The manor was built in 1917.

Is this my manor? !

This is too outrageous! ! !

This is not a manor, it’s just a palace.

Looking around, this manor covers at least dozens of acres of land, which is much larger than the manors of Wei Jingxiong and Yang Shengping that Chen Fan had seen before. Chen Fan estimated that even if the manors of the two of them were added together, the area might not be as large as his manor.

“Are you Mr. Chen Fan?”

At this moment, the manor manager who had been waiting inside the manor came over.


Chen Fan nodded.

“Hello, Mr. Chen. Once you sign this contract, the manor will belong to you. Our boss has received the money.”

Then the manor manager handed two contracts to Chen Fan.

Chen Fan took a look and found no problem. He signed each of them. He kept one copy and gave the other to the former owner of the manor.

From now on, this huge manor belongs to Chen Fan alone!

“By the way, Mr. Chen, do you need me to take you around and introduce this manor?”

The manor manager asked politely.


Chen Fan nodded.

“Then please follow me.”

Then the manor manager called a small sightseeing car.

“Mr. Chen, the entire manor covers more than 30 acres of land. The area is too large. If we walk little by little, it will probably take most of the day to introduce it. Let’s take a sightseeing car and take a general look first.”

The manor manager introduced.

“More than 30 acres of land, this is too large.”

Chen Fan was a little shocked. This area was even beyond his expectations.

I really need to listen to his introduction, otherwise I will get lost easily at home in the future.

Chen Fan and the manor manager got on a small sightseeing car and began to tour the entire manor.

“Mr. Chen, this manor was built by our boss in the early years by foreign architects who imitated the architectural style of the world’s top palace, the Palace of Versailles. At the beginning, it cost 800 million to 900 million to build the entire manor.”

“That was 800 million to 900 million six or seven years ago.”

The manor manager introduced.

“At the peak of real estate, the entire manor was valued at more than 2 billion. Even if the real estate industry is sluggish now, it is conservatively worth 140 million to 150 million.”

“The entire manor is equipped with private tennis courts, private golf courses, private libraries, private wine cellars…”

Listening to the introduction of the manor manager, Chen Fan was a little dazed for a while.

Even private tennis courts and private golf courses are there, which is simply outrageous.

Compared with this manor, the Chen family’s Chen Family Courtyard is simply a younger brother.

Fortunately, this manor was built in a slightly remote place. If it was built in a better location, it is estimated that this piece of land would be worth more than tens of billions.

Including this manor, Chen Fan’s net worth has reached 13 billion.

After sitting in the sightseeing car and visiting the front of the manor, they came to the back.

As soon as he came to the back of the manor, Chen Fan’s eyes were attracted by a huge and beautiful lake in the distance.

“This lake is artificially dug and belongs to you.”

The account manager introduced.

It is worthy of being a top manor, and it even has a lake of its own.

Chen Fan has opened his eyes today.

After the general tour, the manor manager left, and Chen Fan sat alone in the first living room of 700 to 800 square meters.

Today’s system reward is really good, Chen Fan likes it very much.

Just when Chen Fan was sighing, a strange phone call came, and Chen Fan subconsciously picked up the phone.

“Excuse me, is this Brother Chen Fanfan? I’m Zhu Hongyi, the little fat guy who wanted to recognize you as the boss in front of the Wei manor.”

The phone was connected, and Zhu Hongyi’s voice came from inside.

“Oh, it’s you, what’s the matter?”

Chen Fan asked.

“It’s like this, Brother Fan, I got some information about the Chen family, and I want to report it to you….”

As he said, Zhu Hongyi told Chen Fan all the plans of Chen Wenjing that he heard last night.

“Chen Wenjing is back?”

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

Chen Wenjing is one of the few people in the Chen family who has a good relationship with Chen Fan. When Chen Fan was in the third year of high school, Chen Wenjing also tutored him in his studies. Chen Wenjing is considered to be quite outstanding in the Chen family.

“Brother Fan, I don’t know if I should say something?”

Zhu Hongyi hesitated for a moment, but still spoke.

“Oh, what is it?”

“From Chen Wenjing’s tone yesterday, she seemed to admire you, Brother Fan, for simply breaking off relations with the Chen family. From her conversation with my sister, she seemed to be forced to be your enemy.”

Zhu Hongyi said.


Chen Fan nodded. He didn’t doubt Zhu Hongyi’s words.

Before, when they were in the Chen family, the relationship between the two was okay. More importantly, in the Chen family, her situation was not much different from Chen Fan’s. It was just that she was too outstanding, so she was treated much better.

In fact, in the eyes of Mr. Chen, only the eldest grandson, Chen Feiming, who he called “the unicorn of the Chen family”, was his real grandson. Others were not important.

Even an outstanding granddaughter like Chen Wenjing, in the eyes of Mr. Chen, is probably only worth a future marriage.

After listening to Zhu Hongyi, a plan emerged in Chen Fan’s mind.

Chen Wenjing is also a smart person, and she knows her position in the Chen family very well. If she can turn Chen Wenjing against the Chen family, she will definitely be able to hit the Chen family and Mr. Chen in the face!!!

And if she can turn Chen Wenjing against the Chen family and keep her in the Chen family, the Chen family will have a “time bomb”, which will pose a greater threat to the Chen family.

Turning Chen Wenjing against the Chen family will definitely be more valuable than destroying her plan! ! !

Thinking about it, Chen Fan decided to give it a try.

After a few simple words with Zhu Hongyi, Chen Fan hung up the phone and began to make two arrangements.

Chen Fan first arranged the backhand, in case the counterattack failed, he could easily crack Chen Wenjing’s plan.

Taking a step back, even if the counterattack failed, Chen Fan would not lose much, but if the counterattack succeeded, it would be great.

After arranging all this, Chen Fan took the initiative to send a message to Chen Wenjing and asked her to meet him.

On the other hand, after seeing Chen Fan’s message, Chen Wenjing was a little confused.

After hesitating for a while, she finally agreed.

Chen Wenjing is now very curious about this cousin who used to be ordinary.

In fact, if it weren’t for the old man’s order, she would not want to take action against Chen Fan.

It is said that Chen Fan’s life is much better now than when he was in the Chen family, and he even made friends with big men like Wei Jingxiong.

She is very curious about how Chen Fan did it.

Half an hour later, the two met in a cafe in Jiangzhou.

After seeing Chen Fan again, Chen Wenjing was stunned.

The current Chen Fan and the former Chen Fan seem to be two different people. The former Chen Fan is quite ordinary.

But the current Chen Fan is full of calmness and indifference in his gestures. That is because he has enough confidence to form a temperament.

Just when Chen Wenjing wanted to say hello, Chen Fan suddenly said something shocking.

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