The old man was so busy that he had to wait for the next few years.

This 20-year-old Mr. Chen actually bought five mines at once, and they were five large mines!

How much money does this cost?

Wu Yiwei guessed that five large mines would cost at least tens of billions.

Being able to take out tens of billions to buy five mines at once, Mr. Chen’s financial resources are far more terrifying than he guessed!

“Boss, in addition to the software industry, you are also involved in minerals?”

Tang Xinghai said with emotion.

“No, not only minerals, but also real estate, luxury goods, catering, entertainment, etc. I am involved in all of them and have industries.”

Chen Fan said lightly.

Chen Fan’s words once again deeply shocked Wu Yiwei!

Mr. Chen has been involved in real estate, luxury goods, catering, entertainment and many other industries, and even has his own industry.

Oh my God!!!

Wu Yiwei was frightened by Chen Fan’s terrifying financial resources.

Especially when he thought about the first time he saw Mr. Chen, he actually doubted that Mr. Chen’s financial resources were not enough. Now he thought about it, he was really a frog in the well.

Poverty limited his imagination. Perhaps, this small company was not worth mentioning in all of Mr. Chen’s industries. He could easily buy five mines. Isn’t the initial financial support for the software company a piece of cake? !

In an instant, Wu Yiwei no longer had any concerns.

“Mr. Chen, I am willing to join your company and work for you!”

In an instant, Wu Yiwei’s attitude towards Chen Fan changed drastically, and he said in an extremely flattering manner.


Chen Fan nodded.

Later, Wu Yiwei went to the human resources department to sign the contract.

“Mr. Chen, my senior is a bit of a fan of the strong, but his level is indeed high, you don’t have to worry about this.”

Tang Xinghai took the opportunity to say to Chen Fan.

“Well, you should pay attention to your senior later.”

Chen Fan said.

With another top talent, the company’s work efficiency will increase a lot, the time for this software to be put on the shelves will also be shortened, and the 10 billion profit is gradually becoming a reality!

“Thank you for your hard work, you are still the most important person in the company, do a good job.”

Chen Fan patted Tang Xinghai and encouraged him.

“Thank you, boss.”

Tang Xinghai understood his importance and was very excited.

When he came to his office, when Chen Fan was checking the recent company documents, he suddenly received a call from the president of Jingming Ocean Group.

“Mr. Chen, you live in Jiangzhou, right?”

As soon as he came up, the president of Jingming Ocean Group went straight to the point.


Chen Fan nodded.

“Then can I trouble Mr. Chen to negotiate a deal with a wealthy man in Jiangzhou on behalf of the company?”

The president of Jingming Ocean Group said sincerely.

“The company executive who was originally responsible for this negotiation had some problems on the way to Jiangzhou and could not go.”

“But this customer is very important and we can’t lose him, so I thought of Mr. Chen in Jiangzhou…”

The president of Jingming Ocean Group explained.

Just when Chen Fan was thinking about whether to agree, the voice of the system came.


[Task release: Agree to the request of the president of Jingming Ocean Group, negotiate with the wealthy man in Jiangzhou on behalf of the company and win the business]

[Task reward: 9 points of enhancement points]

[Task reward: 141 points of experience points]


“9 points of enhancement points?”

Chen Fan became excited. After what happened in the morning, Chen Fan realized that it was important to be strong.

If he hadn’t obtained top fighting skills from the system before, he might have been in danger this morning.

If he completes this task and gets these 9 points of amplification, and uses them on his strength, then Chen Fan will have 62 points of strength, more than twice that of an ordinary person.

“I agree.”

Chen Fan agreed to the request of the president of Jingming Ocean Group and was willing to negotiate with the other party on behalf of the company.

“What is the specific situation?”

Chen Fan asked.

“I will send the specific documents to Mr. Chen immediately.”

The president of Jingming Ocean Group said:

“As long as Mr. Chen can keep this customer stable, I don’t expect anything.”

After all, Mr. Chen is not a professional, he is just temporarily representing the company to deal with the emergency, so he can be regarded as a “substitute”, so the boss of Jingming Ocean Group did not expect Chen Fan to be able to negotiate this deal directly.

He only hoped that Mr. Chen could keep the other party stable and buy himself time, and then he would find a negotiation expert to go over.

Hang up

After a few seconds of the phone call, Chen Fan received a document.

Chen Fan opened it and took a general look. The important client he was going to meet was the wealthy man in Jiangzhou, Lv Hongchuan.

Lv Hongchuan had a large number of goods to be shipped to a certain country overseas. Because of the huge quantity, he needed a company specializing in ocean shipping to cooperate.

Before, several companies had taken the initiative to find Lv Hongchuan and recommended themselves, including Chen’s Ocean Shipping Company of the Chen family, but Lv Hongchuan did not directly agree.

And Jingming Ocean Shipping Group, where Chen Fan worked, was the first company that Lv Hongchuan took the initiative to meet. After all, the strength of their company was far from comparable to those companies of Chen’s Ocean Shipping Company.

At the end of the document, there was also a personal profile of Lv Hongchuan. Chen Fan took a look at it. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle.

With a certain understanding in his mind and looking at the time, Chen Fan went downstairs and went straight to Lv Hongchuan’s company.

More than 40 minutes later, Chen Fan met Lv Hongchuan.

Lv Hongchuan is over 50 years old this year, but he looks only in his 40s. He is very strong. When Chen Fan saw Lv Hongchuan, he was smoking a cigar, and the gold teeth in his mouth were vaguely visible.

“Boss, this is the representative of Jingming Ocean Group, Mr. Chen Fan…………”

The staff who invited Chen Fan introduced him to Lv Hongchuan.

Lv Hongchuan glanced at Chen Fan, especially when he noticed that there was only one person, and no one else. He felt a little unhappy.

Jingming Ocean Group didn’t take him seriously, so they sent a young man who probably didn’t know anything, and he was alone, without a team? !

How much they looked down on themselves.

Lv Hongchuan didn’t even want to get up. Just when Lv Hongchuan wanted the staff to see him off, Chen Fan’s move made Lv Hongchuan stunned.

After coming in, Chen Fan didn’t talk to him in a flattering way. Instead, he sat on the sofa first, crossed his legs, and even poured himself a cup of tea leisurely as if he had come to his own home.

Seeing this scene, Lv Hongchuan was stunned.

The staff member was about to stop Chen Fan’s disrespectful behavior, but before she could speak, she was stopped by Lv Hongchuan.

This person from Jingming Ocean Group aroused Lv Hongchuan’s curiosity.

On the other side, Chen Fan was leisurely sipping tea.

Chen Fan had read the information about Lv Hongchuan and knew who he was.

Therefore, Chen Fan did not play by the rules.

Just when Lv Hongchuan was thinking about what Chen Fan meant, Chen Fan suddenly said something shocking.

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