The purple-robed young man’s words made the people around him extremely angry.

“What an arrogant guy, but just defeated two people, really think you are invincible?”

“In the late Immortal King, who went up to teach this guy a lesson?”

“Arrogant! Kill him! ”

Kill him!”


local Tianjiao were indignant.

A red-haired young man laughed out loud: “Hehe, do you Tianjiao of the Primordial Ancient Realm only move your lips?” Several

people beside him showed disdain.

“The Primordial Ancient Realm has a false name, but it’s just a bunch of incompetent people!”

“The Primordial Ancient Realm has declined, and it can be seen from the peerless list that our Ziwei Heavenly Realm has three Supreme Tianjiao in the top 100 of the peerless list, while the Primordial Ancient Realm is only Li Changhuan.”

“The Primordial Ancient Realm is really inferior to the next…” When

the people around heard this, they were immediately even more angry, these guys from the Ziwei Heavenly Realm were really arrogant!


In the ancient city of the heavens, many people are paying attention to the situation in the ring.

Many young Tianjiao from other worlds smiled and looked like they were watching a good show.


Located in the east of the city near the bustling area of the city center, it is the largest and most luxurious restaurant in the ancient city of the heavens, and at least a strong person in the Immortal King Realm is required to be eligible to enter.

Wu Ning took the Water Cloud Immortal Emperor into the Immortal Monarch Building, showing a trace of the Immortal Emperor aura, and then directly asked for a supreme box of the highest specification.

The wide windows are facing the direction of the ring.

“This city is really different…”

said Wu Ning with a faint smile.

With a large number of young Tianjiao from other worlds, the ancient city of Zhutian has almost become a Tianjiao holy city, and it also gathers strange things from other worlds.

Everything is vibrant and novel.

Inside a private room next door.

“Third Senior Brother, these people from the Ziwei Heavenly Realm are really too arrogant, do you want me to teach him a lesson?”

A burly young man said with a face full of contempt: “A little-known person, I don’t know where the confidence comes from to dare to be presumptuous in our primordial ancient world!” ”

There were six young men and women sitting in the box.

Hearing the burly young man’s words, the rest of the people fell their gazes on the young man in Xuan Robe by the window, and their eyes showed expectation.

They have been putting up with that group of Ziwei Celestial Realm guys for a long time!

The young man in the Xuan robe smiled faintly and said with a slight bow: “If you want to go yourself, just say it, you don’t need to go around the corner with me.” The

burly young man was overjoyed when he heard this, “Thank you Third Senior Brother, I will definitely beat that rampant guy out of and give him an unforgettable memory for a lifetime!” A

wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then he flew towards the ring.

The rest of the people were itchy and said, “Third Senior Brother, we want to go and cheer for Senior Brother Meng Yan.”

The young man in the Xuan robe waved his hand casually, “Let’s all go.” ”


Several people looked excited and immediately flew towards the ring.

Above the ring.

The purple-robed young man looked proud, staring at the crowd under the ring with a thick disdain in his eyes.

“You Primordial Ancient Realm, are there no people?”

“Zi Xiu is going to be rampant, let Grandpa I teach you a lesson!”

A loud drink, like a thunderous roar.


The burly young man landed heavily on the ring, and suddenly made a loud noise like a mountain shaking.

Immediately afterwards, a fierce aura erupted, like an awakened beast.

The purple-robed young man’s gaze condensed slightly, and he felt a strong sense of oppression from the coming person.

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“Who are you, name me! This son does not fight the nameless! The

burly young man laughed maniacally, “Listen, grandpa, I am Ten Thousand Dao Heavenly Palace Mengyan, this name will be the nightmare of your life!”

“It’s actually a person from the Ten Thousand Dao Heavenly Palace!”

As soon as these words fell, the people around the ring suddenly became excited and burst into cheers.

The super power of Tianjiao has finally come to an end!

“Hmph! Arrogant! The

purple-robed young man snorted coldly in disdain, “Strength is not obtained by playing tricks, and you have the ability to see the truth under your hands!”


Meng Yan laughed loudly, “Well said!”

“Let’s fight!”


Meng Yan brazenly struck, his breath burst out with all his strength, and one after another terrifying ferocious beast phantoms were wrapped around his fist, and he smashed towards the purple-robed youth with a punch.

The purple-robed young man did not dare to be careless, and also greeted him with a punch with all his strength.

He had heard of the great name of the Ten Thousand Dao Heavenly Palace, and even if it was placed in the Ziwei Heavenly Realm, it was a super power that was enough to rank in the top ten.

In the face of Tianjiao from this super power, he did not dare to be careless.

“Sky Collapse!”


The two fists collided violently, and the terrifying fluctuations instantly shattered a large space, and a terrifying energy storm swept through this giant arena in an instant.

The scene was extremely terrifying, and seeing this scene, many people couldn’t help but retreat a distance.

But when this terrifying energy storm hit the edge of the ring, it was directly blocked by an invisible barrier.

In fact, this ring itself is a top-notch Immortal Emperor weapon.

Even if two quasi-immortal emperors fought on it, it was difficult to shake.


The next moment, the body of the purple thunder youth suddenly flew upside down and instantly hit the transparent shield on the edge of the ring.

“It’s a bit of a bit of a force.”

A hint of surprise flashed in Meng Yan’s eyes, this Ziwei Celestial Realm guy was much stronger than he expected.

He punched with all his strength, but actually just knocked him out, without causing much injury.

“Good, that’s kind of interesting.”

A golden glow flashed in Meng Yan’s eyes, and he instantly flashed to catch up with the purple-robed young man’s body.

The world that didn’t give him a breather at all, and smashed it up again hard.

Bang bang bang——!

At this moment, the purple-robed youth was like a sandbag, being kicked around by Meng Yan, and there was no resistance at all.

“Senior Brother is mighty!”

“Meng Gongzi is mighty, kill this arrogant man!”

A loud shout of excitement suddenly sounded all around.

However, the people from the Ziwei Heavenly Realm all looked gloomy, and their arrogant faces instantly became extremely ugly.

They didn’t expect the punch in the face to come so quickly.

One moment they were still flaunting their might, but the next moment they were pressed to the ground and rubbed.

And it’s the kind that can’t fight back!

“Damn it! Gu Xiao was actually completely suppressed!

“Also in the late Immortal King, how can this guy be so strong?”

They looked at the gray-clothed man who was standing on the side and remained silent.

“Xuan Ling, please make a move later, you must severely frustrate the spirit of those people in the primordial ancient realm!”

The man in gray glanced at them indifferently, “A bunch of idiots!

“Go on your own, don’t take me with you!”


Several people were so angry that they all glared angrily, “Xuan Ling, don’t forget that you are also from the Ziwei Celestial Realm, and when you see Gu Xiao being bullied, do you still have to stand idly by?” ”

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