Darui was wrapped in lightning, and in just a moment, he came to Mu Feng.

“Sorry, if you had thrown in the towel earlier, you wouldn’t have suffered like this.”

At some point, Darui already held a long knife in his hand.

Thunder and lightning are constantly wrapped around the knife, making a sizzling sound.

The puppets controlled by Chiyo also followed, followed by the elite troops of the two ninja villages.

The puppet’s attack with Darui hit Mu Feng’s body.

“Got it!”

Chiyo was excited in his heart.

This may be their best chance!

Not only Chiyo, but everyone present thought that Mu Feng must have died under this siege.


There is an attack in either direction, and it is impossible to dodge!

Therefore, this attack will definitely be able to completely kill Mu Feng!

However, at this time, beads of sweat appeared on Qing’s forehead.

Because, Uchiha Mu Feng, did not die!

What surprised him the most.

That huge chakra is constantly surging outward!

Yuyin Village.

In a small corner.

“Damn, Uchiha Madara, how can he be Uchiha Madara?”

Even after the initial battle, for a moment, Uchiha Obito believed that Mu Feng was the reincarnation of Madara.

However, when he sank his mind, he began to think carefully.

No matter what you think, I don’t understand why Uchiha would do this.

All that Obito has done is for the Moon Eye Project.

There may be some deviations in the process, but right now he doesn’t have the idea of betrayal.

“Could it be that Uchiha really deceived me?”

“What is his purpose in doing this?”

“In what way was he reborn and resurrected?”

“The Moon Eye Project, what the hell is going on!”

Countless doubts popped up one after another in Obito’s heart, and he always remembered Madara what Madara had taught him.

So much so that in his mind, the figure of Nohara Rin always appeared.

Only by reaching that plan will Nohara Rin truly appear in his world.

At this moment, Je emerged from the ground.

“If you want to know these things.”

“You can go to Konoha to take a look, if nothing else, Uchiha Mufeng may return there!”

“Maybe, we can continue to complete the Eye of the Moon Project.”

For the absolute words, Uchiha Obito just dismissed it.

“You are nothing more than something that Madara sent to spy on me, are you afraid that I will become an obstacle to him?”

Obito, who had lived with Uchiha for so long, naturally knew that Jue existed to monitor his movements.

So that the action does not deviate from the trajectory, that’s all.

However, at this moment, he shook his head.

“He’s definitely not the reincarnation of Uchiha, I’m sure that.”

“During the Third Ninja World War, he was a ninja who used to wander in Madara-sama’s place!”

Hearing this, Obito was stunned for a moment.


“This kind of intelligence, why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

Obito is very much in favor of the means of collecting intelligence, so his information can never be false.

As for it, will you deceive him?

If Uchiha Mufeng was really Madara, I’m afraid he would have run next to that person by now!

With the strength shown by Madara, there is no need to bother so much!

“You didn’t ask me either.”

With a burst of laughter, it absolutely melted into the ground.

Borders of the Land of Water.

Darui swung out a sword, which was originally able to split Mu Feng in two, but now it was isolated by a layer of blue Susano.

“How is it possible!”

Lei Dun Chakra couldn’t even penetrate this blue Chakra armor!

When the Lei Dun Chakra is attached to the weapon, its sharpness is far higher than the original!

But now, with a slash, even Susano’s skin can’t be broken!

“What is it?! Why was Lord Darui’s attack blocked?! ”

“What’s going on… Why does he still have such a huge Chakra? ”

“Even Lord Darui’s thunder dun can’t penetrate it!?”

Hearing the surrounding words, Mu Feng’s face did not even fluctuate in the slightest.

“I don’t feel the pain you are talking about.”

Mu Feng raised his head and looked around at the puppets who kept attacking, his face full of disdain.

Although Lei Dun Ninjutsu is powerful, it is still very ridiculous to want to penetrate Susano.


Darui jumped up, and Mu Feng didn’t mean to catch him.

The puppets controlled by Chiyo suddenly dispersed, and the ninjutsu launched by various escape techniques swept towards Mu Feng.

“Since it is an ant, it should die here together.”

Originally, he thought that these guys could come up with something interesting, but now he is really disappointed.

Even, these ninjas in front of them are not even fun.

Just with these ninjas, they also want to intercept themselves, and the five shadows inevitably underestimate his strength too much.

I saw that Susano’s form began to change, gradually growing muscles and meridians, and at the same time, a pair of huge long knives appeared in his hands.

Countless ninjutsu exploded on Susano, and smoke and dust flew continuously.

“Lan Duan. Frustration lock caustic! ”

Darui clasped his hands together, and dozens of lasers burst out from his fingers, and there was a sound of explosions in Susano.

A moment later, the smoke dissipated, and everyone could clearly see what kind of existence was standing in front of them!

Two-faced people, with their hands folded, like a god, stood in front of them!

At this moment, not only Darui, but also Qing and Chiyo saw this scene, and their hearts couldn’t help but be shocked.

“What the hell is this monster?!”

Chiyo’s mother-in-law lowered her hands, her eyes full of surprise.

Is there really such a existence in this world?

She couldn’t help but wonder how much damage could puppetry cause to the monster in front of her?

These are unknown.

However, Qing, who stayed on the side, understood one thing.

Now, definitely not the time to fight!

Only by escaping can you survive!

So, silently, he began to retreat until he hid in the forest.

“How could he have blocked all our ninjutsu!”

“Is this really something we can deal with?”

“No, it’s absolutely impossible!”

Mio Isofu, who was originally going to flee, immediately calmed down after seeing Mu Feng’s Susano.

“This… Even if it’s a god, that’s all… Right? ”

At this moment, Darui’s pupils looking at Susanoo had gradually lost their concentration.

He was convinced.

This is definitely not an existence that they can face head-on!

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