“But what?” Chen Fan did not rush to express his opinion. That Feng Yanli wanted to deal with him and kick him out of the company. If it was true, he would definitely not let him go. Chen Fan was not a kind person who would be bullied by others. But now Jiang Hao just said that, and Chen Fan was not quite clear about Jiang Hao’s purpose. Just then, the voice of the system came. [Ding]

[Temporary task released; counterattack Feng Yanli, give him a taste of his own medicine, kick Feng Yanli out of the decision-making level of Tengfei Group, and let him shoot himself in the foot]

[Task reward: top financial management ability]

[Task reward: 53 experience points]


Looking at the system reward, Chen Fan was overjoyed.

Oh my god, the system is really user-friendly.

Before, I was a little regretful because I could only choose one skill from the [Any Skill Selection Card] and I couldn’t get the top financial management skill.

He just prayed that the system would show the top financial management skill later.

Unexpectedly, today, the system showed the top financial management skill that I was looking forward to.

The system is really great!!!

Now, it is even more impossible for Chen Fan to let Feng Yanli go!!!

“But I don’t know Mr. Chen’s thoughts and abilities………………”

Jiang Hao spoke.

“Just tell Mr. Chen that I currently hold 22.5% of the shares of Tengfei Group, and Feng Yanli holds 20.3%, which is not much different from me.”

“And I heard that Feng Yanli is also buying the shares of those small shareholders, and he is coveting the position of the largest shareholder of my group.”

“I have no conflict with Mr. Chen, but I have a conflict with Feng Yanli. Instead of helping Feng Yanli deal with Mr. Chen, I might as well kick Feng Yanli out of the company with Mr. Chen.”

“This is enough to prove my sincerity.”

After listening, Chen Fan nodded, and he roughly understood what Jiang Hao wanted to do.

“Of course, I do this, and there are conditions. I hope Mr. Chen can agree to it.”

Jiang Hao added.

Jiang Hao said this, which was within Chen Fan’s expectations. If there were no conditions, why would others help him.

“Say it.”

Chen Fan spoke.

“After Mr. Chen and I join forces to kick Feng Yanli out of the company, I will also fire all of Feng Yanli’s confidants. At that time, Feng Yanli and his confidants’ positions in the company will be vacant, and I will arrange for my people to take over.”

Jiang Hao got straight to the point.

To be Feng Yanli’s confidant, you must be a senior executive of Tengfei Group. Jiang Hao intends to take this opportunity to put all these important positions in his confidants, so that it is easier to control Tengfei Group.

“At that time, I hope Mr. Chen can support me at the board meeting.”

“I agree.”

Chen Fan nodded.

Chen Fan himself was not interested in these positions at all. Even if Jiang Hao didn’t say it, Chen Fan would not intervene.

“Mr. Chen is really straightforward.”

Jiang Hao was overjoyed and took the initiative to stand up and shake hands with Chen Fan.

“Okay, happy cooperation.”

Chen Fan also stood up.

Both parties reached an agreement!!!

After finishing the meal, Chen Fan left.

On the way, Chen Fan planned to make a backup plan just in case.

Thinking about it, Chen Fan took out his mobile phone and made a call………………

On the other side, at Zuixianlou, Luo Zhixin, the owner of Zuixianlou, looked at the two middle-aged men in front of him with a gloomy face.

These two middle-aged men were the two people he arranged to go to Wangjiang Pavilion to cause trouble yesterday.

There was no news yesterday, and Luo Zhixin thought something was wrong. As a result, when he asked, these two guys and the bodyguards he sent were sent to the police station by the new owner of Wangjiang Pavilion.

He used his connections and finally got these people out.

“What do you do for a living? How can you not do such a small thing?!”

Luo Zhixin angrily questioned several useless subordinates.

“Boss Luo, we can’t do anything.”

“Don’t you know that the kid received an invitation letter from Wei Jingxiong, the big boss, and he is still on his territory. Even if we take action, we are no match for him.”

Several subordinates answered helplessly.

“Invitation letter from Wei Jingxiong?!”

Luo Zhixin was a little impatient.

Are you kidding? The new boss of Wangjiang Pavilion is trying to curry favor with Wei Jingxiong? !

“Is it true?”

Luo Zhixin asked cautiously.

“Of course it’s true.

The lobby manager of Wangjiang Pavilion said it himself.”

The subordinate added.

“What, the lobby manager of Wangjiang Pavilion said it?!”

Luo Zhixin expressed deep doubt.

“What if they are using Wei Jingxiong’s name to scare you? Did you see Wei Jingxiong’s men delivering the invitation letter to Wangjiang Pavilion?”

Luo Zhixin asked back.

“That’s not the case…………..”

The subordinate shook his head.

“Damn, you losers were fooled by others!!!”

Luo Zhixin was furious and rushed forward and kicked these losers hard.

He guessed that the invitation letter from Wei Jingxiong should be from the new boss of Wangjiang Pavilion. In order to scare his subordinates, he asked his lobby manager to say so. The other party wanted to use Wei Jingxiong’s reputation to bully others.

Sure enough, these losers were fooled.

“But boss, what if it’s true? We can’t afford to gamble. ”

The subordinate replied.

Luo Zhixin calmed down. It made sense. If it was true, even if the possibility was only one in ten, they couldn’t afford to gamble.

After all, if they offended a big shot like Wei Jingxiong, they would be finished!

“Come on, prepare a car for me and go to Fengqiao Villa District. ”

Luo Zhixin shouted loudly.

He has a backer to get to where he is today.

Now faced with this situation, Luo Zhixin has no choice but to go to his backer, Fan Hongkai, chairman of Jiangzhou Fan Group!!!

This is a big boss whose status is not inferior to Wei Jingxiong.

The driver went to prepare the car, and Luo Zhixin took out a brocade box from the safe with a painful look on his face.

You must not ask for help from others empty-handed. If he didn’t really dare to gamble on the relationship between the new boss of Wangjiang Pavilion and Wei Jingxiong, he would not ask Chairman Fan.

As long as he has the support of Chairman Fan, he will not be afraid of Wei Jingxiong.

At that time, Chairman Fan can involve Wei Jingxiong, and it will be a piece of cake for him to deal with the young boss of Wangjiang Pavilion by himself?!!!

A few minutes later, Luo Zhixin went straight to Fengqiao Villa District.


A new day arrived. At nine o’clock in the morning, Chen Fan set off and went straight to Tengfei Group.

On the other side, Feng Yanli, who was in high spirits, had already arrived at Tengfei Group in advance.

Today was the day he kicked Chen Fan out of the company and fulfilled the requirements of Mr. Kong Baisheng.

He contacted Mr. Kong yesterday, and Mr. Kong promised him that as long as he could teach Chen Fan a lesson and kick Chen Fan out of the company, he would help him become the largest shareholder of Tengfei Group.

Today was the day he stepped on Chen Fan and soared to the sky!

The more he thought about it, the more excited Feng Yanli became, and his body couldn’t help shaking.

At this moment, one of Feng Yanli’s confidants suddenly came over and whispered a few words in Feng Yanli’s ear.

In an instant, Feng Yanli’s expression collapsed!!!

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