Borders of the Land of Thunder.

Five Shadows looked at the sealed Yao in the sky.

Although there is jealousy in my heart, I am quite helpless.

“Than …”

Ai took a deep breath and then clenched his fists.

Who knows, Payne has been retreating, but it is for this hand sealing technique!

And he could feel that this sealing technique was specifically used to seal the existence of these tailed beasts.

Nowadays, the earthburst star that has taken shape, I am afraid that only the dust of Onoki can be solved.

Thinking of this, Ai felt a pang of grief in his heart.

Chirabi was also a man he regarded as his younger brother anyway, and now he turned out to be like this.

Who can watch their brother being sealed in the sky like this?

“Old man Onoki, how much of your Chakra is left?”

“Can you destroy that thing with your dust?”

Hearing Ai’s words, Tanoki raised his head and looked at the earth-burst stars in the sky.

In the face of this scene, he currently has no way.

With the help of dust, he may be able to destroy the Earthburst Star.

However, after that great battle, his Chakra was almost gone.

It can be said that now is the time when he is at his weakest.

Even if he wants to maintain his flying state now, it is extremely difficult.

“Thunder Kage, your younger brother is a very respectable ninja.”

Speaking of this, a little regret gradually appeared on Onogi’s face.

Immediately, he looked at Ai and said:

“I’m very sorry for this, I can’t do anything about this scene, so I have to let Yao ask for blessings inside.”

When the words fell, Ai’s eyes burned, and he pulled Onoki up and asked:

“Old man Onoki! When is this all over! Do you still care about the estrangement you once had?! ”

“Yunyin Village, it’s all already like this, are you still not satisfied!?”

At this moment, Ai’s psychological defense line is on the verge of collapse.

Yunyin Village is the village left by his father.

It can even be said to be a relic.

However, he failed to protect the place.

However, now Chirabi, his younger brother is sealed in the sky.

As an older brother, and even more so as a thunder shadow, he has no way!

He can’t accept it!

“Thunder Shadow!”

“Now, after that battle, your Chakra is exhausted.”

“The dust of the earth shadow itself will consume a lot of chakra, it’s not that he doesn’t want to, with his current chakra, it’s already an extremely difficult thing to even release a earth dun ninjutsu!”

Luo Sha hurriedly tried to block Ai’s movements.

However, he was glared at by Ai fiercely.

“My Yunyin Village has now turned into a ruin.”

“I also paid for this, and now, my brother Chirabi is sealed in the sky, and I, the elder brother, have nothing to do.”

“If this ninja realm can’t tolerate Yunyin Village, then there is no need for this world to exist!”

Ai’s voice was so loud that Luo Sha couldn’t help but take a step back.

Land of Thunder, Yunyin Village.

It is known as the fighting power of Konoha Village in the ninja world.

If they make a fuss, the entire ninja world will fall into endless strife!

The other four shadows naturally did not want to see this scene appear.

“Little devil of the Land of Thunder, do you really think that when I am old, old man, I will be afraid of this threat from you?”

“If you are strong enough, you will not fall into that disadvantage when facing Payne.”

“You’re strong enough not to lead to your brother being involved in this fight.”

“Don’t be presumptuous, if you want to play, our other four countries will play with you!”

Onoki stared at Ai in front of him, his eyes full of determination.

Although he respects the chirabi who had just helped them.

However, this does not mean that Lei Ying can act recklessly in front of him like this!

Moreover, the strength of Yanyin Village is not much weaker than Yunyin Village.

What’s more, now that Yunyin Village is under Payne’s attack, the remaining ninja combat effectiveness is in jeopardy.

At least, compared to Yanyin Village, he was not qualified to say such a thing!

“Lei Ying, don’t go too far.”

“Everyone here, do you think it’s really only your Yunyin Village that has been harmed?”

“Yaoi is sealed above the Earthburst Star, which is definitely not the result we want to see.”

“But do you think it’s really appropriate for you to spread your anger on us shadows like this?”

The ape flying sun slashed slowly, and now, his tongue was broken, and the words he said were not conducive to the rope.

Along the way, he kept blood in his mouth.

A glance can make people shudder.

However, when Ai looked at him, there was not half pity in his eyes.

“Hokage, if it weren’t for your greed for life and fear of death, do you think my brother Kirabi would die!?”

“If you had used all your strength earlier, do you think we, the Five Shadows, would have ended up in such a situation!?”

If it’s Onoki, forget it.

How could Ai not know that in this battle, his body was almost overdrawn by using dust.

If it had been a normal moment, he would have already used the dust.

But now, he can’t even use the flying star ability, and you can see how depleted his Chakra has become.

However, the ape flying sun chop is completely different.

His strength is not weaker than the other four shadows, and even the strength he exerts has exceeded Ai’s imagination.

However, his every move and style when fighting is still fresh in his memory!

The ape flew to the sun, hardly using any strength.

It can be said that he was hurt in this way entirely because of himself!

If he could use his full strength earlier, how could the Five Shadows end up at this point?

“You… Thunder Shadow! ”

“Don’t take your anger out on the rest of us Four Shadows!”

“Of all the people present, which one didn’t use all his strength?”

“How dare you spew blood?”

Ape Fei Ri pointed his trembling fingers at Ai, his face full of resentment.

Indeed, if he had used the Five Escape Technique from the beginning.

On such a large scale, Payne’s attempt to block is a problem.

But what good would it do him and Konoha to end the battle so quickly?

After Uchiha Mufeng was eliminated, was Konoha attacked by Yunyin Village and Iwahide Village in turn?

Now, there is only one thought in Ape Fei Sunchop’s heart.

Who was the victor in this crusade against Uchiha Mufeng, he didn’t care.

He just wants to be the one who can live to the end!

To this end, he must ask the other two ninja villages to try the disaster that Uchiha Mufeng once brought to Konoha!

At this time, even Terumi looked at the ape flying sun with some disgust.

Since she has just become a water shadow, it has not been long.

Therefore, how could Terumi know that there was such an undercurrent between this ninja village?

Moreover, from the very beginning, Ape Flying Sun Slash had not used all its strength!

This is the place that makes Terumi most angry.

And now, the ape flying sun chop who bears the name of Hokage, actually dares to quibble here?

Did he really think that the ninjas who became shadows here were blind?


Ai walked in the direction of the ape flying sun with a look of indignation.

“Old man Onoki, I was indeed reckless just now.”

As he walked, Ai clenched his fists and looked down at the ape flying sun and angrily reprimanded:

“Hokage, in the midst of the scene, except for you, all of them have indeed used their full strength!”

Hear this.

Ape Fei Ri couldn’t help but take a few steps back.

Lei Ying, is he planning to fight with him for his life because of a person’s pillar power?

He looked around, begging the other shadows to help him.

It’s just that this time the other three shadows didn’t mean to do it.

Deep in the woods, a dark shadow kept shuttling.

“Since Yao has successfully captured it, the next thing is Uchiha Itachi.”

“Xiao organization, will never give up on every person.”

Payne’s eyes were full of solemnity, and through the earth-bursting stars, he could feel the steady stream of Chakra from Yaoi.

After that, he has already fought with the ape flying sun through the previous hell road.

Learned something.

The place where Uchiha was held.

Until now, everything has gone well, so all that is needed is to rescue Uchiha Itachi.

As for the Eight Tails, under the Earthburst Star, its chakra will be continuously sucked until it finally withers to death.

“Five Great Shinobi Villages?”

“The strength of the five shadows is nothing more than that.”

Payne snorted coldly, and then continued to hurry forward.

This trial, the strength shown by the five shadows was expected by him.

After all, although the five great ninja villages stand above the ninja world.

However, they have a problem, and that is that they do not trust each other.

So that’s their biggest vulnerability.

After the next time, the Xiao Organization will appear together, and I am afraid that the five major ninja villages will fall into chaos.

It’s just that he is now very curious about the power hidden in the darkness.

That is, Uchiha Mufeng, why has he not shown his face since the beginning?

“Forget it, it doesn’t matter anymore.”

“After all, just a bunch of mortals.”

Thinking of this, Payne’s face gradually relaxed.

At least, the organization’s plan has gone well so far.

It’s just that it is because of the sudden emergence of an unstable factor, Yu Zhibo Mu Feng.

If the plan continues like this, it is estimated that the Eye of the Moon plan will be successful in the near future.

With this in mind, Payne kept moving towards the place where the ferret was being held.

Although, he didn’t know why the ferret did such a thing.

However, in his heart, he was shocked and had a similar idea.

Nine times out of ten, it has something to do with illusion.

The illusion of the Uchiha family, Payne has a certain confidence and can crack it.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt a huge chakra appear around him.

“What kind of power is this!?”

Immediately, Payne, who felt this power, stood directly in place.

This burst of power was beyond his imagination.

How could a human be with such a huge Chakra?

“Who the hell?!”

Payne then followed Chakra and looked over.

What came into his eyes was a complete Susanoo!

At this moment, Ai came to the face of the ape flying sun.

His expression was full of anger.

If this guy in front of him could use all his strength earlier, how could they end up like this?

At the same time, the ape flying sun chop did not have the slightest fear, and the ape magic wand was held in his hand.

“Lei Ying, think about it, what you do will affect the turmoil in the entire ninja world!”

Sarutobi looked at Ai cautiously.

He knew that he had entered old age and wanted to fight Ai, who was at his peak.

Even if he has broken half of his arm, his strength is not comparable to that of him now.

“The whole ninja world?”

Ai sneered, and then scolded angrily: “The great ninja realm can’t tolerate Yunyin Village, and it can’t tolerate me and Bi.” ”

“What about letting this ninja world turmoil?”

At this moment, anger had already surged in his heart, and Ai’s forehead was bruised.

It can be seen to what extent his hatred for the ape flying sun slash has reached!

The two sides were at loggerheads, as if they were going to do it at any time.

Suddenly, blue Chakra armor erupted all over his body.

Immediately afterwards, he was ready to bombard the body of the ape flying sun.

However, at this moment, Onoki’s voice stopped him.

“Wait, Thunder Shadow.”

“What kind of monster is that in the distance?”

Hearing Onoki’s voice, the other four shadows shifted their gazes one after another.

Their eyes were full of horror.

“This… What the hell is this monster! ”

“I’m afraid, even if it’s a tailed beast, it’s just that…”

Raisha raised his head and looked into the distance, spreading his wings and holding a katana straight into the sky.

In his life, he had never seen such a monster!

Not only Luo Sha, but others also looked over, and at a glance they saw Susanoo rushing straight to the sky.

And above Susano’s head, there is a human being!

“It’s Uchiha Mufeng!”

Such a familiar Susano, Sarutobi recognized it at a glance!

Uchiha Mukaze’s complete body Susano, he still remembers it vividly.

His Susanoo seemed to be imprinted in the heart of Sarutobi Hinata.

Since Konoha Village, he could no longer forget Mu Feng’s Susano.

That horror, I am afraid that even after he died, it still existed in his mind.

But he didn’t understand.

Why did Uchiha Mufeng appear here at this time?

At this moment, Ape Flying Sun Chopper suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the earth-bursting stars in the sky.

Immediately, he thought of the Itachi who had attacked the major ninja villages before, and the Heavenly Dao Payne before.

Only then did he suddenly realize something.

“Did you say… Was all this planned by Uchiha Mufeng!? ”

Ape Flying Sun’s surprised voice attracted the attention of the other four shadows, but they could understand one thing anyway.

They are not the final winners.

Heavenly Dao Payne, such a powerful person, has only become part of the plan.

The real victor is this monster that controls Susanoo in front of him!

Uchiha Mufeng!

Onoki’s eyes widened, and suddenly he remembered the scene when he and Wu traveled together to seek alliances in Konoha Village when he was a teenager.

Because this Susanoo standing in the sky is exactly the same as Susanoo who saw Uchiha back then!

“How is this possible!”

“This… Uchiha Madara ?! ”

Suddenly, Onoki sat down in place.

He could never forget the momentum that Uchiha was able to crush everything when he stood in front of them.

And now, the existence he once faced, the opponent he faced, the terrifying Susano.

Now it has appeared in front of him again!

Let me ask, seeing this scene, how can he not be afraid in his heart?

Not only the other four shadows, but also the newly appointed Water Shadow looked at the sky with a solemn face at this time.

She couldn’t believe that there was such a existence in this world…

Such a monster is even a tailed beast in such a major ninja village, the nuclear . It is impossible for a bomb-like existence to reach this point in terms of momentum, right?

Thinking of this, Terumi couldn’t help but sweat coldly, and even her clothes were soaked with cold sweat!

“Damn, what kind of monster is this?”

“Or rather, what the hell is this monster trying to do!”

Terumi clenched her teeth, thinking that all this was Uchiha Mufeng’s plan, her heart was full of unwillingness.

They have fought with Heavenly Dao Payne so far.

Is it all just to pave the way for the arrival of Uchiha Mufeng?

I’m afraid I can’t accept it if it is!

“It’s just a remnant of the Warring States Period, even if he is resurrected, what can he do!”

Ai roared angrily and set his eyes on Susano.

He didn’t know what Uchiha Mufeng wanted to do next.

Not only the Five Kages, but even Payne is also eyeing Susanoo at this moment.

“What the hell is he trying to do?”

Suddenly, Payne connected the matter of the weasel with the scene in front of him.

When it was all connected, he realized one thing.

He, the leader of the Xiao Order, called himself God’s Payne.

It turned out to be a human scheme!

And at this moment, everyone’s eyes suddenly began to spread.

I saw that Susanoo began to move.

He waved the katana in his hand, and actually slashed towards the earth-bursting stars in the sky!

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