The wound was severed, and the wound was severed.

Liu Qingxin used to travel between the mountains and forests frequently, picking wild vegetables, and occasionally suffered some injuries.

In order to deal with this situation, Liu Qingxin learned some basic first aid and hemostasis knowledge from her parents.

Liu Qingxin is very familiar with bandaging wounds.

It didn't take long.

Liu Qingxin, like an experienced doctor, successfully bandaged the wound on Gu Qingchen's chest.

After completing this step, she gently helped Gu Qingchen to a nearby huge rock and let him lean against the rock to rest for a while.

Liu Qingxin stared at Gu Qingchen beside the boulder, looking at the hideous wound on his chest and his pale face, her heart ached like a knife.

She frowned slightly, her eyes flashing with concern as bright as the stars.

"Brother Qingchen, you must wake up!"

However, at this moment.

Suddenly, many monsters roared in the rift valley.

These sounds came one after another, resounding through the sky, as if the whole valley was shaken.

Hearing the roar of the monsters, Liu Qingxin, who was guarding Gu Qingchen, turned pale like a piece of paper in an instant.

She felt a strong pressure coming from all directions.

When her eyes fell on the head of the giant snake next to her, she immediately understood why so many monsters gathered here.

It turned out that the head of the giant snake had been flowing with blood all over the ground, and a strong bloody smell filled the air.

Liu Qingxin knew that powerful monsters usually devour the essence and blood of other monsters to accelerate their own growth.

Therefore, they have an extremely keen sense of blood.

At this moment, the blood of a giant snake with the peak strength of the Jindan realm is flowing here. For these monsters, it is undoubtedly an extremely tempting meal.

When she thought clearly, she looked at Gu Qingchen who was seriously injured and unconscious. She looked around in panic, trying to find a safe place to hide.

However, the bottom of this rift was too empty, and there was no place to hide.

At this time, the only place to hide was the giant snake cave behind her.

However, the cave was pitch black, like an endless abyss.

When she got closer to it, she couldn't see anything, and an inexplicable fear surged into her heart like a tide.

She couldn't help but look back again. The figure who fainted beside her made her heart tighten - that was Gu Qingchen who was seriously injured to protect herself!

At the same time, a noisy sound came, like thunder, and more and more monsters were approaching them aggressively.

Liu Qingxin took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

And mustered up the courage to make a decision: to take Gu Qingchen and hide in the cave of the giant snake.

This might be their only chance of survival. Staying here would only be devoured by monsters.

Liu Qingxin carefully stretched out her arm and gently lifted up the unconscious Gu Qingchen as if protecting a rare treasure.

Then she gently carried him on her back.

Since Liu Qingxin's cultivation realm was perfect in the Qi Refining Stage, it was relatively easy to carry Gu Qingchen.

Looking at the dark cave in front of her, Liu Qingxin's legs were still trembling slightly, but she still took a firm step.

Turning around, Liu Qingxin's eyes fell on the Blood Sky Demon Sword that fell to the side.

She stretched out her hand without hesitation and held the hilt tightly, as if holding the last straw to save her life.

Then, she raised her head and stared at the dark cave in front of her.

She took a deep breath and secretly told herself to face it bravely.

"Don't be afraid, the monster inside has been killed by Brother Qingchen... It's just a little dark inside..."

Through self-comfort, Liu Qingxin finally mustered up all her courage and stepped into the dark giant snake cave with Gu Qingchen on her back.

The darkness was like ink, like a thick curtain, tightly covering the two of them. Only a faint light came in from the cave entrance.

Every step was full of unknowns and dangers, but Liu Qingxin did not retreat.

She held the Blood Sky Demon Sword tightly in her hand, ready to deal with any situation that might arise.


Liu Qingxin walked hard in the giant snake cave with Gu Qingchen on her back, and every step seemed extremely heavy.

She carefully avoided the rocks on the ground and the protruding strange rocks on the wall, and at the same time paid attention to the possible dangers around.

As she went deeper, the light in the cave became darker and darker.

, almost to the point where you can't see your hand in front of you.

Liu Qingxin's heartbeat also accelerated involuntarily, and she began to feel a little nervous and uneasy.

At this moment, Liu Qingxin suddenly felt that the Blood Sky Demon Sword in her hand seemed to have life.

It seemed to be able to read Liu Qingxin's inner thoughts, and the sword body automatically emitted a dark red light.

Although this red light was weak, it was particularly eye-catching in the darkness.

Liu Qingxin looked at the magic sword tightly held in her hand in surprise, as if it had its own consciousness and would help her when she needed it most.

After a moment, the red light on the magic sword body became brighter, like the flame burning on a torch.

This strong light illuminated the road ahead of Liu Qingxin, allowing her to see the surrounding environment clearly.

Liu Qingxin felt an inexplicable touch in her heart.

She realized that this magic sword was not just an ordinary weapon.

Holding it, it was like Gu Qingchen holding her hand at the beginning, giving her an endless sense of security.

The fear in Liu Qingxin's heart instantly disappeared without a trace at this moment, replaced by an unprecedented firm belief.

She held the magic sword tightly, feeling the powerful breath it conveyed, then took a deep breath, and continued to carry Gu Qingchen forward without hesitation.

Liu Qingxin carried the seriously injured Gu Qingchen on her back and trudged through the dark and narrow cave.

She held the Blood Sky Magic Sword tightly, and with the help of its faint red light, she was like a messenger looking for light in the darkness, trying to find a way out.

As they continued to go deeper, the passage of the cave became narrower and narrower. Originally, it could accommodate seven people walking side by side, but now there was only a wide space for three people.

However, at this moment, Liu Qingxin was surprised to find that a strange plant began to grow on the rock wall of the cave.

These plants emitted bursts of white light in the cave, like the twinkling stars in the night sky, making the originally dark cave gradually brighter.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Liu Qingxin didn't know how long she had walked.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she saw a pool of water not far ahead.

The clear water seemed like a pearl in the darkness, emitting a charming glow.

Beside the pool stood a green stone tablet covered with moss...

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