With a roar from Heavenly Dao Payne, a small black ball flew into the sky.

“What is it?”

Deidara looked at the sky, and when he saw the little black ball, he was suddenly surprised in his heart.

He could feel that the destructive power brought by this little black ball was absolutely extraordinary!

“Nagato, you do this…”

Looking at Payne Tiandao, who released the Earth Explosion Heavenly Star, Xiao Nan shook his head helplessly.

She knew that after Payne had unleashed the large Shinra Heavenly Sign, she would not be able to use her abilities for a period of time.

Now, he forcibly used the Earth Explosion Star, I am afraid that he has already begun to wear out his life.

You know, originally Nagato belonged to the Uzumaki clan, and his hair was originally bright red, but now it has turned into a white hair.

It can be seen how much damage the eye of reincarnation has done to Nagato’s body.

“Earth Explosion Celestial Star, what kind of ninjutsu is this?”

Uchiha looked at the small black ball in the sky in disbelief.

For a while, he didn’t know how to crack it, and he understood that if it was just his own, it would be impossible to destroy it.

Also, what exactly is this little black ball?

Uchiha Weasel could feel that this little black ball was definitely not a blood succession limit.

Or maybe it’s some ninja-specific secret techniques.

Just as Uchiha was wondering, the surrounding ground suddenly began to crack faintly.

Immediately afterwards, countless earth blocks flew towards the sky, and even some members of the Xiao Organization lost their gravity under this strong gravity and flew straight towards the small black ball.

“What the hell is this? Chief, what is this going to do? ”

The ghost mackerel immediately realized that something was wrong, and he could feel that Payne Heavenly Dao could not suck them near the small black ball.

It’s because the power he releases is difficult to control even by himself!

Immediately afterwards, Payne shouted angrily, and Chakra kept pouring into the small black ball in the sky.

It was as if all his chakras were poured into it at this moment.

Among the caves.

Nagato’s expression bordered on madness.

The black rod on his body kept sucking his chakra.

Even though it was the powerful vitality of the Vortex clan, under the influence of the eye of reincarnation, his face still had a slight old color.

“Is that a side effect? But it’s worth it.”

“Yaoi, Mio…”

“Next there’s the Five Shadows.”

Nagato muttered, and then he looked into the distance.

At this time, he seemed to see the day when the Eye of the Moon plan was completed.

How could he just retreat like this for the sake of peace in his heart?

In an instant, he poured out Chakra, and suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in every cell in his body.

However, it was all worth it for him!

Immediately afterwards, the Chakra on Payne’s body even began to faintly surge outward.

Even the other members of the Xiao Organization could faintly see that a layer of Chakra coat appeared on Payne’s body.

These are all Chakra that he used the Earth Explosion Star to draw from Yaoi before.

Now Nagato has gambled it all in this battle!

“Wait, it’s like the gravity in us is gone?”

The moment this chakra cloak appeared, Uchiha felt that the powerful suction around him seemed to have disappeared.

It seems that Payne has been able to fully control the influencers of this force.

“It’s good that it fell, if it’s a little later, I’m afraid I won’t be able to come back…”

The scorpion looked at the earth-bursting stars in the sky, and his heart palpitated.

Looking at the small black ball in the sky, he couldn’t help but fall into deep thought.

He had never seen this technique, but it seemed that the scorpion could feel it, and if nothing else, it should be the sealing technique.

However, this was the first time he had seen this sealing technique!

I saw that Susanoo of Uchiha Mufeng, attracted by the earth explosion star, the ground under his feet began to collapse.

Even his complete body was capable of flying towards the Earth Explosion Star at this time!

“Feel my sore spot!”

“I’ll let you know the consequences of annoying the gods!”

Payne’s face became more and more crazy, as long as Uchiha Mufeng’s Susanoo was attracted, he would definitely be sealed by the Earth Explosion Star!

At that time, no matter what tricks Uchiha Mufeng played, it would be impossible to be his opponent anymore!

Borders of the Land of Fire.

Soon, the Five Shadows came to the border of the Fire Country through the Flying Thunder God Technique.

“This piece has an enchantment set up in advance, even if it is a Flying Thunder God Technique, can’t it be teleported over?”

“It seems that Uchiha Mufeng has already expected us to come?” Sarutobi let out a long sigh: “If you can teleport directly to Konoha Village, it won’t be so troublesome.” ”

Soon, Sarutobi recognized the enchantment in the vicinity.

It was Konoha’s unique enchantment used to prevent foreign invasions, but I didn’t expect that even this was used by Uchiha Mufeng.

In the end, it was used on their own!

Thinking of this, Ape Fei Ri was shocked in his heart, if Uchiha Mufeng was not the reincarnation of Uchiha Spot, but just a genius.

Then, his talent is also too terrifying!

Even if he could learn this kind of thing at will, how long would it take to stand on the top of the ninja realm?

“Hokage, I have to say that although there are many forbidden techniques in your Konoha Village, they are all used against your own people.”

“If your second-generation Hokage hadn’t invented so many forbidden arts, this scene wouldn’t have happened today.”

Ai hugged his chest with one hand and said coldly, “Hokage, after this battle is over, you Konoha Village must pay the price you deserve. ”

Ai was speechless, originally if at this time, they directly joined the battle, it would definitely be an excellent thing for them Five Shadows.

But who knew that it was Konoha Village’s own ninjutsu that blocked them outside!

Konoha Village seems to be fine, what is it doing to engage in so many forbidden arts?

At least, Ai’s heart couldn’t understand that since it was exhaustive, it shouldn’t be invented.

“It seems that in this enchantment, we can only pass like this.”

“I hope that after we get to Konoha Village, that Uchiha ambush does not choose to escape, right?”

Onoki’s tone was a little disappointed, and now he was afraid that Uchiha Mufeng would escape from their Five Kages like this.

Because, since they have been blocked by the enchantment, it means one thing, the other party is likely to already know that their five shadows have come to the border of the Fire Nation.

Once Uchiha Mufeng noticed it, if he wanted to run, it would be difficult for even their five shadows to stop.

It is even said that Uchiha Mufeng is likely to ambush them on their way to pursuit.

The strength of Uchiha Mufeng, the five shadows have seen it with their own eyes now.

Especially that completely complete Susanoo was even able to split the Earth Explosion Star that sealed the Yao Tails with one sword.

It can be seen that if he wants to ambush when the Five Shadows are chasing.

Once successful, it will be a devastating blow to their five shadows!

It’s not that they feel that they can’t compete with Uchiha Mufeng head-on.

It is because, since he is the shadow of a village, no one wants to die in this battle.

“I think that Uchiha Mufeng should not be the kind of person who will choose to escape.”

The words fell, and the other four shadows looked at Rosa one after another.

“Wind Shadow, why do you have such thoughts?”

“You have to know that the rebels of those ninja villages just now, as well as that what Payne Six Dao, their strength should not be underestimated.”

Onoki turned his head and looked at Luo Sha and spoke first.

After Yu Zhibo Mufeng fought with the Xiao Organization, it is still unknown whether he can defeat the Xiao Organization.

In this way, presumably even if it can be defeated, within a certain period of time, the consumption of Chakra of Uchiha Mufeng will be correspondingly reduced last month.

It is likely that after the arrival of the Five Shadows, his Chakra capacity has reached a bottom.

It was the best time for them to make a move.

Uchiha Mu Feng, as a person who can play Xiao Organization and Five Shadows between the palms of his hands.

How could he not know these things?

Therefore, Onoki’s face couldn’t help but show a puzzled expression.

At the same time, Terumi also asked in agreement: “I don’t think there is a problem with what Tsuchikage said, at least if I am Uchiha Mufeng, after fighting with Xiao this time, there is no reason to fight with the Five Kage head-on.” ”

“I can’t imagine why he would do that.”

Terumi, after fighting with Uchiha Mufeng once, already had a deep understanding of him in his heart.

At least, Uchiha Mufeng was not like Wind Shadow said, he would stupidly stay in place and wait for their Five Shadows to take down the first-level person.

It is likely that when their five shadows were in the past, they would suffer a corresponding ambush.

Therefore, this time, before going, Terumi must make corresponding preparations.

Otherwise, once there is a mistake, they are likely to die here!

After hearing Terumi and Onoki’s words, Luo Sha shook his head.

Followed by.

He said meaningfully:

“At least, after that battle with him, although this man was very cunning, I have not heard of or seen him have any intention of retreating.”

“Through the analysis of various intelligences, I think that Uchiha Mufeng will not choose to flee at all.”

“Or, in the intelligence of your shadows, have you ever had a record of Uchiha Mufeng choosing to escape?”

Then Luo Sha cleared his throat, and then said seriously:

“I admit that Uchiha Mufeng’s strength and strategy are indeed very powerful, but I can be sure of this point.”

“He won’t leave Konoha Village easily, so before we go over, we should rule out whether he will set any traps for us on our way here.”

After Luo Sha finished speaking, he also fell into deep thought.

At the beginning, when Susanoo of Uchiha Mufeng was displayed, he could clearly feel that Uchiha Mufeng was not just a Chakra with ordinary humans.

Among his chakras, there is even a part of the chakra of the tailed beast.

To a certain extent, Luo Sha didn’t even think that the Xiao Organization could consume how much Yuzhibo Mufeng and how many Chakras.

However, he understood.

Uchiha Mufeng, his Chakra, will definitely not be exhausted after their arrival because of the Xiao Organization.

It is even said that after they feel it, they may even be fighting against Uchiha Mufeng who is close to full state.

Coupled with the information provided by Naruto and other ninjas from the ninja village.

Luo Sha was very sure that in this operation of their crusade against Konoha, Uchiha Mufeng would definitely not choose to escape!

“What Wind Shadow said does make sense, if I’m not mistaken, in the intelligence, Uchiha Mufeng never chose to escape.”

“And, I don’t think his chakra will be exhausted when we pass.”

“Because, before that, I could already feel that he seemed to have absorbed the Chakra of the three-tailed beast.”

Onoki’s words made the shadows except Luo Sha couldn’t help but show a shocked and surprised expression on their faces.

How could they not have imagined that Uchiha Mu Feng had become a three-tailed human pillar force?

However, if this is the case, why did he go to capture the Yaoi?

Does he want to use himself as a container to forcibly contain two tailed beasts?!

Realizing this time, one after another shocking thoughts appeared in the minds of the five shadows.

Yu Zhibo Mufeng, by what means did he contain all the two tailed beasts into his body?

“Before that, I think that this time we are fighting Yuzhibo Mufeng, there are two more people that should pay more attention.”

Luo Sha’s voice made the other four shadows more vigilant.

And two more people?

Apart from Xiao Organization and Uchiha Mufeng, what should they pay attention to?

At least, now they can’t imagine that there is an existence that can threaten their Five Shadows.

Soon, Luo Sha gave an answer: “Orochimaru and Tsunade.” ”

As soon as these words came out, the four shadows, including Ape Flying Sun, also immediately realized what Luo Sha was going to say.

“That’s right, Tsunade hasn’t contacted us for a long time.”

“I think there’s a good chance she’s been killed, not what you think.”

Ape Fei Ri’s sad eyes appeared, and then sighed deeply.

Tsunade was a proud student, and now something like this happened.

For a time, as a teacher, Ape Fei Richo was saddened in his heart.

Orochimaru’s rebellion and Tsunade’s misfortune are simply the biggest stain on his life.

Thinking of this, Ape Fei Ri’s face showed a look of pain.

He never imagined that from the night of Uchiha’s extermination, he had come all the way to this point!

“Hokage, I think you should be aware of this.”

“Orochimaru as a renegade ninja is already a firm fact, but Tsunade can’t help but take precautions.”

“Otherwise, if we make any mistakes, then our five shadows will fall here because of you!”

Luo Sha’s voice was loud, his eyes were bright, staring at the ape flying sun.

It seems that you want to see through the other person. 、

“Wind Shadow is right, I think this approach is definitely not a bad thing for us Five Shadows!”

Immediately afterwards, Onoki echoed.

Now, although Tsunade’s life and death are unknown, this does not completely rule out that she will be the enemy of the Five Kages.

Therefore, even Onoki will be very careful about this matter.

“Hokage, if you don’t want to participate in this crusade against Uchiha Mufeng, you can leave here for the time being.”

, Ai’s voice was even more cold, and when he thought of the murdered Kirabi, he couldn’t resist the anger in his heart.

In any case, Chirabi has been killed, which is something he cannot accept. 、

And now, Hokage even had to take into account the previous master-apprentice relationship, which was too ridiculous for them at this time!

“If you feel any dissent, you don’t have to participate in this fight.”

Terumi didn’t say anything more, just set his gaze in the distance, and at the same time walked in the direction of Konoha Village.

Mio, she would never allow a person to be snatched from her hands like that.

Therefore, this time, she must snatch it back!

Hearing the words of the four shadows, Ape Fei Ri’s face showed a helpless expression.

Immediately, he replied, “So be it, and put Tsunade among our enemies for the time being.” ”

There was no way, his expression was even more helpless, as a Hokage, he had never been subjected to such a sacking!

However, there is nothing he can do at the moment!

Because, if he wanted to get rid of Uchiha Mufeng, he had to rely on the power of the other four shadows.

Otherwise, relying on himself to find Uchiha Mufeng, he would just hit the stone with a pebble without his own strength.


Luo Sha’s statement was quickly recognized by the other Four Shadows.

Soon, Luo Sha raised his head and looked at the four shadows.

It was Tsunade, who had disappeared, and the big snake pill who was studying the rebirth of dirt.

The devil knows, what kind of moth will they come up with next?

However, then he looked into the distance, but when he saw the scene of Konoha Village in the distance, he was suddenly stunned in place.

, I saw that in the sky, an earth-bursting star that was several times larger than what they had seen before!

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