The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

At this time, Gu Qingchen, who was observing Liu Qingxin's trial in the sky, looked at the mother and daughter reunited in the illusion below, and couldn't help feeling a little touched, but there was also an ominous feeling.


Just then, the originally warm and peaceful scene of the mother and daughter was broken by an abrupt knock on the door.

"Dong! Dong! Dong!"

The knock on the door was rapid and powerful, as if it carried some unusual tension.

"Hey, is there anyone in here?"

"We know there are people in there, open the door quickly or we will break in directly."

A rough voice came from outside the door, revealing a hint of threat.

The old woman heard several big men knocking on the door frantically, and she comforted Liu Qingxin beside her softly:

"Qingxin, don't be afraid, just keep eating, I'll go see what happened outside."

After that, the old woman slowly stood up and walked towards the yard in a hurry.

She gently pushed the door open, with a hint of doubt and worry in her eyes.

Looking at the familiar villagers outside, the old woman looked puzzled and asked several big men around her:

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?"

"We are looking for a white-haired girl who just came in."

One of the big men answered unceremoniously.

Hearing this, the old woman was even more confused.

She didn't understand why someone would look for Liu Qingxin, and in such an anxious attitude.

"Excuse me, what do you want to do with my daughter?" The old woman asked tentatively.

At this moment, Liu Qingxin, who was in the house, heard someone looking for her, so she immediately walked out of the room.

"It's her!"

Another big man suddenly shouted loudly.

Several big men looked up and looked towards the door of the house, only to see a white-haired girl walking out from inside.

They hurriedly pushed away the old woman who was blocking them and quickly surrounded Liu Qingxin's body.

Seeing this, the old woman hurried to Liu Qingxin, used her thin body to block the strong men, and eagerly asked the reason.

"Why are you bothering my daughter?"

"My daughter didn't offend you?"

However, these big men had no mercy on the old woman who was blocking them, and even didn't bother to listen to a word of explanation, so they pushed her aside roughly.

"It's her! She brought disaster and bad luck to our village!"

One of the big men said with his eyes wide open, pointing viciously at the girl behind the old woman.

"Some time ago, the midwife who delivered her died for no reason. We thought it was strange, so we asked a Taoist priest to come and take a look." Another big man said.

"The Taoist priest told us that this girl is the star of disaster for the whole village. If we don't drive her away, everyone in the village will suffer!" Another person echoed.

"Besides, your child is the last one delivered by the midwife. When she was born, her grandparents died inexplicably. In addition, she has white hair, which is different from others. Doesn't this prove that she is the star of disaster?" Someone added.

After listening to the explanations of everyone, the old woman was stunned. Her eyes were confused and helpless, and she couldn't find any words to refute them.

At this time, a big man in the crowd stood up and said in a tough tone:

"So I need you to give us a reasonable explanation."

"Otherwise, we will expel your whole family from this village!"

Liu Qingxin, who was standing aside, heard this and felt wronged and angry.

She was about to speak to defend herself, but was stopped by the old woman in front of her with a gesture.

The old woman turned around and looked at Liu Qingxin with a gloomy face. She asked indifferently: "Qingxin, are you really a disaster star?"

Liu Qingxin answered without hesitation:

"No! I'm not!" Her voice was full of determination and grievance.

However, the old woman did not believe her words. Instead, her face became even uglier and she said coldly:

"Do you still want to quibble?"

"All the misfortunes and disasters started with your appearance."

Liu Qingxin's tears rolled in her eyes, but she still insisted on her position:

"No, none of this was caused by me! Mother, you have to believe me."

Her voice was trembling and unwilling.

The old woman was unmoved and said sternly:

"The facts are in front of you. How long are you going to deny it? You are a disaster star!"

Liu Qingxin felt extremely desperate and painful. She didn't understand why even her closest people didn't believe her.

She bit her lips tightly, tears rolled in her eyes, and finally rushed out like a flood, sliding down her cheeks.

She used all her strength and shouted loudly: "I am not a disaster! None of this has anything to do with me!"

Her voice echoed in the air, carrying endless sorrow.

That voice seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts, making people feel the pain and grievance deep in her heart.

Faced with Liu Qingxin's sophistry and lies, the old woman showed a disappointed look on her face. She shook her head slowly, revealing an unspeakable sadness in her eyes.

"Leave her to you to do whatever you want with her."

The old woman said softly, then silently moved her feet and dodged the body in front of Liu Qingxin.

Liu Qingxin's pupils suddenly shrank, and she looked at the mother in front of her who once loved her so much in disbelief.

She couldn't believe that her mother would choose to give up on her at this moment and hand her over to others to do whatever they want.

Her heart was filled with despair and helplessness, as if the whole world was collapsing at this moment.

She tried to find a familiar warmth in her mother's eyes, but she only saw indifference and determination.

The originally friendly face became so strange at this moment that Liu Qingxin felt a piercing cold.

She didn't understand why her mother treated her like this? Was it really because of those unfounded charges?

Gu Qingchen, who was watching all this from the sky, suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

At this moment, Liu Qingxin faced the familiar yet unfamiliar mother in front of her, and her ears were filled with the endless scolding of the surrounding villagers.

Her eyes, which were originally lively and energetic, became empty at this moment, as if she had lost all her vitality, and she lay powerlessly on the cold ground.

Her inner world was experiencing a terrible storm, and self-doubt surged like a tide, surrounding her tightly.

"I'm not a disaster star!"

"I'm not a disaster star! I'm not..."

Liu Qingxin repeated this sentence over and over again, as if she wanted to prove her innocence in this way.

However, every time she said it, the pain in her heart deepened, and tears slid down her cheeks uncontrollably.

She didn't understand why everyone treated her like this. Was she labeled a "disaster star" just because of some inexplicable coincidences?

She felt extremely wronged and helpless, but she couldn't find anyone to talk to.

Liu Qingxin's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally almost inaudible.

But she still persisted in repeating that sentence, as if doing so could dispel the haze in her heart.

Liu Qingxin's heart seemed to be shrouded by an invisible force, and she felt extremely confused and confused.

At this moment, the words that Gu Qingchen said to her when he left rang in her mind like a huge bell.

"Qingxin, remember that everything you see is false. Only by sticking to your heart can you not be deceived by illusions..."

This sentence kept echoing in Liu Qingxin's mind, and every word was deeply imprinted in her heart.

She whispered silently:

"Everything is false, only stick to your heart."

Suddenly, Gu Qingchen's voice sounded in her ears again, as if he was reminding her softly.

"I'm waiting for you to come out!"

This sentence was like a bright light, instantly penetrating the haze in Liu Qingxin's heart, making her eyes clear and firm.

"All this is fake... All this is false..."

Liu Qingxin muttered to herself, she raised her head and looked at everything around her with a firm gaze.

When she saw the strange mother, the confusion in her eyes instantly dissipated, replaced by clarity and determination.

"You are not my mother at all!"

"My mother will never abandon me!!!"

Liu Qingxin shouted this sentence with all her strength.

With this shout, a powerful force suddenly emerged in Liu Qingxin's hand, and a long sword wrapped in dark spiritual power suddenly appeared in her hand.

Looking at everything false in front of her, she tightly grasped the emperor sword in her hand, and swung it towards the phantom in front of her with a firm look.


With a crisp sound, the scene in front of Liu Qingxin was instantly covered with dense cracks like broken glass.

These cracks spread rapidly, and finally completely shattered, turning into countless fragments and dissipating in the air.

As the scene shattered, a mysterious and solemn voice sounded in Liu Qingxin's ears:

"Congratulations on passing the secret realm trial!"

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