The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor’s eyes widened slightly, although he had seen the horror of Wu Ning’s strike as early as asking the Sword Ancient City, but Rao was so, every time he saw Wu Ning’s move, he still gave him a strong sense of shock.

Killing the Immortal Emperor powerhouse is like slaughtering chickens and dogs, and it is unreasonable to be powerful.

He had never met such a terrifying person before.

“How, are you okay?”

Wu Ning put away the Past Life Sword in his hand and turned to him and asked.

The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor immediately bowed and surrendered: “The subordinates are fine, thank you Daozi for saving us.”

Wu Ning’s gaze swept over him, and he suddenly felt that this guy’s strength was a little low.

After thinking about it, he took out a bodhi seed and threw it in front of him, “You keep this thing, and break through to the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor as soon as possible.” ”

This is … Bodhi Zi? The

Water Cloud Immortal Emperor looked shocked, feeling the mysterious aura emanating from Bodhi Zi, which made him feel like an epiphany.

“Thank you Daozi, your subordinates will definitely live up to His Highness’s expectations!”

Wu Ning bowed his head slightly and said, “Let’s go, we are ready to bury Shenyuan immediately.” ”

The Burial God Abyss is dangerous, and Wu Ning always feels that there is a great terror here, and he is unwilling to stay longer.

The two immediately flew in the direction of the exit.


Soon after.

Just after leaving the inner area, the two passed by a Qingtian Ancient Mountain.

On one of the cliffs of Nagu Mountain, dozens of strange flowers emitting a purple-gold halo grow.

“Daozi, it’s the Funeral God Flower!”

The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor’s eyes were bright, and there was a hint of fiery in his eyes.

I actually came across dozens of funeral flowers at one time, which was really a fortune!


God Flower…” Wu

Ning’s eyes flashed slightly, he had naturally heard of the great name of this Funeral God Flower.

The Funeral God Flower is a kind of divine medicine unique to this Funeral God Abyss, which can directly enhance the power of the Divine Soul.

A mature funeral god flower can allow a supreme immortal king to break the Divine Soul Extreme Realm and be promoted to a quasi-immortal emperor.

Even it has a lot of effect on the Immortal Emperor powerhouse.

This thing can be called a priceless treasure, and its value is definitely not lower than that of ordinary immortal emperor medicine.

Especially for many supreme immortal kings and quasi-immortal emperors who failed to break the ultimate realm of the divine soul, a funeral god flower is something that can make their eyes red and crazy.

However, because it was picked by many strong people, the funeral god flower is extremely rare.

Unexpectedly, they directly encountered dozens of plants.

Wu Ning’s gaze swept over the cliff, and among the dozens of Funeral God Flowers, twenty-six were mature.

Almost half.

In addition, on this cliff, there are also a large number of terrifying black crows with bloody eyes.

The strength of these black crows is extremely strong, and two of them have reached a strength comparable to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Realm.



Suddenly, these black crows hissed, and then fluttered their wings towards Wu Ning and the two.

Their calls are extremely strange, and the invisible sound waves make the space ripple, which can actually make people produce various dangerous and terrifying illusions, and also have the effect of directly attacking the divine soul.


A ghost light flashed in Wu Ning’s eyes, and all the black crows instantly disappeared.

Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed the cliff.

“It’s the Funeral God Flower!”


As one after another sounds of breaking the sky sounded, dozens of sounds appeared in the air.

The three people at the head were Wei Xun, Luo Yao, and the Ziyuan Goddess from the three top forces of the Burial Immortal Domain.

“A lot of funeral flowers!”

The eyes of the three were fiery.

So many funeral flowers, a lot more than the news they got.

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Prior to this, an Immortal King powerhouse luckily found the Funeral God Flower, but because of the powerful alien beast’s protection, he was unable to compete for it, so he bought the news.

It was precisely by virtue of the few pieces of letters left here by that Immortal King powerhouse that the three of Wei Xun were able to find this place in such a short time.


At this time, Wu Ning stretched out his hand and directly grabbed all the large cliffs.

There were still many burial flowers on it that were not yet ripe, and he naturally couldn’t let them go, and he planned to move them all directly back to his Dao Feather Immortal Palace.

“I was actually taken first!”

The three of them looked slightly gloomy, and their eyes were firmly fixed on Wu Ning’s figure.

Seeing that Wu Ning had put away all the funeral flowers, Luo Yan couldn’t bear it anymore, and waved his hand directly behind him, “Up, take this person down!” ”


Behind Luo Yao, a quasi-Immortal Emperor powerhouse immediately flew out with more than a dozen Immortal Kings, surrounding Wuning and the Water Cloud Immortal Emperor, and the mighty coercion crushed towards them.

“Boy, we are the people of the Ancient City of the Burial God Immortal Domain, if we don’t want to die, quickly hand over the Funeral God Flower!”

The Quasi-Immortal Emperor powerhouse led by him said sharply.


The Purple Iris Goddess looked at a white-haired old man behind her, and the voice transmitted and asked, “Uncle Master, what is the strength of these two?”

She frowned slightly, and found that she couldn’t see through the cultivation of these two people at all.

The old man replied, “Very strong!” That Qingyi man was a strong man in the early stage of the Immortal Emperor, but I couldn’t see through the young man’s cultivation at all.

“Can’t even you see through?”

The purple iris goddess’s gaze was solemn, this uncle was a mid-Immortal Emperor powerhouse, and even he couldn’t see through that person’s cultivation?

“Don’t act rashly for the time being, let the people of Wangtian Ancient City test it first.”


The Purple Kite Goddess nodded imperceptibly.

The people of the Great Wei Immortal Clan also did not move, and even quietly retreated for a distance.

Wei Xun narrowed his eyes slightly, and his gaze fell on Wu Ning.

He wanted to see if this person had used magic weapons to block the cultivation realm, or if he was really that strong.




The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor slapped the quasi-immortal emperor from Wangtian Ancient City in front of him on the face, directly smashing half of his head.

“Wangtian Ancient City, is it very powerful?”

“Dare to bark in front of my family Daozi, I see that you are tired of living!”

The man was stunned for a moment, then he burst into anger, “Damn it! I’ll kill you! His

cultivation burst out with all his strength, and he punched towards the Water Cloud Immortal Emperor with anger.


“Find death!”

The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor’s gaze was slightly cold, and he directly slapped him into a blood mist.

Wu Ning’s eyes showed a hint of satisfaction.

Clean and tidy, there is growth.

“Immortal Emperor?!”

Seeing this, the rest of the Immortal King powerhouses in Wangtian Ancient City were shocked.

The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor did not stop and directly wiped them all out.

Then, his gaze turned to Luo Yan.

At this moment, Luo Yan’s expression was slightly heavy, he didn’t expect that there was actually an Immortal Emperor powerhouse among these two.

However, he was not afraid of this.

An immortal emperor is just a top force in the ancient city, and there has always been no shortage of immortal emperors.

I saw that he looked indifferent and said: “Two, my father is the second city lord of Wangtian Ancient City, and the Immortal Emperor is a complete powerhouse. ”

Ben Gongzi gives you a chance, as long as you offer the funeral flower, I can ignore you killing my entourage and let you join my father’s command, how?”

Luo Yan stared at Wu Ning and the Water Cloud Immortal Emperor, as if it was an honor to have them join his father.

The Water Cloud Immortal Emperor looked at him like a fool.

“Daozi, what is this guy doing with it?”

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