The two moved on.

The space in the inner area of the Funeral God Abyss was extremely chaotic, disorderly, and unpredictable.

Occasionally flying extremely long distances, but returning to the original point in an instant.

The two walked all the way and “parted ways” without paying attention.

One moment the Water Cloud Immortal Emperor was still following Wu Ning, but the next second he didn’t know how many billions of light years away.

Wu Ning frowned slightly, the spatial changes in this were extremely mysterious, chaotic and disorderly, treacherous and changeable, definitely beyond the Immortal Emperor level.

It is worthy of being the first fierce place in the primordial ancient world!

It wasn’t long before they encountered a terrifying beast again.

This strange beast is full of red, hideous and terrifying, scaleless and armorless, its size is not too big, only hundreds of thousands of zhang tall, but its breath is extremely terrifying, it is a strange beast that has reached the Immortal Emperor realm.


The terrifying beast’s eyes flashed with bloodthirsty light, emitted a roar that resounded through the sky, and swung its crimson giant claws towards Wu Ning and the two.

Laugh at!

A crack was cut through the incomparably solid space, but it was restored in an instant.

The speed of the giant claw was extremely fast, and it was in front of the two in the blink of an eye.

The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor’s face changed slightly, and he felt a strong threat from this terrifying beast.


Wu Ning snorted coldly, and a mediocre punch blasted out, seemingly without any waves, without any powerful power and sound.

But in the next instant, the giant claws of the crimson beast were directly exploded, and even its body was blasted out by the residual power.


The alien beast roared angrily, and an extremely terrifying aura suddenly erupted from its body, and it roared and killed the two again.

Wu Ning raised his left hand, and the Chaos Divine Hun instantly appeared in his hand.


I saw that he threw the Chaos Divine Hun into the air, the light was shining, the rules of the avenue shone on the heavens and the earth, and the Divine Hun aimed at the crimson beast, ejecting a burst of divine light, forming a colored pillar of light, instantly shrouding the beast.

Its body suddenly froze, as if it had turned into a huge statue.

The next moment, the pillar of light retracted, and the crimson beast was also swallowed into the Chaos Divine Gourd.

During the whole process, the crimson beast did not even have the slightest strength to resist.

The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor looked horrified, “What a terrifying magic weapon!” A

terrifying beast of the Immortal Emperor Realm was actually directly accepted, and he felt that even if he faced that magic weapon, he probably didn’t have any power to resist.

Wu Ning put away the Chaos Divine Gourd and a faint smile appeared on his face.

A strange beast of the Immortal Emperor Realm, the energy contained in it is estimated to be worth trillions of immortal crystals, which is definitely a big supplement.

He glanced at the space around him and punched him sharply.


The spatial barrier was suddenly punched out of a huge void black hole of billions of zhang, revealing a deep and lonely endless void.

A moment later, the shattered spatial barrier began to condense and repair quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it didn’t take long to recover.

“Interesting…” Wu

Ning raised his eyebrows slightly, the space barrier in this Burial God Abyss was far stronger than the space barrier outside, it was estimated that it could not be broken under the Immortal Emperor, and it also had an extremely strong self-repair ability.

To him, this is like a more advanced world, but for unknown reasons, the rules are chaotic and the avenue is incomplete.

“Ahhh… I fuck! Suddenly

, the Water Cloud Immortal Emperor let out an exclamation.

Where he stood, the space suddenly cracked apart without warning, and an extremely terrifying force that broke the void directly crushed one of his arms.

If he hadn’t flashed fast, it is estimated that his entire body would have been crushed!

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The Shui Yun Immortal Emperor cursed, fortunately, he only lost an arm, and his divine soul was not injured, otherwise he would really be unlucky.

It’s just an arm, just a small injury.

The remaining mist of blood and minced flesh in the air quickly gathered to the broken place of his arm, and soon a new arm grew.

But there were still a lot of blood mist and minced flesh that were swallowed by that spatial crack.

The Shui Yun Immortal Emperor looked pained.

He really hurts.

Every drop of blood in the body of the Immortal Emperor contained an extremely huge amount of energy, and he lost so much flesh and blood at once, it was like losing tens of billions of immortal crystals.

Wu Ning was speechless.

He thought for a while and said, “Shui Yun, you just stay here, you don’t have to follow the road behind.” ”


the Water Cloud Immortal Emperor looked worried, “Daozi, the core place is too dangerous, do you really want to go?”

Wu Ning waved his hand and said, “Don’t worry, I’m just looking at the edge of the core land, if I really encounter danger, I will naturally leave.”

“You must be more careful with that.”

The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor sighed slightly, and did not say more, he knew that it was impossible for him to change Wu Ning’s mind.

Wu Ning nodded, and his figure disappeared directly.

Flew straight towards the core of the Funeral Abyss.

He urged the pupil of space, instantly understood the rules of space here, and was able to easily avoid various spatial cracks and traps.

It really can’t be avoided, and it is a direct punch.

Wu Ning was unimpeded and unscrupulous in the Burial God Abyss, and the most troublesome disorder of spatial order did not hinder him in the slightest.

Boom –

Suddenly, there was a terrifying battle fluctuation ahead, the power destroyed the heavens and the earth, a large area of the void was shattered, and countless mountains were destroyed, looking like the end of the world.

It was two Immortal Emperor powerhouses fighting, and it was two Immortal Emperor late-stage powerhouses.

A purple-robed old man, a middle-aged man in a Xuan robe.


Wu Ning flashed and appeared on a towering black mountain, watching the battle between the two Immortal Emperors.

“Huh? That is…” Suddenly

, Wu Ning’s gaze froze and he found a large nine-colored divine stone.

Just below the battle between the two Immortal Emperors, in a blood-colored valley.

Three inches wide and about nine feet high, it is exquisite and clear, shaped like jade, and the whole body exudes a nine-colored divine light, which is extraordinary.

“Primordial Divine Stone!”

Wu Ning’s eyes showed a hint of surprise, he had seen the description of this nine-colored divine stone in the ancient books of the clan.

This nine-colored divine stone is called the Primordial Divine Stone, which is extremely rare and precious.

The Primordial Divine Stone is indestructible, can be immune to the erosion of the rules of the Great Dao, and has endless uses.

The most direct role is the refining tool.

The Primordial Divine Stone is definitely one of the top refining materials in the world, and it can be used to refine the top-notch Ultimate Dao Weapon.

Moreover, even if it is not refined, directly using the Primordial Divine Stone as a weapon is enough to compare with the Upper Grade Dao Weapon.

Such a large piece of Primordial Divine Stone is absolutely priceless!

Of course, the Primordial Divine Stone was such a rare treasure that ordinary Immortal Emperor powerhouses did not know at all.

“Someone is coming!”

The two great fighting Immortal Emperors soon noticed someone approaching and immediately stopped.

They looked in the direction of Wu Ning at the same time, and a trace of killing intent flashed in their eyes.

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