
Suddenly, Sasuke's right hand was empty. He looked up in shock and saw a large stone slab falling down.


Sasuke reacted quickly. He immediately pulled away and retreated to avoid the impact of the large stone slab.

However, although this huge stone slab was not big, it still weighed several densities. It directly crushed the surrounding trees and rocks, and finally hit the wall in the distance.


Samyi climbed up from under the big stone slab and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth.

"Damn it! This guy is too strong!"

Samui cursed in her heart. She was almost defeated by Sasuke just now!

You must know that her sealing technique can temporarily seal Sasuke's chakra, but Sasuke lifted the seal in a short time, injured her, and now forced himself into this situation.

"No wonder he dares to act alone. His strength is incredible!" Samyi gritted his teeth, with a trace of fear in his heart.

After Sasuke stood firm, he looked at the weak Samui and sneered: "Your sealing technique is indeed powerful and can temporarily seal my chakra. Unfortunately, this technique is of no use to me at all."

"You!!" Samyi's pretty face turned red with anger when she heard Sasuke's words.

"But, in order to thank you for your kindness, I will subdue you and then kill you." Sasuke smiled coldly: "After all, it was you who made me so embarrassed. I am very angry!"

After Sasuke said that, he used the moon step teleportation technique to get close to Samyi, and he quickly formed seals with his hands: "Earth Release·Earth Flow Wall!"

As Sasuke swung his hands faster, the chakra controlled by his hands began to fuse, and then a semicircular khaki shield appeared in front of him.

Sasuke pushed his arm, and the earth flow wall crashed into Samyi. Samyi suddenly felt that his chest was blocked, and his whole body was blown away.


Sasuke spat out a mouthful of blood, and several of his ribs were broken.

"This woman is more powerful than that bastard Itachi!" Sasuke gasped and looked at Samui.

At this moment, Samyi stood up with difficulty, clutching her chest. There were two blood holes in her chest, and blood kept spraying out, staining her clothes.

There was blood hanging from the corner of her mouth. She looked at Sasuke's eyes with a cold light and said, "I was negligent this time. You have made great progress!"

"But, there is no way you will lose this battle!" Sasuke formed a seal with his hands. He stared at Samyi and sneered: "Teacher Samyi, you should pay the price!"

"Wind Release·Super Large Jade Rasengan!"

Sasuke's right hand was wrapped with white chakra, and he threw this extremely powerful ninjutsu at Samui without any warning.

"Damn it!"

Samui's pupils tightened. She knew that the ninjutsu used by Sasuke was by no means simple. If she continued to resist, she would definitely fall into a hard fight, but if she did not resist, she would be in danger.

"Thunder Release: Thunder Spear Stab!"

Samyi hooked his finger, and the blue-purple thunder spear appeared again.


"Kacha kacha~"

The Thunder Spear Thorn and the Wind Release·Super Large Jade Spiral Pill collided with each other, causing continuous explosions.


Following the violent explosion, strong aftermath raged.

Sasuke's cheeks twisted slightly, and his body shook, expelling all the raging aftermath from his body, and Samui was also swept by the aftermath and fell to the ground.

"Ahem, is this the difference between the two of us?" Samyi reluctantly supported his body.

Sasuke walked over slowly, squatted down, stared at Samyi with cold eyes, and said, "You lose, Teacher Samyi."

"Well...I admit you won, Sasuke-kun..." Samyi's cheeks trembled slightly, a look of humiliation flashed in her eyes, and she gritted her teeth.

There was a trace of sarcasm on Sasuke's lips and he said: "Now that you know I won, let's fulfill the bet."

"I...I can't...do that kind of thing with you!" Samyi's little face turned red, filled with shame.

Sasuke was stunned for a moment, then slapped her in the face and said, "What the hell! You don't want to?"


Samui screamed, because Sasuke's strength was too amazing, the bridge of her nose was collapsed, and her ears were even crooked, and blood flowed from her ears.

She glared at Sasuke angrily. She never thought that Sasuke could be so brutal!

"You!" Samyi covered her ragged cheek, her legs softened, and she fell to the ground.

"No matter! I can't let myself lose here."

Samyi took a deep breath, formed a seal with her hands, a lavender thunder surrounded her limbs, and her arms were also wrapped in lavender.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes. Judging from Samyi's seal just now, it should be some kind of secret technique. What exactly is she trying to do?

Suddenly, Samui's eyes bloomed with dazzling light, and her right fist turned into lavender thunder, blasting towards Sasuke at a lightning-fast speed, and her body even glided past the ground.

"Humph! An attack of this level can't cause any harm to me." Sasuke sneered, his arms turned into golden lightning and wrapped around his elbows, and then swung out suddenly.

"Wind Release: Tornado Technique!"

The moment the two collided, a storm suddenly arose, and strong winds roared and blew on the ground.

Sasuke used his legs to exert force and jumped up to a hundred meters. During this period, he also used the Immortal Technique and the Iron Block Technique to increase his strength.

Sasuke volleyed down, and his right fist struck Samui with fierce wind. This blow was enough to shatter steel!

Samui stared at Sasuke who was getting closer and closer. She gritted her silver teeth and released rich blue-purple thunder and lightning from her body.

"Thunder Escape·Thunder Snake!"

A huge blue-purple thunder snake sprang out from her side, and then collided with Sasuke.


A huge explosion resounded through the forest, and both of them were knocked back by their respective shock waves.

"You are really tenacious!" Sasuke grinned: "But this battle is still very early."

Sasuke did not choose to pursue. He understood that even if he tried his best, he probably would not be able to defeat Samui. Instead, he would consume a lot of money, and in the end it would only be a lose-lose outcome.

His goal was not to fight this woman, but to find traces of Iruka.

"The outcome between us has not been decided yet, don't think about leaving easily!" Samyi said with a sullen face, a blue-purple arc of electricity appeared on her right hand, crackling, and at the same time, six chakra tails appeared behind her. The prototype of beast jade.

"The amount of chakra this woman seems to be a bit exaggerated, but..."

Sasuke shook his head and laughed. Under normal circumstances, Samui did have the fighting experience to crush Sasuke, but in the fierce battle just now, she consumed a lot, so she must win this battle!


"Water Escape·Water Destruction!"

Sasuke formed a seal with his hands, and his chakra gathered into a surging water column and washed towards Samui.

"Water Escape·Dance of the Thunder Snake!"

Samyi shouted low, bent her legs, and shot out like a cannonball, her body moving like a thunder snake.


Samui directly smashed Sasuke's water column, and then she bullied him again.

Samui's body drew a perfect arc in the air, and she kicked Sasuke in the abdomen, knocking him back dozens of meters and hitting a tree heavily.

Sasuke stabilized his body. There was a bit of pain on his face, but his eyes were determined. He raised his head and looked at the sky.

"Thunder Release: Chidori Style!"

Sasuke clenched his right hand, and his right hand became thicker and attached to the thunder and lightning, turning into a sharp thunder sword and slashing down. The thunder and lightning on the thunder sword jumped wantonly.

The moment the thunder sword fell, Sasuke immediately jumped to avoid it. The thunder sword fell to the ground, a crack spread, and thunder and lightning raged.

"What a terrifying move!" Samyi was still frightened. If Sasuke hadn't avoided it just now, she would probably have suffered a lot.

"This guy's strength has improved too much!" Sasuke thought to himself. He knew that Samui might not be afraid of Nara Shikamaru's attack at this level, but he would definitely be in trouble.

"Your strength indeed surprised me, but...this little strength is far inferior to mine." Samyi snorted coldly. The thunder and lightning wrapped around her right leg was even more terrifying, and her body It left an afterimage on the spot, heading straight towards Sasuke. She smacked it down with a palm, and the thunder snake roared.

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

Samyi clasped her hands together to form a seal, and the lake around her suddenly spewed out a torrential water column, and the water column turned into a huge water dragon and rushed towards Sasuke.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

"Earth Escape·Rock Barrier!"

Two completely different chakra techniques were integrated by the two of them. A hot flame ball and a thick earth wall stood in front of them.


The flame ball and the earth wall were disintegrated in an instant, but this did not stop the forward momentum of the water dragon bullet. It penetrated Sasuke's protective chakra all the way and knocked him dozens of meters away.

"Pfft!" Sasuke knelt down on one knee and spit out a mouthful of blood. He wiped the blood from the corner of his lips, stood up and looked at Samui, his eyes slightly condensed, and said: "Your ninjutsu is indeed powerful, but with just With this kind of ability, there is no way he can be my opponent!”

"Hmph! Then I don't know. After all, you are only over seven years old." Samyi's eyes flashed.

Sasuke frowned slightly. Although this sentence was unpleasant to hear, it was indeed true.

"Then, let's use the simplest way to decide who loses and who wins!" Sasuke formed a seal with his hands, and he exuded a strong thunderous aura.


Sasuke stretched his arms, the thunder and lightning around him gathered crazily, and a huge thunder knife appeared between Sasuke's hands.

"call out!"

The thunder knife broke through the layers of air and slashed towards Samyi.

Samyi felt the threat of this thunder knife, and she quickly transferred her chakra and solidified it into an ice wall to resist.


The thunder knife easily split the ice wall, and continued to attack Samyi with all its remaining strength.

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