Allied Forces Headquarters.

MacArthur looked at the intelligence sent back by various departments with disbelief and a serious expression.

All the intelligence pointed to one message: the Rabbits have joined the war.

Not only have they joined the war, but they have joined on a large scale, with at least 300,000 troops.

This number is not even a little different from MacArthur’s original guess of”tens of thousands of vagrant soldiers and brave warriors.”

It shocked MacArthur directly.

Mark Genie:”General, if you had believed me at the beginning, our coalition forces would not have suffered such a heavy loss!”

“This damn General Walker… actually said it was a Russian bear? This is a huge misjudgment……”

In the eyes of all American soldiers, the only one who can defeat them is the Russian bear, because only the Russian bear dares to compete with them in the world.

Moreover, the United States and the Soviet Union are engaged in an arms race.

Therefore, in the subconscious of the American soldiers, those advanced weapons that appeared on the peninsula must have been sent by the Russian bear.


MacArthur lost his arrogance and arrogance in the past, and took a breath of cold air:”I didn’t expect that the rabbits really joined the war… I really don’t understand, a newly established country?”

“Where does the confidence come from? ?” If the rabbit sends troops, it means that he will have to fight 16 countries alone.

For the weak rabbit, this is simply impossible… The rabbit does not have that strength.

How much MacArthur sneered at the beginning, how much loss he has now.

As a rabbit, in fact, he was forced to choose to send troops.

If he could choose, the rabbit is the country that least wants to fight in the world.

It was… MacArthur!

It was he who arrogantly thought that the battle could be ended in”957″ months!

It was he who arrogantly thought that if the rabbit joined the war, he would beat the flower-growing countries back to the Stone Age.

It was he who repeatedly provoked the bottom line of the flower-growing countries, and was crazy and madly courting death.

He would not live if he courted death.

MacArthur would never know, What does the Yalu River mean? It is not only the border line of the Flower-Growing Country, but also the dignity of the Rabbit.

MacArthur will never know what the Northeast means to the Rabbit.

When the Rabbit was first established, all the heavy industries and all the”family assets” of the Flower-Growing Country were in the three northeastern provinces, which bore all the GDP of the Rabbit.

Once the US military approaches the Yalu River, it means that the Northeast will be under enemy fire.

In this way, the”family assets” of the Rabbit can be destroyed at any time.

How can the Flower-Growing Country tolerate this? ? ?

Therefore, after the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the industrial layout of the Northeast underwent a huge transformation. All industries moved inland, causing the original Northeast industrial base to become a large agricultural province.

GDP also changed from the hands of the whole country to the poorest province.

Mark Genie:”General, now we have to admit that the Rabbit’s combat effectiveness is very strong. Our US 1st Cavalry Division, Turkish Brigade, and British 29th Brigade were all defeated by the Volunteer Army.……”

The Turkish Brigade was an infantry brigade of more than 5,000 people sent by the Turkish government to participate in the”United Nations Army” during the Korean War.

The brigade was a relatively tenacious force in the”United Nations Army”, but it was defeated as soon as it fought with the Volunteer Army.

This battle was guarded by a reinforced battalion and a howitzer battalion of the Turkish Brigade, attempting to block the Volunteer Army and cover the retreat of the US troops on the western front. The

342nd Regiment of the 38th Army of the Volunteer Army was the main attacker, and the 340th Regiment cooperated.

The 3rd Company attacked the hilltop with a dispersed group.

However, the defenders relied on cliffs and locked the way forward with machine guns.

After 30 minutes of fierce fighting, the Volunteer Army occupied all three high grounds in the east, west and north of Yangzhan.

The Turkish Brigade attempted to retreat, and the 1st Company of the 342nd Regiment of the Volunteer Army joined the battle in time, forming a four-sided encirclement of the Turkish Brigade. After a fierce battle, the enemy was completely wiped out, and a total of 0 people from the Turkish Brigade were killed.

For the Turkish Brigade, this battle suffered a lot of losses.

The 29th Brigade of the British Army, established 150 years ago, is an ace unit with a long history.

Its history can even be traced back to the period of King George III of John Bull in 1793.

At that time, Britain and France were fighting fiercely for colonies in various countries around the world. John Bull itself is an island country, and naval warfare is its expert, but the traditional army is not really the strong point of the British Army.

This is precisely the advantage of the Gallic chickens. Therefore, in order to deal with the Gallic chicken war at that time, the John Bull Army formed two regiments, namely the 83rd Regiment and the 86th Regiment, and this regiment was the main force in the confrontation between Britain and France. In

1881, in order to meet the needs of the war, the John Bull authorities decided to merge the two regiments into one regiment, namely the Royal Irish Rifle Regiment.

And this Royal Rifle Regiment was even more dazzling during World War II: during the Dunkirk evacuation, the Rifle Regiment was ordered to serve as a guard to block the German army, and their commander at the time was the later John Bull General: Montgomery.

In the Normandy Landing in 1944, the Royal 29th Brigade fought with the Allied forces to the Hanscat border, which can be said to be a glorious military achievement.

When the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea broke out, this rifle regiment was incorporated into the British 29th Brigade.

John Bull sent three infantry brigades to the battlefield of Chaoxian, namely the 27th Infantry Brigade, the 28th Infantry Brigade and the 29th Infantry Brigade.

The 29th Brigade is composed of the Royal Rifle Regiment, the Royal Heavy Tank Battalion, and the Royal Gloucester Battalion.

John Bull’s Gloucester Battalion is a special force with a long history.

So before fighting with the Volunteer Army, the battalion had arrogantly clamored that”one of our battalions can destroy a regiment or even a division of the Volunteer Army.”

Unexpectedly, a battalion was killed by the Volunteer Army.

If it hadn’t run fast, the 29th Brigade would have suffered even greater losses.

But even so, it was enough to refresh Mark Genie’s cognition.

Mark Genie:”This is a rifle that our army captured with great difficulty… Its firepower, controllability, and accuracy… Its comprehensive capabilities are much better than our M1 Garand rifle!”

The M1 rifle is one of the best combat rifles of the US military.

The original design began in 1921.

After the initial design was completed, it took more than ten years to change the design of various details to meet the ever-changing design requirements of the US Army.

After a long period of repeated modifications, the design was finalized and mass production began in 1936.

However, after it was put into production, it was once again significantly modified.

It was not until 1940 that it officially became the modern M1 Garand rifle.

The caliber is 7.62 mm, the initial velocity is 865 m/s, and the rate of fire is 30 rounds per minute.

At present, most of the US Army on the peninsula are equipped with M1 Garand rifles.

MacArthur looked at the Type 49 automatic rifle in disbelief.

Mark Genie:”General, do you know what its rate of fire is? At least 400 rounds per minute……”

The firing rate of the Type 49 automatic rifle is 750-900 rounds per minute, and the effective range of the gun is 600 meters.

What? 400 rounds per minute? You call this a rifle?

The submachine gun also has this firing rate.

The submachine guns equipped by the US military mainly include the Thompson submachine gun and the M3 submachine gun.

The theoretical firing rate of the M3 submachine gun is 450 rounds per minute.

The firing rate of the Thompson submachine gun can reach 700-800 rounds per minute.

In other words, the rabbit’s rifle can be compared with the US military’s Thompson submachine gun.

This scared MacArthur. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Mark Genie:”Every soldier of the rabbit has a rifle like this.”……”


Upon hearing this news, MacArthur showed a shocked expression:”Where did the rabbit get such an excellent rifle?”

“It must be aided by the Russian bear.……”

With the rabbit’s industrial base, it is impossible to produce such a sophisticated rifle[]

These weapons are more advanced than those of the Eagle Sauce?


Mark Geni:”General, this is just one of all the weapons of the rabbit soldiers… There are also Katyusha rocket launchers (107), bouncing mines, and those unnamed sniper rifles, one shot can make infantry fighting vehicles lose their combat effectiveness, and their highly accurate anti-aircraft guns (missiles)……”

“In short… in one word, this rabbit is much stronger than we thought……”

At this time, MacArthur also discovered some clues about the Type 49 rifle:”Why does this rifle look so familiar?”

“Yes, it seems…it seems…our T44 (later renamed M14) rifle? ?”

“Yes, it’s an M14 gun……”MacArthur remembered seeing a similar rifle at a congress.

Since the bullet used by the M1 Garand was too long and too heavy, a soldier could carry too little ammunition. Therefore, in 1945, the Eagle Sauce military proposed a”light rifle research plan” and required the development of a new rifle.

Therefore, in the early 1950s, the T37 developed into the T44 test rifle, which was characterized by a redesigned appearance and an improved gas system. Further research on the T44 was the slightly improved T44E4 T44E5 (heavy barrel squad automatic weapon). After further testing and improvement.0

By 1953, the M14 gun used it as ammunition, and 7.62×51 mm was the standard rifle bullet, which achieved the standardization of ammunition and rifles, and also simplified logistics supply.

It was not until May 1, 1957 that the Eagle Sauce Army Ordnance Minister announced the official adoption of the T44E4 and named it the”7.62 mm M14 gun”. At the same time, the T44E5 with a heavy barrel was also named M15.

Since the United States implemented the”Light Rifle Research Program” in 1945, the M14 rifle has undergone 12 years of research and development, and the total investment in rifle design, development, testing and improvement has reached 6.352 million US dollars. In other words, the predecessor of the M14 automatic rifle is the M1 Garand rifle.

The results of research that cost so much money are now being snatched away by the rabbits?

It’s unbelievable.

Mark Genie took it and looked at it carefully, and took a deep breath:”Sure enough, it is not much different from our T44 gun.……”

“But, how did the rabbit know that the T44 was still under development? And how did it go into mass production?”

We are still developing it, but you guys are already in mass production?”

This surprised MacArthur and Mark Genie.

Could it be that the blueprints were leaked? Was it stolen by the rabbit or the bear?

“General, this is not a simple matter… I think our design drawings must have been leaked.……”

MacArthur:”Immediately, the Military Intelligence Department will investigate… In addition, call the flying squadron to bomb the logistics supply lines of the Volunteer Army. Since they rely on powerful firepower, we will cut off their ammunition supply.……”

“Let the rabbit see what a bombing brigade is”

“Yes, General!”

With MacArthur’s order, a huge group of 32 fighter planes consisting of US B25 bombers and P51 fighters flew towards the Yalu River.


At this time, on the country road leading to Tokugawa and Yunshan Castle, trucks were driving continuously on the winding road, and each car was covered with white cloth.

With the light snow falling from the sky, it formed a white patch with the ground, which was completely integrated.

“Hurry up… hurry up……”

45 trucks, each equipped with wireless communication, to facilitate communication between everyone.

At the same time, it is also convenient for the radar vehicle at the front and the vehicle-mounted anti-aircraft missile vehicle to communicate.

If something is wrong, stop the car immediately and disguise.

Captain:”I feel something is wrong… Let everyone hurry up… Make sure to deliver this batch of supplies!”

“3.3 Yes!”

As soon as the voice fell, a beeping alarm sounded from the radar display.

“Captain, something’s up… 32 enemy planes are flying towards us.……”

“Quick, stop the convoy.……”

Soon, the convoy stopped and then covered all sides with white cloth, and everyone hid in the car.

The radar car and the vehicle-mounted anti-aircraft missile vehicle all drove to the woods next to them and remained vigilant at all times.

The first shot would not be fired unless it was absolutely necessary. The mission of the convoy was to deliver supplies, not to shoot down enemy planes.

Buzz buzz buzz…

Soon, 32 enemy planes arrived in full, and at the same time, they performed low-altitude ground flights.

Since neither the B25 bomber nor the P51 fighter was equipped with search radar, including the MiG-15 fighter.

Therefore, all reconnaissance and bombing can only be done with the naked eye and a scope, or a camera.

As the Peninsula Campaign progressed, the US military used more advanced F86 fighters equipped with search radars.

Buzz buzz buzz…

The hearts of the soldiers in the convoy were in their throats. Once discovered, the consequences would be disastrous.

However, at this moment, a gust of wind came and lifted the white cloth covering it.

“Who, why didn’t you tie the white cloth?……”

“The time is too short……”

This scene was naturally discovered by the US military pilots.

“Haha, so you were hiding here… Brothers, let’s get to work.……”The American pilots were full of confidence.

In their eyes, these transport teams were just ants. One bomb could kill a large number of them.……

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