The enemy was in a panic, and the enemy was in a panic.

Before Yan Jiubin’s thugs rushed into the building, more than 30 burly and fierce-looking men had already rushed out.

Not only in front of Yan Jiubin, but also on their left and right sides, and even behind them, there were 20 to 30 men who looked difficult to deal with.

In an instant, they were surrounded.


A loud noise was heard, and the gate of Chen Fan’s manor was also locked directly from the outside at this moment!

Before dusk, two ordinary bodyguard teams and a special team of Jiuxiao Security Group had arrived.

Chen Fan arranged such a “closing the door to beat the dog”!

Seeing this scene, both Yan Jiubin and his thugs were a little panicked.

How could this happen? !

Especially Yan Jiubin, his face was full of surprise. He thought he could catch Chen Fan off guard, but he didn’t expect Chen Fan to be prepared.

Yan Jiubin suddenly remembered that when he first came, the door of Chen Fan’s manor was wide open, as if to “welcome” him.

It turned out that Chen Fan had ambushed him.

Upstairs, Wei Jingxiong was even more shocked.

Mr. Chen is so powerful!

No wonder Mr. Chen is so calm, it turns out that he had already made arrangements.

What is called strategizing and winning thousands of miles away, Mr. Chen is it! ! !

In an instant, Wei Jingxiong admired Chen Fan very much.

Yan Jiubin has experienced many big scenes, and after a little slowing down, he regained his calm.

Yan Jiubin scanned the area and roughly estimated that at this moment, there were probably only about 110 to 20 people surrounding them, which was only slightly more than his side.

The thugs on his side were carefully selected, and Yan Jiubin had great confidence in them!

At this moment, Yan Jiubin still felt that he still had a good chance of winning!!

“Don’t panic, everyone, their number is about the same as ours, we still have the advantage!”

Yan Jiubin roared to calm the troops!

Hearing the boss say this, Yan Jiubin’s brothers breathed a sigh of relief. Since the number of people was about the same as theirs, they were not afraid.

“Hahaha, Chen Fan, how can you be so stupid?!”

Yan Jiubin laughed at Chen Fan on the terrace.

“Since you are ready to ambush me, why are you only preparing so few people? With such a small number of people, what advantage do you have?”

“If I were you, I would at least find two or three hundred thugs to have the confidence of winning.”

“Now, we are still not sure who will win. Who will be the final winner?!!”

Seeing Yan Jiubin’s inexplicable confidence, Chen Fan couldn’t help but speak:

“Who will be the final winner? It’s not certain?”

“Yan Jiubin, I have something to tell you. It’s not the number of people that matters, but the quality.”

“Get rid of them!”

Chen Fan was too lazy to talk nonsense with Yan Jiubin. With an order, the bodyguards of Jiuxiao Security Group rushed over.

“Haha, brothers, take action, teach them a lesson!”

Yan Jiubin also ordered to take action. He wanted to fight Chen Fan head-on this time. Even if he didn’t have any advantage in numbers, he was very powerful in terms of skills.

The thugs rushed over and fought with Chen Fan’s bodyguards of Jiuxiao Security Group.

However, when the fight just started, Yan Jiubin, who was still full of confidence, couldn’t sit still.

How come the professional fighters he carefully selected were like paper when they met Chen Fan’s men?

Chen Fan’s men could knock his professional fighters to the ground in just a few moves.

Especially the thirty or so people in the front, they were like gods of war, and they could get rid of one of his fighters with one move, which was simply a one-sided crushing.

When Yan Jiubin was stunned, one-third of his fighters had fallen to the ground and rolled around in pain.

In a short while, nearly a hundred fighters brought by Yan Jiubin all fell to the ground and lost their fighting power!

Looking at his men lying on the ground, Yan Jiubin’s face was pale, as if he had just crawled out of a grave.

How could this happen?

How could this happen! ! !

Yan Jiubin was a little scared.

Chen Fan’s bodyguards took Yan Jiubin down, tied him up, and pressed him in front of Chen Fan.

“Why, do you still think I don’t have enough people?”

Chen Fan looked at Yan Jiubin.

“I lost, but can you let me understand why I lost? Who are these men of yours, and why are they so powerful?”

Yan Jiubin couldn’t help asking.

“My men are from Jiuxiao Security Group.

‘s bodyguards. ”

Chen Fan spoke slowly.

“What? !”

“They are from Jiuxiao Security Group? !”

Yan Jiubin was stunned. Jiuxiao Security Group was the number one security group in Zhonghai Province, and its strength was terrifying.

It was not unfair for him to lose to them.

“How are you going to deal with me?”

Yan Jiubin asked.

“Don’t say anything else. You should get out of here from the first floor to the front door of the manor.”

Chen Fan said kindly.

Didn’t Yan Jiubin want him to get out? Then he would see what he looked like when he got out.

“Absolutely impossible.”

Yan Jiubin was still stubborn.

“Since you don’t like to be active, then you like to be passive.”

“Help him.”

Chen Fan ordered the bodyguards considerately.

“Yes. ”

Chen Fan’s bodyguards escorted Yan Jiubin downstairs. When they reached the first floor, they punched Yan Jiubin to the ground, and then forced him to roll on the ground like a tire.

After a long time, Yan Jiubin rolled to the gate of the manor with torn clothes and bruised face.

“Boss Wei, Yan Jiubin is finished. His territory will be yours from now on.”

Chen Fan looked at Wei Jingxiong.

“Thank you, Mr. Chen.”

Wei Jingxiong half-knelt on the ground and expressed his loyalty to Chen Fan.

“Mr. Chen, from now on, I, Wei Jingxiong, will be your subordinate. I will follow your lead.”

Because he could get Yan Jiubin’s sphere of influence, Wei Jingxiong immediately fulfilled his promise and was willing to be Chen Fan’s subordinate.

“Also, Mr. Chen, you can just call me Xiao Wei from now on. Don’t call me Boss Wei. I can’t bear it.”

Wei Jingxiong added.

“Xiao Wei? ”

“Forget it, I’ll call you Lao Wei from now on.”

It always feels awkward to call a middle-aged man in his forties Xiao Wei.

“All up to you.”

Wei Jingxiong nodded.

As a Jiangzhou underground boss, Yan Jiubin and his thugs were handed over to Wei Jingxiong for more convenience.

After Yan Jiubin and his men were taken away by Wei Jingxiong, Chen Fan’s manor finally returned to peace.

The next morning, under the command of Kong Baisheng, the Yum Group suddenly launched an attack on Yongtai Real Estate Group!!!

On Chen Fan’s side, the voice of the system also came.


[Severance of relations for the 19th day, reward world-class private yacht]

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