“This……. It was given to me by Ye Ze! ”

Yan Wenxi bit her lip and finally sighed.

Ye Ze, it’s up to you next.

I can’t round it.

Yan Wenxi thought secretly in his heart.

Sure enough, my experience is still too shallow.

If it is Ye Ze, it will definitely be able to solve his mother’s problem.

I don’t know how Ye Ze will answer his mother later.

“Ye Ze? Okay, I’ll ask Ye Ze now. ”

Qin Qing said and stood up directly, obviously going to the third floor.

When it comes to falling in love, they can turn a blind eye.

However, when it came to matters of more than a thousand yuan, Qin Qing couldn’t ignore it.

Money is a trifle.

Don’t say more than a thousand dollars, even if it’s a few thousand?

It’s not that their family can’t take it out.

The main problem was that she had to understand where the two children got the more than a thousand dollars.

Don’t break the law.

The so-called concern is chaos.

Qin Qing didn’t want to think about it either.

How could people like Ye Ze and Yan Wenxi do something illegal.


Qin Qing knocked on the door of Ye Ze’s house.

“Auntie, is something wrong?

Ye Ze, who opened the door, was very curious about what happened when Qin Qing came to his house at this time.

And Yan Wenxi, who was beside Qin Qing, looked at him with an innocent face.

Big eyes blinked.

As if again, boyfriend, it’s up to you to fool around tonight.

With a glance at Yan Wenxi with this expression, Ye Ze knew that something must have happened.

“Ozawa, you come out with your aunt, your aunt has something to ask you.”

Qin Qing thought for a while, and finally decided to talk to Ye Ze alone.

As for Ye Ze’s parents, she won’t tell them for the time being.

Perhaps, this is Ye Ze’s own money?

After all, although she and Ye Ze’s family have been neighbors for ten years.

But whether Ye Ze has money on him, she can’t know.

In case of misunderstanding pull, it is not good.

So she planned to ask Ye Ze and after getting the answer, she was making other arrangements.

“Oh, good!”

Ye Ze has no doubt about him.

Talked to his parents, and then went downstairs with Qin Qing.

In the process of going downstairs, Ye Ze gave Yan Wenxi a look.

As if asking, what is the situation?

Look at the aunt’s expression is very serious.

Could it be that the relationship between the two of us was exposed?

It seems to understand Ye Ze’s eyes.

Yan Wenxi shook his head first.

Then he pointed to his clothes, and then gestured two fingers.

Seeing this, Ye Ze immediately understood.

Knowing that Qin Qing had asked himself about those two clothes.

My heart suddenly had a bottom.

Then compared an OK gesture with Yan Wenxi.

Nodded by the way.

Seeing this, Yan Wenxi breathed a sigh of relief.

I knew that Ye Ze understood what he meant.

I couldn’t help but smile proudly in my heart.

Heehee, Ye Ze and I really have a soul in our hearts, and we are simply a natural match.

With such a comparison, Ye Ze’s side understood his own meaning in seconds.

What a perfect fit.

There are no colorful phoenix wings, and the heart has a little understanding.

The second half of this poem of the ancients is definitely tailor-made for her and Ye Ze.


After knowing what Qin Qing was looking for himself, Ye Ze was also thinking.

How to answer Qin Qing’s question.

There is no doubt that Yan Wenxi must have accidentally leaked some information.

Then, she is not good at lying, and she can’t round it, so she can only push it to herself.

This little girl is quite smart and did not directly say about opening a garment factory.

However, even if he said it, Ye Ze would not care.

Because, there are more than 300,000….

No, it’s not right!

Plus today, that’s more than 400,000 deposits.

With more than 400,000 deposits, I believe that my parents will not object to doing business by themselves!

After all, this is the money he earned in six days.

Even if they say that they will focus on their studies and let themselves wait until after the college entrance examination to do business, Ye Ze will not be afraid.

Because after the results of the mock test came out, I saw that my grades improved so much.

Presumably, they will no longer continue to oppose their own business.

It just so happens that if you really want to expand tomorrow, then it is also a good thing to have a showdown with your parents at this time. 、

Next, you can ask your parents to help you.

“Ye Ze, Auntie wants to ask you something.”

After coming to Qin Qing’s house, Qin Qing poured a cup of water for Ye Ze, and then slowly asked.

“Auntie, you say!”

Although he knew what Qin Qing wanted to ask, Ye Ze still pretended not to know.

Otherwise, wouldn’t Yan Wenxi have been sold.

And in case Qin Qing asked, how did you know the information transmitted by the other party without speaking.

Ye Ze really didn’t know how to answer.

“Auntie asked you, how much did Xixi’s two clothes cost, and where did you get the money?”

Qin Qing also did not ink, and asked directly to the point.

“The price of these two clothes in the luxury shopping street is 998 and 1298.”

“But what I can tell my aunt is that I didn’t spend a penny on these two clothes.”

Ye Ze answered truthfully.

“This, doesn’t this mean that these two clothes cost almost 2300 yuan?”

“No, what do you mean you said you didn’t spend a penny?”

Qin Qing was stunned at first, 2300 yuan, my God, this is the salary of ordinary people for three months.

But soon she came back to her senses.

Ye Ze actually said that he didn’t spend a penny later!

This is more than 2300 yuan, what the hell is not spent a penny?

Someone else sent it?

It can’t be!

Give a gift of 2300 yuan, who is so proud?

At this moment, Qin Qing was confused again!

“Auntie, there are some things you need to see for yourself.”

“After you have seen it, I believe you will understand everything.”

“It’s more effective than I can explain.”

Ye Ze said and stood up.

He planned to take Qin Qing to see his clothing retail store.

I believe that after seeing it, Qin Qing will not doubt it.

Because, even if you say that you have a daily income of 60,000, or even 70,000.

Qin Qing was afraid that he would not believe it.

After all, this is too exaggerated.

So only wait to see it with your own eyes.

At that time, there is no need for Qin Feng to say anything, and Qin Qing will also believe it.

“Where to?”

Qin Qing asked stunned.

“Of course, I went to the famous shopping street.”

“By the way, Xiaoxi, go and get your school bag, and when you have to pack the money later, I won’t go up and get your school bag.”

Ye Ze then said to Yan Wenxi.


Yan Wenxi grinned, and then returned to his room.

She knew that Ye Ze was going to have a showdown with her mother.

At this time, Yan Wenxi wanted to know what kind of expression the mother would have when he knew that Ye Ze had such a strong ability to make money.

After coming to the room, Yan Wenxi took out the textbooks temporarily, put them on his desk, and then walked out with the empty bag.

In this way, Qin Qing followed Ye Ze and Yan Wenxi with a puzzled expression and went to the famous commercial street.


The first change in the morning, for the sake of the author’s hard work!!!

Give more flowers, monthly passes and evaluation tickets!!!

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