
The big boss received the telegram from General Peng, and his expression became serious. He lit a cigarette, blew out smoke rings, and asked:”What do you think about this matter?”

Chief of Staff Nie:”Just as General Peng analyzed, the US military hopes that our army will march south and fight with our army on the plains. It is not even ruled out that the US military will repeat the old trick: another Incheon landing!” General Xu

:”At present, our army’s front line is too long, and logistics is also a problem.……”

Commander Ye:”Boss, I forgot to tell you that our army has just developed a transport aircraft that can transport 22 tons of supplies at a time, and the first batch of supplies has arrived at the front line!!”

Big Boss:”Oh? Comrade Jiang Chen is really great… He has solved another difficult problem for our army, and his contribution is indispensable!”

“With transport aircraft, our military logistics transportation has an additional guarantee……”

Trucks and airplanes can be used for transportation, from single to multiple

?Boss:”Jiang Chen deserves half of the credit for the victory of Peninsula. Boss, we must all remember……”

“Don’t worry, I have asked someone to register it. When the moment of reward comes, Jiang Chen’s military exploits may be awarded the rank of general…hahaha!” The big boss said with relief.

At present, the war situation requires that Jiang Chen’s safety must be well protected.

Commander Ye:”By the way, speaking of Jiang Chen, I heard from Yang Hucheng that there are many more enemy spies of the Guo Party in Shenyang. It seems that they are targeting Jiang Chen and the 101 Arsenal!”

The big boss:”This is a very serious issue… Jiang Chen’s safety and the 101 Arsenal cannot have any mistakes!”

Hearing this, the boss’s expression tightened:”It’s okay, Jiang Chen is our national treasure. Order Yang Hucheng to ensure Jiang Chen’s safety even if he has to use up an entire division.”

Commander Ye:”I have already given an order to Yang Hucheng, Boss. What I mean is: one guard regiment can no longer guarantee the safety of Shenyang. Otherwise, add 10 more soldiers?”

The big boss thought for a while, then said:”Let Boss Lin go……”

General Lin’s reputation spread far and wide, and his presence could intimidate the enemy.

During the civil war, the Guo party was so frightened when they heard that”Lin Biao is coming.”

Looking back on his life, it must be said that he was a genius in combat. He joined the army at the age of 19, became an army commander at the age of 23, and participated in countless battles of all sizes. He even participated in two of the three crucial battles of the War of Liberation.

General Lin was best at fighting the weak to defeat the strong. He was invincible and had the title of”General of Ever-Victory.”

Even the bald man who was his opponent loved and hated him. On the one hand, he affirmed his ability, and on the other hand, he hated that such an outstanding military genius was not used by him.

Even Stalin wanted to exchange 15 Russian generals for General Lin, which shows how awesome he was.

If he arrived in Shenyang, he would definitely be able to intimidate the Guo party’s minions.

Now, General Lin is recuperating in Qingdao because of his poor health.

General Lin:”Okay, I’ll arrange it immediately.……”

The general:”For the situation on the peninsula, my suggestion is to continue to send volunteers and prepare for a long-term war with the US military!”

The volunteer army on the peninsula cannot defend the 38th parallel with its troops, and will encounter the US armored forces and an open area if it moves south…

In this case, send the third batch of volunteer soldiers to North Korea to resist the US and aid Korea.

In the end, everyone discussed the general’s proposal, and the results are as follows.

In order to crush the enemy’s intentions, persist in long-term combat, and achieve the goal of eliminating a large number of enemies and completely solving the peninsula issue, it is decided to adopt a policy of rotating combat in Chaoxian…

The 9 armies and 30 divisions currently fighting in Chaoxian will be used as the first batch of volunteers. The

3 armies of the 19th Corps, the 20th Corps, the 3 armies of the first batch of the Second Field Army transferred north, and the 47th Army, a total of 9 armies and 27 divisions, will be used as the second batch of volunteers, and will arrive in North Korea in February and March.

The 4th Army of the 13th Corps will stay in Pyongyang and its north and south areas for replenishment as a temporary reserve for the second batch of troops.

And prepare to join the 3 armies of the Second Field Army that opened north for the second time in March, and the two armies of Dong Qiwu Corps, a total of 9 armies and 27 divisions as the third batch of volunteers. When needed, they will change shifts with the second batch of volunteers.

According to the plan, the 19th Corps of the People’s Liberation Army crossed the river from Andong and Changdian River Mouth to North Korea as the third batch of volunteers, and the number was changed to the 19th Corps of the Volunteer Army.

It is worth noting that after the end of the Peninsula Campaign, the 19th Corps was given a secret and great task: based on the organs of the 19th Corps of the Volunteer Army and the Volunteer Army Engineering Corps Command and Logistics 2 Division, a special engineering command was established, which was under the control of the Military Commission Engineering Corps and exercised corps-level authority.

Subsequently, he entered the northwest desert and commanded more than 100,000 construction troops to carry out the top-secret 0029 Project (missile test site), 0673 Project (nuclear weapons test site) and 0674 Project (nuclear weapons storage depot) construction.

This is a great force.

The 19th Corps, under the jurisdiction of the 63rd Army, 64th Army, 65th Army and other 3 armies, with a total strength of about 120,000 people.

However, the equipment of the 19th Corps was what the big bosses were most worried about at this time.

Because the advanced weapons such as the 49-type rifles and 107 rocket launchers produced before were equipped with the first and second batches of volunteers entering North Korea.

At present, the weapons of the 19th Corps are still made in various countries. There are 110 types of guns and artillery alone, and as many as 82 calibers, and there are 13 calibers for rifles alone.

The origins include not only Eagle Sauce, Japanese and John Bull, but also Hans Cat, Mao Bear, Gallic Chicken, Italy, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Romania, Brazil, Argentina, Peru and more than 20 other countries, almost including all industrial countries at that time.

These guns are of various models, calibers, no complete series, and no supporting industrial support.

Therefore, the supply of ammunition is out of touch with guns and artillery, and there are guns and artillery without ammunition, which brings great pressure to logistics supply.

In addition to the disorderly models, the 19th Corps is also very short of heavy weapons, and tanks and heavy artillery are scarce.

During the liberation period, although our army (the entire People’s Liberation Army) seized tens of thousands of artillery pieces, more than 80% of these artillery pieces were mortars, and they were mainly 60mm caliber. Due to the extreme lack of artillery pieces, our army even counted grenade launchers as artillery pieces in statistics.

Among the remaining artillery pieces, the caliber is also concentrated in mountain artillery and field artillery with a caliber of 70-100mm.

Artillery pieces with a caliber of more than 100mm are absolutely precious in our army. Including 120mm mortars, the entire army (the entire People’s Liberation Army) has only about 500 pieces.

As for the most advanced Eagle Sauce M1 155 howitzer equipped by our army, there are only 35 in the entire army (the entire People’s Liberation Army).

But even with such a shortage of artillery pieces, our army still faces an important problem, that is, the lack of artillery shells, and some artillery shells cannot be made by our army, or the performance of homemade artillery shells is insufficient.

Moreover, some advanced artillery lacks accessories, and often cannot be repaired if they are broken, and can only be put in the warehouse to eat dust.

Therefore, there is no way to replenish the 19th Corps.

Boss:”Boss, if we let the 19th Corps go to Chaoxian like this, it would be extremely irresponsible to them.……”

The general manager nodded and asked,”Commander Ye, does the 101 Arsenal still have standard rifles in stock?”

Commander Ye, as the deputy minister of the Ministry of National Defense, is in charge of armaments and research and development.

“The last time the Ninth Corps entered North Korea, it had already emptied the arsenal of weapons… plus our country’s raw materials could not keep up in time… the arsenal had to ensure ammunition for the front line while also producing weapons, so the production pressure on the arsenal was enormous!”

“Comrade Jiang Chen is really in trouble!” The big boss felt a little distressed.

Boss:”Indeed, the Ninth Corps was temporarily deployed to North Korea at that time, so the materials and ammunition were directly transferred from the arsenal… I know this, the stocks of the 101 Arsenal and Shenyang Arsenal were all emptied!”

The Ninth Corps consists of three armies, the 20th Army, the 26th Army, and the 27th Army, with a total strength of about 150,000.

The Ninth Corps was originally planned to be the main force for crossing the sea to attack, so the three armies of the Ninth Corps each have four divisions, which is one more division than the average army. It can be said that they are strong in both men and horses.

The Ninth Corps entered North Korea earlier than planned, because the”United Nations Army” on the eastern front was progressing faster at that time, and was separated from the main force of the”United Nations Army” on the western front by the Wolf Forest Mountains.

The Central Committee believed that this was an excellent opportunity to strike the”United Nations Army” on the eastern front, so it required the Ninth Corps to enter North Korea urgently in advance and be deployed on the eastern battlefield.

Also because of the early entry into North Korea, the original change of equipment in the Northeast became very hasty.

General Xu:”At that time, thanks to the support of Comrade Jiang Chen’s inventory, otherwise, the Ninth Corps encountered a once-in-a-century cold weather, more than 40 degrees below zero, and I really don’t know how many non-combat casualties there would be!”

According to the development of history, because the Ninth Corps entered North Korea ahead of schedule, the original plan to refit in the Northeast was hastily cancelled, resulting in the Ninth Corps fighting without sufficient logistical support, and a large number of non-combat casualties due to freezing and starvation. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) The

Ice Sculpture Company also came from this corps.

Big Boss:”Jiang Chen saved hundreds of thousands of volunteers. If it weren’t for him, the volunteers’ quilts, warm clothes, military rations, compressed biscuits, etc., when the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea broke out, we couldn’t even guarantee these basic things.……”

At this time, the big boss couldn’t find words to describe his praise for Jiang Chen, because he was too great.

Chief of Staff Nie:”Boss, you may not know that Jiang Chen’s contribution is far more than this. He also involves medicine and education.……”

Big Boss:”Oh? How come I don’t know?……”[]

“Jiang Chen keeps a low profile, he doesn’t want anyone to know……”

“Tell me quickly, what has Jiang Chen done in medicine and education? ?”The big boss and the boss were very interested.

Chief of Staff Nie:”In medicine, Jiang Chen made a breakthrough in penicillin technology and made a huge contribution to the mass production of penicillin in our country!”

“Under his leadership, and with the cooperation of Wang Luyao from Northeast Pharmaceutical, the mass production of penicillin in my country has reached 500 boxes per day… breaking the Western blockade, bringing down the price of penicillin, and completely solving the problem of the difficulty of Chinese people getting medicine.”

“He saved countless lives of volunteer soldiers…his merits are immeasurable!”

Chief of Staff Nie’s calm narration evoked some scenes of the Anti-Japanese War period by the general and others.

During the Anti-Japanese War, penicillin was hailed as a miracle drug, and its price was comparable to gold. The Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army could not afford it at all.

How many soldiers lost their hands and feet because of wound infection and could not be disinfected in time?

How many 813 soldiers lost their lives because of a small wound?

Along the way, the general and others saw too much.

I was deeply touched.

The general:”Jiang Chen really did something for the people of the whole country, and his contribution is indispensable!”

Penicillin is not only an urgent need in war, but also an anti-inflammatory for ordinary people with colds and fevers.

It is no exaggeration to say that Jiang Chen made penicillin mass-produced and industrialized, extending the life expectancy of ordinary people across the country by several years.

Such merits cannot be expressed in a few words?

Chief of Staff Nie:”Of course, Jiang Chen’s contribution is far more than that… In my opinion, his contribution to education is even more godfather-level!”

“He created various scientific research centers and invited outstanding students from all over the country to study there.”

“Jiang Chen assigns a topic and asks them to research and learn… In this way, he passes on his lifelong learning to students.”

“This is an intangible wealth!”

Only by copying and managing at every level can scientific talents be passed on.

Today we have Jiang Chen, but what about the next generation? What about the next generation?

Chief of Staff Nie:”Do you know Comrade Huang Yuhua? He is Jiang Chen’s student, and now he is taking over the research and development of Rabbit’s first warship on behalf of Jiang Chen… This is the power of Jiang Chen!”

“Not only can he build warships and tanks himself, he also teaches his students……”

The most important thing is that he has trained various types of talents for the country for nearly fifty years, so that there will be no shortage of young talents.

One Jiang Chen is not scary, the scariest thing is to have ten or a hundred Jiang Chens.

Such power is endless.


After listening to Chief of Staff Nie’s words, the big boss and others took a deep breath:”I didn’t expect that Comrade Jiang Chen has contributed so much to our country invisibly!!”

“He is truly a peerless talent!”

Boss Qi:”That’s right, Jiang Chen’s achievements are unmatched in the entire army, and his knowledge is comprehensive. Such a talent is rare in a century!!”

“You and I are in the midst of a major change that has not happened in a century. It is a blessing for you and me to meet a talent like Jiang Chen to assist us!”

Big Boss:”It seems that in our lifetime, we can see the Chinese nation stand at the top of the world’s nations!”

“This life… is enough!!”

At this moment, everyone seemed to see the prosperous rabbit in their minds, standing on the top of the world, looking down on the heroes… their hearts were filled with emotion.

The big boss walked to the office, picked up the red phone, and quietly dialed the number of Jiang Chen from the 101 Arsenal.……


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