The young shop assistant couldn’t help but scream, she was so excited.

The other young shop assistants were also very excited.

In an instant, several shop assistants rushed over, excitedly scrambling to take photos and autographs with Huang Mingjie.

“Who is Huang Mingjie?”

Chen Fan shook his head, there was no Huang family in Jiangzhou.

“Boss, Huang Mingjie is the hottest top male star at the moment, good at rap and dancing, and has countless crazy fans…………..”

Seeing that Chen Fan didn’t know Huang Mingjie, the store manager hurried over to introduce him to Chen Fan.


No wonder this guy covered himself up tightly with a mask, sunglasses, and a hat. He turned out to be a traffic star.

“Now that you know who I am, you should give me this face now.”

Huang Mingjie asked with great pride.

Just when Huang Mingjie thought that Chen Fan would immediately agree to sell the complete Go to him after knowing his identity, Chen Fan asked a question that made him a little confused:

“Can you rap?”

“Rap…………..not really…………….”

Huang Mingjie shook his head.

“You can sing and dance, but you can’t rap. You are far behind Brother Kun. What about the most popular top male star?”

Chen Fan couldn’t help shaking his head.

“Don’t talk about anything else here. Since you know who I am, you should sell the Go to me.”

Huang Mingjie got straight to the point.

As a top star, Huang Mingjie usually travels with a row of bodyguards, which is very grand. In many things, he even enjoys privileges that ordinary people cannot enjoy. This makes Huang Mingjie a little arrogant, thinking that he is a member of the upper class, a big boss, not an ordinary person.

Usually, everyone spoils him, and now he is willing to expose his identity. The new boss of Bogutang in front of him must give him this face. Huang Mingjie still has this confidence.

“Wrap up this complete Go………….”

Chen Fan ordered the staff next to him.

Seeing this, Huang Mingjie immediately became proud. What, he said, as long as he reveals his identity, who dares not to give him face!

“How much?”

Huang Mingjie looked like he was going to pay.

“How much, what how much?”

Chen Fan asked back.

“Of course it’s how much you sold this Go to me. You asked the staff to wrap up this Go, isn’t it to sell it to me?”

Huang Mingjie replied.

“Sell it to you.”

“Why? Because you are so shameless?”

Chen Fan couldn’t help shaking his head. Where did this guy get his confidence from?

“I asked someone to pack up this Go board. I want to take it away. Who wants to sell it to you?”


Huang Mingjie was immediately embarrassed by Chen Fan’s straightforward rejection!

This guy thought he had a little money, but he dared to ignore him. Who does he think he is?

If this guy is a rich man or a big boss, he will admit it, but this guy is just a small rich man in a small place like Jiangzhou. How dare he not give him face?

Just when Huang Mingjie wanted to say something, he suddenly noticed the Patek Philippe watch on Chen Fan’s hand, and his eyes lit up immediately.

Although he didn’t know what style of Patek Philippe Chen Fan’s watch was, he knew the Patek Philippe logo.

So Huang Mingjie lifted his collar, and then said with great pride in a condescending manner:

“It seems that you should also be a Patek Philippe fan.”

“In this case, let me tell you that I will soon be the domestic spokesperson for Patek Philippe!!!”

“As long as you sell this Go to me, I can help you speak well in front of the president of Patek Philippe Asia Pacific, and maybe I can help you get a limited edition Patek Philippe that ordinary rich people can’t get.”

Huang Mingjie then showed off in front of Chen Fan.


Hearing this, Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

“Are you really going to become the spokesperson for Patek Philippe?”

Chen Fan asked.

“Of course.”

Huang Mingjie nodded very proudly.

In an instant, Chen Fan felt speechless. What were the people in these luxury companies thinking? They actually invited a brainless and floating traffic star to be the spokesperson.

A few years ago, Rolls-Royce invited a couple of internet celebrities to be its spokespeople, but they were criticized by many Rolls-Royce owners.

Some other luxury brands also like to invite celebrities to endorse their products.

Patek Philippe invites a spokesperson, and it actually invites a popular celebrity? !

How can this increase Patek Philippe’s popularity? This is clearly lowering Patek Philippe’s status.

What if one day, this Huang Mingjie collapses, and they Patek Philippe invite such a person as a spokesperson, wouldn’t it be a joke?

Now Chen Fan has become the new president of Patek Philippe, and he naturally can’t watch Patek Philippe repeat the mistakes of Rolls-Royce.

“From now on, you are no longer the spokesperson for Patek Philippe!”

Chen Fan announced directly.

“What did you say?”

“I am no longer the spokesperson for Patek Philippe, hahahaha…………”

Huang Mingjie laughed so hard that he fell backwards.

“Who do you think you are? A small rich man in a small place, how dare you say that I am not the spokesperson for Patek Philippe from now on?”

“I am really laughing to death. Do you think you can decide such a thing?”

“Can I decide it?”

Chen Fan couldn’t help shaking his head.

Chen Fan directly dialed a phone and told him with his actions whether he could decide it or not!

Soon, the call was connected.

“Cancel Huang Mingjie as the spokesperson!”

Chen Fan gave a simple order.

After saying that, Chen Fan hung up the phone directly.

“Hahahaha, I thought I was crazy enough, but I didn’t expect to meet a guy who was even crazier than me in a small place like Jiangzhou.”

Huang Mingjie sneered.

“You want to cancel my identity as the spokesperson for Patek Philippe with just one sentence, how is it possible, kid………….”

Huang Mingjie only said half of this sentence, and his mobile phone rang suddenly.

Huang Mingjie picked up the phone and looked at it, and in an instant, his eyes widened! !

The contact person displayed on his phone was Director Liu of Patek Philippe.

Director Liu was the person in charge of Patek Philippe’s domestic branch who was responsible for connecting with him to become the spokesperson.

Instantly, a bad premonition came to Huang Mingjie’s mind. Could that kid’s words be true?

No, no, I must be overthinking. This kid is just a small rich man in a small place. How could he have such great power?

It’s probably that Director Liu came to me temporarily for something. It’s just a coincidence, just a coincidence…

Huang Mingjie comforted himself in his heart, took a deep breath, and then answered the phone.

“Hello, Director Liu, I’m Huang Mingjie…………..”

As soon as he came up, Huang Mingjie greeted him in an extremely flattering way. He bullied the weak and feared the strong. This is Huang Mingjie’s usual style.

But before Huang Mingjie finished speaking, Director Liu brought him a piece of news like a bolt from the blue! ! !

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