Sarutobi after passing the news to the other four powers.

Soon, under the arrangement of the daimyo of the Fire Nation, the conference room was arranged.

The four shadow-level powerhouses of each village sat in the corresponding seats.

Only, the position of the water shadow was vacant.

“Wind Shadow, Thunder Shadow, and Earth Shadow have all arrived.”

“Mizukage Yakura should have also received the news, why didn’t he come?”

The Great Imyo of the Fire Nation frowned slightly.

However, the fact that the water shadow did not arrive was also expected by him.

In recent years, under the tyranny of the fourth generation of Mizukage Yakura, the village has hardly communicated with the outside world.

The ninja who escaped from the village gave the village a new name.

Village of Blood Mist.

“It is very likely that Wuyin Village has not received news.”

“Moreover, the state of Yunyin Village still needs to be adjusted, and it is natural that it can’t come.”

“This meeting about Uchiha should start without further ado!”

Ai’s deep voice echoed in the conference room.

After all, the name of the Blood Mist Village spread throughout the ninja world.

The current Wuyin Village can be described as chaotic.

“Wuyin Village is located deep in the mountains, and it takes a lot of time to rush over, so it is not appropriate to start the meeting so rashly.”

Ape Flying Sun looked around, his face full of solemnity.

The current situation in Wuyin Village is indeed chaotic.

However, just in case, there is a situation where Uchiha flees.

It is necessary to accumulate all the strength.

Now, Sarutobi is no longer as simple as recapturing Konoha.

Konoha must be recaptured, and the Uchiha clan will perish!

“I agree with Lei Ying’s statement.”

Everyone set their eyes on the source of the sound, which was the wind shadow of the Sand Shinobi Village.


“Under the tyranny of the four generations of Water Shadow, the overall strength of Wuyin Village has long been inferior to the past.”

“I’m afraid, even if Shui Ying arrives, his role will be minimal.”

When the words fell, except for the ape flying sun, the other shadows nodded one after another.

That’s right, the Village of Blood Mist went through the tyranny of Yakura.

Even the organization of the strength representative of the Mist Hidden Village, the Ninja Dao Seven.

Also dissolved because of Yakura’s tyranny.

The fourth generation of water shadows has long lost the hearts of the people, and the entire Wuyin Village is in a state of isolation.

So much so that the strength of Wuyin Village may already be at the bottom of the five major powers.

Some people have even speculated that the strength of some small country villages may be stronger than Yunyin Village.

Luo Sha looked at the ape flying sun slash and said slowly:

“If I’m not mistaken, Konoha Village was captured by Uchiha this time.”

“However, the ninja of Konoha Village don’t seem to have lost much.”

“With the strength of our four major villages, how can we not even handle a single Uchiha spot?”

Luo Sha’s words made Ape Fei Ri’s face gloomy.

If he had seen Mu Feng’s strength, he would definitely not be able to say such a thing!

Just as Sarutobi was about to refute, Tsuchikage Onoki spoke.

“Young Kazekage, if you had really seen the strength of Uchiha, you wouldn’t have said such a thing.”

“The number, in front of him, is just a number.”

“If he wants to, he can destroy it at any time.”

Whether Wuyin Village came or not was not in his consideration, but if these juniors despised the strong people of the Warring States period.

He can’t accept it!

Moreover, it is still Uchiha who once stood at the peak of the ninja world!

As soon as these words came out, there was an instant dead silence in the conference room.

Tens of thousands of ninjas can be destroyed at will?!

Lei Ying Ai gritted his teeth and was originally called the strongest three generations of Lei Ying.

In the end, he did not die in the duel of ten thousand people.

Onoki’s words undoubtedly raised Uchiha’s strength by a dimension!

Could it be that he is still more powerful than the third generation of Thunder Shadow?

“One person is against ten thousand people, even if it is a strong man in the Warring States period, Onoki, it is inevitable that he is boasting a little too much!”

Before Ai could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Onoki:

“Lei Ying, my teacher and I have fought against him.”

“His strength, I know better than all of you here!”

“Can any of the people here, facing me and Lord Wu face me head-on, still be able to crush and win?!”

As soon as Onoki said this, the audience fell silent.

Perhaps, now Onoki is a little old, but the pressure that the second generation of Tokage brings to other shadows is still heard.

At the beginning of the establishment of Yanyin Village, the second generation of Tokage fought for the village almost every day.

And the dust of their master and apprentice is even more frightening.

Even Lei Ying is afraid of the destructive power of dust.

However, when such a strong man faced Uchiha, he was crushed to win?

After seeing that the surroundings had quieted down, Onoki got up in the air and said in a fierce voice:

“The original Uchiha spot, even if the strength has not grown.”

“Facing our five shadows together, we can only barely beat him by one point!”

The five shadows gathered, and they could only barely beat him by one point!

This sentence suddenly made Lei Ying and Wind Shadow feel unhappy in their hearts.

“Old man Tsuchikage! I see, you’re scared by that Uchiha spot, aren’t you! ”

“If you are not willing to participate in this crusade, you can leave this Five Shadows Conference now!”

“I’m alone, and I’m able to take down that Uchiha’s life!”

Onoki’s last words were undoubtedly addressed to the two of them.

Luo Sha may still be patient, but how can he suffer such humiliation!

In his opinion, this is clearly to grow other people’s morale and destroy his own prestige!

At first, Ai didn’t bring so many personal emotions, but the old man Onoki spoke to him like this.

But it caused his rage!

“It’s just intelligence, if you can’t even listen to the words against your ears, then you are really a failure as a shadow.”

“Oh yes, your so-called strongest third-generation Thunder Shadow died at the hands of the ninja of Iwahide Village.”

“Because the words came out of my mouth, did it cause your anger?”

“If that’s the case, I’m really sorry.”

Onoki didn’t care, he just wanted to remind these new generation shadows.

Don’t think that if you become a shadow in the village, your strength is really invincible in the world.

If you hold such an idea to face Uchiha, I am afraid that even the advantages of the Five Kages will not be able to play out!

“Old man Tsuchikage, what are you talking about?!”

Hearing the death of the three generations of Lei Ying, it was as if touching the bottom line, and Lei Kai burst out on Lei Ying in an instant.

Because, the original three generations of Lei Ying died under the scheme of this old man!

“If you come this time to avenge the three generations of Thunder Shadow, I may not be able to try it, old man!”

Around Onoki, a transparent three-dimensional block also unfolded.

Although he is old, it does not mean that he is really afraid of death!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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