During the flight of the spacecraft, Lai also sat with the female medics. During this period, I only saw Yin Li a few times, and the meal was also sent by other military females.

    The sky was getting dark and the spacecraft was finally able to land.

    Junk Planet, as the name suggests, this is the place where the Zerg is buried in the dark side, the dirty city, the gray sky, the dilapidated buildings, everything shows that this is a slum gathering place.

    This is where many exiled Zerg live. They are not allowed to return to Bluestar. There is no accident. It's a very scary thing to spend a lifetime in this environment.


    The spaceship landed in the open space, and the military females got off the spaceship, and the air they breathed had a sticky stench, and everything here exuded unbearable depression.

    "What does it taste like?"


    The females whispered to each other.


    He turned his head to look for Yinli's figure, put a hand on his shoulder, Lei also turned his head, Yinli was standing beside him.

    "Wait for you to follow me." Ginri said.

    From the moment they landed on the junk planet, their battle has sounded the alarm bell.

    Lee also nodded.

    I saw a blond female with green eyes walking over.

    "Admiral Silver, as I said earlier, there is nothing to come here, look at this smell, it has probably become a dead city." The blonde female spoke in a lazy tone , there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, but it made Lai feel uncomfortable for no reason.

    The smile was fake, like wearing a fake mask.

    He looked away and fell on Lai Ye, "Oh~ Lai Ye, long time no see."

    Lay has also seen the blond female, but he is not impressed. A long time ago, he had not regained the control of his body. He met the blond female during a meeting in the political office. The other party didn't have much impression. At the meeting, the female worm rarely expressed any opinions, and only occasionally interjected a sentence or two, like a decoration, so he didn't pay much attention to the blond female worm.

    But when Lay also met him in person again, it felt different again.

    This will never be a simple female.

    "Keith." Yin Li stood in front of Lai Ye and looked at him lightly, "When you get here, you should listen to me."

    Keith shrugged indifferently: "Of course, I will listen to you, Admiral Silver."

    He smiled meaningfully: "But you are so stingy, I just gave your hero one more look."


    They didn't talk for a second and Keith left.

    "He doesn't look like your subordinate," Lay said.

    Ginri looked at Keith's back, looked away, and said, "He's here to supervise."

    Lee: "Supervision?"

    Ginli: "He has always opposed the arrival of the Zerg army female."

    Because of Keith's obstruction, it took so long for Yinli's application to come out.

     Yinli soon began to arrange organizational discipline. The military female was well-trained and soon entered a state of preparation. The Yinli who entered the battlefield was very different, making Lai feel familiar and unfamiliar. Unfamiliar is also mixed with freshness.

    Ginli couldn't take Lai by his side all the time, so he sent two trusted military females to protect Lai.

    The female army is divided into the front line and the backup. The front line charges and the backup is responsible for supply and treatment. The two sides are arranged in an orderly manner, and Lai is also assigned to the backup.

      Partially working.

    The female worms stationed here contacted Yinli and the others, and they temporarily lived in this building. Lai Ye’s room was a small single room. Among the fellow zerg, he was the only one Males.

    He simply made the bed.


    He saw Yinli downstairs, and the target was also obvious when standing among the female insects, Yinli seemed to be aware of it, turned his head sideways and looked over.

    Lee also gave him a smile.

    Yinli's eyes flickered slightly, she walked to the window, raised her head and said, "Do you need my help?"


    "No problem, it's all done." Lai also smiled and raised his hand to look at Yinli, "Men, you are really cool in this dress."

    It was the first time Lai saw him dressed like this, and wanted to peel off his clothes piece by piece.

    Ginli opened her mouth, but said nothing, closed her mouth, and looked at Lai the same way.

    Lai also threw something down, Yinli raised his hand to catch it, something small like a pebble fell into his palm, Yinli opened his hand and saw that it was a candy .

    "Go get busy." Lai also said, he nodded the light brain on his wrist, "Remember to contact me when you have time."

    Ginri: "...good."

    Seeing Lai Ye, his heart seemed a lot easier.

    Lai Ye and him are like a spiritual harbor. He can see Lai Ye's smile and hear him speak, and Yinli feels very satisfied.

    The time passed quickly here, Yinli was busy leading the team to clean up the alien insects, and Lai had not seen him here for a long time, and Yinli sent two female insects to protect him .

    The removal of the alien bugs went smoothly, and the survivors of the junk planet were slowly being rescued.

    The two are very close, but it is difficult to see above.

    This time Yinli has been out for three days and has not come back, but he will report to Lai every day that he is safe. Lai also stays at the garrison, bandaging the wounded Zerg every day, and sometimes looking into the city Eyes up.

    "Doctor Lai Ye." A voice came from behind Lai Ye.

    Lai was also bandaging a female's arm in the ward. He heard the sound and just finished bandaging the wound. He looked back, and sure enough it was Keith again.

    Keith doesn't know what to sell, and often comes to him these days.

    Other military females respected Keith very much. When they saw Keith coming to Lai Ye, they didn't think much about it. They only thought that Keith had something to do. Go, leave it to us here."

    The two female worms who protected Lai Ye always followed him, Lai also went out the door quietly, Keith's attitude was gentle and strong, it was not good for him to be alone here Too bad for Keith.

    They walked to the corridor outside, Keith was wearing casual clothes, the bone wings behind him were a little smaller than those in silver, and it was a light gray color.

     Keith smiled: "Doctor Lai Ye, I got news from Admiral Silver, are you interested in hearing it?"

    Lai also raised his head: "What's wrong with him?"

    Keith: "In prison."

    "Impossible!" Lai also didn't respond, the female behind him stood up first.

    Lai also raised his hand to block it, not letting the female rush up, "How do you know?"

     Keith smiled and said to the female: "Calm down, I'm just joking."

    Lee: "It's not funny at all."

    "Yeah, Lai Ye, you really changed a lot..." Keith suddenly changed his tone and sighed, "I told Admiral Yinli not to come, he insisted on coming..."

    The waste here is not worth dying for.

    The junk planet is long overdue.

    Keith thinks that it doesn't matter if this place is occupied by alien zerg, there is some garbage that should be dealt with, but Yinli is against him again and again, which makes him very unhappy.

    Since you really want to help, why don't you just die with those rubbish.

    Keith hates everything dirty.

     Keith said solemnly: "I just want to tell you good news, Admiral Yinli and the others will be back in about two days. Let me tell you in advance to make you happy."

    That night, Lai also received news from Yinli, which is almost the same as what Keith said. Yinli will be back soon in two days. If there is no accident, they can be in the next one The alien insects here will be removed within a month.

    The night was dark, and Lai sat motionless by the bed, dim light enveloped him.

     Keith always made him feel very inconsistent.

    The female looks very gentle, but it seems to be carrying a huge shell, shrouding herself in it, so that others cannot spy on his true face.

    At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

      Iron bars held.

    He walked behind the door without making a sound.

     There were two more knocks on the door.

    After a few beeps in succession, it suddenly stopped, Lai also turned on his brain, and before he had time to do anything, his intuition made him feel that something was wrong, and Lai suddenly turned his head towards window look.

    A figure was printed on the window.

      Couldn't pull it out.

    Lai also gritted her teeth and scolded, kicked the door, and called out the names of the two females.

    The figure of the window came in.

    The female was full of scars, her eyes were red, and she rushed towards Lai, and Lai also ducked to the side.

    Lai Ye: "Who are you?"

    The female did not answer and continued to pounce on him.

     The female worm pulled him down and pressed him to the ground.

    The female held Lai Ye's chin with her hand, trying to open his mouth, but Lai didn't cooperate, she kicked her leg and kicked the female off him.

    There was a fierce fight in the room.

    In the other two rooms of the room, the females were sleeping soundly.

    A dark shadow flashed across the corridor. Soon, Yin Li chased the shadow and appeared at the other end of the corridor. His speed was very fast. When he heard the movement in Lai Ye’s room, his pupils shrank. , the footsteps stopped, the body has already reacted first, and kicked the door open.

    The room was quiet for a moment.

    The female worm pressing Lai Ye tilted her head and glanced at it, but before she could react, she was kicked out by Yin Li, and the female worm hit the wall and made a loud noise and groaned. Slipped off the wall.

    Ginli didn't care, he helped Lai up, seeing the large and small scars on his arms, his anger had reached its peak.

    Under his best efforts to protect, the fragile male was injured.


    Lai Ye had bloodstains on his arms and face, Yin Li's breathing was suddenly heavy, he picked up the female worm that had just fallen to the ground, and pressed his neck against the wall.

    The female worm struggled, and the scars on the burnt face became more and more hideous, and some raised places seemed to be crawling.

    It was the first time that Lai saw Yinli so angry. He didn't care about his injuries, he hugged Yinli's waist from behind, and his voice was hoarse: "Don't kill him—"

    Yin Li was stunned for a moment, and the strength in his hand loosened a little: "Master?"

    The female took advantage of this opportunity to find a sharp object in her pocket and swipe it towards Yinli's neck. All dodged, but was still injured on the back of the hand.

    Ginri took a few steps back.

    The female swayed and prepared to escape.

    Lai also picked up the iron rod on the ground, which was bounced when Yinli kicked the door just now, he stepped forward quickly, hit the female on the back of the neck, and tried to escape from the window The female worm was stunned directly.

    Lai also tilted his head and coughed a few times, his hands were a little weak, he turned around and pulled up Yinli's injured hand, and whispered: "What **** did you just go to?!"

    He rarely speaks in this tone.

    Ginli stared at him blankly, then slowly recovered, staring at him with deep eyes, pursing her lips and saying nothing.

    A long scratch was left on the back of his hand. The blood dripped down the floor and dripped on the floor. Lai also put the iron rod into Yinli's hand and turned around to find the first aid. box and turned on the lights in the room.

    Incandescent light instantly illuminated the room.

    Lai also briefly stopped the bleeding for Yinli first, and then went to find a rope to tie the female worm, just in case, he was going to first search the female worm for any other sharp objects. Seeing this, Yin Li stopped him.

    "I'll come." He said in a deep voice.

    Rai also glanced at his hand.

    Yin Li wrapped a bandage briefly and tied it with her teeth: "Go and wake up Alan Alu and the others, there may be aliens mixed in."

    Silver was chasing the aliens, the aliens ran into the building, and he was chased and lost on this floor, he asked Lai to inform the females too, and there was also a team of troops The female will be back soon.

    Lee: "OK."

    Lai also believed that even if Yinli injured his hand, he would have no problem dealing with the female. He didn't ask any further questions. He went to the next door and knocked on the door, and found that the female was sleeping like a dead pig. Apparently drugged.

    It's okay to wake up.

    Lai also said the words to the sleepy female, the two females looked at each other, and quickly understood, without Lai's instructions, they had already started to act spontaneously, go to ring every door.

      Stiff, Lei also felt the pain of strangulation.


    "No hurry." Lai also walked over to him, "Take care of the injury on your hand first."

    I just dealt with it in a hurry, and I haven't had time to take the medicine.

    Lei also squatted in front of him and lifted the gauze on the back of his hand. After struggling for a while, the wound successfully burst, and the blood had penetrated the gauze.

    Lai also threw the gauze aside, looked down at his wound, washed his hands first, and then came back and took medicine from the medicine cabinet to apply medicine to his wound.

    The cotton ball was dipped in the potion, and lightly tapped on the wound on the back of Yinli's hand, Yinli stared at Lai and was fascinated, the wound was touched, and a cool touch came, he Contracted fingers.

    Lai also paused and raised his head: "It hurts?"

    Ginri shook her head, putting her hands on her knees.

    Lai also eased his movements again, and blew on his wound. After slowing down, the time of applying the medicine was prolonged, and Yinli's touch could not be ignored, he moved Get your hands on it.

    Lai also looked up at him again, Yinli's lips moved, and his face did not change: "It hurts."

    Lai also suddenly understood, he pursed the corners of his mouth: "Blow for you."

    Lai also gave him a blow, drugged him, and wrapped a bandage on his hand: "Don't touch the water tonight."

    "Okay." Ginri nodded.

    Lai also took the things: "Didn't you say you won't be back in two days?"

    Silver: "It's early."

    Lai also waited for him to explain the reason, but after waiting for a few seconds, he didn't hear him again, and then he realized that there was no reason, it was early.

    The female worm walked around outside the door, and the movement gradually increased, Yinli stood up from the bed, pointed to the female worm in the corner and asked again: "What should he do? "

    Lai also said: "I have something to ask him."

    "What about after the question?"

    Lai also squatted and collected things, he raised his head and raised his eyebrows: "The next plan will be discussed later."

    Yin Li: "...Your injury hasn't been treated yet."

    Lai also felt a pain in his body after realizing it, and his face was a little hot. Yin Li didn’t mention it. The pain that was there was obvious in an instant.

    He raised his hand, rubbed the back of his hand against his chin, and Ginri took his hand: "Don't touch it."

    "Okay." Lai also raised his chin, "Will you give me medicine?"

    "Well, I'll give it to you." Yinli's short body pulled Lai up and let him sit beside the bed. Seeing Lai's smile, he reacted to what he just said. There was an ambiguity in the words, his heart trembled violently, his eyes glanced around, he looked down at the medicine box, and added: "I... give you medicine."

    "Come on, come on." Lai also raised his chin indulgently.


    Silver took medicine and cotton balls, picked them up with tweezers, and gave Lai the medicine too, just like when Lai also gave him medicine, blow him from time to time blow.

    “Keith seems to be informed in advance that you will be back.” Lay also said.

    Silver paused for a moment: "He was looking for you?"

    Lee: "Hmm."

     Yin Li frowned, Lai also raised his hand and pressed his brow, "He didn't do anything, just said a few words to me."

    "Oh." Yin Li continued to give him medicine without saying anything.

    He doesn't like Lai Ye and Keith getting too close, but he will not limit Lai Ye's freedom, Yin Li doesn't like Keith, or in other words, does not agree with his some ideas.

    Females can sense whether they are the same as each other, Yinli and Keith are not the same kind of females, and they often disagree.

    When Yin Li applied medicine to Lai Ye's earlobe, she still blew.

    Lai also hid for a while, and Yin Li said, "What's wrong?"

    Lai didn't know if he really didn't understand or pretended he didn't, so he helplessly raised his fingers and pinched his chin: "Stop blowing."

    "Your earlobe is swollen." Ginri looked at the wound there, her eyes gloomy for a moment, "Doesn't it hurt?"

    Lai Ye: "It hurts me when you blow like that."

    Ginri: "Why?"

    Lei also hooked his chin: "Come here."

     Yin Li obediently leaned towards him, Lai also hooked the back of Yin Li's neck and pressed down hard, Yin Li lost her balance, one leg knelt beside the bed, chin It was placed on Lai's shoulder.

    Lai also turned his head sideways, his breath swept across Yinli's neck and earlobes, intentionally or unintentionally, he blew, Yinli's back instantly tense.

    Lee: "Do you know why?"

    When he spoke, his breath swept across Yinli's ear, Yinli swallowed, his Adam's apple rolled, and he managed to stabilize his mind, "Got it."

    If his endurance and mentality were placed in the battle against alien insects, he might have been smashed to the point of scum.

    Then Yinli gave Lai the medicine to be a lot more honest, and he didn't talk about it.

    Not long after Yinli finished the medicine for Lai, a military female came to report the situation. When the military female saw the mess in the room and the strange female worms tied to the corner, she was stunned. , immediately lowered his eyes and didn't look any further, and briefly reported the situation to Yin Li.

    They searched the entire building, and there was no trace of alien insects.

    "No?" Yin Li's tone sank, and the military female did not dare to look up.

    "Forget it, let's rest and let everyone pay attention." Yin Li said.

    Maybe it's gone.


    The other female at the door turned sideways and let the military female go out, watching the movement in the room with interest: "Admiral, what's wrong?"

    He had the word "watching a play" written all over his face.

    Ginli ignored his jokes, "It's getting late, so Minister Keith should go to bed earlier."

    "Okay." Keith stretched, "As soon as I came back, there was such a big commotion, and everyone's efforts were wasted. It is worthy of being an admiral in silver."

    Ginli's tone was flat: "Be careful yourself."

     Keith turned his head and smiled: "Thank you for your concern, Admiral, I will."

    After the whole building was noisy, it fell into silence again. Lai never slept, waiting for the female worm to wake up, and Yinli also waited with him in the room. Lai also checked the female worm from time to time to make sure he was still alive.

    Until midnight, the female woke up.

    He woke up and found that he was tied up, reacted very strongly, stared at Lai Ye, Yin Li hated his eyes, his eyes were as cold as an arrow, and he stabbed the female insect.

    Lai also pulled up a stool and sat down in front of the female: "A few questions for you."

    The female gnashed her teeth and looked at him: "I won't say it."

    "Is it you who sent me the message?" Lai also asked herself.

    The female gritted her teeth: "I don't know what you're talking about."

    It is impossible for most of them to coexist, not to mention that they have a direct conflict of interests.

    —The female worm is the transmigrator. He originally lived in another world. He was reborn after a car accident and came here. In a strange world and a strange identity, he became a male worm.

    "Really don't know?" De Lai's tone was strange in the quiet environment.

    The female turned her head away.

    Lai Ye: "The tape, you stole it."

    "So what?" said the female.

    "Mod, you also killed him. You wanted to take his body."

    When the female worm heard this, she finally couldn't calm down. His chest was heaving and he looked at Lai Ye fiercely, as if he wanted to bite off a piece of meat from him.

    He roared: "It's obviously you who took my body, I'm Lai Ye!"

    Lai was also stunned.

     Yin Li, who was watching quietly beside her, was also stunned.

    This sentence seemed to turn on the switch of the female worm's forbearance. He began to talk about Lai's experience and where there were moles on his body. He knew them well.

    Lai Ye's eyes turned to inquiry.

    These things that the female worm said happened, and Lai also had memories, but it was difficult for him to remember the emotions he experienced at that time.

    The female scolding Lai is also despicable and shameless.

    "But why did you kill Maud?" Lai also asked.

    The female worm stopped talking, as if the mute button was suddenly pressed.

    "I know what you said." Lai also added details according to a few things he said, and remembered that his perception of the outside world was strong and weak, and he said One thing he was sure he had done, and saw the dazed flash on the female worm's face.

    "Parasitic—" Yin Li suddenly spoke.

    Rai also turned to look at him.

    Yin Li said: "There is a type of worm that lives by parasitizing other worms. They will slowly deprive the host of the perception spirit, and finally become the host of the parasite."

    When there is no nutrients, it will parasitize the next host.

    These types of alien insects are very dangerous. They have a long lifespan. As long as they keep looking for a host, they can survive all the time, but their reproductive ability is average.

    The female struggles: "I'm not!"

    The rope was strangling on him, and he sat back in pain.

    A dangerous gleam appeared in Yinli's eyes.

    Lai Ye: "Then he shouldn't have killed Maud from the beginning."

    Ginri: "Maybe he forgot how to parasitize other hosts—"


    Lay also thoughtfully: "Makes sense."

    Female: "No! I'm not! I'm not an alien! You can't make such a conclusion, I have proof!"

    Lai Ye and Yin Li looked at him together.

    Female: "I am you, Lai, kill me and you will die too!"

    Lai also smiled: "Then... try?"

    The female worm had a flash of inspiration at this time, looked at Yinli, and stabilized the panic: "If you don't believe it, try it, I'm not a parasite."

    Ginli glanced at him coldly, tied him a few more layers, made sure he couldn't escape, and then blocked his mouth.

    "Master, it's very late, go and rest."

    Females are indeed not parasitic xenomorphs.

    In the silver, it is clear that after the parasitic alien parasites parasitize the host, there will be no body temperature and no breathing. This is the easiest way to distinguish.

    He couldn't let the females take Lai's body anymore, but he didn't want to take the risk of "trying".

     Yinli took the female worm to the third floor and threw it next to his room, as long as the female worm wanted to escape, he would know.

    After doing this, his shock after learning the news also slowly adjusted.

    "He's lying to you." Lai also looked at the closed door.

    Yinli's room is in the middle of the third floor. It is also a separate room, about the same size as Laiye's, but the bed is wider.

    When Yin Li was here, he would call Lai up to sleep, so he chose a big bed, although he hadn't slept for a few days in total.

    "I know." Ginri said.

    No, Lai also thinks he doesn't seem to know at all.

    Like a juvenile female, she will be stubborn after being deceived.

      , and the description in that book, Lai also guessed that the female worms may come from another place, those from his hometown, so miss.

    Lai also regained his senses, and saw Yinli undressed and ready to go into the bathroom to take a shower.

    "Hands can't touch the water." He warned.

    Ginri: "I know."

    It's the same sentence again.

    "If you touch the water, there will be punishment." Lai also warned him.

    Ginli's figure paused and turned around.

    Lai also immediately understood that the "I know" he just said was not serious at all.

    He laughed angrily: "You have changed, you never perfunctory me before."

    Ginri walked in front of him, leaned his head on his shoulder, rubbed his shoulder, and said in a low voice, "I didn't perfunctory you."

    Lai Ye: "You promised me not to touch the water just now."

    In the clear voice of Yin Li, there was a little imperceptible grievance: "I didn't, I just said 'I know'."

    Lee: "…"

    He seemed to see a prosperous white lotus blooming in front of him.

    Silver has really changed and gone bad.

    To play this trick with him.

    "I'm dirty." Ginri said, "You won't let me sleep with you when I look like this."

    He just came back from the outside, his body is covered with dust, he rubbed on Lai Ye's shoulders, and Lai Ye's shoulders were also stained with dust.

    When Lai also fought with the female insect, she was not as dirty as him when she rolled on the ground, and the silver-white cat became a little dirty cat again.

    "I'll wash you." Lai also said.

    The corners of her lips curled up in the silver of Lai Ye's shoulders, and she couldn't help but feel better: "Okay."

    The way the females taught him really worked, learn from the females and have a softer character, so the male lord would not have the strength to resist.

      cat bathing.

    "Are you going to hunt and kill alien insects tomorrow?" Lai also rubbed Yinli's hair.

    Ginli closed his eyes, Laiye's strength was very light, he was about to fall asleep, and when he heard Laiye's question, his buoyant brain regained his spirits.

    "No, I won't go tomorrow, I need to adjust the plan." Yin Li said.

    Lai also said "oh" and didn't speak any more. He rinsed his hair in silver, wiped him with a towel, and raised his face.

    Ginli raised his head, opened his eyes, his face was still a little dazed, then he saw Lai also lowered his head and touched his lips.

    "Silver, your lips are very soft." Lai also said.

    Ginli breathed for a while.

    Lai also raised his hand to help him wipe his hair, turned on the water again, and asked Yinli to raise his injured hand, ready to help him wash his hands.

    "Master." Ginri licked her lips, "I'm a little uncomfortable."

    Lai also asked: "Where is it uncomfortable?"

     Yin Li said: "The sea of ​​spiritual consciousness."

    Lai also raised his eyebrows: "Huh? Really?"

    Ginri nodded with certainty, and said, "I'm not feeling well."

    Rai also laughed.

    Without waiting for Lai to say anything, Yinli turned off the water, unfolded the bone wings, and handed it to Lai Ye: "Master, there is no injury here."

    Lee is also unclear.

    Ginli looked up at him and said calmly, "You like my bone wings, and I will protect it in the future."

    "No." Lai also touched the bone wing with his fingertips, the bone wing retracted, and held back, Lai also said, "It should be protecting you."

    Silver hair dripped on his forehead and slipped from the side of his face, and Lai also reached out to catch the drop.


    He raised his hand and wiped the side of Yinli's face, looked at his blue eyes, and said, "I hope it protects you."

    The author has something to say:  Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 48 bottles of wine porridge without tasting; 45 bottles of Liuyun; 28 bottles of Twilight; Biscuit Sheriff is not a sandwich biscuit 20 bottle; 10 bottles of Yuan satin; 5 bottles of Xue Xiaoxiao Liuguang Night Light; 505080051 bottles;

    Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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