United Nations Headquarters

“”Fuck!!” MacArthur was roaring angrily in his office.

Faced with this failure, MacArthur simply could not tolerate it.

Emperor Mac became MacPapa!

It was simply a great shame.

However, even so, the proud”Emperor Mac” still could not see our country’s determination to send troops. The stupid command of the 1st Marine Division led to the failure of this battle.

It was thought that the US military, which had absolute air superiority, would win this victory with a crushing momentum just like attacking the People’s Army.

It was for this reason that MacArthur ordered the 1st Marine Division to advance vigorously starting from November 8.

But the cunning Smith did not ignore the campaign launched by the Volunteer Army, nor was he carried away by the victory.

On the contrary, he was very cautious and maintained the necessary vigilance against the Volunteer Army. Unexpectedly, he was hit hard in the end.

“Smith is such an idiot…he played a good hand of cards so badly…Fuck……”

MacArthur couldn’t understand why the 1st Marine Division, which had the most powerful equipment in the army, couldn’t defeat the Volunteer Army, which was mainly composed of infantry. It was a disgrace.

The 1st Marine Division of the United States was a combat group composed of three Marine Corps as the backbone, plus several division-affiliated units, with a total of more than 25,000 people.

Each Marine Corps was equipped with 24 artillery pieces and 5 tanks. In addition, there was an artillery regiment with 72 heavy artillery pieces, including 54 105mm howitzers, 18 155mm howitzers, and a tank battalion consisting of 70 tanks. They were all the latest American M26″Pershing” tanks and”Sherman” M4A3″490″ E8 tanks).

Not to mention the air firepower and logistical support, they fully cooperated with all tactics.

Even so… they still couldn’t defeat the Volunteer Army?

“Smith, what are you doing?”MacArthur was furious.

At this time, the phone rang:”Hello, General Mac? This is Admiral Smith.……”

Smith was the deputy commander and chief of staff of the Marine Corps with the rank of general. After the outbreak of the Peninsular War, he was assigned as the commander of the 1st Marine Division.

“Falk……”MacArthur:”Smith, you still dare to call me? If I hadn’t ordered all troops to withdraw from the battle, I’m afraid we would have been wiped out by the Volunteer Army!”

Smith:”General, your decision is wise. If we continue to fight, our losses will continue to increase.……”

“Stop flattering me. I am really disappointed by your First Division of Marine Corps this time.”

“General, please calm down… The reason why the Battle of Changjin Lake failed was that the rabbits used a new type of fighter in this battle, shooting down our F80 fighter with a score of 0 to 16… The most important thing is that this fighter was not aided by the Russians.”

Due to the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Eagle Sauce can be said to be very familiar with the weapons of the Russians.

“What?” MacArthur’s anger turned into shock:”You mean, the rabbits can build their own planes? And, they are more powerful than our fighter jets?”

Five rabbit fighter jets shot down 16 F80 fighter jets of the US military with zero casualties.

This news was absolutely shocking.

Isn’t this making guns and cannons?

That’s an airplane?

Want to build an airplane? Without a certain industrial foundation, it is impossible to build an airplane.

Now, airplanes produced by rabbits have appeared on the battlefield on the peninsula, and their performance has crushed the F80 fighter jets in all aspects… MacArthur was shocked.

Because he showed that the current rabbit industrial base is much more powerful than he imagined.

Smith:”General, in the next battle we must be more cautious and must pay attention to our opponents… The rabbits are stronger than we think!”

Are the rabbits really that strong?

At this time, MacArthur had to face the rabbits and his enemies.

“Yes, maybe we were all too careless!” MacArthur:”Next, we have to face our opponents.”

Smith:”In addition, I also found problems with the weapons used by the Volunteer Army during this battle. For example, the individual air defense weapons they used used heat source tracking, and the 107 rocket launcher had little destructive power against armored vehicles and tanks.……”

“Moreover, I also found that the Volunteer Army’s ammunition has run out, and we can make good use of these shortcomings to fight back.……”

“Smith, please forgive me for speaking so loudly to you just now… What you provided is of great help to my commander-in-chief. I will immediately formulate a new battle plan!”

MacArthur said confidently:”I hope that in the next battle, your Marine Division will be able to play the domineering role of the Army’s First Division.……”

“Don’t worry, General Mike, the Volunteer Army will be my lifelong opponent……”

Later, based on the intelligence provided by Smith, MacArthur knew that the Volunteer Army was short of ammunition, so he increased the air strikes on our army’s logistics supply.


Volunteer Army Headquarters

“Bang, we won… The second battle was a complete success. We recaptured Pyongyang and successfully drove the coalition forces back to the vicinity of the 38th parallel, initially turning the tide of the war on the peninsula.”


Boss Peng:”I didn’t expect the U.S. military to be so vulnerable! Hahahaha… Pass on my order to commend the three armed forces.……”

The Battle of Chosin Reservoir also became the battle that achieved the greatest victory in the Second Campaign.

In the Battle of Chosin Reservoir, the US military suffered more than 7,000 casualties, including more than 2,500 killed or missing, and 7,300 people lost due to frostbite.

It had a major impact on the situation on the entire peninsula and achieved victory in the strategic situation.

General Peng:”Immediately send a congratulatory message to the 9th Corps: You have fought hard with the enemy for more than a month in the ice and snow, and under extremely difficult conditions of transporting food and ammunition.

You finally overcame the difficulties and defeated the 1st and 7th Marine Divisions of the Eagle Sauce Invasion Army, recaptured many important towns, and achieved great victories.

This strong fighting will and fearless spirit is worthy of learning for the entire army.


“Yes, sir, I’ll do it right away.”

Of course, the 1st Marine Division of the United States also regarded the Battle of Changjin Lake as its capital of pride. The US military awarded a total of 17 Medals of Honor and 70 Navy Crosses for the Battle of Changjin Lake, which is the most medals awarded for a single operation in the history of the US military.

Truman personally praised:”The performance of the (US) Marines was heroic. They withdrew from Changjin Lake as an organized unit, and basically retained all their heavy equipment.”

《Time magazine called the Battle of Chosin Reservoir”an epic of perseverance and courage.””?

Deng Hua:”General Bang, in the Battle of Changjin Lake, under difficult and harsh conditions, we directly fought against the world-class weapons and equipment of the US 10th Army, which had outstanding military achievements, and created a record of annihilating an entire regiment of the US Army in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, forcing the US Army’s ace troops to experience the longest retreat in history.

This spirit of our volunteer army is incomparable to that of the US Army.


Chief of Staff:”Under the fierce attack of our Volunteer Army, MacArthur’s general offensive quickly collapsed. We recovered Wonsan, occupied Hamhung, recovered the Xingnan region and coastal ports, and forced the United Nations forces led by the US military to withdraw all the east and west lines by land and sea to the 38th parallel and the south to organize defense… Such a result, no one expected……”

Deng Hua:”However, Boss, the most important thing for our army now is ammunition supply, otherwise, the next battle will be difficult to fight.……”

“”Yes!” General Peng:”Send the situation to the central government immediately. At the same time, order all units to rest and station in the area north of the 38th parallel, and keep an eye on the movements of the US military.……”


In this battle, with the support of the Volunteer Air Force, the 49-type automatic rifle, 107 rocket launcher, and advanced weapons such as individual air defense missiles, great results were achieved.

At the same time, our Volunteer Army recovered the area north of the 38th parallel in less than two months, which also shocked the Chaoxian People’s Army.

Kim Il-sung:”The flower-growing family is really powerful. In such a short time, they helped us recover all the lost areas!” (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Great…Once the Eastern power makes a move, the war situation will change at any time.”

Such a result was beyond Kim Il-sung’s expectation.

After all, the opponent was the US military, the United Nations army composed of 16 countries, but the rabbit was not afraid at all and went straight to the battle. The key is that it won. This shocked Kim Il-sung greatly.


Of course, it was impossible to hold the 38th parallel and call off the troops. It was not what Kim Il-sung wanted.

Otherwise, he would not have launched the Peninsula Campaign.

So, next, Kim Il-sung wanted to continue the attack to the south, so he sent a telegram to General Peng.



Da Lao Zong and Lao Zong and others soon received a congratulatory message from General Peng. After reading it, everyone was so happy that they didn’t want to leave.

“Hahaha, our People’s Volunteer Army is great… The People’s Air Force shot down 16 enemy planes in the first battle, which was completely beyond our expectations… Congratulations!……”

“The People’s Air Force gave us a big surprise���……Hahaha!”

Everyone was filled with a smile of victory.0

The second battle was a complete victory… So exciting, so inspiring, so shocking

“I think, this time we might hurt the UN forces… Is that the way we should do it, hit them hard? ?”

Boss Peng:”Only when they are hurt, can you know how powerful our Volunteer Army is!!!”Boss

Xu:”Yes, since the Opium War, all countries believe that we do not have the strength and capital to fight against the Western powers, which has led to many countries not being optimistic about our sending troops, and the international community is even more sarcastic!!!”

“But we have the determination and faith to win… This is something that the Eagle Sauce people will not understand!”

To put it bluntly, the Eagle Sauce is a united country. The common people are all immigrants and have no sense of belonging. The soldiers on the battlefield are almost all”mercenaries.” Why would you risk your life for a few hundred dollars?

Unlike the volunteers, we are conscripts. The soldiers have the highest sense of identity with the country, and everyone has a sense of belonging.

They know what it means to return to their roots, unlike the Eagle Sauce people who live a wandering life.

The Eagle Sauce gave this lifestyle a high-level name:”freedom.””!

“I’ve gotten used to it!” The big boss lit a cigarette and said,”It is precisely because everyone is pessimistic about us that the whole world can see the true strength of Rabbit!”

“The rabbits now are no longer the rabbits of the Opium War.”During the Opium War, the whole world knew that the rabbits were weaklings.

Today’s rabbits let the UN know what it means to be strong.

Chief of Staff Nie:”When the UN knew that our army had entered the Korean War, they were all very excited and came to fight us, such as the Turkish Brigade and the British Army… They thought we were the rabbits of the past, but they didn’t expect to be chased and beaten by us!”

“These great powers still want to fight with us to gain more achievements? I’m afraid they will hit a solid wall and get nothing in return.……”


“Now, the eyes and expressions of the Russian bears are different when they look at us! This is the effect of fists!”

“Because, only when you are strong, the enemy will be soft… Since ancient times, only the strong can hold the right to speak. The poor in the downtown area are ignored, while the rich in the mountains have distant relatives… It’s human nature!!”

Boss:”Now, the Russian bear also said that it will continue to increase its investment and aid to us.……”

The big boss blew out a smoke ring and said slowly:”Big Brother’s little tricks are already known to everyone. For his Far East strategy, he is very deliberate!”

Boss:”You mean for the Port of Lushun?”

“Yes, do you remember the Sino-Soviet Treaty? When the Sino-Soviet Treaty was signed, there was a supplementary clause that roughly stated: If either China or the Soviet Union is threatened militarily by China or other countries that are in collusion with China, Port Arthur can be converted into a naval base shared by China and the Soviet Union.

“Of course I remember that this was something we asked to write ourselves. After all, in 0.8, when the Rabbit was just established, the liberation of the sea disaster relied on sampans, and there were no warships guarding Dalian and Lushun.……”

“Therefore, the Russian bear used this supplementary clause to provoke the war on the peninsula!”

It must be said that the big boss is still wise.

No matter what the final result is, the Russian bear is the biggest beneficiary.

If a civil war breaks out on the peninsula and Kim Il-sung wins, then it is natural for the Russian bear, who supports Kim Il-sung, to want to build two ice-free ports on the peninsula.

If Kim Il-sung loses, the only possibility is the intervention of the US military. After all, Lee Seung-man’s troops are not enough to fill Kim Il-sung’s teeth.

The intervention of the US military will definitely be deployed on the Yalu River, which will trigger the supplementary clause and the Russian bear’s goal will be achieved.

But the Russian bear did not expect that the rabbit would send troops and drive the US and UN forces back to the south of the 38th parallel.

This also explains why Stalin’s promise to the rabbits for air aid was postponed again and again.

Because, the Russians did not want the rabbits to send troops from the beginning.

Just for his ice-free ports and for the layout of the Far East? It can be seen that the Russians can do anything for the sake of profit.

No wonder, the Russians’ ports are almost all frozen ports, frozen all year round, and are not suitable for building warship ports at all.

All these tricks of the Russians were keenly noticed by the big boss.

Everyone admired the big boss even more.

Staff Officer Nie:”Boss, the biggest problem facing the Volunteer Army now is: the supply of ammunition and materials.……”

Big Boss:”Since the US military bombed our logistics, we can also bomb their logistics… Connect me to the 101 Arsenal immediately… I want to talk to Jiang Chen in person.””


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