“This is indeed framed by us.”

Ye Hui said with a stiff expression: “Previously, we planned to bring down the Odd Thing Pavilion, so we prepared a defective Pearl Immortal Grass in advance, intending to frame the Odd Thing Pavilion…”

The Odd Thing Pavilion is innocent, everything is our fault, and those who framed the Odd Thing Pavilion were all hired by the Wasteland Flower Immortal Stone.

“What I said is true, everyone must believe me!”

“Ye Hui!!”

Ara Tu shouted angrily, trembling with anger.

Pig mates!

Damn bastard, can’t it be an undercover agent sent from the opposite side?

There was a sigh all around, and his eyes looked at Ye Hui Huangtu and the others with contempt.

“When the truth is revealed, I know that the Curious Thing Pavilion was indeed framed!”

“These guys are so shameless, you should let the Immortal Prison Division arrest them all!”

“Huh? Just now said that the guy who bought the immortal weapon in the Curious Thing Pavilion was pitted, why did he disappear…” In

the crowd, some sneaky guys saw that the matter was revealed, and immediately covered their faces and quietly retreated, but they didn’t know that at the same time as they left, the guards of the Martial Mansion had already quietly followed.

In front of the Pavilion of Odd Things, after the call, Ye Hui woke up like a big dream, his eyes widened sharply, he broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly roared:


“I just said wrong, don’t believe it, we definitely didn’t plant false accusations, it’s all their fault that the Curious Pavilion doesn’t talk about honesty and is shoddy!”


Wu Tianhua directly slapped it, “Until now, you dare to quibble, really if the Buddha-figure is muddy?” With

a loud bang, Ye Hui’s body instantly flew out upside down and slammed into the wall next to Ara Tu.

“Brother Huang…”

Ye Hui spat out a mouthful of blood and shouted with difficulty.

“Get out!”

Ara Tu looked disgusted, with a bit of irritation and resentment in his eyes.

Idiot, idiot!

This guy was definitely kicked in the brain by a donkey!

People can say whatever they ask, he has never seen such a stupid person.

Ye Hui’s face was sluggish, and his heart was aggrieved and depressed to the extreme, and he smacked his mouth fiercely, “Damn, what happened just now, how can I be the same as the evil spirit?”


he suddenly looked up at Wu Ning, his eyes red with hatred, “It’s you!”

“It must be you!”

“Damn little bunny, what the hell did you do to me?!”

“Oh?” Wu Ning said lightly, “Everyone has seen it, I didn’t do anything, just let you tell the truth, don’t wronged good people.” ”

You, you…” Ye

Hui stretched out a finger and pointed at Wu Ning, eager to pounce and tear him apart, he dared to be sure, it was definitely this kid who had done something to him just now!


Wu Ning casually slapped him in the face, “What are you?” Don’t point your finger at me, if you don’t want to, you can cut it yourself.

“By the way, that superb Pearl Immortal Grass should still be on you, take it out now.”

Wu Tianhua raised his eyebrows slightly and glanced at Wu Ning with satisfaction.

It is worthy of being his nephew, and he has not lost the demeanor of their old martial artist.

Ye Hui’s face turned red, originally he wanted to pounce and fight with Wu Ning, but he honestly took out a crystal immortal jade box, “The Pearl Immortal Grass is here!”

He opened the jade box, and inside was the superb Pearl Immortal Grass that he had purchased in the Pavilion.

It exudes a radiant immortal light and shines.

There was a sudden sound of contempt and boos all around.

“Ye Hui!!”

Ara Tu was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, this pig teammate, he had the heart to kill.

“I… I…”

Ye Hui looked at the Pearl Immortal Grass in his hand stunnedly, feeling his brain buzzing.

The next moment, he flashed towards Wu Ning with red eyes, “Damn boy, I’m going to kill you!” ”


Wu Tianhua’s face was cold, and he directly slapped his head and flew away.

“Do you still dare to do it, want to find death?”

“Wu Tianhua, I haven’t seen you for more than 100,000 years, you are still as arrogant as ever!”

An icy voice suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared in the air.

His eyes were wide open, and he was full of spirit.

It was Ye Huang of the Ye clan.

Wu Tianhua glanced at him lightly, “Sure enough, it’s your grandson who is making trouble behind his back.”

“What’s the matter? More than 100,000 years have passed, just fine, the scar forgot the pain, and dare to come to the abuse?


“Wu Tianhua, you have to be arrogant!”

“Do you think I’m still the same Ye Huang back then? Hahaha… Now that I have achieved the honor of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, I must double the shame you gave me in the past!” ”


Ye Huang looked up to the sky and laughed maniacally, his eyes were empty, and an extremely powerful aura burst out, shaking a large number of onlookers around him to retreat madly.

Wu Tianhua raised his eyebrows, “Heh, it turned out that he broke through to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Realm.”

“So, that’s your bottom line?”

“You don’t think that cultivation can compete with me if you break through to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Realm, right?”

Wu Tianhua felt a little ridiculous, there was also a gap in the realm of the quasi-immortal emperor, and it would be too ignorant to think that he could compete with him just after breaking through to the extreme realm of cultivation and reaching the quasi-immortal emperor.

Ye Huang’s eyes were cold, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, he hated Wu Tianhua’s self-righteous appearance the most.

“It’s useless to talk more, Wu Tianhua, dare to fight in the starry sky?”

As soon as the words fell, Ye Huang flashed and flew towards the starry sky.

This is the Evergreen Immortal Capital, and they will definitely not be allowed to start a big war.

“Well, since you are asking for hardships, then the Buddha-figure will teach you another lesson.”

Wu Tianhua was a little helpless, and then looked at Wu Ning and said, “Ning’er, you wait here for a while first, uncle, I’ll go back.”

“Uncle, you go, don’t worry about me.”

Wu Tianhua nodded, and his figure disappeared instantly.


At this moment, there were countless people in the entire Evergreen Immortal watching this scene.

Inside a certain immortal palace in the imperial city.

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Several youths with extraordinary breath were drinking with great interest.

“This Ye Huang is still too anxious…”

one of them sighed with the young man in green shirt: “Wu Tianhua has been in the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Realm for more than 100,000 years, looking at the entire Primordial Ancient Realm, its strength is estimated to be able to rank in the top three in our generation, Ye Huang is still a little tender compared to him!”

A purple-clothed young man beside him said with a smile:

“Brother Jiang, although Ye Huang is arrogant, he is not a fool, he dares to provoke Wu Tianhua in public, maybe there are some hole cards.”


Jiang Yuan smiled faintly.

Several other people laughed and said nothing, drinking wine while paying attention to the movement of the starry sky.


“Wu Tianhua, today I will defeat you in front of everyone to wash away the shame of the past!”


An extremely terrifying aura erupted from Ye Huang’s body, and his eyes were filled with an incomparably domineering and arrogant light.


With a long sound of Qingyue, an ancient sword that exuded endless sharp aura appeared in Ye Huang’s hand.

“An Immortal Emperor Weapon, it seems that this is your true strength.”

Wu Tianhua looked calm.

The next moment, a mysterious spear appeared in his hand, the tip of the spear was blood-colored, exuding a layer of palpitating blood-colored light, and the aura was extremely terrifying.

This is also an Immortal Emperor Weapon.

As the eldest prince of the True Martial Emperor Clan, and an extremely powerful quasi-immortal emperor, how could he not have an immortal emperor weapon in his hand.

Ye Huang was not surprised by this.

A sneer appeared on his face, “You think too much, my confidence has always only been my strength!” ”

Jiuyang Divine Body, open!”

Ye Huang drank loudly, and endless brilliance instantly erupted from his body, and the universe shook, coercing the void.

Brilliant and fiery golden light surrounded Ye Huang’s body, sacred and inviolable, setting him off like a majestic ancient deity.

This is not over, only to hear Ye Huang shout again:

“Ten Thousand Ancient Divine Body, open!”


The terrifying coercion filled the vast starry sky, and a reckless and ancient aura erupted from Ye Huang’s body, as if a terrifying primeval ferocious beast had awakened, wanting to tear the heavens and earth, and it was extremely powerful and domineering.

The two divine bodies opened, and the scene was extremely shocking.

At the same time, the aura on Ye Huang’s body began to skyrocket wildly, and the terrifying power constantly stirred the void, the space was distorted, and the stars swayed, and it seemed that they would fall at any time.

Even from an extremely long distance, the people above the Evergreen Immortal Capital could still clearly feel the terrifying aura emanating from Ye Huang’s body.


“The Nine Yang Divine Body… Ancient Divine Body? The

purple-clothed young man’s eyes showed a hint of surprise, “It’s actually a double divine body!” This Ye Huang is quite deeply hidden! ”

Gee, the double divine body is extremely rare, and the Jiuyang Divine Body and the Ancient Divine Body are both special physiques with extremely powerful combat power, ordinary people can have one that can be called peerless Tianjiao, but I didn’t expect Ye Huang to actually have two, it is really a heavenly destiny!”

The person on the other side sighed softly.

“The combat power of the two divine bodies is terrifying, the superposition of these two divine bodies can make Ye Huang’s combat power soar more than double, and he can definitely compete with the quasi-immortal emperor who broke the two extreme realms, no wonder Ye Huang has the confidence to provoke Wu Tianhua!”

Jiang Yuan shook his head slightly, “However, if this is the only case, it will be difficult to defeat Wu Tianhua. ”


In front of Odd Pavilion Street.

“Is this the double divine body?”

Wu Ning’s eyes showed a hint of curiosity.

Divine bodies are rare, and double divine bodies are even rarer.

There are so many strong people in the martial clan, but only one ancestor has a double divine body, which shows its rarity.

It’s a pity that it appeared on a person of the Ye clan, otherwise, he could consider taking it under his hand, and the double divine body still has some cultivation value.


Ye Hui’s head flew back to his body.

He looked up at the starry sky and roared excitedly: “Brother Ye Huang is mighty, kill Wu Tianhua!” ”


Before his words fell, his body flew out directly.

Wu Ning’s gaze was faint, “It’s really not a long memory.” ”



“Wu Tianhua, come to fight!”

Laugh at!

In the deep starry sky, Ye Huang shouted loudly and killed Wu Tianhua with his sword.

A sword was cut out, and the terrifying sword light seemed to split the entire vast starry sky in two, and just looking at it was terrifying.

“Dual divine bodies…”

“Oh, it’s kind of interesting.”

Wu Tianhua’s gaze was extremely calm, and when the sword light was close to him, he stabbed out sharply, carrying an incomparably terrifying power, as if he wanted to pierce the entire universe starry sky.


The tip of the blood-colored spear ejected an incomparably terrifying sharp qi, destroying the flying sword light like a decay.

The spear continued to move, and the tip of the spear swallowed a terrifying blood-colored light, and suddenly burst out a terrifying blood-colored spear, which instantly broke through the air.


Ye Huang was not afraid, and the power of the divine body completely exploded, blessing the Immortal Emperor Sword, and smashing the blood-colored spear with one sword.

His figure flashed and he killed Wu Tianhua at close range.

“Hmph, die!”

Bell ——!

Guns and swords touched, and terrifying torrents of energy swept the starry sky, and large areas of space were constantly shattered.

In the next second, Ye Huang instantly flew out upside down, and his figure flew towards the depths of the starry sky like a streamer, smashing dead ancient stars along the way.

And Wu Tianhua remained motionless, his eyes were ancient and waveless, and the terrifying collision did not affect him in the slightest, not even a single hair was messed up.

The gap between the two is high.

A moment later.

Ye Huang flew back at great speed, his aura was extremely messy, his clothes were exposed, and his figure was extremely embarrassed, at this moment, his eyes were a little unbelievable.

“This can’t be! How can you be so strong?

His eyes were fixed on Wu Tianhua, as if he wanted to see through him.

“You… You have actually broken the extreme realm of flesh and soul?!

“Impossible! How could you be so fast? ”

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