The system has already informed you of this situation.

[This system has already informed you of this situation. ]

Hearing this, Gu Qingchen said with a puzzled look:

"Ah? Did you tell me before?"

[Yes, this system has already informed the host in advance. ]

In Gu Qingchen's mind, he couldn't help but recall the last conversation with the system.

[The system once again reminds the host that your chance of resurrection is only 50%. 】

Thinking of this, Gu Qingchen suddenly raised his head and asked the system:

"System, is the vibration just now a sign of failed resurrection?"

Faced with Gu Qingchen's inquiry, the system responded:

[Yes, now the host has failed to resurrect...]

Gu Qingchen: "..."

Seeing the four big words "Resurrection Failed" displayed on the system, Gu Qingchen looked helpless, shook his head slowly, and then sighed softly.


"Sure enough, you still can't have too much hope!"

"This is really the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment."

After sighing, Gu Qingchen squatted on the ground again with a gloomy face.


Demon Burial Abyss, Ruins Palace.

"Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!"

With these deafening noises, the entire palace began to shake violently.

The sound echoed in the empty hall, as if it was going to break people's eardrums.

Liu Qingxin stood not far from the formation, staring at the long sword inserted in the formation.

She took a deep breath, and walked forward step by step against the huge spiritual power explosion in front of her.

With every step, she could feel the powerful force hitting her, but she still gritted her teeth and insisted, trying to pull out the long sword.

However, just when she was about to get close to the long sword, another huge explosion hit.


This explosion was stronger than before, and even a big hole was blown out of the ground.

Liu Qingxin only felt a strong impact force pushing her back fiercely. She was blown back several times in the air before she stabilized her body.

When she landed again, she had been ruthlessly repelled eleven or twelve meters away, and could not get close to the long sword at all.

She looked at the scene in front of her, her heart full of despair.

At this time, the crystal coffin falling from the air made her heart fall to the bottom in an instant.

She widened her eyes, looked at the figure in the crystal coffin, and tears flowed down involuntarily.




She whispered in a low voice, with endless sadness and despair in her voice.

She wanted to reach out and try to pull it out, but was still pushed out mercilessly by the exploding spiritual power wave.

She used up the last bit of her strength and ran inside.

However, it was too late. She could only watch everything in front of her being destroyed by the ruthless spiritual power explosion.



Accompanied by the last deafening explosion, the whole world seemed to be torn apart at this moment.

Everything around the resurrection formation was ruthlessly destroyed by this powerful force and turned into ruins.

The golden long sword that was originally inserted above the formation also lost its former glory at this moment.

The spiritual power in the sword body quickly passed away like a tide, making it unable to emit dazzling golden light.

The entire golden sword seemed to be able to sense the death of its owner.

Its original golden sword body gradually dimmed, becoming dead white and lifeless.

The tip of the sword inserted in the formation began to change slowly, and it slowly petrified, as if the hourglass of time solidified at that moment.

As time went on, this petrification phenomenon gradually spread to the blade and the hilt, and finally the entire sword was completely transformed into a hard stone sword.

The complex and mysterious spiritual patterns and spells on the resurrection formation also disappeared in this terrible explosion.

They once contained endless power, but now they disappeared without a trace like a candle in the wind.

After the light of the formation went out, only a dead silence and darkness were left.

Liu Qingxin looked at everything in front of her with empty eyes, and walked with heavy steps to the crystal coffin containing Gu Qingchen's body.

Her eyes seemed to have lost focus, without a trace of life, as if her soul had been taken away.

Every step seemed extremely heavy, as if carrying a heavy burden.

At this time, carrying Gu Qingchen

Many huge cracks appeared on the surface of the crystal coffin.

These cracks spread like a spider web, wrapping the entire crystal coffin.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

A series of slight glass breaking sounds came from above, the sound was small but extremely clear.

It seemed to be a foreshadowing that the whole coffin would break immediately in the next moment.

The body of the entire crystal coffin was like a piece of glass that was about to break, and huge cracks quickly covered the entire surface of the crystal coffin.

The originally crystal clear crystal coffin was now full of huge cracks, and those crisscrossing cracks made it look fragile and could break at any time.

Liu Qingxin looked at the crystal coffin in front of her that was about to break, and an inexplicable fear and sadness surged in her heart.

She stretched out her trembling hand and gently stroked the surface of the crystal coffin, feeling the cold and hard touch.

Tears flashed in her eyes, and her lips trembled slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but she couldn't make any sound.

At this moment, in the moment of touch.



Accompanied by a crisp sound, the crystal coffin instantly broke into countless small pieces, completely scattered all over the ground.

Seeing this scene, Liu Qingxin squatted down without any expression on her face, stretched out her tiny hands, and picked up the coffin fragments that fell on Gu Qingchen's body.

Even if there were sharp fragments that cut Liu Qingxin's hands and bled, the blood dripped onto Gu Qingchen's body.

But she seemed to have no sense of pain, and she was still picking up various fragments by herself.

When all the fragments were picked up, Liu Qingxin saw Gu Qingchen's last smile, and tears dripped on Gu Qingchen's body involuntarily.

At this moment, she finally couldn't help crying loudly, and tears kept rolling down like beads that had broken off the string.

She hugged Gu Qingchen's body tightly, feeling his cold body temperature, and her heart was filled with endless sadness and despair.

Everything around seemed to be muted, leaving only Liu Qingxin's heart-wrenching cry echoing in the air.

Her voice was filled with endless pain and sorrow, as if she wanted to pour out all the sorrow in the world.

As time passed.

Gradually, Gu Qingchen's entire body began to slowly turn into countless points of light, like the twinkling stars in the night sky, slowly floating into the sky.

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