The new crown is a big deal, but the new crown is still a big deal.


Looking at today’s reward, Chen Fan was very happy!

The system is really considerate. I just complained yesterday that I didn’t have a complete intelligence network and was not so sensitive to get news.

As a result, today, the system rewarded me with 30% of the shares of Guangyu Private Detective Agency, almost giving me one-third of Guangyu Private Detective Agency. This is too timely! ! !

Guangyu Private Detective Agency is the strongest and largest private detective agency in Zhonghai Province, without a doubt.

Of course, due to the special nature of Guangyu Private Detective Agency, its total assets are not much, only a few billion.

The problem is that Guangyu Private Detective has a strong advantage. Guangyu Private Detective has an absurdly strong intelligence network not only in Jiangzhou, but also in the entire Zhonghai Province! ! !

Compared with the intelligence of Guangyu Private Detective, Wei Jingxiong’s intelligence network is nothing!

Now Chen Fan has obtained the ownership of one-third of Guangyu Private Detective, and to some extent, he has also obtained one-third of Guangyu Private Detective’s powerful intelligence network!

This is exactly what Chen Fan needs.

And because the total assets of Guangyu Private Detective are not very large, it is easier for Chen Fan to get it completely. The system can give two rewards or tasks at random, and Chen Fan can directly take over Guangyu Private Detective 100%.

At that time, the powerful network of Guangyu Private Detective will belong to Chen Fan alone! ! !

And with Guangyu Private Detective, Chen Fan will be very helpful in finding his parents’ traces.

Today’s reward is really good.

Just as Chen Fan was sighing, the voice of the system came again.


[Task released: Resolve the Chen family’s actions and give Chen Jinping and Yan Jiubin a slap in the face]

[Task reward: 35% ownership of Guangyu Private Detective Agency]

[Task reward: 53 experience points]


I just said that if the system gives me a few more rewards, I can completely take over Guangyu Private Detective Agency.

As a result, the system immediately gave me another task.

Originally, Chen Fan was going to take action to solve the troubles created by Chen Jinping and Yan Jiubin. Now the system gave me a task, which was completely icing on the cake.

As long as the task is completed, Chen Fan can obtain 35% ownership of Guangyu Private Detective Agency. With the previous one, Chen Fan can completely control Guangyu Private Detective Agency in an instant! ! !

Just one more time, Chen Fan can get 100% control of Guangyu Private Detective Agency and completely take Guangyu Private Detective Agency’s powerful intelligence network into his pocket.

Chen Fan is full of energy and is waiting for Chen Jinping and others to take action in the afternoon!

Time flies. In the afternoon, Yan Jiubin, with a dozen of his brothers, and Chen Jinping came to Yongtai Real Estate Group in a swaggering manner.

An old man was already waiting there excitedly.

This old man was none other than Fang Zhiyuan, the former second largest and now the third largest shareholder of Yongtai Real Estate Group.

Yang Shengping and other shareholders had to cooperate with the Chen family because of Yan Jiubin’s coercion.

But Fang Zhiyuan was the only major shareholder of Yongtai Real Estate Group who was willing to cooperate with the Chen family and Yan Jiubin.

When Chen Fan rejected the Chen family, Fang Zhiyuan was very opposed. Until now, when he had the opportunity to stand with the Chen family, Fang Zhiyuan couldn’t wait to turn against them.

Fang Zhiyuan felt that with Chen Fan, a kid who hadn’t grown up yet, he couldn’t fight against the dignified Chen family at all, let alone the shrewd old man Chen.

Fang Zhiyuan became a traitor without hesitation, betrayed the company, and betrayed Chen Fan!

“Mr. Chen, Mr. Yan, you are here…………”

Fang Zhiyuan greeted them flatteringly.

Chen Jinping liked this kind of people who were disloyal. With such people, their actions were much more convenient.

“Have all the shareholders of your Yongtai Real Estate Group come?”

Chen Jinping asked.

“All of them are here, except Chen Fan.”

Fang Zhiyuan answered affirmatively.

This shareholders’ meeting was deliberately not notified to Chen Fan, in order to completely empty the company and remove Chen Fan from the position of chairman without Chen Fan’s knowledge.

“Very good.”

Chen Jinping and Yan Jiubin looked at each other and smiled excitedly.

Things were unfolding step by step according to their plan.

They seemed to have seen victory waving at them!

“Chen Fan, aren’t you showing off? You will be empty soon, and your director…

The position of the head will also be removed. Let’s see how you fight against our Chen family. Without the support of Yongtai Real Estate Group, I’m a jerk…”

“Let’s go…”

With Chen Jinping waving his hand, everyone went to the meeting room aggressively.

A few minutes later, seeing the dozen people who suddenly broke in, the shareholders of Yongtai Real Estate Group were extremely surprised.

“Mr. Yang, Mr. Fang, isn’t this our internal shareholders’ meeting? Why are there outsiders here?”

“That’s right, what does this mean?”

“What are they doing here?!”

Among the shareholders, some recognized the identities of Chen Jinping and Yan Jiubin and asked one after another.

“Oh, this Mr. Chen and Mr. Yan were specially invited by Mr. Yang and me. ”

Fang Zhiyuan relied on the power of the Chen family and was particularly rampant.

Everyone looked at Yang Shengping, and Yang Shengping nodded, which was considered as tacit agreement.

At the scene, some shareholders loyal to Chen Fan realized that something was wrong. They knew that Chen Fan and the Chen family had a relationship like fire and water, so they wanted to contact Chen Fan secretly and tell Chen Fan about the changes in the company.

“Don’t move!!!”

Having expected this problem, Yan Jiubin suddenly stood up and shouted.

“Hand over your mobile phones, and you are not allowed to contact the outside world!”

Yan Jiubin ordered loudly.

“Why should we listen to you?”

“That’s right, the mobile phone is ours, why should we give it to you.”

The shareholders refuted one after another.

“Why should you listen to me? Just because of this! ”

With a look from Yan Jiubin, a dozen black-clad thugs rushed in, staring at the shareholders fiercely.

The fierce look seemed to say, if you dare not hand over your phone, they will take action.

Then, at Yan Jiubin’s signal, his thugs began to collect the phones.

Faced with this, even those shareholders who wanted to tip off Chen Fan were helpless.

It’s over, this time Mr. Chen is in danger!!!

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