Wu Ning quietly let go of his divine consciousness and shrouded the entire Taichu Ancient City.

This ancient city is extremely vast, occupying a large area of stars, but the population is not large, only tens of billions of people.

It can be described as vast and sparsely populated.

Among them, most of them are “locals” born and raised in the ancient city of Taichu.

They are all descendants born from the powerhouses of the Primordial Ancient Realm.

Over the years, the scale of these “natives” has not been small.

A powerful family or sect force has been formed.

There are also many strong people.

However, Wu Ning did not find any Immortal Emperor-level powerhouses in the city.

There are Immortal Emperors in the battlefields of the heavens.

Although the Immortal Emperor from the outside world could not enter, it did not prevent the people inside from breaking through to the Immortal Emperor realm.

A different color flashed in Wu Ning’s eyes, the aura of the Dao rules in this battlefield of the heavens was extremely rich, and it was reasonable to say that the Dao Immortal Emperor should be much easier than the outside world.

This primordial ancient city has gone through endless years, and there is not a single immortal emperor sitting in it.

It’s really weird!


Without waiting for Wu Ning to think more, an extremely powerful coercion suddenly descended on the Taichu Ancient City.

“Pei Qing, get out of here for me!”

The thunderous roar resounded throughout the city in an instant.

I saw thousands of figures appear in the sky above the Taichu Ancient City, releasing coercion to cover the entire vast ancient city, with an imposing appearance.

“It’s someone from Hengyu Celestial Realm! Why are these guys here again?

“It’s not a good comer!”

Many people frowned and looked at the sky, their eyes showing panic, worry, anger and other expressions.


A young man in a red gold robe appeared above the sky, his eyes staring at the person in Hengyu Heavenly Realm, and finally fell on the man in the Xuan robe at the head.

“Canglin, last time you were released, you actually dared to come to find trouble, do you think that Ben Gongzi does not dare to kill him?”


In an instant, thousands of figures appeared behind him, staring at the Hengyu Celestial Realm people on the opposite side, and the coercive momentum poured into each other.

The man in the Xuan robe had a cold face, and his voice was cold: “If I hadn’t been attacked by you last time, how could I have lost?”

“Less nonsense, hand me that scrap!”

“Otherwise, today is your time to die!”

“Haha…” Pei Qing laughed twice, a look of disdain in his eyes.

“Want to kill me? Just by you crooked dates?

“What a big joke!”

A fierce color flashed in Cang Lin’s eyes, and he directly sacrificed a dark blue spear, and just as he was about to strike, a pitch-black ancient warship suddenly broke through the sky.

“It’s really lively, it seems that King Ben has come at the right time!”

A defiant voice came from among the ancient warships.

“Primordial Demon Clan!”

Pei Qing’s eyes showed a trace of solemnity, what were these demons doing in the Taichu Ancient City?


Just at this moment, another ancient bronze warship broke through the sky, and a blood-colored flag fluttered wantonly, exuding an incomparably majestic and domineering aura.

“This is … People from the Asura God Realm?

Pei Qing’s eyes became a little more solemn, and at the same time showed a trace of puzzlement.

First Hengyu Celestial Realm, then the Primordial Demon Race, and now even the people from the Asura God Realm came.

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These guys seem to have discussed and descended on the Taichu Ancient City one after another, what is worth them to be so excited?

Was it all for the ancient fragment in his hand?


At this moment, another whistling sound sounded through the clouds and sky.

A golden-scaled giant eagle with a body length of hundreds of millions of feet quickly shuttled through the bright starry sky, leaving countless stars behind, and flew to the sky above the ancient city of Taichu in a short moment.

On the back of this golden-scaled giant eagle lies a huge palace with golden splendor.

Many young men and women are faintly visible inside.



A beast roar resounded through the sky, shaking countless stars violently, and it seemed that they would fall at any time.

In the next second, I saw an amethyst giant beast flying across the starry sky, pulling a huge golden chariot behind him, galloping from the other side of the starry sky.

Pei Qing’s face became extremely solemn, and even the people from the Ziwei Heavenly Realm Nine Li Heavenly Realm came!

Cang Lin also stopped moving, frowning and looking at the several centaurs that suddenly appeared, not knowing why they came.

The Primordial Demon Clan, the Asura God Realm, the Ziwei Heavenly Realm, and the Nine Li Heavenly Realm, the strength of these forces must be above their Hengyu Heavenly Realm.

Moreover, the forces behind him did not belong to the strongest forces in the Hengyu Celestial Realm, and they had to be cautious in the face of these giants.

“Gu Chen, I haven’t seen it for tens of thousands of years, I didn’t expect that even you were shocked.”

Among the golden chariots of the Nine Li Heavenly Realm, a young man with a feminine and handsome appearance smiled faintly.

His name is Qian Yuan, and he comes from the Jiuli God Dynasty, the supreme overlord of the Nine Li Heavenly Realm, and he is the heir of a big man in the Nine Li God Dynasty.

Above the golden-scaled giant eagle, a purple-robed young man with a coercive face stepped out of the palace and appeared above the Taichu Ancient City.

He was followed by a large group of young men and women, Qi Yu Xuanang, at least the best among the Immortal Kings.

Gu Chen’s gaze swept around, and his voice said indifferently: “The people of the Primordial Ancient Realm bullied my nephew Guxiao, and this seat is going to ask the Ten Thousand Dao Heavenly Palace for an explanation today.

As he spoke, there was a hint of subtle killing intent in his eyes.

Gu Xiao was beaten into his lower body, and at the same time, an extremely strange force was injected into his body, which made it difficult for the destroyed “limb” to regenerate.

Such actions are undoubtedly humiliating their ancient clan!

It’s a sin to die!


Hearing this, a flash of surprise flashed in Qian Yuan’s eyes, but he didn’t say more.

His gaze looked at the people of the Primordial Demon Race and the Asura God Realm, and his face showed a faint smile, looking like he was ready to watch a good show.

“Guys, I wonder why you came to our primordial ancient city?”

Hundreds of figures appeared in the sky above the ancient city, and the dozens of people led by them were the masters of the major forces in the city.

One of the black-robed youths asked indifferently.

Gu Chen’s gaze suddenly fell on several people from the Ten Thousand Dao Heavenly Palace, “Duan Chao, hand over that kid named Meng Yan, this son is so daring that he dares to humiliate his nephew in public, this seat will kill him today!” The

blue-clothed young man headed by Ten Thousand Dao Heavenly Palace immediately laughed, “Gu Chen, you are really so powerful, you vainly tried to ask me to hand over my Heavenly Palace disciple, who are you?” Gu

Chen’s gaze was cold, and the killing intent in his eyes grew

: “Hmph! Toast and don’t eat and punish wine, this seat wants to see if your strength is as strong as your mouth.

“Shang, the people of the Ten Thousand Dao Heavenly Palace, let’s kill!”

When the words fell, many men and women behind him immediately sacrificed immortal soldiers and rushed towards the Ten Thousand Dao Heavenly Palace.

“It’s true that I can’t bully me in the Ten Thousand Dao Heavenly Palace!”

Duan Chao’s eyes were angry, and he waved violently: “Heavenly Palace belongs, kill me!” ”



A large number of powerhouses of the Ancient Heavenly Palace flew out from the ancient city and blatantly killed the people of the Ziwei Heavenly Realm.

The two sides immediately fought together, and the terrifying battle fluctuations swept the starry sky, the universe trembled, and countless stars shook violently.

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