On the night of genocide, it would be reasonable to annihilate the Shimura clan.

Chapter 62: Danzo's Ten Sins, the Shimura Clan is Destroyed (1/2)

Chapter 62 Danzo’s Ten Deadly Sins, the Shimura Clan was wiped out

"Then...what is that? Is Konoha going to suffer another disaster?"

"What kind of monster is this? Is there an enemy coming to attack Konoha?"

"Don't be afraid, kid! The Third Hokage is the strongest Hokage in history. He will protect us!"


The complete Susanoo is over two hundred meters tall.

Just standing still can make people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Especially in the dark night, Susanoo's whole body was still emitting purple light.

Therefore, everyone in Konoha can see this majestic giant.

This reminded the Konoha villagers at this moment of the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

They felt that this giant would wreak havoc in Konoha just like the Kyuubi.

Panic was spreading rapidly, and everyone felt deep fear.

Just then they heard the giant speak.

"Villages, don't panic, I am the god of justice! I show up this time just to reveal the truth to you! Let you see how dirty Danzo, the dignified elder of Konoha and the leader of the root, is , how dirty it is!”

The voice was loud and domineering, allowing everyone in Konoha to hear it clearly.


Reveal the truth about the root leader Danzo?

At this moment, the villagers of Konoha were full of questions.

Danzo, they knew, was one of the elders of Konoha.

But such big shots usually seem to be on top of the world, and ordinary people like them are completely out of reach!

Has this Danzo done anything outrageous?

Even the so-called gods showed up!

Although I don’t know whether it is true or not, it seems that there is a big melon to eat, and it is the gossip of a big shot in Konoha.

As a result, all the Konoha villagers pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

"Tonight, it is up to me, the God of Heaven, to personally detail all the crimes committed by this bitch Danzo!"

[Crime One: Deliberately sowing discord and worsening the relationship between Uchiha and the village! At the same time, he also took a fancy to Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan, so he mutilated Shisui in a sneak attack, dug out his eyes, and transplanted them into his own eyes!

The murder of the Uchiha family genius further worsened the relationship between Uchiha and the village! Everything was caused by Shimura Danzo's greed! 】

What! ?

All the villagers were shocked. As an elder of Konoha, he actually poisoned people in the same village!

No wonder the Uchiha tribe treated them so badly. It turned out that this was all Shimura Danzo's fault.

Because of the powerful power of the perfect body, many people subconsciously choose to believe it.

After all, there is no need for such a strong man to lie to ordinary people like them!

[Crime 2: colluding with the traitorous Ninja Orochimaru, arresting Konoha civilians and ninjas, and conducting inhumane human experiments! 】

After saying this, the Konoha ninjas all loudly agreed.

"Really, this is true! What this God said is absolutely not false at all!"

The confirmation from the ninja from the same village made all the villagers in Konoha feel incredible and there was an uproar!

They all angrily accused Danzo of not being a human being. He was so unscrupulous that he would seize one of his own people for human experiments!

Warm greetings to all eighteen generations of Danzo’s ancestors!

[Crime 3: During the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Danzo took all the ninja turtles under the ground and chose to stand idly by. As a result, Konoha Village was short of manpower, and the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato died in the battle! 】

"Damn it, damn it! No wonder there were so few ninjas in Konoha that night of the Nine-Tails. It turned out that Danzo, who suffered a thousand blows, led his people to hide!"

"The village is in danger and he actually takes people into hiding. How can such a hothead be worthy of being an elder of Konoha!?"

"This dog Danzo, isn't he the equivalent of indirectly killing the Fourth Hokage? He really deserves to die!"

At this moment, everyone was angry.

If Danzo had brought people to help during the Nine-Tails Rebellion, the number of deaths would have been greatly reduced. Perhaps, the Fourth Hokage they respected would not have died due to the Nine-Tails Rebellion!

[Crime 4: Using a poisonous trick to put Konoha hero Hatake Sakumo into a dilemma during the execution of the mission. Then spread rumors and drive him to death!

Danzo did this because Sakumo's reputation at the time was too high and could threaten his status!

It is really sad that a hero who has made great contributions to Konoha has fallen to such a miserable end just because of his own selfishness! What a shame! 】

"It turns out that the reason why my father chose to commit suicide was because Dan was hiding something that was not human!"

Hearing this, Kakashi murmured, his expression cold, and he looked at Danzo, who was wrapped in a bandage, with bitter hatred bursting out of his eyes.

If Sasuke hadn't said it before, Danzo would have spent the rest of his life in pain.

Kakashi wanted to stab Danzo in the head right now.

The rest of the people were sighing.

Even Konoha's heroes were not spared, and Konoha's great hero ended up like this!

Danzo Shimura is really not a human being!

[Crime Five: Secretly leaking information to the Kumo Ninja, exposing the weakness of the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, causing the Second Generation Hokage, who possesses the Flying Thunder God Technique and can teleport instantly, to die in a foreign country! 】

Everyone continued to be in an uproar, but they didn't expect that Danzo, this beast, would not let go even to the Second Hokage, his mentor.

Of course, there were many who questioned it, thinking that Danzo could not be such a beast.

Regarding this questioning voice, some people refuted it like this:

"Idiot, there is no need to doubt this! The Nidaime Hokage is a powerful ninja who can use space ninjutsu. If he wants to evacuate, no one can stop him!

But he was killed! There is nothing fishy in it, who would believe it! Therefore, it must be Danzo, the sinister villain, who passed the information to Kumo Ninja! "

Those who questioned were silent.


How could a powerful ninja who knew space ninjutsu be killed by those muscular and reckless Kumo ninjas!

It must be the villain Danzo who is behind this!

Sasuke's voice continued.

[Crime Six: Deliberately lowering the difficulty of the task, misleading others, and indirectly killing the first-generation grandson Senju Noshu! 】

[Crime Seven: Colluding with Hanzo of the Rain Ninja Village to launch the 3rd Ninja World War, causing turmoil in the Ninja World and displacing countless innocent people. Konoha was also besieged by the four major ninja villages, with countless casualties! 】

[Crime 8: Having a vicious mind and intending to launch an inhumane genocide plan against the Uchiha tonight! Fortunately, this god appeared in time, otherwise, after tonight, the Uchiha clan will disappear from the ninja world forever! 】

[Crime Nine: Using dirty means to force away Konoha's two top combat powers, Tsunade and Jiraiya. This makes Konoha unprecedentedly weak. If these two top combat powers are still in Konoha, the casualties caused by the Nine-Tails Rebellion will only be smaller.

Moreover, the departure of Tsunade, who was a top medical ninja, caused the medical level of Konoha to drop significantly. Countless patients who could have been treated were unable to receive treatment and died miserably! 】

A series of black pots were hit on the head, making Danzo's remaining torso tremble crazily.

Bastard, bastard! !

Damn it! Damn it! !

He couldn't refute the bully, so he just slandered him and poured dirty water on him wantonly.

Some of these nine crimes were indeed committed by him!

But yes, Sasuke just made it up out of thin air and randomly blamed him!

Danzo felt like he was going to be pissed to death!

If he hadn't been extremely weak at this moment, he might have vomited three liters of blood on the spot!

Sasuke was not satisfied with this.

There are nine crimes based on truth and fabrication.

Not getting enough ten made Sasuke, who had obsessive-compulsive disorder, feel uncomfortable.

No, he must get ten pieces together, otherwise he will not be able to sleep at night.

After thinking about it carefully, Sasuke said loudly:

[Crime 10: In the dead of night, Danzo would sneak into Grandma Wang’s house and do evil things to the old sows she kept in captivity, making them infertile and failing to give birth to piglets for many years. The crime was heinous! 】

As soon as these words came out, the whole place couldn't help but fall into silence.

Ah, this... this is nonsense!

It’s fake at first glance, how could anyone have such strong taste!

Just when they didn't believe it, an old voice suddenly sounded.

"Yes, what Tenjin-sama said is true. A few years ago, my old sow never gave birth to piglets no matter how I fed her! It turns out that Danzo's shameless thing is doing a good job!"

An old woman on crutches stood up and responded loudly.

She doesn't care whether this is the case or not, she is right to support the gods anyway!

We can’t embarrass the Lord God! ?

If the god is angry and wants to destroy Konoha, who can stop him!

With this in mind, Grandma Wang stood up and affirmed Sasuke's statement!

"Ah...is Danzo really that perverted?"

Everyone questioned that this was just a random fabrication.

"It's true, it's absolutely true, old lady, I never tell lies!"

Grandma Wang banged her cane hard, her old face turned red, she was spitting as she spoke, and she looked very excited.

"Damn it! Danzo is really worse than a beast!"

Everyone was shocked, it completely subverted their views!

In this regard, Sasuke said that if they lived in modern times and learned about the heroic deeds of San and Lizard, they would feel that Danzo and Old Sow were actually nothing more than that!

After hearing this, Danzo on the other side roared with grief and anger in his heart.

'ah! ! Damn Uchiha Sasuke, you insulted my character! I curse you not to have a good death and not to be reborn forever! Curse you... (100,000 words omitted below)'

Of course, at this moment, he couldn't do anything except curse Sasuke crazily in his heart.

"The evil of Danzo is rarely seen in the world! Such a treacherous and evil person should be killed! He deserves to die!"

"The Shimura clan should be destroyed! It should be destroyed!"

Sasuke shouted violently, his voice rolling, and the vast sound soared into the sky!

Everyone was first shocked by the sudden sound, and then came to their senses, it was the loud shout that shook the sky.

"Okay! Okay! The Shimura clan should be destroyed! It should be destroyed!"

"Can a family that can cultivate something like Danzo be such a good thing!?"

"The Shimura clan can cultivate a beast like Danzo, which is simply a cancer on Konoha!"

"Yes! Kill the Shimura clan quickly to get rid of the pests in Konoha!"

"Lord Tenjin, we all support you! Let's do it quickly! Destroy the Shimura clan quickly and restore peace to Konoha!"


At this moment, everyone is crazy!

Everyone hopes that Sasuke will destroy the Shimura clan!

He even started urging Sasuke to take action!

"Slander! This is pure slander! We, the Shimura clan, are also deeply angry at what Danzo has done!"

"From now on, Danzo, this beast, has been removed from the name of Shimura! All the crimes he committed have nothing to do with the Shimura clan!"

"Yes! Danzo is no longer a member of my Shimura clan! Please don't implicate my Shimura clan for the crimes committed by Danzo!"


Hearing that their entire family was exterminated because of Danzo's personal reasons.

Immediately, the Shimura clan went completely crazy, and they all complained about the injustice for themselves, and at the same time, they distanced themselves from the relationship between the Shimura clan and Danzo!

"Hmph! Why are you pretending to be pitiful! Didn't you Shimura clan enjoy the benefits that Danzo got by doing evil?

Since you have enjoyed the benefits, you must pay the price for it!"

Before Sasuke spoke, someone loudly refuted.

"No! Our Shimura clan is innocent, please be clear, don't listen to the villain..."

Boom! !

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a loud noise.

It was Sasuke who controlled Susanoo and stepped into the clan land of the Shimura clan.

Seeing this, all the Shimura clan members could not help but roar loudly.

"Ah! Run! Run! This is a bullshit god. He is just looking for an excuse to completely exterminate our Shimura clan!"

"Why run away!? Fighting with him is simply too much! Our Shimura clan is not a soft egg that can be manipulated by others! Don't let people look down on our Shimura clan!"

"Today is the moment of life and death for the family! Kill! Kill them all! Fight!!"


With the elite jonin leading the way, more than a dozen Shimura clan members with red eyes immediately rushed towards the purple Susanoo.

Kunai, shuriken, ninjutsu... all kinds of attack methods were used.

Then, even the purple Susanoo's knees could not be touched.

"Useless struggle!!"

Sasuke, who was at the center of Susanoo's eyebrows, looked expressionlessly at the several Shimura clan members who were attacking him.

The next moment,

Swish! !

A purple chakra giant sword instantly condensed into shape!

Susanoo held a huge sword in his hand, aimed at the Shimura clan's land, and slashed it down fiercely!

Boom! ! !

It was like a natural disaster, and like the end of the world!

The entire Shimura clan's land was flattened in an instant.

All the Shimura clan members were wiped out without a single survivor.

Only a shrill roar echoed in the night sky.

"Danzo, it's all your fault! It's all because of you that the Shimura clan was massacred. You will be the eternal sinner of the Shimura clan! I will curse you in hell! ! ! !"

This was the voice of the strongest man of the Shimura clan, an elite jonin, before he died!

So far, the Shimura clan has been destroyed!

"Good! Good destruction, this cancer should be eradicated!"

"Thank you, Lord God, thank you for removing a great scourge for our Konoha!"

"Good, good! Wuhu~"

As the Shimura clan was destroyed, everyone cheered and shouted excitedly!

Looking at the purple giant, his eyes were full of gratitude!

Everyone's face was filled with a smile from the heart.

The atmosphere was extremely warm.

Konoha tonight was even more lively than the New Year!

Even Danzo couldn't help but shout "Good job" in his heart!

This group of ruthless people actually wanted to cut off their relationship with him when they were in danger, and said that he was the eternal sinner of the Shimura clan. It was ridiculous!

The family was destroyed, it was what they deserved!

Although Danzo thought so, he felt extremely sad in his heart!

Tonight was supposed to be the night of the Uchiha clan's extermination, but it became the night of the extermination of his Shimura clan, and even he became so miserable.

It was really miserable!


So far, the extermination of the clan ended perfectly with Danzo's broken limbs, shattered jaw and tongue, blindness, the destruction of the Shimura clan, and the death of the root in name only!

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