On How Abusive Essays Become Sweet Essays

Chapter 95: fall into the water

    Liu Yize held the umbrella given by Wen Zhao, and on the way back, he passed a rouge shop. He stopped outside for a while, then walked in with his feet raised. There were no customers in the shop on a rainy day.


    The shopkeeper is a discerning person. Although Liu Yize was dressed in ordinary clothes and was soaked in the rain, his bearing was extraordinary, and the umbrella looked very valuable. He greeted him with a smile.

    "Young master, do you want to buy fat powder?"

    Liu Yize didn't know much about these things. He saw that some girls from the sect used it, and some junior brothers gave it to women. It seems that the redder the better.

    He said: "I want to buy a box of rouge, do you have a recommendation?"

    The shopkeeper laughed with creases at the corners of his eyes: "Master, we have a lot of rouge, look at this—"


    It was obviously not the first time he saw a man enter the store, and he recommended it very skillfully. When a man buys rouge in a rouge shop, it is nothing more than a gift for his mother or a beloved girl.

    Liu Yize saw several colors of rouge, and finally bought a box. He paid the money and left with an umbrella.

    Liu Yize didn't understand this, but this box of rouge was worth his meals. He thought that if he was fortunate enough to meet Miss Wang next time, he could give her the rouge to make Thank you.

    Also worth it.

    It rained all night, and the sound of rain was crackling outside the window at night, and the sound of rain could be heard clearly through the window. Looking at it with the probe, the rain outside had already submerged a shallow layer of the ground.

    Liu Yize is not going to work today, he is in front of the inn's wing window, looking down from the window, I don't know who is the child downstairs, got up early, treading water outside to play, Liu Yize took a few glances , and then as wished, he saw the child's mother come roaring loudly and take him home.

    He was overjoyed and thought of the head of the family.

    Then stopped with a smile, he said "tsk", he has never been away from home for too long since he was a child, not to mention that this time is different from before, this time he is " Running away from home", it feels different in the end.

    Liu Yize went out after breakfast. He was wandering in the city and heard a lot of trivial chores.

    Street beggars sat under the eaves and bridges in full spirits. Among them were young children, all dressed in tatters and with dirty faces, even men and women could not tell the difference.

    When Liu Yize passed by, a little beggar stared at him, his eyes fixed, his face was just like those round eyes, watery and clean, and he was quite energetic, Liu Yize felt that he was quite In particular, after thinking about it, he waved to him.

    The little beggar looked left and right, ran in front of him smartly, and called out "Sir.

    "What's your name?" Liu Yize asked.

    The little beggar said: "Little eight."

    Liu Yize touched his chin for a moment and said, "Xiao Ba, do you have money to make money?"

    Xiao Ba asked: "How to make money?"

    Liu Yize: "Do something for me, and I'll give you money."

    Xiao Ba: "How do I know if you will lie to me."

    "Yo." Liu Yize laughed, "It's pretty smart, so I'll give you a few copper plates as a deposit first, will it work?"

    Xiao Ba: "Sir, let's talk."

    Liu Yize first asked him if he was familiar with this place, and then asked how many people he knew, and then said: "I want you to help me pay attention to this street, if I see a girl, go there Find me at the pier."

    Xiao Ba made an "oh"~, indicating that there was no problem, and asked Liu Yize what the girl looked like.

    "It's beautiful." Liu Yize said.

    Xiaoba: “…”

    Liu Yize compared her hands: "so so beautiful."

    Xiaoba: “…”

    Liu Yize has limited adjectives and poor language, unable to describe the girl's specific appearance. After over and over again, it is "beautiful" and "good-looking", and finally a word with cultural points pops up, which is "beautiful as a flower".

    Xiao Ba's eyes at him gradually became indescribable, but maybe it was because he was his employer, and his performance was not so obvious, but Liu Yize still felt it.

    He had a headache for a while, Liu Yize scratched his head, squatted on the side of the street with his chin up, silent for a while, and said, "It's just a small face, very white skin, and eyes like peach petals. Same, oh yes, she has a mole on the corner of her eye!"

    Liu Yize thought of a characteristic place, and immediately clapped his hands, looked at the little beggar, and added: "She is often followed by a tall and tall man, who looks very Fierce, with high eyebrows, a stern face that doesn't like to laugh, his eyes are big and round, his face is a bit square and wide..."

    Liu Yize talked about that man, and the adjectives kept popping up, making Xiaoba wonder if he was looking for the girl or the mighty man.

    The handsome young man dragged the little beggar to talk to the roadside. When he stopped, his mouth was a little thirsty. He asked the little beggar, "Do you understand?"

    Xiao Ba nodded: "Understood, son, don't worry, wrap it on me."

    Liu Yize also felt that what he said was very clear. He even described the details of Changyi's **** with a scar to Xiaoba. He took out his purse, He grabbed a small handful of copper plates and stuffed it into Xiao Ba's hands.



    In the private room of the tea house, the woman wears a drapery hat, the white gauze is lifted and hung on the side, sitting on the edge of the tea table, raising her hand to pour tea and pouring water, and a tall man stands behind her.

    Across from them, a tall and thin teenager stood.

    If Liu Yize was here, he would find the girl he was looking for, as well as the beggar he asked him to tell him when he saw the girl, gathered in this private room.


    "Master, this is the copper plate he gave me." Xiao Ba took out the copper plate from his chest and placed it on the corner of the table. There were a few crisp sounds, and there were less than twenty copper plates.

    Wen Zhao glanced at him, his eyes were light, he took a sip of tea, and said in a light and elegant voice: "What did he say?"

    Xiao Ba came here truthfully. He was Wen Zhao's eyeliner in the city. He received news a few days ago and asked him to stare at Liu Yize.


    "Pretty?" He repeated what Xiaoba said, a small smile could not help overflowing from the corners of his lips, giving people a feeling of spring breeze, but Xiaoba didn't dare to relax, and glanced carefully his look.

    The master pretending to be a woman is already unhappy, as a man, who likes to hear others say he is beautiful.

    "What else?" Wen Zhao asked.

    Xiao Ba: "Also... He also said that I should pay attention to the elder brother Changyi who is following the master."

    "Oh? What did he say about Chang Yi?" Wen Zhao seemed to be deviating from that concern.

    But when he asked this question, Xiaoba had to answer him: "He said that Brother Changyi is tall and mighty, his eyes are big and round, he can stare at people fiercely or fiercely. Said that Big Brother Chang Yi doesn't like to laugh..."

    He repeated Liu Yize's words.

    The corners of Wen Zhao's mouth curved, and he lowered his head to drink the tea room and glanced at Chang Yi, his voice was laughing, and his voice was tactful: "Chang Yi, what do you think?"

    Chang Yi listened to Xiao Ba's description, and clenched her fists long ago. After hearing Wen Zhao's question, she held it back for a long time, and then said four words: "Nonsense!"

    Wen Zhao thought that Liu Yize was right.

    Xiao Ba asked Wen Zhao what to do next.

    Wen Zhao put down the teacup, the teacup touched the table and made a crisp sound.

    "After receiving the money, let's help people with errands." He said.

    Xiao Ba understood his attitude, said "yes", and took the copper plate back.

      The person who suffered from eating broke his stomach, had diarrhea for two days, and was sent to the hospital with fever.

    There is a shortage of people on the delivery side, and Liu Yize is supported by a strong man.

    He went with a dark-skinned big brother.

    Liu Yize dragged the scooter forward, the bluestone road got wet and slippery, the big brother pushed the scooter behind him, the two went to the restaurant, and the kitchen staff came to meet them, and then The two began to unload the goods in turns, helping to move the things down.

    At lunchtime, there were a lot of people coming and going at the front door of the restaurant. They walked through the alley at the back door. After the two of them unloaded things, Liu Yize was about to drag the trolley back, but the big brother stopped him.

    "Don't rush back, eat here before leaving."

    "Isn't this scooter pulled back first?" Liu Yize asked.

    "It's the same as pulling later." The big brother waved his hand, "Let's move faster."

    Liu Yize saw that it was time to eat and said, "Okay."

    They didn't eat at the restaurant. The restaurant was too expensive. They ordered two bowls of Yangchun noodles from the noodle stall next to them, and added a lot. The face is bigger than others.


    Liu Yize doesn't like to be bored at the pier. If others talk to him, he can chat a few times, and the conversation is funny, so his popularity is quite good. Big brother watched him eat noodles and told him It looks different from them.

    "What's the difference?" Liu Yize asked.

    The big brother said: "You look more like a young master than a young master."

    Liu Yize said with a smile: "How can the young master go to the dock to carry it."

    The big brother laughed twice, pointed to the other end behind Liu Yize, and said, "What is that little beggar looking at us doing?"

    Liu Yize turned his head and took a closer look. It was the little beggar he met and commissioned that day. His heart skipped a beat, and he saw the little beggar beckoning to him.

     "Brother, let me come over." Liu Yize said.

    "You know me?"


    "Okay, you go back quickly, we have to go back after we finish eating."


    Liu Yize took two bites and put down his chopsticks, got up and walked towards the little beggar.

    Pedestrians avoided the beggars and walked away, Xiaoba stood by the wall, holding a broken porcelain bowl with a broken corner. He looked no better than a refugee, and his face was black and black, but when Liu Yize approached him, he didn't smell the same sour smell like other beggars.

    "Little Eight."

    Xiao Ba replied: "It's me, son, you didn't let me stare at people a few days ago, I saw the girl you said, and I was going to the pier to find you."

    "Where?" Liu Yize asked.

    Xiao Ba said with a smile: "I'll show you the way, not far ahead."

    "You wait." Liu Yize thought that he might not be able to go back for a while, so he had to talk to the big brother first.

    "You hurry up, maybe they will leave later." Xiaoba said.

    "I know I know." Liu Yize waved his hand.

    Liu Yize went back to talk to the big brother about something, he had to go back later, the big brother asked him what was the matter, Liu Yize made an excuse, the big brother didn’t ask any more, and told him to go back earlier and later To deduct wages.


    A few people were holding horses not far behind them, a man looked forward with his neck raised, and a woman with a high ponytail beside him said, "What are you looking at?"

    The man muttered, "I think I saw my brother."

    The woman glanced at her, and in the crowd of people, there was no one who looked like a senior brother, "You read it wrong."

    The figure just passed by, and the man thought it was wrong.

    "I'm dying of thirst, let's eat first."


    There are several restaurants and inns in the city. They open from the street to the end of the street. When it comes to dinner time, there are more guests going in and out of the restaurant door, and the surrounding is noisy.

    Liu Yize stood across the street from the restaurant: "In it?"

    "Yeah." Little Eight nodded, "I saw them go in with my own eyes, it must be right."

    "Thank you." Liu Yize took out his purse, gave a tip in good faith, and walked into the restaurant, only to find the atmosphere inside was somewhat unusual.


    There are three men sitting at a table at the door, looking like ordinary people.

    "God **** it, it came out to harm people again."

    "It's crazy and it doesn't stop, tsk."

    "Be quiet, let him hear you say he's crazy, and watch out for his threat to chop your head off."

    One person said this, and the three of them laughed.


    The man in the blue shirt at the other end faced him, followed by four or five followers.

    The man in green shirt turned his back to Liu Yize, Liu Yize couldn't see what he looked like, but the man in gray was the one who often followed Changyi by Miss Wang.

    "Who told you to wear white clothes! Take it off for me!" The man in the blue shirt shouted loudly, his voice was broken, and the end was trembling.

    Chang Yi said coldly, "Shameless."

    "You...you go up to me and take off her clothes!" The man in the blue shirt pointed at Wen Zhao behind Changyi with trembling fingertips, looking angry and scared.


    "Second Young Master, this is inappropriate..."

    "Fuck you!" The man in the blue shirt turned his head.

    Liu Yize raised his eyebrows lightly. Although it has been a few days, he has a good memory. He remembered that when he rescued Miss Wang a few days ago, the name said harshly to him and made him " Remember" the greasy man in the golden robe.

    It is so absurd that it is unsightly.

    Compared to the first time we met, this greasy man looked much thinner, and there were two more dark blues under his eyes, as if he had hollowed out his body every night.

    "Tsk tsk, the second young master of the Ling family was so stimulated last time that he didn't want his face."

    "It really embarrassed the face of his Ling family."

    There was an uproar around, and everyone could eat and watch the show.





    "I'll testify for you." Liu Yize strode into the restaurant, looked up at Chang Yi, and smiled, "Although I'm just an ordinary person, I know what it means to be polite, righteous, and shameful. If you dare to say such shameless words, you will think tomorrow when you see a beautiful woman..."

    It seems that what he said later felt inappropriate to say, he hummed, "This young master Ling is really more majestic than the emperor."

    People dare not talk about the royal family at will, Liu Yize said these words so openly, even that young master Ling panicked a little, "Who the **** are you!?"

    His eyes fell on Liu Yize, and his hair suddenly exploded: "You! It's actually you, and you dare to appear in front of me! Go and catch him for me!"

    Liu Yize is handsome, even if he changed his clothes, the second young master of the Ling family also remembers it firmly.

    The followers didn't dare to pick up the girl's clothes, but they still dared to arrest someone.

    He raised the corner of his lips.

    Don't say, I haven't practiced with my juniors and juniors for several days, and my hands are itchy too.

    Liu Yize has been in trouble since he was a child, and he is really not afraid of trouble.

    The guests who dined in the restaurant admired this warrior very much, and then invariably walked away from him with bowls.

    Wen Zhao hid behind Chang Yi, who was taller than the average man, blocking him like a mountain, he looked at the scene below, turned his head and asked in a low voice: "Master, do you want to go down and help?"

    Wen Zhao held a fan in his hand and covered the lower half of his face with the fan.

    Liu Yize can handle it.

    The lips behind the fan were hooked, Wen Zhao chuckled lightly, and said with a bit of fun, "He's quite bold."

    "It's easy to get into trouble." Chang Yi commented.

    Wen Zhao chuckled and said nothing.

      It's not just a little bit of skill.

    Second Young Master Ling saw that his entourage were rolling on the ground and wailing, which reminded him of the previous experience, his face was ashen, and he saw Wen Zhao standing aside, his face turned white, and his teeth were gnashing.

    Liu Yize walked to the stairs, held the handrail, and turned up the stairs neatly. The second young master of the Ling family was caught in the middle like a pie filling, and there was no way to retreat.

    "You dare to hit me, I'll make you look good!"

    Liu Yize grabbed his collar.

    The Second Young Master Ling covered his head.


    Liu Yize raised his hand, and the blue shirt scattered.

    "You don't need to wear these clothes." Liu Yize's voice was clear.


    I don't know who took the lead in applauding, and suddenly there was a "pop".

    Liu Yize didn't hit him, but the second young master of the Ling family felt that he was slapped on the face invisibly, which was more painful than the actual slap.

    What a humiliation!


    Liu Yize flicked his chest, Wen Zhao walked out from behind Changyi, the crescent-white dress made his skin whiter and smoother, he was very tall, but he looked thin, and he didn't usually show off. , Wearing this light-colored clothes will be obvious.

    "Thank you, Young Master Liu, for your help." He said.

    "Ah...you're welcome, girl." Liu Yize smiled.

    Wen Zhao: "Why don't I invite you to have a cup of tea."

    His eyes are lightly raised, soft and firm, beautiful eyes are black and white, clear and gentle, looking at people with cowardice, but there is no pretentiousness in his actions, only just the right kind of gentleness .

    This is not a good place to talk, Liu Yize didn't want to stay any longer, so he agreed.

    When leaving, the shopkeeper asked Xiao Er to stop them.

    The shopkeeper smiled and said: "This son, this table and chair is damaged, look..."

    "Chang Yi." Wen Zhao gave an order, and Chang Yi took out a piece of silver and put it on the table.

    Liu Yize: "Why bother the girl—"

    Wen Zhao consciously said, "He was trying to trouble me, and Young Master Liu doesn't care."

    Liu Yize glanced at Wen Zhao, Wen Zhao met his gaze, smiled and lowered his eyes.

    Liu Yize is crazy.


    And the heartbeat at this time is not the same as when he is doing something wrong. He is nervous, but there is an implicit expectation in his nervousness. , The heart seems to have turned into a bird in the morning, chirping happily on the branches.

    Miss Wang seems to be able to keep her calm and calm no matter what kind of storm she experiences. Liu Yize likes her so much.

    In the private room of the tea house, I could vaguely hear the voice of the storyteller on the first floor. The second child took the tea and slowly backed out. Liu Yize didn’t like to drink tea, but Miss Wang liked it. .

    Wen Zhao's smooth movements were pleasing to the eyes of others, he poured a cup of tea for Liu Yize, Liu Yize felt that the tea was delicious.

    He hasn't forgotten his business.

    Liu Yize touched his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

    Fortunately, no drop.

    He took out the rouge he wears every day and handed it to Wen Zhao, "Miss Wang, this is the rouge I specially prepared for you. I heard that it is the favorite color of girls."

    Wen Zhao put down the teapot and glanced at Rouge, "Young Master Liu knows that Rouge cannot be given to women at will."

    Liu Yize: "I only send Miss Wang."

    Wen Zhao smiled inexplicably, raised his hand and took the rouge on the table, opened it and looked at it, Chang Yi who was behind Wen Zhao glared at Liu Yize.

    Liu Yize looked at his nose and took a sip of tea: "Do you still like Miss Wang?"

    Wen Zhao handed the rouge to Changyi behind him: "Okay, thank you Mr. Liu for your kindness."

    "Miss Wang doesn't have to be so polite, just call me Liu Yize." Liu Yize said.

    Wen Zhao looked up at him again and smiled softly, like a spring breeze, "Okay, Yize."

    Liu Yize's hand trembled, and the water in the teacup almost shook out.

    Miss Wang is really...a cheerful person.

    Few people call Liu Yize like that. Hearing Zhao's voice is elegant, Liu Yize felt that his name was both familiar and unfamiliar.

    "I borrowed the girl's umbrella last time and haven't returned it. I don't know where the girl lives now?" Liu Yize asked.

    Wen Zhao said the name of the inn, lowered his eyes and said meaningfully: "If you want to find me, you can go there."

    Since Liu Yize will find someone to stare at him, he doesn't want to reveal his identity. Now asking him where he lives, I'm afraid it seems to be returning an umbrella, but in reality, he has ulterior motives.

    Wen Zhao is not afraid of his tricks, but he is afraid that he will not move.

    But if you put aside other doubts about Liu Yize, he thinks he is an interesting person.


      It showed that his face was as cool as white jade.

    A head of blue silk scattered behind him, he sat beside the bed, holding the words book and watching by candlelight.

    After a while, the door was knocked twice, Wen Zhao said "Enter", and the exit was a gentle and light male voice.

    Chang Yi pushed the door open, looked at the door cautiously, and then closed it again, holding two things in his hand, he walked to the bed and saluted.

    "Master, medicine and letter." He handed the thing to Wen Zhao.

    Wen Zhao took over.

    The medicine is used to change the voice and can last for seven days, and the letter was sent by the person in the palace.

    Wen Zhao raised his head and poured the medicine into his mouth, his Adam's apple rolled and swallowed, he opened the letter.


    Inscription: Brother.

    The meaning of this is that the situation is still unclear and there are many dangers, but those who are hostile to him have not taken action to follow him.

    In this way, the possibility that Liu Yize is the person over there has dropped a lot.

    Wen Zhao burned the letter paper, the firelight printed on his face, and his black pupils flashed slightly.

    Liu Yize learned about the residence of Miss Xinxinianianwang, so he went to the inn to find him the next day, and brought an umbrella. It didn't take long before he saw Wen Zhao who was going downstairs.

    Wen Zhao greeted him, took his umbrella, and gave Changyi behind him.

    "Today I'm going to swim in the lake, son... Does Yize have time to go with him?" He tilted his head and smiled, his clean face was pure and pure, and the tears at the corners of his eyes added a bit of temptation.

    "Together?" It was impossible for Liu Yize to refuse, so he agreed, "Yes, of course there is."

    Liu Yize didn't go to the wharf to work today, so he deliberately wore a light-colored robe.

    The weather is good today, the sun passes through the clouds in the morning, and the weather is neither too cold nor too hot. Wen Zhao has already prepared a boat for the lake tour. Wen Zhao sat alone in the carriage.

    In the middle of the road, there were sparsely populated, grass and trees growing on the roadside, green and full of spring, Liu Yize randomly pulled a piece of dog's tail grass, the dog's tail grass was very long, and it was wrapped in his hand for a longer time. He poked the horse's **** with the grass in one hand, and put one hand behind his head.

    The road was bumpy.

    "Yi Ze, do you want to come in for a break?" Wen Zhao sat in the carriage, which was covered with a thick blanket, so the bumps would not feel uncomfortable.

    No matter how careless Liu Yize is, he knows that it is inappropriate for unmarried men and women to share a carriage, so he tilted his head and said, "No."

      It was still spacious, and he wanted to get the grass so close to him.

    Liu Yize twitched the corners of his mouth, picked up two grasses, weaved them into the shape of a rabbit in his hand, lifted the curtain with one hand, didn't look inside, just put his hand in: "Miss Wang, this is a gift. Give you."

    Wen Zhao asked him if he wanted to come in and sit, originally to test him. If Liu Yize really liked him, how would he answer the girl's invitation.

    When I saw two rabbits woven with dog's tail and grass in his hand, I couldn't help but laugh softly, and reached out and took it from his palm.

    The warm fingertips brushed against Liu Yize's palm, the back of Liu Yize's hand was straight, and after Wen Zhao took the little rabbit, he quickly pulled his hand back.

    He! I met Miss Wang's hand!

    Liu Yize's palm clenched, released, and clenched again, couldn't help clenching his fist against his lips and smiling.

    Chang Yi glanced at him.



    This place is pleasant, the boat rowed across the water, the water was rippling, Wen Zhao let people put some food, and found a seat on the deck to sit down.

    Liu Yize looked at the scenery beside the boat, sat back after a while, "I wonder where is Miss Wang from?"

    Wen Zhao said: "The capital."

    "The capital..." Liu Yize said in his heart, "It's a good place, full of flowers."

    "Have you been?" Wen Zhao asked.

    Liu Yize: "I've been fortunate enough to be there once."


    "What about you?" Wen Zhao asked again.

    Liu Yize: "Huh?"

    Wen Zhao: "Where is Yize from?"

    Liu Yize felt itchy ears when he heard his name.

    He touched his earlobe, met Wen Zhao's smiling eyes, and said, "My family lives in a small place, not worth mentioning."

    "Young master doesn't want to say it, so don't say it." Wen Zhao lowered his eyes and poured him a cup of tea.

    "It's not that I don't want to say it, it's just that you haven't heard it, and it's just a joke."

    In front of such an elegant girl, how could Liu Yize be so embarrassed to mention his sect?

    Too rude.

    "How did you make up that little rabbit? Can you teach me?" Wen Zhao started another conversation.

    "Simple." Liu Yize looked left and right, and saw that there was a place where he could pull up the dog's tail grass, he asked the boatman to drive over and bent over to pull the grass.

    Might as well put someone behind him suddenly, Liu Yize subconsciously felt the crisis, it was the subconscious mind engraved in his body, when his brain reacted, he had turned around to block it and made a counterattack .

    Behind him, a trace of surprise flashed in Wen Zhao's eyes.

    I wanted to make fun of Liu Yize, but he was counterattacked. He lost his balance and fell backwards.

    Liu Yize was stunned for a moment.

    The water was soaring.

    Chang Yi took a few steps forward, but stopped her feet abruptly.

    He looked at Liu Yize: "I don't know water."

    Just as he finished speaking, another sound of water sounded.

    Liu Yize swam behind Wen Zhao, put his arm through his armpit, and when he held him up, he didn't realize anything was wrong, but he immediately realized that this was the girl's chest!

    Liu Yize panicked and pulled out his hand.

    Wen Zhao, who just surfaced, was immersed in the water again.

    Wen Zhao: "…"

    The author has something to say:  Liu Yize: Does this make sense?

    Wen Zhao: This is outrageous!

    Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: Has the lazy ingot become rich today?

    Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Yuanbao became rich today; 9 bottles of Nianqing;

    Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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