“Lian Hao, go and find out for me, what is the origin of this kid.”

The young man called an attendant and ordered.

The attendant immediately led the way to leave, and it was not long before he returned.

“Young Lord, the subordinates have already found out clearly, that prince is the new Daozi of the True Martial Emperor Clan, a real big man, you must not offend!”

The attendant said with a nervous look.

The True Martial Emperor Clan is a big figure who can be ranked with the Evergreen Immortal Kingdom, if they offend the Daozi of the True Martial Emperor Clan, no one can keep them!

“True Martial Emperor Clan Daozi?!”

Fan Peng’s face changed, how could he not know how the True Martial Emperor Clan existed.

He is not a fool, although he is usually arrogant and rude, but that is only for ordinary people who have no strength background.

For those who cannot afford to provoke the big power, he has always been respectful.

“Lian Hao, Ben Shao suddenly remembered that he went to the Xianyu Building to drink yesterday and didn’t pay yet, let’s go now.”

Fan Peng immediately stood up and walked towards the outside of the palace.

The attendant was stunned for a moment and quickly followed.

“Fan Xiaogongzi, where are you going?”

At this moment, a burly cold man stood in front of him.

Fan Peng raised his eyes, and his face suddenly became flattering.

“Isn’t this Commander Willow, I don’t know what you are looking for me for?”

The cold man glanced at him indifferently and said coldly: “Young Master Fan, my Royal Highness has an invitation.” ”

Your Highness… Second Prince? Fan

Peng’s face changed slightly, what are big people like the second prince looking for him for?

He is estimated to be a small person in the eyes of the other party, and the second prince should also be looking for his father, how can he look for him?

Don’t…… What happened to him?

“Young Master Fan, don’t let Your Highness wait for a long time, please.”

The cold man said indifferently.

“Yes, yes!”

Fan Peng nodded again and again and followed the man towards an immortal hall.


The other side.

The corner of Wu Ning’s mouth hooked an imperceptible sneer.

He is an Immortal Emperor, and if someone hits his attention behind his back, he can naturally feel it at the first time.

“There are not many people who have a grudge with me, I don’t know who it is this time…”

Wu Ning thought secretly in his heart.

Feeling a little bored following Wu Tianhua and his wife, Wu Ning told them that he planned to go shopping by himself.


A clear voice suddenly reached his ears.

I saw Murong Haoyu and Murong Lingxuan’s brothers and sisters walking towards this side.

“Hee-hee, cousin, we’re meeting again!”

Murong Lingxuan’s eyes bent into a beautiful crescent moon.

“Cousin, when did you come?”

Wu Ning asked with a smile.

“Just arrived yesterday.”

Murong Haoyu carefully looked him up and down, and said with a bitter smile: “Cousin, you can hide it from me so bitterly!”

“Why did my cousin say that?”

Murong Haoyu rolled his eyes and hummed, “Don’t play fool with me, your kid has actually broken through to the Immortal King Realm, such a big thing actually concealed us, did you treat us as outsiders?”

Wu Ning smiled helplessly, “Cousin, this matter is the little brother’s mistake, or I invite you to drink, how about making amends?”

Murong Haoyu patted his arm and laughed: “Okay, then it’s settled!”

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“And me! Cousin, and me?

Murong Lingxuan waved her small fist and looked at him menacingly.

Wu Ning smiled, “Cousin, what do you want, how about I give it to you as a gift?”

“I want Xiaobai!”

Murong Lingxuan’s eyes lit up and immediately said.

“No, no, no! Change one.

Wu Ning shook his head, Xiaobai he couldn’t give it away.

“Hmph, petty!”

Murong Lingxuan pouted cutely.

Wu Ning sighed slightly and said, “Otherwise, in the future, I will give you another immortal pet similar to Xiaobai, cousin, what do you think?”

Murong Lingxuan tilted her head and thought for a while, “Okay, for the sake of your little cousin, I will forgive you, cousin!”

Wu Ning smiled, looked at Murong Haoyu and asked, “Cousin, hasn’t your uncle cleared the customs yet?”

“Not yet, but it’s probably soon.”

Murong Haoyu shook his head slightly, and said, “Cousin, let’s lose company first, I’ll take Lingxuan to meet Uncle Tianhua, and I’ll come to you later.”

Wu Ning nodded, “Cousin, you are casual. Subsequently

, Murong Haoyu took Murong Lingxuan to meet Wu Tianhua, while Wu Ning wandered around the back garden by himself.

In fact, he was not a person, and the Water Cloud Immortal Emperor followed him like an invisible person.

Soon after.

Wu Ning came to a vast immortal lake, walked into the pavilion, suddenly felt some itchy hands, and then took out the fishing rod and prepared to fish.

Gradually, there were more and more people by the lake.

Of course, everyone else came to play, and when they saw Wu Ning fishing in the pavilion, their expressions were a little strange.

Suddenly, a woman with a graceful figure and a beautiful face walked into the pavilion with a smile.

The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor glanced at her lightly, it was just a true fairyland, the cultivation was too weak, there was no threat, so he ignored it.

“Gongzi, why are you fishing alone in the lake, how boring fishing is, do you want the little woman to play a song for you…”

the woman said with a greasy smile.

Suddenly, she seemed to stagger under her feet, and her body fell straight towards Wu Ning.


In the next instant, her body was rebounded by a huge force and flew out violently.


The woman let out a scream and slammed into the water with a pop.

But soon she flew out of the water, drenched and half-covered in her clothes, revealing fairly plump curves.

“Ahhh!! Come, someone is disrespectful! The

woman suddenly let out a scream, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Wu Ning raised his eyebrows, which one is this playing?

“Come on! Someone is rude! The

woman hugged her chest, revealing a pitiful look.

Everyone around watched the play and whispered, but they didn’t mean to be nosy.


At this moment, Fan Peng rushed to the shore with a group of people.

When the woman saw him, she immediately pounced and cried: “Young master, you have to be the master of Lian’er, woo…” Fan

Peng patted her back and comforted her softly: “Xiaolian, don’t be afraid, what happened, you tell me, young master, I will give you my life!” The

woman wiped her eyes, then turned her head and pointed at Wu Ning in the pavilion, and said angrily: “Young Master, it’s just that he wants to disrespect me!”

“He reached out and touched me, and wanted to take off my clothes, Lian’er didn’t follow, struggled desperately, and then fell into the water, if it wasn’t for the young master coming in time, I’m afraid I would never see Lian’er again, woo…” Hearing

this, Fan Peng’s face became extremely gloomy, and he looked at Wu Ning with great anger:

“Your Excellency is so daring, he dares to tease the woman of the Liang family in the imperial palace!”

“If you don’t give me an explanation today, Ben Shao will definitely tell you before His Majesty and let His Majesty be the master of the grass people!”

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