Sasuke was a little depressed after walking out of the Uchiha clan meeting. He was obviously planning to discuss important matters with his clan members, but why did they fight for no reason! ?

It's really strange!

Sasuke carefully reviewed the whole process in his mind.

Well! He didn't start it first, he was just forced to fight back!

Looking at the sky, it was still early, Sasuke was not in a hurry to go back, he planned to find a place to practice his strength.

Although he gained powerful strength, he also needed a lot of practice to better master this power.

After leaving the Uchiha clan, Sasuke came to the back mountain of Konoha, where the forest was dense and few people came. It was a very good training place.

Immediately, he started training.

Two hours later, Sasuke tested the power of his eyes and immediately prepared to transform into a tough guy to test how strong his pure physical strength was.

At this moment, a slightly familiar voice came over.

"Uchiha Sasuke, I finally found you!"

Hyuga Menzuo walked out of the forest, and next to him, there was a Hyuga boy wearing a Konoha forehead protector.

"My cousin, that's him. In the ninja battle this morning, he sneak attacked me without martial ethics and knocked out all my teeth! Now my face and mouth hurt so much!"

Hyuga Menzuo covered his cheek with one hand and pointed at Sasuke with the other.

"Yeah! I know!"

Hyuga Daishu nodded, came to Sasuke, crossed his arms, and said condescendingly:

"You are Uchiha Sasuke! The guy who sneak attacked and injured my brother?"

"Get lost!"

Sasuke just spit out a word lightly, he was too lazy to explain anything to such a little brat.

"Hey! It's interesting. I haven't seen such an interesting kid for a long time. It's worthy of the Uchiha family!"

Hyuga Daishu was not angry, but looked very interested.

"Kid! Look carefully, your uncle Hyuga Daiki is a Genin, a Genin! A real ninja, this kind of weight is not something that a kid like you who didn't graduate from the ninja school can understand!"

Hyuga Daiki pointed at the forehead protector on his forehead, with an arrogant and proud face.

He is a Genin to deal with a kid who didn't graduate from the ninja school, isn't it a dimensionality reduction attack!

So when his cousin came to seek help, he agreed without hesitation.

Looking at the arrogant look of the little brat in front of him, Sasuke was a little speechless.

When did a Genin become so arrogant, making himself look like a Kage.

But Sasuke was not in a hurry to teach the other party a lesson. It happened that he was tired from training, so it would be nice to have some entertainment programs.

"Oh! Then what do you want!? Do you want me to apologize to this guy?"

Sasuke looked at the other party and asked very calmly.

"Hey! You are a sensible boy!"

Hyuga Daiki was very satisfied with the attitude shown by Sasuke.

"But you knocked out my brother's teeth, so you can't just apologize and let things go!"

"What else do you want from me? Pay for your brother's medical expenses? I don't have money!"

Sasuke spread his hands helplessly.

"No need to pay, just let my brother fight back. Of course, I have to knock out your teeth as well."

"This... isn't good!"

Sasuke began to back away, frowning.

"Don't agree!? It doesn't matter, I'll knock out your teeth myself."

Hyuga Daiki rubbed his fists and approached Sasuke aggressively.

"Okay! I agree, I'll let Hyuga Monza fight back, but you mustn't do anything."

Sasuke stopped, looking afraid that Hyuga Daiki would do it himself.

"Hmph! That's more like it!"

Hyuga Daiki showed a satisfied look, and at the same time said to Hyuga Monzuo behind him:

"You can do it boldly and confidently. With me here to hold the line, he won't dare to fight back!"

"Awesome! You are worthy of being my cousin!"

Hyuga Monzuo flattered, and then walked to Sasuke with a proud look on his face.

"Uchiha Sasuke, how is it? When you attacked me this morning, did you ever think about this situation? You must be very regretful now! Hahaha!"

Hyuga Monzuo's face was full of joy, he just wanted to see Sasuke, the arrogant guy, show an annoyed expression.

However, the situation was completely different from what he thought.

Sasuke just looked at him expressionlessly, and the expected annoyed expression did not appear at all.

"If you want to fight, hurry up! Don't hesitate like a woman!"

"Damn! Your arrogant attitude is really annoying!"

Hyuga Monzuo's anger was ignited. He gathered chakra in his hand and slapped Sasuke's cheek hard!

"You pretended, I will beat you to pieces!"

Sasuke did not dodge or evade, and let the attack fall on his face.


A loud slap echoed in the forest!

This kind of attack was like a breeze on Sasuke's face, causing zero damage.

However, this would not be the case for Hyuga Monzuo.

"Ah! My...hand hurts! How can your face be so hard!"

He covered his red and swollen hand with a look of surprise.

He felt like he was hitting a piece of steel, which made his whole arm numb!

"Didn't you eat? Use some strength!"

Sasuke took two steps forward and took the initiative to put his face in front of the other party, looking like he was asking for a beating.

"Damn it!"

Hinata Menzuo took two steps back, not daring to take action again.

"Cousin, this kid has such a tough face, come and help me teach him a lesson!"

It's really useless!

Hinata Daiki looked at his brother with disgust. No one else would fight back and let you hit him. You couldn't beat him. What a waste!

He couldn't believe how hard a little kid's face could be!

He immediately took two steps forward and greeted him with a slap, but was stopped by Sasuke with his hand.

"I didn't agree to let you take action too!"

Sasuke said calmly.

"How dare you fight back? Did I ask you to fight back?"

But Hinata Daiki was irritated by Sasuke's behavior, his face was full of anger, he wanted to take his hand out, but he couldn't do it no matter what.

At this moment, he was surprised, how could this kid be so strong!

"Hurry... let go! Otherwise, I'll take advantage of you if I show my true strength!"

He quickly warned, already feeling something was wrong at this moment.

"By the way! Just now, I thought you said your name was Hinata Daiki, right?"

Sasuke didn't let go, but instead asked an irrelevant question.

"My name is Hinata Daiki, what...what's wrong?"

Inexplicably, he suddenly had an ominous premonition, always feeling that something extremely bad was going to happen to him.

"It's nothing, I just think your name is pretty good!"

Sasuke suddenly smiled toward Hinata.

next moment,


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