The old man was very happy, but he was not very happy.

“Jiangzhou University.”

Chen Fan responded casually.

“Jiangzhou University is the Jiangzhou University in Jiangzhou. It is just an ordinary undergraduate college. Not to mention the top universities, it is not even a 211 university.”

Hearing Chen Fan’s answer, Fan Zhaohui said with disdain.

He thought that even if Chen Fan could not compare with him, he should at least be a graduate of a 985 or 211 university in China, but this is it? !

Chen Fan is actually an ordinary undergraduate?

For a moment, Fan Zhaohui felt that he was insulting his academic qualifications compared to Chen Fan.

“What’s wrong?”

“What did Jiangzhou University do to you? Why do you look down on our Jiangzhou University?”

Hearing Fan Zhaohui’s words, Xia Mengmeng was the first to lose control.

“Boss Xia, this lady is………”

Chen Fan did not overreact, but the girl next to Boss Xia was a little beyond Fan Zhaohui’s expectations.

“This is my sister Xia Mengmeng, also a student of Jiangzhou University.”

Xia Ruoshui replied.


Fan Zhaohui was stunned in an instant.

It turns out that Boss Xia’s sister is also a student of Jiangzhou University, which is embarrassing…………….

I just wanted to belittle Chen Fan to prove my excellence, but who knew that Xia Ruoshui’s sister was also a student of Jiangzhou University.

This time, he not only offended Boss Xia’s sister, but also probably made a bad impression on Boss Xia’s mother. What should I do?

Fan Zhaohui had a headache.

“You look down on our Jiangzhou University, then what university did you graduate from?”

Xia Mengmeng questioned Fan Zhaohui.

“My son graduated from Yale University, which is ranked in the top ten in the world.”

Fan Zhaohui’s mother answered with great pride. As a person who had experienced it, she naturally saw that her son was interested in Xia Ruoshui, so she deliberately showed off her son’s academic qualifications.

At this moment, not far away, a foreign woman suddenly said something to the tourists next to her in a panic for some reason, as if she had encountered some trouble.

Soon, this foreign woman attracted the attention of many tourists at the scene.

Unfortunately, several tourists in a row could not understand what the foreign woman said. She did not seem to speak English.

Noticing this scene, Fan Zhaohui’s eyes lit up. He thought of an opportunity to prove how excellent he was as a graduate of Yale University.

“I learned two foreign languages ​​when I was at Yale University. I will solve the problem………….”

As he spoke, Fan Zhaohui glanced at Chen Fan in a boastful manner, as if to show off, to let Chen Fan, a small undergraduate student, take a good look at how he, a student of Yale University, which is ranked in the top ten in the world, could easily solve the problem.

Fan Zhaohui strode towards the foreign woman. He wanted to show off his excellent language skills in front of Xia Ruoshui and Xia Ruoshui’s mother.

“Let me do it. I know several foreign languages. If you can’t, go first.”

Walking over, Fan Zhaohui confidently asked several tourists next to him to move aside and let him communicate.

Hearing Fan Zhaohui say that he knew several foreign languages, the tourists immediately admired Fan Zhaohui and moved aside.


As soon as he came up, Fan Zhaohui greeted the foreign woman directly in French.

The foreign woman did not speak English, so Fan Zhaohui guessed that she might be French.

After Fan Zhaohui finished speaking, the foreign woman looked confused, obviously she didn’t understand what Fan Zhaohui meant.

She doesn’t know French?

It doesn’t matter.

He also knows Russian. He is not French, so this woman should understand Russian.


Fan Zhaohui greeted her in Russian again, and wanted to ask her in Russian what happened?

Unfortunately, this foreign woman still couldn’t understand Russian.

In an instant, Fan Zhaohui was embarrassed. He knew three languages ​​in total, and this woman couldn’t understand English, Russian, and French. He was at a loss.

Fan Zhaohui was embarrassed there, not knowing what to do.

“Don’t you know several foreign languages? Communicate with her and see what’s wrong with her?”

“Yes, communicate.”


Several passengers around spoke up, and Fan Zhaohui shrugged helplessly.

“Tsk, that’s it………….”


“You are so good, but you still can’t communicate. Why are you pretending to be so cool?”

Seeing this, some tourists couldn’t help but mock.

Instantly, Fan Zhaohui tapped his toes on the ground, extremely embarrassed.

Seeing that no one understood what she said, the foreign woman became more anxious, but everyone was helpless and no one understood.

For a moment, they were deadlocked, and just when everyone was about to call the police, a calm voice came.

“Let me communicate with her. ”


Chen Fan came over and greeted the woman in Spanish, one of the five languages ​​he could speak.

At first, Chen Fan didn’t hear the woman’s words clearly. Until just now, after clearly hearing a sentence from the woman, Chen Fan finally confirmed that she was speaking Spanish.

Hearing the familiar voice, the foreign woman was so excited that she quickly communicated with Chen Fan. The foreign woman was really a Spaniard.

Watching Chen Fan communicate with the foreign woman so fluently, Fan Chaohui next to him was stunned.

What’s going on?

After a few words, Chen Fan understood why the Spanish woman was anxious. It turned out that she was lost, and her friends who knew English did not come with her, and she didn’t know how to leave here.

Because there were many people gathered here, some staff from the scenic spot came over.

“She wants to go out, but she is lost. You can take her to the exit.”

Chen Fan explained to the staff.

“So that’s it.”

Everyone suddenly realized, and they thought something was wrong.

“No problem. ”

The staff agreed, and Chen Fan explained to the Spanish woman and asked her to follow the staff.

The Spanish woman shook hands with Chen Fan with great gratitude, and then left with the staff.

“This guy is really good.”

“Yes, he solved the problem as soon as he arrived, unlike someone who started bragging before solving the problem.”


Several tourists started to talk nonsense.

Fan Chaohui was even more embarrassed!

“Xiao Fan knows Spanish?”

Xia Ruoshui’s mother came over and said in surprise.


Chen Fan nodded.

“Brother-in-law, how many languages ​​do you know in total?”

“Not many, just six languages.”

Chen Fan answered.

In addition to the five languages ​​rewarded by the system, Chen Fan also knows a little Japanese because he reads more comics and movies.

“What, six languages? !”

“Fuck, brother-in-law, you are so awesome. ”

Xia Mengmeng was amazed.

Xia Ruoshui’s mother was also surprised. She didn’t expect that Xiaofan was so talented and excellent in languages ​​besides his amazing artistic achievements.

Xiaofan already knows six languages ​​at such a young age. It’s amazing.

“Xiaofan is really excellent.”

The more she looked at Chen Fan, the more satisfied Xia Ruoshui’s mother was.

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