“Chaos Divine Tree…” A

flash of essence flashed in Wu Ning’s eyes, there were actually three thousand avenue willow trees in this enlightenment forest, it definitely couldn’t be obtained by accident.

Then there is only one truth!

The Martial Clan most likely possesses a Chaos Divine Tree!

“Gee, I didn’t expect our martial clan to have such a deep heritage!”

The Chaos Divine Tree can give birth to the Three Thousand Avenue Willow Tree, and it must be the Chaos Supreme Treasure at that level of the Chaos Green Lotus.

This is definitely not something that ordinary Dao-level powerhouses can grasp, according to his estimates, the Martial Clan is likely to have a supreme existence standing on the top of the heavens.

Because even if an ordinary Dao-level powerhouse gets the Chaos Divine Tree by luck, it is impossible to cultivate the Three Thousand Avenue Willow Tree.

After all, it is an innate spirit root, and the cost of cultivating each plant is unimaginably large, and it is not at all what ordinary Dao-level powerhouses can do.

Unless the Chaos God Tree is directly demolished.

But he didn’t believe anyone would be that stupid.

Looking at the three Dao willow trees that he signed in, Wu Ning had a smile on his face, and then he planted these three willow trees in the inner world.

As an innate spiritual root, although the Dao Willow Tree is not as good as the innate treasure such as the pupil of time and the pupil of space, it can improve his Dao power all the time, which can be regarded as a supreme treasure to assist cultivation.

Paired with the Chaos Divine Gourd, one to improve cultivation and one to enhance the power of the avenue, it is simply a perfect match!

Of course, after all, it is an innate spirit root, and the attacking power of the Great Avenue Willow Tree is still extremely terrifying.

The branches of the willow tree of the Avenue of Time can kill enemies across the timeline, the willow tree of the Avenue of Space can penetrate through the endless void and ignore the barriers of space, and the willow tree of the Avenue of Souls can directly attack the soul, which can be regarded as a soul treasure.

Wu Ning raised his eyes to look at the entire Wu Daolin.

Three thousand avenue willow trees, if you sign in one every year, it will take almost three thousand years.

Thinking of this, Wu Ning shook his head slightly, three thousand annual signatures are not cost-effective, it is better to come directly to three thousand years signs.

Maybe you can directly sign in to a Chaos God Tree.

No matter how many innate spiritual roots there are, in his opinion, it is still not as good as a Chaos Supreme Treasure.

“That’s it, there will be a chance in the future, let’s get down to business first.”

Wu Ning released the power of the Avenue of Time and spread towards the willow tree of the Avenue of Time in front of him.


The willow tree trembled slightly, and the billions of willow branches danced gently, constantly swaying back and forth, exuding a layer of light golden esoteric brilliance, which looked like a fantastic and beautiful picture.


A brilliant and holy golden light mass flew out from the trunk of the willow tree, crossed a long distance, and instantly appeared in front of Wu Ning.

“This is…”

Wu Ning narrowed his eyes slightly, this golden light mass exuded an extremely rich Dao Origin aura, which made him feel a longing in his heart for no reason.

“This is a gift from the willow of time.”

The blue-shirted man appeared beside him silently.

Wu Ning glanced at him, “Senior, I can be considered to have been recognized by the tree spirit, right?” ”


The blue-shirted man bowed his head slightly, and then said: “Normally, obtaining the recognition of the tree spirit will only get one Dao Mark and enhance the affinity for the corresponding Dao.

“In this way, in the future, the Great Avenue of Enlightenment will be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort.”

“But if you are extremely affinity for the Dao itself, you may be able to reap the gift of the tree spirit.”

“You can directly absorb this group of Origin Power, which can directly enhance the power of the Time Avenue that you control.”

Wu Ning nodded, he originally possessed the Age Divine Body and was naturally affinity for the Avenue of Time.

Later, the body of the years transformed into the Eternal Dao body, and the affinity for the Time Dao naturally increased greatly, rising to an extremely high level.

After the blue-shirted man finished speaking, he disappeared again.

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“Thank you.”

Wu Ning thanked the Time Willow, and then absorbed the Origin Power gifted by the tree spirit into his hand and directly began to absorb it.


The years flickered by, and three years flew by.

Chao Unsen Palace.

“It’s been more than three years since Ning’er went in, and I don’t know what the situation is?”

Murong Yin frowned slightly.

Wu Tianyun said casually: “Don’t worry, there is no danger in asking Daolin, with Ning’er’s talent chance, passing the test is definitely not a problem.”

Murong Yin nodded with a smile, and her expression slowed down a lot.

“By the way, the Luo tribe sent someone to send a message before, and there is a peerless girl in their clan, named Luo Yuqing, with unparalleled appearance and talent and evil talent, and now Fang has broken through to the true fairy realm at the age of more than three hundred years.”

“Patriarch Luo means that he wants this daughter to conclude a marriage contract with Ning’er, what do you think about this?”

Hearing the word “marriage contract”, Wu Tianyun frowned.

He pondered for a moment and said, “It is indeed rare to cultivate to the True Immortal Realm at the age of three hundred and have unparalleled talent, but let Ning’er decide this matter herself.” ”

The three-hundred-year-old true immortal must be an “emperor daughter”, although it cannot be compared with his son, but it is definitely peerless.

This level of Tianjiao is rare even in the Martial Clan.

Of course, the reason why he didn’t refuse was mainly because this woman was younger and more compatible with Wu Ning.

Of course, there is another reason.

The Luo clan is his mother clan, that is, the maiden family of his mother Luo Feixian.

The Luo tribe is also a top ancient clan, second only to the major super powers, and can be ranked alongside the Lantai Immortal Clan.

It is precisely because of this relationship that Wu Tianyun is not good to refuse directly.

Murong Yin nodded lightly, “Fortunately, Ning’er has grown up now, these things still depend on his own attention.” ”


Tianmu Immortal Domain, Chiba Emperor Clan.

Magnificent old palace.

“Patriarch, my subordinates recently inquired about a news about the little young master of the Martial Clan.”

A black-robed man bowed slightly.

Above, Ye Ting’s eyes moved, and he immediately fell on the black-robed man.


As his voice sounded, an invisible powerful power emanated from him, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became depressed.

“Yes!” The black-robed man bowed again, and his body was a little lower.

“My subordinates have inquired that the little young master of the Martial Clan now has a strength no lower than that of the Immortal King powerhouse!”

The Wuji Immortal Domain was too far away from the Tianmu Immortal Domain, and this news came to his ears from the Martial Clan, plus the time it took to investigate in detail, it had been five years now.

However, for their level, five years is roughly equivalent to the past five days of ordinary mortals.


The terrifying Immortal Emperor coercion erupted from Ye Ting’s body, and his eyes shrank sharply, staring coldly at the black-robed man below.

“That kid already has the strength of the Immortal King?!”

“He is less than five hundred years old now, how can he be an immortal king?”

“Have you ever found out about this?”

A flash of disbelief flashed in Ye Ting’s eyes, he was 80,000 years old before he was promoted to Immortal King.

A little guy who is less than five hundred years old, as tender as a doll, is actually already an immortal king, how is this possible?

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