The power held by the demon race is extremely strange.

If ordinary immortals are attacked by magic, they are likely to be demonized and turn into half-human, half-demon monsters.

Bloodthirsty and murderous, completely delirious!

If it is eroded by the power of some powerful demon races, it will even be assimilated into a demon race!

What’s more, this magic can be “contagious”!

The power held by those terrifying demon races, ordinary immortals will be demonized as long as they are contaminated with a trace, which is extremely terrifying.

Even the Immortal Emperor was extremely jealous!


In the martial arts arena, Yue Yang saw Chang Yaozu approaching, roared, and directly raised the blood-colored Xiaoding towards him.


Bloody Xiaoding erupted with a terrifying ferocity, containing a monstrous murderous aura, and went straight towards Chang Yaozu.



Chang Yaozu shouted angrily, and slapped the bloody little ding into the air.

Then he flashed to Yue Yang and stretched out his hand to press on the top of his head.

Yue Yang had a fierce light in his eyes, but his cultivation was too weak to resist at all, and he was directly imprisoned in place by Chang Yaozu.

A moment later.

Yue Yang’s eyes gradually became clear, and the reaction of the magic weapon was forcibly suppressed by Chang Yaozu.

“Sect Master, I, I…”

Yue Yang glanced at him with some panic, although his mind was controlled by the magic weapon,

he remembered everything that had just happened.

He actually dared to take the initiative of Chaozong…

Chang Yaozu snorted coldly, took the blood-colored little ding into his hand, and appeared on the high platform in a flash.

Wu Tianyun looked at him expressionlessly, “Sect Master Chang, about the matter of the magic weapon, should you give me an explanation?”

“Young Patriarch, I didn’t know that Yue Yang had a magic weapon before, otherwise he would definitely destroy the magic weapon in the first place!”

Chang Yaozu respectfully handed over the blood-colored Xiaoding in his hand and stepped forward, “This magic weapon, please also ask the young patriarch to dispose of it.”


Wu Tianyun didn’t look at him, and directly waved his hand, and Yue Yang instantly appeared on the high platform.

“Tell me, where did this magic weapon come from?”

With a plop, Yue Yang knelt directly on the ground, his face a little pale.

“This… This magic weapon…”

Yue Yang swallowed.

“If you don’t want to be searched for souls, don’t hide anything!”

Wu Tianyun’s face turned cold.

“Yes, yes!”

“This magic weapon was given to me by my father for my protective body, and he warned me that I should only use it when my life was in danger, and I usually can’t let anyone know…”

Yue Yang was shocked by the coercion released by Wu Tianyun, and explained one by one, not daring to have any reservations.

“Your father? And where did your father come from?

“This… I don’t know this. Wu

Ning released a wisp of divine thought and quietly probed Yue Yang’s divine soul memory.

This guy really doesn’t know anything.

However, it has been less than half a year since he got this magic weapon…

Wu Ning’s eyes flashed, and he said to Wu Tianyun:

“Father, then let’s go to the Purple Thunder Immortal Sect to take a look.”

Wu Tianyun nodded, turned his head to look at Chang Yaozu, and took the blood-colored Xiaoding in his hand.

“Take this kid with you and go to the Purple Thunder Immortal Sect!”


The Purple Thunder Immortal Sect was not far from the Northern Immortal Clan.

An hour later, the golden ancient boat descended on the Purple Thunder Ancient Star where the Purple Thunder Immortal Sect was located.

“Young Patriarch, Daozi, please follow me to the Sect Hall.”

Chang Yaozu bowed to the side to lead the way, causing a large number of Purple Thunder Sect disciples to look sideways.

“What kind of people are these, actually led by the Sect Master himself?”

“The Sect Master is so humble, I didn’t expect the Sect Master to have such a side…”

“The entire Wuji Immortal Domain, the one who can make the Sect Master treat him like this is probably a big man from the Martial Clan!”

“Shhh, Wu Clan?!”

“The big man of the Martial Clan, how did you come back to our Purple Thunder Immortal Sect?”

“Who knows…”

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in the main hall of the sect.

Wu Tianyun said coldly, “Go and call Yue Kun!” ”

Yue Kun is the father of Yue Yang, a quasi-immortal emperor powerhouse.

“Yes, Young Patriarch, you wait a moment, I’ll go right away.”

Chang Yaozu bowed and prepared to call in person.

A moment later.

A middle-aged man in a gray robe followed Chang Yaozu into the hall together.

Wu Ning glanced at him, his eyes narrowing slightly.

“You are Yue Kun?”

Wu Tianyun stared at him and asked.

The gray-clothed middle-aged man bowed his hand slightly, “I am Yue Kun, I have seen the young patriarch, I have seen the Daozi.”

Wu Tianyun waved his hand and directly took out the blood-colored little ding, “You should know why I came, right?” ”

Tell me, how did you get this magic weapon?”

“This magic weapon…”

Yue Kun looked at the blood-colored Xiaoding in Wu Tianyun’s hand, and a trace of color flashed under his eyes.

Wu Tianyun suddenly had a hint of alarm in his heart.

At this moment, the mutation protruded.


The blood-colored Xiaoding in his hand shattered instantly, and suddenly burst out an incomparably terrifying power, piercing through the void, and possessing the power to easily obliterate a low-level immortal king.


Wu Ning spit out the word, and the surrounding time and space suddenly froze.

The blood-colored little ding in Wu Tianyun’s hand exploded with a bang, and before the terrifying power could spread around, it stopped.

Then, a ghost flashed in Wu Ning’s left eye.

Time and space rippled, producing a slight change, and the power of the blood-colored Xiaoding explosion quickly returned to Xiaoding, just like the picture was played backwards.

In less than a second, this self-detonating magic weapon returned to its original state.

This is Wu Ning’s transformation and upgrade version of “One Glance for 10,000 Years” after he controlled the Pupil of Time and the Dao Immortal Emperor.

– “Back in Time”!

The next moment, the effect of space-time solidification disappeared.

“This… What kind of magical power is this?!

Yue Kun’s eyes widened, revealing a hint of shock.

Wu Ning’s cast of “Back in Time” was only aimed at the magic weapon Xiaoding, and did not affect his memory.

“This can’t be! Burst me!

Yue Kun roared in anger, wanting to control the bloody Xiaoding to self-detonate again.



Wu Ning slapped the blood-colored Xiaoding to pieces, and Yue Kun’s face suddenly turned pale.

The real owner of this magic weapon is actually him.

“Who the hell are you?”

Yue Kun’s eyes were fierce, and the powerful coercion of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor instantly erupted, sweeping towards Wu Ning.

“Yue Kun, what are you doing?!”

Chang Yaozu roared in anger, this guy actually dared to make a move towards the Martial Clan Daozi and the Young Patriarch, did he want to pull their entire Purple Thunder Immortal Sect together for burial!


“Shut up!”

Yue Kun didn’t look back, and a coercive pressure shook him off.

“Give me death!”

He roared madly, and his fists erupted with terrifying power, and at the same time blasted towards Wu Ning and Wu Tianyun.

“Find death!”

Wu Ning’s gaze was cold, and he slapped a palm towards him.


Yue Kun’s body was instantly photographed into a blood mist, and he didn’t even have the slightest strength to resist.

Then, Wu Ning grabbed his divine soul in his hand.


“How can you be so strong, what the hell are you…”

Yue Kun roared madly, his eyes showing disbelief.

Doesn’t the intelligence say that the martial arts Daozi only has the strength of the Immortal King? How could he be so strong?

Wu Ning snorted coldly, and the Immortal Emperor Divine Mind forcibly poured in, and directly began to check his Divine Soul Memory.

“Black Hell…”

ps: First three chapters, the author stayed up late tonight codeword, and tomorrow morning I will definitely make up for the two chapters owed.

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