
The Heavenly Nether Divine Monarch snorted coldly in dissatisfaction, mixed with a trace of Immortal Emperor coercion.

The elder couldn’t help but snort, his face turned slightly pale, and he instantly took two steps back.

A wisp of peak immortal emperor’s coercion, he a quasi-immortal emperor can not withstand it.

“Heavenly Nether God Monarch, what are you trying to do?”

The elder shouted angrily.

“Hmph, this monarch is the Eternal Immortal Realm Divine Monarch, the peak Immortal Emperor, how can you be presumptuous as a little quasi-immortal emperor?”

“Don’t think that the elders of the Martial Clan can be so blind, teach you a lesson, and save the trouble for the Martial Clan in the future!”

The Heavenly Nether God Monarch said indifferently.

With his status and strength, the average Immortal Emperor has to be respectful to him, let alone a quasi-Immortal Emperor.

Moreover, his trip represented the Eternal Immortal Kingdom, how could he tolerate humiliation.

The elder’s eyes were full of anger, but he forcibly endured it and left directly.

What about the Peak Immortal Emperor, the Perfection Immortal Emperor did not dare to be so presumptuous in the Martial Clan.

Otherwise, someone will teach him to be human.


Soon, a golden ancient boat flew back to the Wu Clan and landed at the Chaoyunxian Palace.

Murong Yin greeted with a smile, “Ning’er…”

“Mother, we are back.”

“Go, my mother asked people to prepare an immortal banquet, let’s go over quickly, and tell my mother about your experience during this period by the way.”

Murong Yin took Wu Ning’s hand and walked towards the Yunxin Hall.

Wu Ning said with a smile.

Wu Tianyun didn’t feel good in his heart, since his son came back, his status in his wife’s heart has become lower and lower!

A moment later.

The family is enjoying a fairy banquet.

A maid came forward to report, and an elder came to the door to ask for a visit.

Wu Tianyun waved his hand, “Please invite Elder Wu Yue to come in.” ”


The maid bowed and retreated.

After a while, she led Elder Wu Yue into the Cloud Heart Hall.

“Meet the Young Patriarch!”

“Meet the young man!”

“Meet Daozi!”

Elder Wu Yue bowed his waist and lowered his posture.

Wu Tianyun raised his hand to help him, “Elder Wu Yue doesn’t need to be polite.

“I wonder why the elder came here?”

“Young Patriarch, if the old immortal has a prayer…” Elder

Wu Yue hurriedly told the story of the Heavenly Nether God Monarch coming to the Martial Clan, although he did not add oil and vinegar, but everything was detailed, including how the Heavenly Nether God Monarch shocked him with coercion.

Hearing this, Wu Tianyun frowned.

“Hmph! How can it be so reasonable, dare to be presumptuous in our martial clan, when this is still his Eternal Immortal Kingdom!

Wu Tianyun said with displeasure on his face.

This Heavenly God Monarch is really too arrogant!

“Elder Wuyue, don’t worry, I will definitely tell my father about this matter and get justice for you!”

“Thank you Young Patriarch.”

A smile appeared in Elder Wu Yue’s eyes.

Afterwards, Elder Wu Yue retreated and left.

Wu Tianyun looked at Wu Ning and said, “Ning’er, how do you think this matter should be handled?” ”

After all, it is about the Eternal Immortal Kingdom, Wu Tianyun has just come into contact with the affairs of the clan, and there are many things that he can’t pay attention to.

Now that Wu Xuan was in retreat, he habitually asked Wu Ning about it.

Wu Ning smiled lightly and said, “This day, the Underworld God Monarch is estimated to be used to being high in the Eternal Immortal Kingdom, we might as well take the opportunity to suppress his arrogance.” ”

Oh? So how to do this?

“Simple, just leave him hanging.”

A smile curled at the corner of Wu Ning’s mouth.

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The Heavenly Nether God Monarch came to the Martial Clan to ask for an explanation for the slain golden-armored giant, but how could they give him any explanation!

Hang him aside first, if that guy is impatient and intends to make trouble, he will be suppressed directly!

Wu Tianyun nodded slightly, “Then leave him hanging first.” After

staying in the Chaoyun Immortal Palace for a few days, Wu Ning returned to his Dao Yu Immortal Palace.

Huge garden.

Wu Ning set up a chair under the linden tree and then lazily lay on it.

Not far away, a huge congenital peach uncle was prosperous, and there were alluring huge peach hanging on it.

There are many immortal emperor medicines planted around, exuding a fierce immortal light, like the nine heavens divine medicine, extraordinary

, beside Wu Ning, Xiaoqing, Xiaobai,

and Xiaoshu sat in a circle.

Mo Bao is telling the story of the battle at the Black Hell Headquarters.

Eight Dao Venerables arrived, and the headquarters of the Black Prison was forcefully destroyed, which can be described as heavy casualties.

Even a Dao Venerable was beaten to death!

However, Dao Venerable carried the Dao with his body and placed his life in the origin of the Heaven and Earth Dao.

If the Dao does not die, the Dao Zun will not fall.

Even if he is beaten to death, after a long time, he will eventually wake up from the origin of the Dao.

But the Dao Venerable who had just recovered from the Dao Origin was very fragile and could easily be killed again.

As the number of deaths increases, it will take longer to recover.

Moreover, Dao Zun cannot be resurrected indefinitely.

Once the number of deaths reaches a certain number and the life is weak to an extreme, it will be assimilated by the Dao Origin.

Completely become part of the Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

Wu Ning didn’t care much about this.

When the Taiyu Ancient Emperor recovers from the origin of the Great Dao, it will take at least hundreds of millions of years.

By then, he would have been estimated to be invincible to the heavens, and he would still be worried about a Dao Venerable?

But another thing caught his attention.

In the black prison, several high-ranking people were taken away by the lawless old man.

Including Fu Jiuyou!

“Oh, this guy is really fateful!”

Wu Ning sneered.

“Xiao Hei, can you find out Fu Jiuyou’s current whereabouts?”

Mo Bao said dissatisfied: “Master, please remove the word!” You are questioning my ability!

“Don’t talk nonsense, check it quickly!”

“Gotta go!”

“Master, Fu Jiuyou has been taken out of the Primordial Ancient Realm by Wutian, and their next stop is the Tai Xuan Immortal Realm.”

“Tai Xuan Immortal Realm?”

Wu Ning raised his eyebrows and immediately checked the information on the black book.

The Tai Xuan Immortal Realm is also a large world, but it is much weaker than the Tai Xuan Immortal Realm.

The Taixuan Immortal Realm cannot give birth to a Dao-level powerhouse above the Immortal Emperor, and the Immortal Emperor is the supreme existence.

Of course, this does not mean that there are no Dao Venerables in the Tai Xuan Immortal Realm.

There may be Immortal Emperors who will go to other more powerful worlds and return to the Taixuan Immortal Realm after breaking through the Supreme Dao Venerable.

There may also be outsiders like the lawless old man.

Wu Ning shook his head slightly, not worrying about the black prison anymore.

There were only two or three kittens left, and after he was promoted to Daozun, he went to slaughter them.

It is imperative to become stronger quickly.

“Ning boy, we sent you Immortal Crystal.”

At this moment, a familiar voice came from the direction of the main hall.

Hearing this, Wu Ning’s eyes suddenly lit up and immediately disappeared into the chair.

The main hall of the Doha Sengu.

Several clan elders came together, and the person at the head was the Wumao clan elder.

“A few clan elders, please come inside.”

Wu Ning greeted with a smile on his face.

Wu Mao waved his hand, “No need to be polite.” ”

Ning boy, we brought a lot of immortal crystals this time, how long does it take for you to condense all of them into that chaotic source liquid?”

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