The more you look at the pictures, the more you will see.

At first, these evaluation videos only had tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of views.

But slowly, because these evaluation bloggers have a large fan base and Chen Yi spends money to operate.

Soon, the total number of views of these videos about Wankai International Hotel exceeded 40 to 50 million.

“Fuck, how can it be so dirty? Wankai International Hotel is definitely the worst five-star hotel I have ever seen, no doubt about it.”

“I am sick of it. What kind of rubbish hotel is this? It must be closed!”

“I am from Jiangzhou. I have stayed at Wankai International Hotel. I thought it was pretty good at the time. I didn’t expect that it was so rubbish after being tested by professional instruments. I will never go there again.”

“I won’t go there either…”

Watching the videos of these extremely “professional” evaluation bloggers, countless netizens, especially those in Jiangzhou, complained.

It didn’t take long for the news about Wankai International Hotel to be on the hot search list of major platforms, but it was ranked relatively low.

However, in Jiangzhou, the negative news about Wankai International Hotel rushed to the top of the hot search list!

After all, it is a local business. The hot search list of Jiangzhou is even more important than other hot search lists.

And now it is still 6 or 7 o’clock in the afternoon when the user activity of major platforms is quite high. The heat of this matter is still rising, and the matter is getting bigger and bigger.

Chen Fan got the news at the first time, and he immediately thought that it was the Chen family and Chen Yi who did it.

Chen Yi is indeed smarter and more ruthless than Chen Yuzhen before, and knows where to start.

As a hotel, reputation, quality, hygiene and other issues of the hotel are the most important. If the reputation of Wankai International Hotel is completely bad, and it is because of the quality and hygiene of the hotel.

Then this hotel is not far from bankruptcy.

Chen Fan looked at the IP addresses of these review bloggers and found that they were from Shanghai.

In order to target Wankai International Hotel, Chen Yi specially invited people from Shanghai.

Chen Fan carefully looked at these review videos and immediately confirmed that there was something wrong with the video.

Since he took over Wankai International Hotel, the hotel hygiene and other issues have been more stringent, and such problems should not occur.

And didn’t Xia Ruoshui book dozens of rooms for the representatives of the Xia Group to live in?

The two of them had accidentally talked about this matter before. Xia Ruoshui said that several of their representatives told her that they didn’t expect that a five-star hotel in a small place in Jiangzhou would be better and cleaner than the five-star hotels in big cities they had stayed in.

It has only been a few days, and the hygiene quality of Wankai International Hotel cannot have suddenly become so bad.

Chen Fan called the general manager of Wankai International Hotel.

The general manager patted his chest and guaranteed that there would be absolutely no problems recently.

After all, the new boss had just been replaced, and the general manager wanted to perform well, so he was particularly concerned and strictly controlled the hotel’s hygiene and other issues. There would be no problems in the video.

“You immediately adjust the surveillance and find all the check-in information of these review bloggers, as well as the surveillance videos, etc.”

Chen Fan began to arrange.

Afterwards, Chen Fan used his Guangyu Private Detective Agency and Qiansheng Auction Company and other connections to start investigating and controlling hot searches.

In a mansion in Jiangzhou, Chen Yi looked at her masterpiece with a bright smile on her face.

It was a great success!

Now the reputation of Wankai International Hotel is already very bad. In just one or two days, Wankai International Hotel will become a “rat crossing the street” that everyone wants to beat, and its business will plummet.

Before long, Wankai International Hotel, which has no business, will be unable to make ends meet and completely close down.

Thinking of this, Chen Yi couldn’t wait to call the old man to take credit.

“Father, the matter was very successful. The news that Wankai International Hotel is dirty and messy has rushed to the top of various hot search lists. Wankai International Hotel is not far from closing down.”


“That’s great.”

Old man Chen was overjoyed.

His previous actions against Chen Fan had failed several times, but he didn’t expect that this time, Xiaoyi would have the upper hand as soon as he made a move.

Their Chen family finally raised their heads and destroyed one of Chen Fan’s industries! ! !

Let’s see if that little beast Chen Fan dares to be arrogant? !

Wankai International Hotel is just the beginning. Later, they will take all the products of that little beast.

Businesses, all closed down one by one!

“Finally succeeded, Wankai International Hotel closed down, Chen Fan must be extremely painful.”

“It’s what he deserves, Chen Fan, that bastard dared to break off relations with us, there must be such a day!”

“I can’t wait to see Chen Fan’s painful look after Wankai International Hotel closed down, it must be very interesting.”


After the other members of the Chen family knew about this, they gloated to the extreme.

Just when the Chen family was celebrating, Chen Fan discovered a huge loophole in these evaluation bloggers!

According to these evaluation bloggers, they evaluated for two consecutive days.

On the first day, when they evaluated, Wankai International Hotel was very bad.

On the second day, they also booked the same room and then evaluated it. As a result, they found that the sheets, quilt covers, etc. of Wankai International Hotel were not replaced with new ones. The toilets and other places were only slightly cleaned. When checked with professional equipment, they were very dirty and full of health hazards.

But Chen Fan checked the surveillance and found that most of these review bloggers checked in yesterday afternoon or evening.

The earliest one checked in at 3 or 4 in the afternoon, but checked out at 7 or 8 in the evening. He only stayed in the room for a few hours, not even a day. How did they review the next day?

They must have deliberately created hygiene problems after entering the room, and then faked the video.

Three of the four review bloggers stayed in for less than four or five hours, so how did they review the next day!

After discovering this loophole, Chen Fan immediately fought back and asked Wankai International Hotel to release a clarification video and a fake video, and posted the evidence.

Chen Fan immediately used his network of contacts.

Soon, the matter improved on the local hot search list in Jiangzhou.

But the problem is that on a large platform like Douyin, the effect is a wave.

After all, the first impression is very important. Now many netizens on the Internet are subconsciously more willing to believe the first video they see.

Although the anti-counterfeiting and clarification videos arranged by Chen Fan have played a lot of roles, they are still a little short of completely turning the situation around on big platforms such as Douyin.

Chen Fan doesn’t have many connections on Douyin.

Just when Chen Fan was worried, Xia Ruoshui and her sister came to visit and brought some delicious food sent to Chen Fan by her friends from other places.

Seeing that Chen Fan seemed to have something to do, Xia Ruoshui asked a few questions.

When Chen Fan finished speaking, Xia Ruoshui immediately said considerately:

“I have connections, leave this matter to me!!!”

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