What Wu Ning didn’t know was that.

Although the Ten Thousand Souls Pagoda is an extremely high-grade Dao weapon, in order to maintain its own operation, starting from the eighty-fifth layer, each layer of the Immortal Emperor Realm fierce beasts will basically not exceed a hundred.

But if one is killed, it will take at least 100,000 years to give birth to a new Immortal Emperor Realm ferocious beast.

Not long ago, because of his Immortal Chaos Source Liquid, many old guys in the clan had made breakthroughs.

The strength has skyrocketed a lot.

During the time when he went to the Murong Emperor Clan, the ninetieth-layer Immortal Emperor Realm ferocious beast happened to be killed by a few old guys coming in.

Sighing, Wu Ning prepared to leave the Tower of All Souls.

Counting the time, it has been almost two years since he entered the Tower of All Souls.

A smile appeared on Wu Ning’s face, this trip to the Ten Thousand Souls Pagoda had improved its combat effectiveness a lot, and it was not in vain.

It’s really a good place.

Just as he was about to leave, Wu Ning stopped again.

“Coupled with some check-in opportunities accumulated before, it is just enough to use two annual signs, this All Souls Tower is a good place, I don’t know what I can sign in.”

“System, give me two annual signs!”

[Ding, the check-in is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining a superb Dao weapon-Ten Thousand Realms Star Map! ] 】

【Ding, the check-in is successful, congratulations to the host for obtaining 10 million years of cultivation! 】

Wu Ning’s face showed a hint of satisfaction.

The Ten Thousand Worlds Star Map is a map of ten thousand worlds, and it is also an extremely high-grade Dao weapon that can be attacked with the help of the power of the world, which is unpredictable and terrifying.

Ten million years of cultivation made him more satisfied.

With these ten million years of cultivation, plus the more than 20 million years of cultivation accumulated before, he was almost able to master the power of the spatial avenue.

A faint smile appeared on Wu Ning’s face, and he released his divine thoughts to hook the All Souls Pagoda and prepare to go out.

At this moment, the Wannian Pagoda transmitted a will to him.

The general meaning is: Is it public combat power and on the combat power ranking?

Wu Ning naturally refused.

The cultivation of the Immortal Emperor Realm is not yet the time for him to be high-profile.

The next moment, a space door appeared beside him.

Wu Ning stepped in one step, and then appeared directly outside the Tower of All Souls.

“Now you can check out the other lists…”

muttered Wu Ning, looking up at the sky.

The first is the Immortal King List: “The Immortal King List is No. 1, Wu

Tianque…” “The Immortal King List is No.

2, Wu Youran…”

“The first place in the quasi-immortal emperor list, Wu Yuanhao…” “The second on the quasi-immortal

emperor list, Wuzong…” “The third on the quasi-immortal

emperor list, Wu Qingyue…”

“The first in the Immortal Emperor list, Wu Sansheng…” “The second on the Immortal Emperor list, the Wu Jiu Dynasty…” “The third on the Immortal Emperor list,

the beginning of Wu Dao…”


Ning looked at the list one by one.

There were more than three hundred Quasi-Immortal Emperors on the list.

There are only more than thirty people on the Immortal Emperor list, but the Martial Clan is definitely more than this Immortal Emperor.

Those old guys really like to hide their strength.

“Wu Sansheng…”

Wu Ning whispered the name.

This is not only the first in the Immortal Emperor List, but also the first in the All Souls List.

Ascend to the one hundred and six floors of the Tower of All Souls for a terrifying existence!

The second ranked Wu Jiu Dynasty climbed to the one hundred and third floor of the Ten Thousand Souls Tower.

The difference of three layers means that the combat power of the two is three levels different!

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These two should be the cultivators of the Immortal Emperor Realm, but the difference in strength is extremely large.

Not a grade of existence at all!

Wu Ning also glanced at his ranking.

Among the thirty-seven people on the Immortal Emperor List, he ranked twenty-first.

Barely a midstream level.

However, this is only relative to the Immortal Emperor List.

If you look at the whole clan, his strength is still far behind.

After staying in the Ten Thousand Souls Pagoda for a while, Wu Ning returned to the Chaoyun Immortal Palace.


“Ning’er, are you back?”


Murong Yin stepped forward with a smile on her face, “You came back just in time, and your father will also come back in a while.” ”

Say Cao Cao Cao to.

Wu Tianyun’s figure immediately appeared above the Chaoyun Immortal Palace.

“Haha, Ning’er, you are also back!”

“It’s been almost two years, how is it, how many floors has the Tower of All Souls broken into?”

Wu Ning asked, “Father, have you ever broken into the Tower of All Souls?” He

did not find Wu Tianyun’s name on the list.

“Father used to go in and break through, but at that time, I broke into the twenty-eighth floor, and when I have time after a while, I have to try again.”

Wu Ning said with a smile: “The child has already broken into the eighty floor, I wish my father can also break into the eighty floor or more.”

Wu Tianyun laughed, “The eighty layer does not dare to expect it, if you can break into the seventy layer to be a father, it will be very satisfying.” ”

The sixty-first to eighty-fourth floors correspond to the realm of the quasi-emperor.

The seventieth layer is considered to be the midstream level of the quasi-emperor, but at least two extreme realms need to be broken.

He now only has cultivation to break the extreme realm, and he is still forcibly promoted, his body and divine soul are much worse, and his comprehension of the power of the Great Dao is also dragging his feet, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to break into the sixty-second layer.

Murong Yin smiled gently, “Okay, the meal is ready, you father and son can talk while eating.” Soon

, the family sat down in the Cloud Heart Hall.

It is still an extremely rich immortal feast.

Jade plate delicacies, fairy delicacies, qiongjing jade dew.

Wu Ning ate a Xianchi blue carp and asked casually, “Father, you haven’t encountered any trouble dealing with the affairs of the clan recently, right?” ”

The Martial Clan is such a large godless race, and it is indeed extremely united as a whole, but there are definitely a lot of dirty things in the secret.

Wu Tianyun’s interference in family affairs will inevitably touch the interests of some people, although no one dares to mess with it openly, but secretly making tripping is inevitable.

Speaking of this, Wu Tianyun frowned.

“It’s not a trouble, it’s just that those old guys like to rely on the old and sell the old, which is really infuriating!”

“Alas… I didn’t know it before, but I only knew when I started to contact family affairs before, and the twists and turns in this are simply more difficult than preaching the Immortal King! Wu

Ning couldn’t help but glance at him, father, is it difficult for you to break through to the Immortal King?

As if feeling his strange gaze, Wu Tianyun quickly coughed for a morning and changed the topic:

“There is only one year left before the Daozi dispute, you should also prepare well, Daozi is not just a name, when enjoying glory and support in the clan, you also need to bear the corresponding responsibilities and obligations.”

“What obligation?”

Wu Ning asked.

Wu Tianyun raised his eyebrows and smiled, “Simple, the responsibility is to cultivate well, and the obligation is to beat up the younger generation of other super forces on behalf of my clan.”

“So… Simple?

Wu Tianyun said with a smile: “Haha, it is naturally simple for you Ning’er, but if you change someone, it will be even more difficult!”

Wu Ning smiled lightly, “I like this.” ”

Isn’t it just a matter of abusing vegetables, he is still very good at it.”

As for cultivation, this one is simpler, just sign in.

The life of Kaihang is so different.


ps: I still owe two chapters to the author and remember that I went back in the past two days to correct a lot of typos, it took a lot of time, and I will definitely make up for it later.

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