B Island Strait.

After the outbreak of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, capitalist countries were furious and launched a comprehensive blockade and sanctions against the rabbits.

As a result, the Eagle Sauce signed various military agreements and alliance treaties with various parties: such as the U.S.-Thailand Military Agreement (October 1950).

In the future, the following will continue to be signed:”U.


-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty” (August 30, 1951), the United States, Australia, and New Zealand signed the”Pacific Security Treaty” (September 1951);”U.


-Japan Security Treaty” (September 1951), the United States and Taiwan signed the”Military Coordination Understanding Agreement” (September 1953); the United States and South Korea signed the”U.


-South Korea Mutual Defense Treaty” (October 1953), the United States, Britain, France, Thailand, the Philippines, Australia, and New Zealand signed the”Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty”》……The influence of the Eagle Sauce has legally extended to the entire Asia-Pacific and South Asia.

At this time, the US warships and the Guo Party warships are jointly blockading the coastline of the rabbit, checking all passing ships, and immediately opening fire and bombarding the cargo ships as long as they encounter three warnings of non-cooperation.

The behavior is very bad.

Of course, if you cooperate with the inspection, the consequence is that no matter what is found, it will be defined as contraband, and all will be dragged into the port of Island B and belong to the Guo Party.

In short, it is to not allow any resources or materials to enter the rabbit, and to block them in all aspects.

In order to make the rabbit lose resistance.

At this time, the US 7th Fleet had just confiscated an entire freighter and received an order from MacArthur.

So they drove the warships to 30 nautical miles away from Fujian Province for parades, demonstrations, exercises, etc.

For this reason, Commander Liu of a certain corps stationed here looked very angry and kept warning. However, the US fleet jumped back and forth between 30 and 50 nautical miles.

“Come on, give me a shot……”

“Commander, our artillery range is not that far!!!”

1 nautical mile is about 1.8 kilometers, 30 nautical miles is nearly 60 kilometers. Looking at the equipment of the entire People’s Liberation Army, there is really no artillery with a range of 60 kilometers. The

107 rocket launcher has a range of 8.5 kilometers.

Most of the captured American 155 howitzers have a range of 1~2 kilometers.

It is not enough.

The US Seventh Fleet saw that the rabbit had no decent artillery, so it showed off its strength at the doorstep.

Let me ask, if they dare to bomb the Yalu River, what else can the US aircraft carriers not dare to do.

Bombing fishing boats, forcibly detaining cargo ships, forcibly searching cruise ships, and arbitrarily arresting Chinese and sending them to Island B.

Commander Liu was so angry and helpless.

“Damn it, we can’t even produce a decent cannon………”

Unwilling, angry, frustrated, uncomfortable… a feeling of powerlessness in my heart

“Damn it, if I had a cannon, I would blow these bastards to death… It’s so damn infuriating!”

The soldiers clenched their fists in anger, all of them holding back their anger, wishing they could rush up and attack the U.S. military.

But facing an aircraft carrier fleet, the flesh can’t stop it at all. They have to swallow their gnashing teeth.

Because the rabbits don’t have enough strength to contend with the U.S. warships… Without even a cannon, what can they use to fight?

Commander Liu:”Report the situation here to the central government. We can’t let the Eagles bully us like this.……”

“I’ll do it right away!”


Island B, Presidential Palace.

6 o’clock in the morning.

After the bald man’s defeat, he lived a very regular life, quietly getting up at 6 o’clock every morning.

In a daze, he turned on a flashlight as thick as a fountain pen and tiptoed into the bathroom to wash his face.

He did this so as not to wake up the”night owl” Song Meiling who was still sleeping.

After washing, the bald man habitually drank two cups of boiled water, one of which was warm water of about 50 to 60 degrees, and the other was boiling water of nearly 100 degrees.

What he liked was to adjust the two, but he would never drink cold boiled water.

His habit was quite scientific, which could prevent blood viscosity and sudden cerebral infarction.

Then, the bald man began his fixed daily activities of about 20 minutes of flexible gymnastics and singing hymns.

When singing hymns, when he sang”Father” or”Holy, Holy”, he would automatically take off his hat and salute to the east.

Although he converted to Christianity reluctantly in order to obtain the qualification to marry Song Meiling, he is now very devout and sings and worships as usual.

Then he went back to the study to sit and pray. He first covered his knees with a blanket, then began to massage his eyes and put special eye drops in his eyes, closed his eyes and sat quietly for about 40 minutes.

Baldy had a lot of homework in the morning, and it was not until around 8 or 9 o’clock that he had breakfast.

At this time, his wife Song Meiling always appeared in the dining room with sleepy eyes but on time.

Her habit was to go to bed at one or two o’clock every night, sleep for a few hours, get up and have breakfast with Baldy, and after breakfast, wait until her husband went to work, and then go back to sleep for two or three hours. This is the well-known”return to sleep” in the official residence.

The food for breakfast is very delicate but simple, usually some snacks.

Baldy has a strong interest in the special pickled salt bamboo shoots and sesame paste, because these are dishes from his hometown.

In addition, he also likes to drink chicken soup very much, which has almost become a basic feature of the diet in the Shilin official residence.

Lunch and dinner usually consist of about five dishes, with two meat dishes and three vegetables or three meat dishes and two vegetables, taking into account both flavor and nutrition.

Baldy never picks and chooses what he eats, he eats whatever the kitchen cooks, but he has never been interested in Western food, which is another difference between him and his wife.

Song Meiling is a typical”Western-style” person, usually having milk and bread for breakfast.

After 8 o’clock in the morning, the chief guard pushed a dining cart with wheels over. Baldy and Song Meiling were about to have breakfast when there was lightning and thunder outside the window, and a storm was about to come.

The bald man was reading the newspaper and having breakfast as usual. Jiang Jingguo, who was in charge of intelligence work, walked in hurriedly with two documents and said hurriedly:”Father…Father!”

The bald man glanced at him:”What’s the matter? Why are you so flustered?”

Jiang Jingguo almost shouted:”The fighting has started! The fighting has started!”

The bald man who had been talking about the Third World War asked excitedly:”The Third World War has started?”

Jiang Jingguo said:”Almost. Yesterday, the US Seventh Fleet opened fire in Fuzhou… This is the intelligence we just received.”

The bald man was shocked. He put down his bowl and chopsticks, quickly took the document and glanced at it. It listed the sporadic news received through international telecommunications.

The bald man was shocked, his face flushed, his eyes lit up, and he said,”Good! Let’s fight! God bless us! Jingguo, order all intelligence departments to step up intelligence collection on Fuzhou and the Korean War, and immediately contact Ambassador Shao in Seoul to notify the embassies in Yingjiang and Jiaobenji to pay close attention to the Yingjiang government and the US military in the Far East!”

At this time, a thunderstorm had begun outside the window, and dense raindrops were knocking on the window glass and drifting in from outside the window.

Song Meiling got up and closed the window and said,”The storm is coming, Darling, God bless you, the Third World War you have been thinking about has finally begun!”

If the Eagle Sauce Fleet attacks from Fuzhou and the peninsula is attacked by 16 countries, then the rabbit will not be able to resist at all.

By then, the Third World War that the bald man has been thinking about will definitely break out. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Is this what the bald man wants to see the most?

Jiang Jingguo followed up and said,”Father has repeatedly said that if the Third World War breaks out, there will be hope for counterattack and restoration of the country. Now, hope has come!”

The bald man wiped his hands carefully with a handkerchief, stood up straight with excitement and said,”The outbreak of the Korean War may not trigger a world war! But now that the Eagle Sauce and Fujian Province are really fighting, it will definitely trigger a new round of world war. It seems… he hopes for the United Nations Army, and we may have to send troops!”

Soong Meiling said,”The Eagle Sauce should change its attitude. I will use my Eagle Sauce friends to help Truman.”

The bald man was very excited:”Hahaha, it would be best if the US military can reach the Yalu River. Next year we will go back to Nanjing for Christmas!”[]

Song Meiling was eating the lettuce salad with big mouthfuls. The bald man was very happy and joked with her:”Darling, you must be a reincarnated sheep, you like to eat grass so much.” After that, he picked up a braised bamboo shoot and dipped it in sesame sauce.

Song Meiling retorted:”You like to eat this braised bamboo shoot with sesame sauce. Are you reincarnated as a bamboo shoot or a sesame?”

The two laughed.

The people in the official residence had not heard their happy laughter for a long time. The bald man suddenly became serious and said:”Immediately tell the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to ask them to urgently call Ambassador Shao in Seoul to verify the situation, understand the dynamics of the Eagle Sauce, and report immediately.”

Jiang Jingguo said:”Yes!” The bald man said again:”Also, immediately order the three armed forces to enter the first level of alert to prevent the Chinese army from taking the opportunity to attack us.”

The Peninsula Campaign is even more beneficial to the bald man.

“The threat of the rabbit? We are facing, as well as the diplomatic crisis of our friendly country, the Eagle Sauce, abandoning our country and recognizing the banditry, has changed the situation drastically due to the outbreak of the Korean Peninsula, revealing a glimmer of hope.”

“China and South Korea share weal and woe.

If the Korean War develops in a way that benefits South Korea, it will also benefit my country.

���If the US and Russia fight a world war, not only will North and South Korea be unified, but we may also return to the Rabbit Continent through the Yalu River and the Northeast.

If the Korean War unfortunately goes against South Korea, it will inevitably increase the vigilance of the Eagle Sauce and free countries, and they will step up their aid to South Korea, and never let the Rabbit cross the sea to attack us.

0 Ask for flowers

“In addition, always pay attention to whether the Eagle Sauce aircraft carrier enters the 12 nautical miles of Fujian Province… If a fighting breaks out here again, the situation will be more favorable to us!”



When the big boss learned about what the US aircraft carrier did in the B Island Strait, he was furious:”This is too much!”

“The warships were brought to our doorstep, but we were powerless to do anything. How pathetic!!”

“The U.S. military knows that we don’t have artillery that can threaten their warships, so they dare to act so recklessly!”

Everyone in the entire conference room was panicked and felt very uncomfortable.

Mr. Xu:”The Eagle Sauce is wantonly provoking our bottom line. This behavior is no different from directly invading our territory.”

“Diplomatic protests have become powerless……”

Big boss:”Yes, the behavior of the US Seventh Fleet is more serious than the US-UN forces crossing the 38th parallel.”

“We must deliver a real blow to defend our territory.”

The rabbit’s territory is sacred and inviolable.

Chief of Staff Nie:”But the reality is that there is no artillery in the country that can deter the Eagle Sauce warships. The American howitzers and Japanese cannons that were captured before have a range of no more than 10 kilometers… Even the 107 rocket launcher developed by Jiang Chen has a range of only 8.5 kilometers!”

“This time, the Eagle Sauce was outside 30 nautical miles and we were helpless. What can we do next time if it enters 12 nautical miles?”

Drive our own motorboat or a warship of several hundred tons to meet the enemy? Or take off fighter jets?

12 nautical miles is 22.224 meters (kilometers).

Cannons with this range… cannot be used at all.

Big boss:”No matter what method you use, you must hit me… The territory of the motherland cannot be violated!”

Those who offend China will be punished no matter how far away they are.

“We must not tolerate the repeated provocations from the Eagle Sauce”

“Even if we know we will lose, we must fight… Because only by winning can the rabbit people have hope of survival!!”

Every word deeply hurt the hearts of the people on the scene.

At this time, Commander Ye walked in quickly with a telegram:”Boss, good news, good news… The 101 Arsenal has developed a rocket launcher and hopes to test it along the coast of Fuzhou!”

“Why test artillery along the coast?”

“According to the information provided by the 101 Arsenal: The range of this rocket launcher is 480 kilometers……”

“”What…what? 480 kilometers?” Everyone felt the haze above their heads disappear instantly after hearing this.

“Yes!” Commander Ye:”According to Jiang Chen’s design, the shells of the Guard-2 rocket launcher can penetrate the enemy’s armored infantry vehicles and other targets, as well as the special steel plates of warships. It only takes tens of seconds to launch more than a hundred rocket shells and destroy all enemy targets within a few square kilometers!”

“In addition, the Guardian 2D rocket launcher can fire continuously to form a covering strike, which can destroy and sink enemy warships on the sea in an instant, causing huge damage to enemy targets.”

“The Guardian 2D rocket launcher can load six rockets at a time. Each rocket is 715 cm long and 40 cm in diameter. It can achieve rapid 6-shot bursts, and the maximum range reaches 480 kilometers. Within this range, it can lock the enemy’s targets, even aircraft carriers and large warships. As long as it continuously strikes the same target position under intensive firepower attacks, even aircraft carriers can be hit with huge holes.”

Commander Ye read all the information in one breath:”The Guardian 2D long-range rocket launcher has a total weight of about 1.5 tons, and the particles in the warhead are 250 kilograms. The explosive power of high-energy explosives is unimaginable. It can switch between multiple bomb properties in combat. According to the different targets, it can launch incendiary bombs to burn and destroy the enemy’s warehouses where high-value munitions are stored.”

The big boss and others were all stunned after hearing this.

“Oh my goodness, I didn’t expect Comrade Jiang Chen to give us another surprise!!”

Rabbit has the Guardian 2D rocket launcher, whether it is attacking the army’s armored formation or the enemy’s naval combat warship group, it can achieve intensive firepower attack and bombing.

Let the powerful explosion power cover and destroy the enemy’s combat capability, weaken the enemy’s counterattack strength, and thus prevent the enemy from achieving more effective resistance.

What are you afraid of the Eagle Sauce warship?

“What are you waiting for? Immediately arrange to ship the Guard-2 to the front line and let the US military have a taste of it.……”

“Yes, sir, I’ll do it right away.……”


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