The enemy was in a hurry to get out of the way.

Seeing this, Su Baiqing immediately swung the long sword in his hand, and the sword flashed with cold light, stabbing at the wild boar monster like lightning.

However, the wild boar monster on the opposite side did not show any weakness. It was surging with black spiritual power, and its eyes flashed with fearlessness of the upcoming attack.



"Roar~!!! "

With the third roar, it seemed that the whole forest was shaking.

After three huge roars, the seventh-level wild boar's nostrils were steaming, and it quickly opened the sharp fangs in its mouth. Its huge body rushed towards Su Baiqing's long sword like a gust of wind.

One man and one demon, both with endless might, attacked each other.


Instantly, Su Baiqing's long sword collided violently with the fangs in the mouth of the seventh-level wild boar, making a deafening sound.

While the opponent had no time to react to the attack, Su Baiqing gathered spiritual power in the palm of his left hand, and a white long sword quickly appeared in his palm.

Raised one hand and attacked the head of the seventh-level wild boar below.


The long sword that appeared made a huge sound of breaking through the air, and attacked the wild boar's head directly under him.

Su Baiqing quickly dodged to avoid being hurt by the sword energy that he had created.


The white long sword that appeared collided with the head of the seventh-level beast, and after the two made a loud noise, the surrounding trees on the ground were broken into pieces by the scattered sword energy.

Su Baiqing looked at the long sword in her hand, and sensed that the seventh-level wild boar in the smoke was still alive, and her eyes flashed fiercely.

"This seventh-level monster's skin is really thick!!!"

She waved the long sword in her hand again, injecting more spiritual power into the sword.

The sword body flashed with white light, as dazzling as the bright stars in the night sky.

She held the hilt tightly, her eyes were firm and focused, and she immediately wanted to gather all the spiritual power in her body on this sword.

Only in this way can the strongest attack power be exerted in the shortest time and give the opponent a fatal blow.

She swung her hand hard, and a sharp sword energy flew towards the wild boar in the smoke like a flash of lightning.


This sword was more powerful than the previous attacks. The sword energy cut through the air and rushed towards the wild boar with powerful force.

The wild boar just came back to its senses from the huge attack just now, and immediately felt a new threat.

It tried to dodge, but it was too late.

The sword energy hit its body, making a dull sound.

The wild boar's body was immediately torn open by the sword energy, and blood gushed out.

However, at this moment, the black mist attached to the surface of the other party's body immediately reacted. .

At the wound on the wild boar, the black mist gathered around the wound and flowed quickly, injecting into the wound like a living thing.


After a roar, in the blink of an eye, the originally hideous wound healed miraculously, leaving only a faint trace.

This scene not far away made Su Baiqing's eyes widen, and a trace of shock and fear flashed in her eyes.

She had never seen a monster with such a strong recovery ability.

At this moment, Su Baiqing suddenly noticed that other monsters not far away were rushing towards him, and the sound of footsteps became more and more obvious not far from his body.

Feeling the increasing breath of the surrounding monsters, Su Baiqing realized that he was about to face a siege.

"It seems that we have to speed up, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

She quickly thought of a countermeasure in her mind.

"If I delay any further, the situation will only become more and more unfavorable to me."

Su Baiqing knew that time was running out and he could no longer hesitate.

After careful consideration, Su Baiqing decided to act decisively.

She raised the long sword in her hand and waved the sword energy in all directions.

"Swish~! Swish~! Swish~!......"

Accompanied by sharp sword sounds, the long sword in Su Baiqing's hand swung faster and faster, and each sword was accompanied by a sharp sword energy.

Like a powerful storm, it attacked the surrounding monsters directly.

These sword energies were like sharp blades, ruthlessly cutting the air.

Wherever the white sword energy passed, the monsters were repelled one after another, and some did not dodge and left deep scars on their bodies.

However, this did not stop them from continuing to attack Su Baiqing, and the blood that flowed out instead aroused their stronger fighting spirit.


While watching the monsters resist the sword energy, Su Baiqing quickly took out a sixth-grade "Breakthrough Pill" given by Li Yaoxuan from the storage ring between her right fingers and swallowed it.

This pill flashed with a faint light, as if it contained endless power.

When Su Baiqing swallowed it, a powerful medicinal power instantly spread throughout her body.

Suddenly, a layer of white spiritual power appeared around her body, like a blooming white lotus.

At the same time, her aura also changed dramatically, and her cultivation level immediately increased from the early stage of the Cave Void Realm to the early stage of the Mahayana Realm.

Moreover, as her cultivation level increased, the sword intent emanating from her body became more and more sharp and powerful.

This sword intent seemed to be able to penetrate all obstacles and make the enemy unable to resist.

"The effect of a pill is only five minutes, and we must quickly deal with the monsters here."

Su Baiqing looked at the monsters behind him who were constantly approaching her body with a serious look.

She knew that time was running out. If she couldn't resolve the battle as soon as possible, she might be in danger when the effect of the elixir wore off.


At this moment, in the air not far from the battlefield, a huge eighth-level griffin was quietly flying in the air, its wings flapping slightly.

Beside it, there was a ball of black mist, like a ferocious beast, exuding a palpitating breath.

The eighth-level griffin saw the fierce battle between the humans and the monsters below, and it turned its head and asked the black mist beside it:

"Ancestor, why don't you just kill all those hateful humans?"

"This way, a lot of trouble can be saved."

When the black mist heard the words of the eighth-level griffin, a strange laugh came from it.

The laugh was like the scream of a night owl, which made people shudder.

"Hehehe... I want to give the children a chance to exercise. When they get out of here, they will become stronger."

"By then, wouldn't it be better to catch all humans in one fell swoop?"

The voice of the black mist was full of coldness and cruelty.

"After all, after hundreds of years, our tribe is not as strong as before."

Looking at the monsters below who were tightly besieging the humans, the black mist continued:

"These humans are our best whetstones, which can help us restore our strength."

"When we break the seal and get out, we can kill as much as we can and let the world fall into fear again."

After that, the laughter in the black mist became more and more eerie and terrifying.

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