Ginri could not have imagined that he would do such a thing.

    About the section of Beicheng District, Yinli did not elaborate, and Lai also thought about it and knew that it was not very good.

    "Silver, what you see is not necessarily everything." Lai also tilted his head to look at the gloomy sky outside the window, "I don't want you to be hurt again."

    He didn't ask, got up and put down the book: "I'll go get you something to eat."

    "I'm not hungry." Ginri just finished speaking, accompanied by a betrayal of his stomach "gurgling".

    Lai also looked sideways: "You're hungry."

    Yin Li pursed her lips, watching Lai Ye disappear, her heart seemed to be hollowed out.

    Lai also left the room, preparing to get some simple food and let him cook complex dishes by himself. I am afraid that Yinli will be hungry all day today. He stood in the kitchen and waited for the water to boil. The gentle appearance in front of the silver dissipated, I don't know what I was thinking, there was a sullen look between the eyebrows, and the facial features looked more and more fierce and not easy to mess with.

    A figure quietly appeared at the door of the kitchen.

    "Master." Yin Li called out softly.

    Lai also shook his hand and was almost splashed by the hot water in the pot. He took two steps back and turned his head: "Why did you come down?"

    "I'm fine." Ginri said.

    He was wearing home clothes, his short silver hair fell obediently on his forehead, and he looked more and more well-behaved, and his cold facial features became much gentler.

    Lai Ye: "Go to the living room and sit first."

    Ginri: "Good."

    He turned away.

    Two minutes later, Lai turned around and saw Yin Li at the kitchen door.

    Lai Ye: "What's wrong?"

    Ginri shook his head, then turned back to the living room.

    And this time, Lai also bent over to take a bowl. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the figure at the door, turned his head to look at it, and Yin Li was standing at the door, holding the door frame with one hand, pursing his lips and not speaking .

    "Anything to say?" Lay asked him too.

    Ginli shook his head, then nodded again: "I'll help you."

    Lee: "No."

    He felt that Yin Li's state was a little strange, but he couldn't say it was strange.

    In the next time, once Lai also leaves Yinli's sight, after a short while, Yinli will spontaneously touch him, without saying a word, just look at him for a while, and then like Gone like a ghost.

    This continued into the evening.

    Lai also took clean clothes into the bathroom to take a bath. As soon as he closed his eyes, he opened his eyes and saw the slap print on the door.

    The corners of Lai’s mouth twitched.


    An immediate response came from outside the door: "I'm here."

    Lai Ye: "What are you doing at my door?"

    It was quiet for a few seconds outside, and Ginri said, "I don't know."

    Lee: "?"

    He can understand that Yinli will feel insecure after going through last night, but it doesn't seem to be all, Yinli is not a female worm who would be so easily frightened.

    At the moment when the door opened yesterday, Lai also met Yinli's sharp eyes, like a sharp sword, stabbing other insects too dare to approach, there was no trace of fear in his eyes, only Vigilant and defensive, full of aggression.

    Lai also wiped the water off her body and went out in a bathrobe.

      Bug baby.

    Rai also stood before him.

    "Yinli, are you not feeling well?"

    Ginri shook his head, and the hair on his forehead shook.

    Lai also sat beside him, his breath was very close, he said gently: "Or do you have other things to hide from me?"

    Silver moved to the side: "No."

    Then he quietly moved back and moved to the side again, as if suffering from ADHD.

    Lai also grabbed his hand, Yinli's eyes reddened for a moment, leaning against him softly, and glanced at the end of his eyes. A stagnation.

    This kind of silver is too much to attract male insects.

    Lai seldom saw him like this. He pulled his hand back and asked the business first.

      Out of the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of his bone wings flapping.

    "Yinli, don't make trouble." Lai also lowered his voice.

    "Yeah." Yin Li's voice was faint, but his behavior was completely opposite.

    Lee also took a deep breath.


    Lee: "When?"

    Ginri: "When you go in the bath."

    He put his hand on the back of Lai Ye's hand, and hooked his palm lightly.

    Lee: "…"

    Forget it, talk about it later.

    The author has something to say:  Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Yangyang; 10 bottles of Chenxi;

    Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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