Wu Ning smiled slightly and said softly, “Excuse me!” Although

his voice was soft, it reached the ears of everyone below, as if whispering in his ears.

Hearing his voice, many Martial Clan disciples suddenly became more fanatical.




Countless sounds came together, shaking the heavens and breaking through the clouds.

A corner of the main hall.

Looking at Wu Ning, who was worshipped by everyone in the air, Wu Shaoyu had a complicated expression.

Beside him, Wu Yu sighed slightly: “Alas, you said that the gap between people is so big? Although

he usually does not like to fight, he still has a bit of pride in his heart, and this pride has now been frustrated.

A little guy who was hundreds of years old actually had the strength of the Immortal King Realm, and he felt that he had been hit hard.

Wu Shaoyu sighed faintly and said, “Perhaps, this is the real Supreme Tianjiao.”

“In comparison, we are just slightly more ordinary people.”

They have always been called Tianjiao and demons, and now they seem a little ridiculous.

In Wu Ning, they felt a gap beyond their reach, the gap was so big that they didn’t even have the slightest belief to catch up.

The real Tianjiao is so powerful that it is unreasonable!

Wu Ning’s Daozi succession ceremony ended amid countless fanatical shouts.

Fast forward three months.

Michiha Sengu.

Wu Tianyun was talking to Wu Ning.

“Ning’er, according to the custom, every Daozi will openly select followers in the clan, and many children in the clan are looking forward to it, what are your thoughts?”

“Pick a follower…” Wu

Ning raised his eyebrows, he naturally paid attention to this matter.

However, with his current strength, some followers with ordinary strength are really useless.

Although he can help people forcibly improve their cultivation, ordinary people are not worth it.

Moreover, the real Tianjiao are all proud, and it is almost impossible for those Tianjiao at the top of the clan to be his followers.

Wu Ning shook his head slightly, “Father, wait for this matter, there is no hurry now.”

Wu Tianyun nodded and brought up another matter instead.

“Recently, your grandfather has handed over a lot of things in the Immortal Domain to me, and in a few days, my father may need to go out, and it is estimated that he will not come back for a long time.”

“Father is going out?”

Wu Ning frowned, he hadn’t forgotten the threat of the Qianye Emperor Clan.

Although my father has the realm of quasi-immortal emperor, he may not be able to guarantee safety.

Wu Tianyun said: “My father is going to the northern region of the Wuji Immortal Domain, and there are two Immortal Emperor Daoists over there who have recently had a lot of friction, and they have almost caused a big war. ”

These two Immortal Emperor Daoists are both under the command of our Martial Clan, and they have a conflict, in order to avoid the destruction of life caused by the big war, it is natural that our Martial Clan needs to come forward to calm down.”

“Father Wei’s main purpose in going this time is to deal with this matter, but you don’t have to worry, there is a clan elder of our martial clan sitting in the northern region, and those two Immortal Emperor Daoists can’t turn the sky over no matter how much trouble they make.”

Although there is a clan elder sitting in the northern region, as long as those forces do not make too much trouble, that clan elder is too lazy to intervene in the affairs between those forces.

The settlement of disputes between those forces is generally handled by another person in the clan.

Wu Ning’s brows furrowed a little deeper.

Resolving the conflict of forces under his command sounded like a normal thing, but he detected something unusual in it.

After arriving at the Immortal Emperor Realm, as long as there was anything related to him, he would more or less have a trace of mysterious induction.

Wu Ning thought for a while and said, “When will my father leave, I will accompany you then.” ”

Anyway, there is nothing to do in the clan, and it is not bad to go out.”

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Maybe you can catch one or two big fish.


Half a month later.

A golden ancient boat left the Martial Race Universe Secret Realm and flew towards the direction of the Northern Region of the Wuji Immortal Domain.

On the ancient boat, Wu Ning’s expression was a little helpless.

Behind the ancient boat, an extremely powerful clan elder followed from afar.

Don’t think about it, you definitely plan to come and protect him secretly.

“That’s it, it seems that you have to find an opportunity to show your strength to those clan elders.”

Wu Ning secretly said in his heart.

When he asked Dao Lin, his cultivation strength must have been known by those big guys in the clan, and it didn’t make much sense to hide it again.

Of course, it must only let the parents and those immortal emperors in the clan know, and the less others know, the better, after all, there is such a threat as the Qianye Emperor Clan.

Half a month passed quickly.

The Golden Ancient Boat arrived in the northern region of the Wuji Immortal Domain.

Wu Tianyun first took Wu Ning to visit the clan elder who was sitting here, and then took Wu Ning towards the Northern Immortal Clan.

The Northern Immortal Clan was one of the two Immortal Emperor Daoists who had clashed.

The other is the Purple Thunder Immortal Sect.

Northern Pluto, North Pluto.

The golden ancient boat descended on the North Pluto Ancient Star, where the Northern Pluto Immortal Clan is located.

There were already many people from the Northern Immortal Clan waiting here, and after seeing the arrival of the golden ancient boat, they all stepped forward.

“Welcome Young Patriarch!”

“Welcome to the arrival of the Daozi!”

Under the leadership of the Patriarch of the North Pluto Clan, many people from the North Pluto Clan respectfully shouted in unison.

They looked in awe at the golden ancient boat descending in the sky.

As the Immortal Emperor Daoist, their Northern Immortal Clan is the top power in the entire Wuji Immortal Domain.

But at this moment, in front of the owner of that golden ancient boat, they had to put away the pride in their hearts and show a respectful and humble look.

Just because the owner of that ancient boat was from the True Martial Emperor Clan, the supreme lord of the entire Wuji Immortal Domain!

A young patriarch of the Wu clan, a Daozi of the Wu clan.

They are all supreme big people who can determine their life and death in one word!

Up and down the North Immortal Clan, no one dares to be disrespectful.

Above the sky, Wu Tianyun’s father and son stepped out of the ancient boat and looked down at the people of the Northern Immortal Clan below.

“Excuse me.”

Wu Tianyun smiled lightly and raised his hand to help him.

Wu Jingjing stood quietly on the side, dressed in a light purple robe, holding a snow-white nine-tailed sky fox in his arms, and a small blue bird lying on his shoulder, with an extremely strange shape.

“Thank you Young Patriarch.”

The Northern Patriarch thanked him, “Young Patriarch, Daozi, please also enter the mansion, and the immortal banquet has been prepared under the Xia, and the dust is washed for the young patriarch and Daozi.” ”

Hmm.” Wu Tianyun bowed his head slightly, “Patriarch of the North Nether, please lead the way.” The

group flew towards the main hall of the Northern Immortal Clan.

Among the Northern Immortal Clan, countless young generations looked at Wu Ning in the air, with a curious and excited look in their eyes.

“Is that the Daozi of the Martial Clan?”

“I heard that Daozi is not yet five hundred years old, he is already an immortal king, and his talent is extremely ancient and modern!”

A woman’s eyes showed a look of idiocy, and she muttered: “Daozi looks so good…”

“The appearance of Daozi holding a little white fox in his arms is really charming!”


ps: I will make up a chapter today, and I will make up another chapter later.

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