Chapter 64: Don’t be afraid to spend money, safety first!.

Soon, the bus arrived at the stop near Yeze’s new garment factory.

Ye Ze took Yan Wenxi out of the car.

“These two are together!”

Li Degang saw the two people who got out of the car, and his face was shocked.

Then hehe smile.

That’s fine.

Maybe there will be a windfall.

Li Degang didn’t know, his idea was accurate, and there was indeed an unexpected gain.

But definitely not as he thought.

“Ye Ze, that guy followed us out of the car.”

Yan Wenxi glanced behind him and said a little nervously.

“This guy, the thief’s heart is not dead!”

Ye Ze frowned.

Then I thought about it, took out my mobile phone, and dialed the demon spirit!

“Hey, demon spirit, I’m going to call the police!”

“There was a guy behind me who was following us, and I suspected they were someone from a scam company.”

“It’s like this…”

Ye Ze told the encounter between himself and Yan Wenxi.

The demon spirit side has also been cracking down on these bag [skin] companies recently.

Hearing Ye Ze’s words, he immediately asked him to report the address, and by the way, try to stand in place and not move.

Just wait until they arrive.

Ye Ze nodded, and then walked back to the bus stop with Yan Wenxi, looking like he was going to change to another bus.

In fact, it is waiting for the arrival of the demon spirit.

Soon, the demon spirit people came.

Then found Ye Ze, who called the police.

Finally, under Ye Ze’s advice, they looked at Li Degang.

And Li De, who was a thief with a weak heart, just saw the demon spirit walking towards the direction where he was, and he was immediately frightened and turned around and ran directly.

It’s a pity, how can you run past a well-trained demon spirit?

Directly received a pair of silver bracelets!

This is an unexpected gain that Li Degang could not have imagined.

Not only him, it is estimated that everyone in his bag [skin] company will receive a pair of silver bracelets.

After solving Li Degang and making some notes, Ye Ze came to the new garment factory company.

“President Ye, you are here!”

Today Zhou Rui happened to be in the new garment factory.

Seeing Ye Ze coming, he was immediately overjoyed.

“Well, let’s see how the new factory goes.”

“By the way, the remaining machines, when will they arrive?”

Ye Ze asked.

In addition to these 20 machines, Ye Ze also ordered hundreds of sewing machines.

These are, of course, in preparation for the start of construction after the year.

Hundreds of machines at once.

It’s not like 20 machines can be bought in a short period of time.

It takes time to be shipped from other cities.

Ye Ze ordered up to four hundred and thirty machines this time.

1,000 square meters, Ye Ze plans, every two square meters to place a sewing machine.

In fact, the upper two squares are enough for one machine, or even more than enough.

Four hundred and thirty units, plus the current 20 machines, is four hundred and fifty units.

Then the remaining 200 square meters, in addition to the occupation of aisles and the like.

If these 450 machines are neatly placed, they only need to occupy 800 square meters at most. Ye Ze naturally also needs to handle some other equipment.

For example, five tables for ironing clothes.

After the new clothes are made, they will definitely need to be flattened with an iron.

In addition to this, several large tables are needed for tailoring.

As for the fabrics, they must be placed in the warehouse like clothes.

“It will take more than half a month.”

The warehouse also has 1000 square meters, 500 square meters for clothes, 500 square meters for cloth fabrics, which is enough.

“The seller said it would arrive before the end of the year at the latest.”

Zhou Rui replied respectfully.

“Well, remember that the workers recruited will also be carried out earlier.”

“If the plan goes well, we will have big moves in the next year.”

“When the time comes, the production speed must keep up.”

Ye Ze nodded.

From his father Ye Nan, Ye Ze also got the news.

The procedure for dealing with a company is almost the same.

These two days can almost be officially done.

Of course, the reason why it is so fast, naturally uses writing means.

You know this!

Once the company is done.

Then, the plan to join can be launched! Other than that, of course.

Spring clothes can also start designing.

Different from the four styles that were hastily designed before.

Spring clothes need to be designed in at least fifteen to twenty styles. And it is also available for both men and women.

Otherwise, there are only so many kinds of clothes designed in a brand store and a season. Then it’s better to close the door early.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Ye, the company has my shares.”

“Of course I don’t drop the chain.”

Zhou Rui said confidently.

Ye Ze’s plan, Zhou Rui knew.

That’s why he’s so motivated.

He has a hunch that next year, he will usher in a life-changing opportunity. And this opportunity is what the teenager in front of him brought to him.

“In addition, since the company has been established, then we must have the right department.”

“In a few days, we need to find some talent.”

Ye Ze said again.

A company has several departments that must be established.

For example, the finance department, which is the top priority, manages a company’s liquidity. Whether it is a salary or an acquisition, it needs to be approved by the finance department. In addition to finance, a legal department is required.

If a company wants to go a long way, the legal department is also a must. Especially in this era, litigation is even more essential.

There are too many people who pirate.

And a strong legal team is also a proof of the company’s strength. These are common parts of some companies.

And clothing companies, in addition to these two departments, need other departments. For example, the marketing department needs to be responsible for marketing and network development.

In addition, the marketing department also works part-time in the procurement and quotation of fabric accessories. The design department, the soul of a clothing company.

If you can’t design fashionable clothes, sooner or later the company will be eliminated by the market and go out of business. The production department, there is a new garment factory, there is no need to worry for the time being. In addition to these, the planning department, administration department, documentary department, etc. are also essential. And there was only more than a month left for Ye Ze.

A month a year ago, and half a month after the year. He had to get all the departments of the company done.

Otherwise, after the start of construction next year, I am afraid that it will be busy and even full of conditions.

“I have no experience in this, do you want us to find some professionals?” Such as headhunting companies? ”

Zhou Rui scratched his head, and then said with some embarrassment.

There are some things he really doesn’t understand about what it takes to set up a company. Especially in the recruitment of talents, he is even more bottomless.

“Haha, don’t worry, isn’t this me?”

In his previous life, he had a small company of his own. It’s not big, but it can make millions a year. So for the recruitment thing, it is still very familiar.

“However, Brother Zhou, the times are progressing, so there are some things you should learn more.”

“Otherwise, you will end up being a stable behind-the-scenes director.”

When Ye Ze said this, he glanced at Zhou Rui meaningfully. In the future society, progress can be described as extremely fast.

If you don’t work hard, you will soon be eliminated.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Ye, I believe I can do it myself.”

Zhou Rui also knew that Ye Ze was mentioning him.

Therefore, his tone was also more serious than ever.


Ye Ze nodded noncommittally.

Next, Ye Ze and Zhou Rui inspected other places in the garment factory.


It’s just that when I walked to the electric gate, I couldn’t help frowning. Follow the electric gate, and then look at the entire garment factory line.

The frown, which was originally frowning, deepened. This route, there is a problem with the design! It’s too messy.

It’s okay if the electricity is slightly used.

Once the electricity is overloaded and it is still summer: I’m afraid it will cause a fire.

No, this must not be allowed to happen. Although in his previous life he was not in the clothing industry.

However, fires in garment factories occur almost every year, and the frequency is still very high. Especially in the imperial capital, there will be a fire in a certain garment factory every three to five in summer. Therefore, this also attracted Ye Ze’s attention.

Own garment factory, absolutely no fire. Economic losses are secondary.

Once there are casualties, then the trouble is great. Therefore, Ye Ze absolutely does not allow such a thing to appear. If you want to prevent it, then not only fire protection work must be done well.

Even this electric gate and the route inside the entire factory had to be replanned. Also, choose the right wire to withstand the voltage.

In short, the use of electricity must be paid attention to.

I’d rather spend a little more than be perfunctory.

How many people hold this state of luck to have unpredictable consequences.

“What’s wrong, Mr. Ye?”

Zhou Rui heard Ye Ze’s chuckle and asked nervously. I’m afraid that I can’t do something badly.

Although Ye Ze looked young, the momentum he carried made him dare not have the slightest contempt.

“The circuit needs to be modified, such a circuit is not good, I don’t want a fire in our garment factory.”

“Brother Zhou, in the next year, you will find some electricians and optimize all the circuits of our garment factory.”

“Don’t be afraid to spend money, safety first.”

Ye Ze pointed to the electric gate and the messy wire and said.

Now 20 machines are no problem, once the other 430 machines arrive, plus other electricity. This is definitely going to be a problem!

“Yes, I know!”

Seeing Ye Ze so dignified, Zhou Rui did not dare to be careless. He is also a person who has opened a garment factory.

Of course, he knew what Ye Ze was worried about. Speaking of which, this is also his negligence.

Secretly vigilant in the heart, you should be more careful in doing things in the future, and you should observe carefully. I almost overlooked this important factor.

After visiting again, Ye Ze nodded in satisfaction. At present, except for circuit problems, everything else is quite stretched. Circuit, repair it after a year.

Anyway, the construction will start after the next year, and it is estimated that it will be after the tenth day of the first lunar month. Those electricians, it is estimated that they will start working in the third or fourth year of junior high school.

It was more than a week for them to reorganize and optimize the wires in the garment factory. Third!!!

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