Flying at supersonic speed.

It cannot be intercepted, and there is no weapon to stop it.

Is it a nuclear bomb?

Precision bombing within a thousand miles, hitting whatever you point at!

After connecting several data together, Ridgway and others were all stunned, and their cognition was completely opened.

If it is true, there are too many things that can be done about it.

Hockley:”One bomb destroyed the entire Busan base. I can’t think of anything else except nuclear bombs.”……”

Lieutenant:”General, whether the rabbit used a nuclear bomb… the front-line chemical defense troops are still investigating, I believe there will be results soon.……”

Ridgway:”No matter what, once the Rabbit missiles are launched, we will be completely defenseless… Now I finally know the purpose of the Rabbit reconnaissance planes appearing on the peninsula… It turned out to be a reconnaissance target.……”

Hockley:”What? Reconnaissance… If I remember correctly, the rabbit reconnaissance plane flew over the peninsula for five or six hours… Doesn’t that mean our deployment, logistics base, and UN headquarters… are all exposed!”


As soon as these words came out, everyone’s hair stood up.

If the rabbits attacked the UN headquarters, they would be dead bodies now!

Ridgway:”The rabbits are too cunning. They left the UN headquarters alone and attacked Busan instead.……”

“What did we lose this time?”

“Report, General, hundreds of tanks, 500 tons of supplies, three 10,000-ton cargo ships, two aircraft carriers including the John Bull… and 50,000 to 60,000 American soldiers killed and wounded.……”

Ridgway:”The Rabbits are really ruthless… I really want to know which Rabbit officer commanded this bombing.……”

Instead of bombing the UN headquarters, they bombed Busan.

You know, if the UN headquarters was bombed, then the Peninsula Campaign might be over.

Obviously, the rabbit did not want to end this battle.

This made Ridgway gasp:”What exactly is the commander’s intention?” To wipe out all the Eagle Sauce soldiers?

In fact, since the end of the fourth battle, Ridgway knew that the Eagle Sauce would not get any benefits on the Peninsula. As the war progressed, the rabbit’s advanced weapons appeared on the Peninsula one after another, and gradually… Ridgway discovered that the rabbit did not want to win this battle… He wanted to eat up the Eagle Sauce’s elite troops…


Thinking of this result, Ridgway couldn’t help but feel a chill in his heart… So cold…

Not to win, but to annihilate…

The rabbit’s ambition is too big!

Immediately, Ridgway reported the news to Congress


Rabbit Soldier Headquarters,

Commander-in-Chief:”How was it? Was it bombed?”

“Commander, don’t worry, the commander-in-chief has issued an order to use missiles to bomb……”

“Missiles?” Commander-in-Chief:”Is it the missile that bombed the bald warship? ?”

“No, that was just the Guard-2 rocket launcher… The missile was launched directly from the Shenyang military base, entered the atmosphere, flew at supersonic speed… dropped from the sky, and bombed the enemy within a thousand miles… This was the first battle of the Dongfeng missile… I don’t know what the situation is?”

“Jiang Chen’s products must be top-notch!” The commander-in-chief had great confidence in Jiang Chen:”Don’t worry, it will definitely succeed.……”

As expected.

Secretary Liu came in excitedly holding a telegram:”Commander, good news, just now our army’s missiles bombed the Busan base, killing more than 50,000 Eagle Sauce people, damaging three 10,000-ton cruise ships, sinking two aircraft carriers, and destroying 5 million tons of supplies… Now, the entire logistics of the Eagle Sauce has become a mess!”

“Hahaha!” The commander-in-chief smiled excitedly after hearing this:”I’m right… I knew that the missile developed by Jiang Chen would work!!”

“Within a thousand miles, one shot hits the target, precise bombing… Haha, that’s great!”

Chief of Staff:”Commander, you still know Jiang Chen well. With him around, there will be no accidents… Since the outbreak of the Peninsula Campaign, Jiang Chen has made countless contributions… Commander, do you think we should apply for military merit for him?”

“Of course, with Jiang Chen’s military achievements, he should be awarded at least a general rank… Report the battle situation to the headquarters immediately, and make the commander-in-chief and his men happy too!!”

“OK, I’ll do it right away.……”Secretary Liu ran out excitedly


At the same time.

Eagle sauce, the White House.

Eagle sauce has always adopted an arrogant and indifferent attitude towards peace talks, with the goal of regaining the dignity of the empire on the battlefield of the peninsula.

At the same time, it increases bargaining chips for negotiations.

Of course, if you want to win on the battlefield, you must continue to invest, and in this regard, the Eagle sauce is very disgusted at home.

In order to achieve his own goals, Truman, against all odds, continued to invest various materials into the peninsula.

Just when Truman imagined that Ridgway took these weapons and ammunition and killed all on the peninsula.

Stilwell walked in with a serious face:”President, something big happened… Just now, the rabbit used missiles to carry out a large-scale bombing of Busan, resulting in the destruction of the Fuso base… Armaments, personnel, aircraft carriers, warships, and 10,000-ton cargo ships… All gone!”

“What?” Truman stood up excitedly:”You said that the supplies that were just shipped over… are all gone?”

“Yes, all five hundred tons are gone.……”

“Falk……”Truman angrily smashed the things on the desk:”This damn rabbit…Fuck…Fuck……”

Stilwell:”According to the intelligence Ridgway has, the missile launched by the rabbit has reached supersonic speed. With our current air defense system, it is impossible to intercept the missile.……”

“This time, the rabbit used five Dongfeng missiles to bomb Busan, and each one hit the target accurately… If the rabbit mastered the atomic bomb, its power would be even greater.……”

Stilwell’s remarks shocked everyone.

Long range, great power, high speed… The key is that no air defense weapon can intercept it! What if the Dongfeng missile carries a nuclear bomb?

The consequences would be disastrous.

The missile was put into combat for the first time and achieved good results, which completely woke up the Eagle Sauce.

At this moment, Truman had realized the role of the missile and its power.

“I didn’t expect that the rabbits already have missile technology… and have already put it into actual combat.”

Stilwell:”If the rabbits have warships, it will directly threaten the homeland… Our top priority is to develop a new air defense system to resist missile attacks… At the same time, we should increase research on missiles.……”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s spine went cold. There are too many potential dangers.

It seems calm, but there are actually undercurrents.

It’s just that the rabbits don’t have warships and aircraft carriers now. If missiles are installed on warships, the deterrent power will be too great.

It’s no exaggeration to say that the rabbit’s missile made the Eagle Sauce see the future, how to build an air defense system, the future development direction of aircraft carriers and warships, etc.

This bombing is of great significance. (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Before this, the air defense system built by the Eagle Sauce was generally divided into the Pacific Island Chain, intercepting enemy aircraft, aircraft carriers, submarines…

It is difficult for an enemy to break through the Pacific Island Chain… There are also close combat air defense, radar defense, and various domestic anti-aircraft guns and advanced fighter jets.

Therefore, the Eagle Sauce Ministry of Defense believes that no one can break through their air defense system, and the Eagle Sauce homeland is absolutely safe.

However, a Dongfeng missile from the rabbit broke the Eagle Sauce’s”indestructible” air defense missile.

Therefore, they must upgrade[]

It can be said that this missile was a great blow to the Eagle Sauce, and it laid a preliminary foundation for the space-based early warning system developed in later generations.

For example, the Eagle Sauce’s current infrared early warning satellites mainly include the DSP infrared early warning satellite and the SBIRS missile early warning system, which together constitute the space-based infrared system part of the land-based mid-course anti-system.

The DSP infrared early warning satellite, also known as the National Defense Support Program satellite, was put into use in 1972 and operates in a geostationary orbit at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers. It has now developed to the third generation.

The DSP infrared early warning satellite has a detection frequency of 5-6 times per minute, and can complete target identification within 60 seconds, with a transmission time of less than 90 seconds.

In the Iraq War in 1991, the DSP early warning satellite performed well. It predicted the impact area 120 seconds after the Iraqi Scud missile was launched, and transmitted the relevant information back to the local information processing center and back to the Patriot interception system in 180 seconds, providing valuable 90-120 seconds of early warning time.

The SBIRS missile early warning system (space-based infrared system) is a new generation of missile early warning system that the Eagle Sauce plans to replace DSP.

The SBIRS system was developed by the Eagle Sauce Air Force and is also an important part of the Eagle Sauce missile defense system. The

SBIRS system satellites are deployed on two orbits, with 4 satellites and 1 backup satellite deployed in the geosynchronous orbit and 2 satellites deployed in the large elliptical orbit.

0 Asking for flowers

Compared with the DSP satellite, the SBIRS system is not only much more sensitive than the former, but can also transmit data back within 20 seconds, and can complete more tasks, including strategic and theater missile early warning, boost and mid-course missile target tracking, providing technical intelligence and battlefield situation information, etc.

It can be seen that this bombing has a huge impact on the development of the Eagle Sauce’s air defense system.

At the same time, the launch of missiles also had a huge impact on aircraft carrier warships, giving the Eagle Sauce more fantasy and play.

For example, installing missiles on aircraft carrier warships can be used for close-range strikes, as well as anti-ship missiles, etc.!

It points out a direction for the future development of the entire aircraft carrier warship.

You must know that before this, all the main weapons of the world’s aircraft carriers were main guns, close defense guns, and torpedoes.

Installing missiles for aircraft carrier warships will increase their combat effectiveness by more than one level.

Truman:”How is the progress of our missile development at present?”

Stilwell frowned:”It is not optimistic at present… The solid rocket generator has been solved, and the guidance system is being considered. The use of gyroscopes is being considered.……”

“Don’t we have many missile experts? Where are they? ?”

After seeing the power of the missile, Truman couldn’t wait to make a missile.

“President, you issued a pardon order to let Miss Deqian, Guo Yonghuai and other missile experts go.……”

Truman then remembered, and his teeth were about to break with anger:”Fuck, it turns out that this is all a trap set by the rabbit… Damn it!……”

He finally understood what Kimble said: The Rabbits have brought together the three giants of the military industry, and the good days of the Eagle Sauce are over!


Originally, Truman thought he had picked up a great bargain, exchanging 20 Eagle Sauce pilots and commanders such as Walker for two people, and he made a lot of money… But now it seems… he has lost a lot.

At this time, Waters walked in quickly:”Report, President, we found it, we found it!”

“The designer of the Dongfeng missile is Jiang Chen… At the same time, the anti-artillery radar and advanced reconnaissance aircraft (U2 reconnaissance aircraft) that appeared recently on the peninsula were all designed by Jiang Chen… According to the CIA’s prediction, Jiang Chen has already posed a huge deterrent to us.……”


Truman sucked in a breath of cold air, his expression turned the color of liver.

Jiang Chen alone made the Eagle Sauce so chaotic that it was out of breath. If the three military and industrial giants joined forces, what kind of oppression would it bring to the Eagle Sauce?

Wouldn’t it be suffocating?

Truman didn’t dare to imagine it.

Waters:”I suggest assassinating him, and even paying a million to take the enemy’s head.……”

Truman felt a little distressed. After all, he only allocated one million yuan for the development of missiles, and it would cost another one million yuan to assassinate Jiang Chen!

In desperation, Truman had to sign the assassination order.

At this point, the white elephant became the number one public enemy of the Eagle Sauce.


At this time, the news that the bear and the rabbit used missiles to bomb Busan reached Stalin’s ears.

“What? The missile developed by Rabbit is put into actual combat?”

“That’s right, five missiles successfully destroyed the US military base in Busan, causing huge losses……”


Upon hearing the news, Stalin was very excited:”Haha, I knew that the power of the missile would definitely exceed our imagination… Well done to the rabbit, you have done what we have not done!”……”


The P2 missile developed by the Russian bear has never had the opportunity to be put into the battlefield, but the rabbit used it to attack the Eagle Sauce base.

This undoubtedly gave the Russian bear a drill on the power of the missile, provided a reference, and provided powerful parameters for the subsequent missile development!

“Jiang Chen is indeed a missile expert. He can carry out precise bombing within a thousand miles. His range and accuracy are better than our P2 missiles.……”

“Now the development of the rabbit is faster than we thought… It’s a bit surprising!”

Stalin:”Haha, there are rabbits biting the eagle sauce, Truman is in a headache now!”

“Good, this gives us more time to develop ICBMs……”

The first battle of Dongfeng also gave the Russians a lot of inspiration. The feasibility of intercontinental missiles, the development of anti-ship missiles, etc. were all put on the agenda…

At the same time, when the commander-in-chief in Beijing learned of the successful bombing of the Dongfeng missile, the whole audience was boiling…

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