At this time, MacArthur was very uneasy.

In a way, he really hoped that the rabbit would use nuclear bombs this time, so that he would have an excuse to counterattack with nuclear bombs. Once a nuclear war breaks out, the Eagle Sauce can kill the rabbit with its numerical advantage.

But obviously, the investigation results were not…

This made MacArthur even more worried.

From the battles launched by the rabbits after entering the peninsula and the new weapons that have appeared.

Each one can be said to have amazed MacArthur.

The Type 49 automatic rifle is simply an enhanced version of the M1 Garand, which makes the designer Stoner (the designer of the M16 rifle) amazed.

When Stoner saw the Type 49 automatic rifle used by the rabbit, he was stunned. At this time, he was developing the M14, which was an upgrade from the M1 Garand.

“Is the rabbit’s technology so advanced?”

“This gun is simply a work of art… perfect design, reasonable ergonomics… I love it!”

“I really want to meet this designer if I have the chance.……”

This is Stoner’s affirmation and praise of the Type 49.

The 107 rocket launcher has fierce firepower and strong mobility. One gun is equivalent to an artillery battalion of the US Army.

And the newly discovered Vulcan Gatling heavy machine gun, which made MacArthur stunned.

You know, the Gatling machine gun is a manual multi-barrel rotary machine gun invented by the Eagle Sauce Richard Jordan Gatling in 1874.

It has always been the Eagle Sauce that led the development of heavy machine guns.

What MacArthur can’t tolerate is that the Vulcan Gatling is a heavy machine gun that the Eagle Sauce has just successfully developed.

In fact, in June 1946, the Eagle Sauce General Electric Company signed a contract with the Air Force and the Army’s Ordnance Department to contract the preliminary research of the Vulcan machine gun.

The contract requires: caliber 0.6 inches, 5-10 barrels, barrel length 1524 meters, full gun length 2032 mm, each barrel mass does not exceed 45 kg, and each barrel has a firing rate of 1000 rounds per minute.

By April 1949, the first sample gun was completed.

The gun was based on the Gatling machine gun, with 6 barrels, 779 parts, and could fire 4,000 rounds per minute.

By the summer of 1950, after improvements, the rate of fire was increased to 5,000 rounds per minute, and later increased to more than 6,000 rounds per minute.

Subsequently, 10 A 0.6-inch T45 machine guns were produced, and comprehensive tests were carried out to examine the feasibility of this gun and its potential capabilities.

By November 1950, based on the success of the machine gun, the production of the C-type sample gun began, and a total of 33 were produced.

The sample gun was transported to the Army Ordnance Department and the Air Force Ordnance Department for test and identification, and finally passed the system reliability test.

It is now the end of December 1950.

I am still in the testing stage, and you have already fully equipped the troops?

This made MacArthur a little scalp numb.

The infantry was intercepted, and the heavy machine gun was also intercepted… I dare not imagine what powerful weapons the rabbit has hidden.

Therefore, MacArthur would rather the rabbits use nuclear weapons, at least knowing that the nuclear weapons are aided by the bears.

On the contrary, MacArthur is afraid that the rabbits will use another unknown weapon of mass destruction.

Soon, MacArthur arrived at the Eighth Army of the United States under the transportation of helicopters.

Walker and Smith personally received


“Stop talking nonsense and take me to the Waguan……”


Then the group arrived at the Woguan Logistics Center again.

At this time, the entire logistics center was heavily guarded by the US military. One reason was that they were afraid of the spread of nuclear radiation, and the other was to protect the scene.

MacArthur looked around and saw that the entire center had turned into a scorched earth, with traces of fire everywhere.

Bare and pitch black!

No building or plant was good!

The truck melted into a pile of solidified molten iron… The body had become a pile of ashes.

MacArthur exclaimed:”It’s hard to imagine what happened here?”

Walker:”Yeah, it’s hard to imagine what kind of bomb is so powerful?”

Smith:”One bomb is enough to turn this place into a ruin. The only thing I can think of is a nuclear bomb… But after testing, it’s obviously not!”

Are there weapons with the same destructive power as nuclear bombs?

MacArthur:”I can only say that every time Rabbit shows off a weapon, it will open our eyes… Let’s go and take a look in front……”

As he stepped into the center of the explosion, MacArthur’s expression became more and more serious:”Fuck… what kind of weapons of mass destruction did this damn rabbit use?”

“Fuck!”Walker said angrily:”The key is that we still don’t know what this weapon is.……”

It was really painful.

At this time, everyone was angry and helpless, and more of them were unwilling and hateful.

Walking, MacArthur came to the air-raid shelter and asked curiously:”When the air raid came, didn’t our logistics personnel go into the air-raid shelter to defend themselves?”

Walker and Smith looked at each other and said they didn’t know.

“Open it and take a look!”

Wright walked up quickly and said,”General Mike, there’s nothing interesting inside………”

“Get out of my way……”MacArthur pushed Wright away and pushed open the iron door of the air-raid shelter.

What caught MacArthur’s eyes made his scalp numb.

The air-raid shelter was full of people. They looked hideous, holding their necks with both hands, their pupils dilated and congested, their throats scratched… all crowded at the door… all of them died tragically.

Wright:”General, these people died in a very strange way, there were no obvious wounds on the outside… The cause of death was initially determined to be suffocation!!”

Smith:”The air-raid shelter has a complete ventilation system, how could they suffocate? Is there something wrong with the ventilation system?”

Wright:”No, there is no problem with the ventilation system, so the investigation is still analyzing what caused it?”

MacArthur:”Could it be that it was caused by the bomb dropped by Rabbit???”


A word awakened the dreamer.

Walker, Smith and others took a deep breath and their spines began to shiver.

A bomb gathers high temperature and high pressure… It can also suffocate people and destroy all creatures hiding in the ground and air-raid shelters.

What kind of devil bomb is this?

Are you sure it wasn’t a nuclear bomb? ?

MacArthur:”Wright, tell me what you saw at the time?”

“Mushroom cloud, I can confirm that it is a mushroom cloud with a diameter of at least three kilometers.”

MacArthur, Walker and others looked at each other in disbelief. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

It is a mushroom cloud, with all the characteristics of a nuclear bomb, except for no radioactive material?

What kind of bomb is this?

Curious, shocked…

Could it be that the rabbit has found a weapon of mass destruction with the power of a nuclear bomb?

How many bombs of this kind does the rabbit have? []

10? 100… or 1,000?


MacArthur felt a chill running through his spine. The situation at this moment was obviously beyond his ability.

“Report, General, Presidential Order……”

After reading the telegram, MacArthur shouted angrily:”Fuck… Rabbit, the feud is over!!!”

“Walker, make a counterattack plan immediately. President Truman requires us to end the Peninsula Campaign before June 1951!”

“OK, General!!”


The White House.

Truman was very angry because it had been a week since MacArthur promised to end the fighting before Christmas.

Not only did he fail to resolve the war on the peninsula, but he also lost the area north of the 38th parallel.

This performance made Truman very dissatisfied

“Fuck, MacArthur may be so powerful as to be the emperor of Chicken that he can’t even fight a war. Are Rabbit so powerful? ?”

Stilwell stood up and said,”President, don’t underestimate Rabbit. It is a tenacious country. Chicken has fought for 14 years and failed to occupy Rabbit. It’s not that Rabbit is powerful, but that they have strong beliefs and fighting will, and the pride to never allow others to be slaves!”

As Stilwell, the Eagle Sauce consultant who stayed in Rabbit the longest during World War II, he knew clearly what kind of country Rabbit was.

Truman asked curiously,”How many troops did Rabbit send this time?”

“The preliminary estimate is between 300,000 and 400,000.……”

“If I remember correctly, our total force reached 44 people, and our equipment was not one level better than the rabbits. Even if it was one to one, we could beat the rabbits to shit!”Truman expressed strong dissatisfaction.

At this time, the”United Nations Army” headed by Eagle Sauce had a total force of more than 44 people, including 349,331 ground troops, 36,677 air forces, 59,438 navy troops, more than 1,100 combat aircraft of various types, and more than 200 warships of various types. It had absolute air and sea control, and the ground forces also had an absolute advantage in strength and equipment.

0Seeking flowers

The ground forces include 3 armies, 6 divisions and 1 airborne regiment of the US Army, the 27th British Infantry Brigade, the Turkish Brigade, the 3rd Battalion of the Kangaroo Country, the 10th Battalion of the Filipino Maid Country, and 11 infantry divisions of the Nanchaoxian Army.

The weapons and equipment of the Eagle Sauce ground forces are highly modernized. Each infantry division has 149 tanks of various types, 35 armored vehicles, and 959 guns of various types, including 72 howitzers, 120 direct-fire guns (mountain guns, field guns, recoilless guns), 160 mortars of various types, 64 anti-aircraft guns, and 543 fire cylinders, including more than 330 guns with a caliber of 70 mm or more (including tank guns). The

7 divisions of the US Army and the headquarters of the 8th Army alone have a total of 6,049 guns of various types. There are 568 howitzers and 784 anti-aircraft guns in the army, including 568 howitzers and 784 anti-aircraft guns. The artillery has a large caliber and a long range, and has a huge firepower advantage.

Each division has 22 liaison aircraft, more than 3,800 vehicles of various types (including more than 1,300 material transport vehicles), and all the troops are mechanized and motorized, and are mobile and fast.

In addition, each division has 1,688 radios of various types, 145 cipher machines, and even each platoon has 1 wireless phone and 1 wired phone. The communication equipment and battlefield reconnaissance methods are advanced.

Moreover, the US military not only has an absolute advantage in weapons and equipment, but also the troops participating in the invasion of North Korea have rich experience in modern warfare and strong combat effectiveness.

Its officers have all been trained at all levels of military training. The U.S. military has received training in military academies. Senior and middle-level officers have participated in the Second World War, and some have even participated in the First World War, so they have a strong control over technology.

Soldiers have also received regular training and are relatively proficient in military technology.

The characteristics of U.S. military operations are mainly manifested in the joint, all-round three-dimensional operations of the army, navy and air force, and the coordinated actions of various military branches are proficient.

Even so, they still can’t beat the Rabbit and the Beichaoxian People’s Army?

Truman couldn’t figure it out. Did MacArthur go to the peninsula for vacation? ?

So, he only gave MacArthur half a year.

If you can’t handle it, get out!

However, what Truman didn’t know was that although the U.S. military was equipped with advanced equipment, the U.S. infantry was weak in combat effectiveness and had to fight. Their morale is poor, and they are highly dependent on tanks and artillery support during combat.

The mechanized and motorized equipment of the ground forces has high requirements and dependence on the rear and roads, and they need to have good roads and rear subsidy lines to guarantee combat.

Once they leave the road and fight in the mountains, their mobility is greatly restricted, and the logistics support is also a heavy burden, which greatly limits the power of their modern weapons and equipment.

Now that the Woguan Logistics Center has been bombed, the mechanized troops on which they depend for survival will be even more difficult.

U.S. Secretary of Defense Ives stood up and said,”President, I think the reason why General MacArthur was defeated is because the rabbits used many advanced weapons on the peninsula.……”

Truman said disdainfully:”Rabbit? Humph… A country with a large agricultural population where people have trouble even getting enough to eat, how can it produce any advanced weapons?”

Elvis:”According to the intelligence feedback from the front, the M14 and Vulcan Gatling machine guns that our firearms department is currently developing have been copied by rabbits!!”

“No, it should be said… the rifle developed by Rabbit is very similar to the M14 gun, but it is more advanced than the M14… and the Vulcan Gatling, our Army Ordnance Department and Air Force Ordnance Department have just passed the test and are ready for mass production, but Rabbit has already used it extensively in the Peninsula Campaign!!”

As soon as these words came out, all the officers at the Capitol showed surprised expressions.

If what Ivis said is true, it means that Rabbit completely crushes Eagle Sauce in terms of rifles and heavy machine guns.


This is very scary.

Ivis continued:”According to the intelligence just obtained, Rabbit used an unknown weapon of mass destruction on the Peninsula……”

“This is enough to show that the rabbits are definitely ahead of our army in terms of weapons.……”

When these words were spoken, everyone in the room was shocked and there was an uproar!

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