“There are four left…”

Wu Ning thought for a while and said: “Clan elder, we have such a big move, the black hell is likely to have received the wind, let’s split up next, you go to the Tianyuan Wanjia, I go to the Water Cloud Immortal Sect, and then meet in the Nanming Ancient Star.” Hearing

this, Wu Mao suppressed the shock in his heart.

“Okay, it’s important to get down to business first.”

After that, the two separated.

The Tianyuan Wanjia and the Water Cloud Immortal Sect are both located in the Eastern Immortal Domain.

The Tianyuan Ten Thousand Family is relatively worse, the strongest in the family is only a quasi-immortal emperor, while the Water Cloud Immortal Sect is an immortal emperor Daoist.

Although the strongest is only an early Immortal Emperor, it is also an Immortal Emperor.

The quasi-immortal emperor and the immortal emperor are only one word apart, but they are two completely different levels.

In terms of strength, a hundred Tianyuan Ten Thousand Families plus one hundred together are not the opponents of the Water Cloud Immortal Sect.

It didn’t take long for Wu Ning to come to the Water Cloud Immortal Sect.


A wisp of terrifying Immortal Emperor coercion erupted, shrouding the entire Water Cloud Immortal Sect.

“Presumptuous! Who dares to spread wild in my Water Cloud Immortal Sect!

With an angry shout, a man in black wearing a crown jade and plain looking appeared in the sky above the Water Cloud Immortal Sect.

“Who are you?” Dare to come to my Water Cloud Immortal Sect to be presumptuous, I don’t know that this is the territory of this emperor? The

man in black said coldly, and a terrifying aura belonging to the Immortal Emperor erupted on his body.

He frowned imperceptibly, the person in front of him seemed to be shrouded in a layer of fog, whether it was appearance or breath, he couldn’t even see through.

Wu Ning raised his eyebrows, “You are the Water Cloud Immortal Emperor?” ”

There is only this immortal emperor in the Water Cloud Immortal Sect, and when he heard the name, he originally thought it was a female immortal emperor, but he didn’t expect it to be a man.

It looks pretty normal on the outside, so there won’t be any quirks, right?

“It’s Bendi!”

The man in black raised his head slightly, his eyes were wide, and his body exuded an invincible temperament.

“Who is Your Excellency, does this emperor remember that there is such an immortal emperor as you in the Wuji Immortal Domain?”

“You should know this, right?”

Wu Ning directly took out his piece of Dao Order.

“This is … Martial Clan Daozi Token? The

Water Cloud Immortal Emperor’s eyes shrank, as an Immortal Emperor who was begging for a life in the Wuji Immortal Domain, how could he not even recognize the Dao Order of the Martial Clan Daozi.

“Yes, it is the Dao order of the Daozi of my clan.” Wu Ning bowed his head slightly, and continued: “This seat is ordered by the Daozi to come to the Water Cloud Immortal Sect to deal with some things, and the Water Cloud Immortal Emperor, you have to cooperate well.” ”

Natural and natural!”

The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor nodded repeatedly, and his invincible temperament instantly dissipated, and his face turned to show a look of respect.

In his heart, the Dao of the Secret Dao Martial Clan’s generation of Daozi is really extraordinary, and even the Immortal Emperor powerhouse can be sent!

“I wonder why the adults came?”

The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor asked.

“Let’s hand over Elder Yan Sheng Taishang of your sect first.”

“Yan Sheng?”

The Shui Yun Immortal Emperor was a little uneasy in his heart, could it be that this old thing had provoked the Martial Clan Daozi?

He didn’t dare to delay, and immediately shot out to catch Yan Sheng in the air, “Sir, this guy is Yan Sheng.” ”


Immortal Emperor…” Yan Sheng was a little confused, not knowing why the Water Cloud Immortal Emperor detained himself here.

“Yan Sheng, who joined the Black Hell 7.6 million years ago, is now the top prefecture-level killer of the Black Hell, codenamed Blood Ghost, didn’t this seat say it wrong?”

Wu Ning looked indifferent, the strongholds established by the Black Hell in various places were usually hidden among other forces, and this stronghold was established by Yan Sheng.

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“Black Hell Killer?!”

The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor’s face suddenly turned cold, his terrifying aura surged, and his eyes stared at Yan Sheng, “You are actually the killer of the Black Hell?”

Yan Sheng’s face changed drastically, and his eyes showed shock.

He was actually exposed?

“Speak quickly! Are you the killer of the Black Hell! ”

Did you do Shui Yun’s death?!”

A bloodthirsty color flashed in the eyes of the Water Cloud Immortal Emperor, and his aura suddenly became extremely terrifying, crazy and tyrannical, like a terrifying giant beast that wanted to choose people to eat.

Wu Ning was slightly startled, this guy seems to have a story on him.

Facing an angry Immortal Emperor, Yan Sheng was enveloped by his coercion, his face turned pale, and he was already extremely injured.

There was some despair in his heart, knowing that today was his own death.

“Haha, you want to know the truth, I don’t want you to be satisfied!”

Yan Sheng’s eyes showed madness, and immediately after, his aura began to skyrocket wildly, filled with an aura of destruction.

“In front of this emperor, you still want to blow yourself up, ridiculous!”

The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor sneered cruelly, stretched out a hand and instantly pressed it on the top of Yan Sheng’s head and began to search for souls.


The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor’s movements were extremely rough, and Yan Sheng immediately let out a terrifying scream.

Wu Jing watched quietly and did not stop him, Yan Sheng was originally going to die.

A moment later.

The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor touched the prohibition in Yan Sheng’s divine soul, causing his divine soul to collapse and disappear in an instant.

“Ah-” The

Water Cloud Immortal Emperor suddenly let out a roar, his voice shattered the void, if it weren’t for Wu Ning’s move, I am afraid that a large number of stars would have shattered, and countless living beings would have fallen.

“Damn the black hell, this emperor is at odds with you!”


Yan Sheng’s body was slapped into a blood mist by the angry Water Cloud Immortal Emperor.

After venting, his emotions gradually calmed down.

“My lord, it makes you laugh.”

“It doesn’t hurt.”

Wu Ning waved his hand casually and threw him a pot of immortal wine.

“It seems that you have a feud with the black hell?”

The Shui Yun Immortal Emperor opened the wine altar and poured a large mouthful fiercely, directly drinking all the large altar of immortal wine.

The corners of his mouth were a little bitter, his eyes were melancholy, and he was filled with heavy longing and strong hatred.

“Shui Yun is actually my wife’s name.”

“She and I have known each other since we were young, known as the Water Cloud Fairy, and after we became a Taoist couple, we worked together for tens of millions of years, experienced all kinds of sufferings, and finally died on the day I preached the Dao Immortal Emperor!”

The hatred in his eyes grew stronger, “I have an enemy who doesn’t want to see me become an emperor, so I asked the killer of the black hell to attack me.”

“After that black hell killer was repelled by me, he planned to capture Shui Yun to blackmail me, and after Shui Yun knew his intentions, in order not to affect me, he killed himself…” A tear flashed in

the eyes of the Shui Yun Immortal Emperor, and he said abruptly: “Shui Yun, her biggest dream is to become a female immortal emperor like the Moon Picking Immortal Emperor…” ”

After that, I changed my emperor number to Shui Yun, which can be regarded as fulfilling her dream.”

In the glory of me, in the name of Ru.

“So it is.”

Wu Ning sighed lightly, this guy is indeed quite miserable.

The self-sacrifice of the Water Cloud Fairy is estimated to have become his heart demon, no wonder it has been tens of millions of years since he broke through the Immortal Emperor, and his cultivation is still in the early days of the Immortal Emperor.

“The black hell killer who killed the Water Cloud Fairy is Yan Sheng?”

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