The US troops fled in a hurry, unaware of the mines under their feet.

When the US troops stepped on the Type 50 infantry bouncing mine, the linkage device was triggered.

Dozens of mines bounced 0.6 meters high, and the delayed fuse was triggered.

The next second.

Boom… Boom… Boom… Boom…

The mines exploded directly in the center of the crowd, killing and wounding countless US troops.

Major General Hobart panicked.

“Fuck… alert… engineers, where are the engineers? Clear the mines quickly!……”

“Major General Hobart, all the engineers were killed in the explosion.”


There were mines in front and pursuers behind. Hobart’s eyes were full of despair. He couldn’t figure out how long it had been since he had just walked this road.

Buzz buzz buzz…

At this time, the low-altitude roar of bombers came from the sky.

Hobart’s face changed drastically, and he immediately ordered people to fire flares to inform the location.

It must be said that the speed of the US air support was really fast. In the blink of an eye, dozens of bombers rushed over.

Flying towards the 40th Army Volunteer Soldiers behind Hobart.

The soldiers of the entire army were exposed to the enemy’s artillery fire.

Chirp chirp… Boom boom boom…

US aircraft poured incendiary bombs and napalm bombs on the road.


, there was a sea of smoke and fire. The 3rd Company, which was at the forefront, was bombed and strafed by dozens of US aircraft in turn. The enemy infantry launched rounds of attacks under the cover of the remaining tank armor.

The roadside, which was originally densely wooded, turned into a scorched earth.

In a moment, there were less than 40 people left in the company of 180 people.

The enemy’s artillery shells exploded in rows, and trees and rocks flew everywhere.

Eight US military planes took turns strafing and dropping bombs in the air for a long time. Finally, the napalm bombs dropped down set off a fierce fire and thick smoke, engulfing the entire road.

It was originally a dense forest, but after a few hours it turned into a bare mountain, and many large trees were uprooted.

The casualties of the troops were even more shocking. A battalion of seven or eight hundred people quickly lost half of its troops.

Kong Jie was also thrown into disarray by the sudden air raid:”Damn it, I was careless!!”

“Quick, quick, hide… hide……”

“Ah, ah, ah, my hand……”The volunteers shouted hysterically.

The destructive power of napalm bombs is huge. Once covered, they will be burned alive, which is very tragic.

Napalm bombs are a kind of incendiary weapon, which is a mixture of cyclohexane acid and palmitic acid with gasoline. It has strong water absorption, so it becomes a stable and viscous fuel.

Not only that, some scientists in the United States have added metal combustion materials such as phosphorus, magnesium, and granular aluminum to napalm, and the temperature can reach 1.000-2.000C.

In order to attack targets in the water, some have added active metals such as calcium, strontium, and barium to napalm bombs. The hydrogen released by the reaction of metals and water will burn again.

After the explosion of the napalm bomb, the splashing napalm will stick to the human body like lard ointment, penetrate the skin and burn, thereby melting the muscles and tissues of the human body.

If you slap it with your hands or roll on the ground, the fire will not go out, but will roll bigger and bigger.

Generally, people who are burned by napalm bombs will struggle desperately due to extreme pain, and the napalm will be thrown everywhere, causing secondary casualties.

Because napalm bombs also add white phosphorus, a large amount of highly toxic chemicals will remain after the human skin is burned, and enter the blood through the open wounds of the burn wounds, causing blood poisoning of the wounded.

The burn surface is generally purple or blue-black. The pain of the wounded when cleaning the wound can be imagined, and the wailing makes people feel like they are in hell.

In addition, this terrifying weapon will rapidly consume oxygen in the nearby air in the air, produce a large amount of nitric oxide, and cause suffocation.

In addition to burns and suffocation, napalm bombs can also cause carbon monoxide, benzene and phosphorus poisoning in people, making the injured person unconscious.

You should know that carbon monoxide with a concentration of more than 5.000 mg/m3 can be fatal if inhaled for more than 1-2 minutes, and napalm bombs can produce carbon monoxide with a concentration of more than 20% during the combustion process.

Therefore, the mortality rate of napalm bombs is very high. Even if the burns do not exceed 10% of the victim’s body surface area, shock is still common and severe.

This is due to the long burn time of napalm, severe tissue damage, severe pain, inhalation damage, carbon monoxide poisoning, toxic effects of benzene and phosphorus, etc.

The destructive power is extremely great.

Looking at the volunteers in the fire, Kong Jie felt as if his heart was being cut by a knife:”Damn it, these beasts… Beat them!!!”

Da da da… bang bang bang!!!

The soldiers of the 40th Army were outputing crazily.

At this time, Hobart’s expression was as proud as he could be:”Haha, burn these people’s soldiers to death… Yes, that’s it, blow them to death for me.……”

Buzz buzz buzz… chirp chirp… napalm bombs were thrown at the positions of the Volunteer Army.

Not far away, Ding Wei, who was ambushing the 39th Army, looked at the scene in front of him and slapped the ground angrily:”Damn it, the US military is bullying us because we don’t have planes??”

“Come on, get me the Type 50 individual air defense missile… and kill these bastards……”

“Yes, Commander!”

50 Type 50 individual air defense missiles, hiding in the woods, locked onto the enemy US aircraft in the sky.

Thermal lock…

Target locked……


Swoosh… whoosh… whoosh… the missile flew towards the US aircraft at a speed of 2.5 Mach.

Dozens of anti-aircraft missiles formed a dense firepower network at an altitude of 3,000 meters.

Boom… Boom…

The shock wave and shrapnel formed by the explosion instantly hit the enemy aircraft.

The 8 US fighter planes that failed to dodge in time were directly killed.

Kong Jie was confused?

“Could it be this kid Ding Wei? ? ?”

Hobart was also confused?

Where did he come from ?���””Rocket”, actually shot down the plane??

The remaining planes saw that something was wrong and turned around and flew towards Ding Wei’s 39th Army ambush.

However, after the American pilots approached, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

The woods were densely packed with volunteer soldiers. There were so many of them that they had intensive phobia.

Whoosh… whoosh… whoosh…

Dozens of anti-aircraft missiles flew towards the US military’s buttocks.

The American pilots were immediately frightened and dodged, but the next sight shocked all the pilots.

“Fuck… why is this shell chasing us?……”

“Fuck… this is damn……”

The pilot cursed and dodged quickly.

However, it was useless. The anti-aircraft missile tracked the aircraft based on the heat emitted from the back. Unless the pilot stopped the aircraft or the missile’s internal engine ran out of power, there was no way to escape the missile’s flight.

“Left-hand pull……”

The American pilot wanted to”look back and pull” to get rid of the missile.

Unexpectedly, the missile had already predicted and calculated the appropriate interception route.

When the missile approaches the plane, the fuse in the warhead will be triggered, burning and causing an explosion.

Whoosh… Boom…

The explosion formed countless shrapnel, which hit the plane like raindrops.

Ding ding ding.

The plane exploded.

The plane was destroyed and the people on board died.

Chirp chirp…

One plane after another performed a”free fall” for Hobart.

They hit the ground heavily with a huge explosion. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At this moment, Hobart was stunned. He stood there stupidly with a look of loss on his face.

The only hope in his heart… was extinguished.

“The”People’s Army” actually has such powerful weapons?

The 1st Cavalry Division of the United States has gathered all the most advanced weapons and equipment of the Eagle Sauce, including tanks, aircraft, armored vehicles, heavy artillery, individual equipment including Garand rifles, and heavy machine guns including Browning M2… With such arrogant equipment, any army in the world who wants to get some benefits from the 5th Regiment of the 1st Cavalry Division of the United States will have to suffer a lot.

However, this army in front of them not only has advanced weapons, but its combat effectiveness is also many levels higher than that of the People’s Army.

“This is so weird.”

Rockets can chase planes?

What kind of magical weapon is this?

At this moment, Hobart realized that the troops in front of him were definitely not the People’s Army.[]

“Could it be that the Russian bear has joined the battle?”

Looking around the world, the only country that can fight against the Eagle Sauce is the Russian bear, so the first thing that Hobart thought of was the Russian bear.

“Fuck, hurry up and report the situation to the commander……”

“Everyone, follow me and kill……”

The 5th Regiment of the 1st Cavalry Division of the United States made its final struggle under the leadership of Hobart


Kong Jie watched dozens of planes being destroyed and almost dropped his jaw in shock:”Old Ding, you are awesome!”……”

“Ha ha ha ha……”

Ding Wei dealt with the enemy planes but did not stop the attack.

“Damn it, the US military dared���We, the soldiers of the Volunteer Army, cannot be vague.……”

“Second Battalion Commander, come on, let the US Army have a taste of our individual fuel-air explosive bombs……”


The second battalion commander commanded:”Direct companies, it’s up to you.……”

“Please rest assured, Commander, we will make sure that these little devils will be burned to ashes!!”

“Everyone, get ready!”


The soldiers of the direct company took out the Type 50 individual fuel-air explosive bomb and gently pulled the trigger at the American soldiers such as Hobart who were rushing up.


The fuel-air explosive bomb flew towards the sky above the American soldiers under the thrust of the rocket launcher.

When the fuel-air explosive bomb arrived above the American soldiers, Hobart subconsciously looked up at the sky.

“Fuck, what kind of magical weapon is this?”

At this moment, the special fuse inside the fuel-air bomb detonated the mother bomb, dispersing the fuel in the bomb evenly in the air.


The night sky was like fireworks, and the lazy and scattered light spots were like fireflies.

Hobart:”Outside? ? Is this a flare?”

“This is too bad.”

At this moment, Hobart did not forget to tease that the flares dropped by the volunteers were inferior products.

The fuel that had just been spilled quickly mixed with the air to form a suspended aerosol cloud.

Then, the cloud became thicker and thicker.

Hobart soon realized that something was wrong:”Why would the enemy launch flares at this time?”

The next second.

When the aerosol cloud reached a certain concentration, the fuse in the bullet detonated a second time in the air.


This detonation process would instantly release a large amount of���The heat energy forms a fireball of high temperature and pressure, rising like a mushroom cloud.

Its temperature is usually around 2500 degrees Celsius, and it expands rapidly at a speed of 2000 to 2500 meters per second.

When it expands to a certain point, the huge fireball devours everything around it like a devil. Whoosh who…

“Ah, ah, my face… Fuck!”

The American soldiers howled and screamed hysterically.

Let them also feel the”burning” feeling brought by the napalm bombs dropped on the volunteers.

However, the American soldiers soon stopped wailing.

Because the explosion of the fuel-air bomb will not only produce high temperature and shock waves, but also consume oxygen.

For people hiding in underground bunkers, even if they can avoid the high temperature and shock waves, they will suffocate to death due to the large consumption of oxygen. At the same time, this explosion method of fuel-air bombs can produce extremely high temperatures and powerful shock waves, while consuming a large amount of oxygen around, causing widespread damage and killing effects.

Compared with ordinary TNT explosives, fuel-air bombs have a larger explosion equivalent and stronger destructive power.

The Fifth Regiment of the First Cavalry Division of the United States was completely wiped out on March 1… without leaving a single one.

Ding Wei’s 39th Army soldiers and Kong Jie’s 40th Army soldiers looked at the powerful individual fuel-air bombs, and they were all shocked.

It was the first time they had seen such a powerful weapon.��

“My goodness, it was a mushroom cloud, more powerful than the US military’s napalm bomb”

“Yes, today was really an eye-opener!”

“The person who invented the individual cloud bomb is really a genius”

“Hahaha, with it, we are no longer afraid of the US tank charge.”

Soon, Ding Wei and Kong Jie met up.

“Old Ding, just now…thank you!” Kong Jie knew that if it weren’t for Ding Wei, the 40th Army would have suffered even greater casualties.

“Lao Kong, we are all brothers in the same trench, what are you thanking me for? ?”

Kong Jie:”Ah, it’s all my fault. I was too anxious just now, and the command was confused. I forgot that I had individual air defense missiles and fuel-air bombs!”

“Lao Kong, when it comes to this, you still have to admit that my command ability is better than yours.”

“OK, OK, OK, I know you are awesome, Old Ding! Kong Jie also followed him to argue.

“Old Ding, speaking of this, the equipment and combat effectiveness of this group of American troops are really extraordinary and tenacious.”

If there were no Type 49 automatic rifles and 107 rocket launchers, as well as individual anti-aircraft missiles and fuel-air explosive bombs, it would be a bit difficult to completely wipe out the 5th Regiment of the 1st Cavalry Division of the United States.

Ding Wei:”Yes, there are planes, tanks, armored vehicles and heavy artillery battalions… I want to see what kind of troops this is.”

At this time, a soldier came over with the flag of the 5th Regiment of the 1st Cavalry Division of the United States.

“Commander, we are fighting against the 1st Cavalry Division of the United States.……”


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