On the Seven Towers

Chapter 102: Critical Situation

Ye Zi thrust his spear straight, and the tip of his spear pierced the thigh of a horse thief accurately. The horse thief immediately lost his leg strength, lost his balance, and fell to the ground. While he was holding his legs and screaming, Ye Zi quickly stepped back and confronted the three big men in front of him again.

At this time, three people were lying on the ground, all of whom were stabbed in the legs by Ye Zi, and they were all covering their wounds and shouting on the ground. The remaining three horse thieves, with their backs hunched and knives raised, looked like they were ready to attack at any time, but no one really did it. They were more or less shocked by Ye Zi.

Ye Zi was not feeling well at this time. She was panting, her face was covered with sweat, and her bangs were wet and stuck to her forehead, almost covering her eyes. What made her more worried was the soreness from her injured leg. Just now, she was besieged by two people. She finally knocked down two people, and then four more came up. It was really tiring to fight one against six, turning and moving.

Although these horse thieves didn't know any advanced martial arts, most of them were just strong men, but they had seen blood and could fight. Ye Zi knew that if he hadn't practiced martial arts every day since he came to this world, he would have fallen under their swords before.

She took a deep breath, changed the way she held the gun, so that her tired body had a chance to recover, and then slowly walked with the horse thieves who besieged him.

"Hey, you guys go ahead, kill this damn girl." A guy who looked like a small leader propped himself up on the ground and shouted loudly at the people standing there. To capture a thief, you must first capture the leader. As the leader of the four people later, he was the first to be knocked down by Ye Zi.

But some of his men were frightened by Ye Zi's bravery. No one came forward just by pretending to wave the knife.

The leader spat on the ground, "The boss will come up after killing all the guys guarding the wall in front. If he sees us being blocked here by a woman, he will definitely make us suffer! You all know his tricks, right?"

The horse thieves looked stern, and seemed to be very afraid of the so-called boss.

"Charge!" the leader roared.

The three of them gritted their teeth and rushed over, while the little leader on the ground took a crossbow from his waist and began to load arrows.

Ye Zi had to fight with them again. She had not recovered much physical strength, and the horse thieves' attack was powerful and heavy, making it very difficult for her to block. She also saw that the leader was preparing to attack with a crossbow, but the path to rush over was blocked by the three people.

She suddenly regretted that she should not have been soft-hearted before and left these people alive. She didn't expect that they would still be restless after falling down and still wanted to fight with her. This time she was trapped in her own trap.

With a whoosh, Ye Zi tried her best to twist her body, and a crossbow arrow brushed past her waist, bringing a trace of blood. The pain made her movements deformed, and she failed to completely avoid the blade that slashed across her back, and a large piece of hair was cut off. Then, she had to struggle to block the two fiercely chopped knives, and took advantage of the momentum to do a sideways roll on the ground, and then she barely eliminated the force of the knife, supported the ground with the gun, and stood up again in a very embarrassed manner.

At this time, the leader's second arrow was almost loaded, and was looking at her fiercely, ready to be fired. The other three formed a formation and rushed towards her quickly.

Ye Zi's heart tightened suddenly, she felt tired and powerless standing in front of a giant beast called death, which was baring its fangs and claws, revealing its sharp teeth, and was about to bite off her neck. And she no longer had the strength to fight.

Where are the others? Where are they? The sound of fighting in the distance has been intermittent, but no one has come. In the face of the approaching danger, she felt that she had never been so isolated and helpless.

Girls, why practice guns! For some reason, what my father said when I was a child rang in my ears again. He always wears a shirt and glasses, and has no martial arts temperament.

I'm doing this for your own good! Just study hard!

It's not a good thing for a girl to know Kung Fu. The better the Kung Fu, the more dangerous it is!

It seems that my gun skills have really brought me to death... It's really... really stupid to stay alone to fight.

Stupid! Stupid! Ye Zi struggled to get ready, and the tip of the gun was swaying towards the enemy. She could clearly see a hideous smile on the enemy's face. She had seen this smile on the face of a naughty child who was about to step on an ant to death. Full of confidence, no mercy, only the pleasure of killing.


She seemed to hear a loud shout in her ears, it was her grandfather's voice.

Your father is a stupid person! Practicing gun skills is not for those trivial martial arts. It tempers the will and transcends the spirit. People should be like the tip of the gun, hard and unmatched, and changeable. As long as you identify the direction, you will only keep moving forward, penetrating everything in front of you until you hit the target.

It seemed that the grandfather was still quite young at that time. He scolded his father in front of her and made him feel ashamed. When he finished speaking, he threw the big gun in his hand. The big gun flew out like an arrow and deeply pierced into a thick willow tree...

She also held such a gun in her hand.

Then many fragments of practicing gun skills at home flashed through her mind, her grandfather's teachings, her father's face, and then all of this gradually turned into white streams and condensed into her sea of ​​qi.

Was it an illusion?

It seemed not. She felt that her strength was constantly recovering, growing, and even surpassing. Her hand holding the gun became stronger and stronger. In an instant, she felt that her spirit had reached a new height.

The horse thieves seemed to sense Ye Zi's change. Their smiles froze, replaced by a deep uneasiness. The dead monster has begun to hesitate and shrink.

The leader loaded the string and raised the crossbow. However, just when he was about to pull the trigger, Ye Zi shouted and threw the gun in his hand.

There was a roar and blood splattered everywhere. The leader was shot through the chest with a spear and nailed to the ground. He held the gun barrel with one hand, and wanted to raise the crossbow with the other hand, but he no longer had the strength. The hand crossbow fell to the ground, and he twitched and slowly became stiff.

"Ah!", "Boss!" The three horse thieves shouted in panic. For a moment, they didn't know whether to rescue the leader or continue to besiege Ye Zi.

Ye Zi didn't wait for the three of them to react, then stepped forward, pointed a gun with his finger, and attacked. This time, both her speed and strength were far greater than before. In the eyes of others, there was a faint sound of wind and thunder on her body, and when her fists and kicks came, there was a layer of light fluorescence attached to them. Although the fluorescence is not strong, it is angular, like countless sharp guns.

The horse thieves were already distracted, and their morale was even more deprived at this time. After parrying for a few times, she hit their vital points one after another and knocked them to the ground.

"Fighting...fighting spirit." The last horse thief who was defeated vomited blood and hissed: "She, how could she be a...fighting spirit warrior..."

Fighting? Ye Zi stood among the defeated horse thieves on the ground, looking at his hands in confusion. At this time, the faint white light was slowly fading, but Ye Zi could still clearly feel this vigorous power.

She turned around and looked at the horse thieves lying on the ground screaming. The horse thieves caught her gaze and shouted for mercy. A guy who was not seriously injured turned over and crawled to the ground, "Sir, please. Spare us. We are just farmers and fishermen who have no land to farm. We were forced here. Those leaders are the real gangsters. Don't kill me. Don't kill me."

Ye Zi was still regretting not killing the guy who fell on the ground just now, but now he hesitated. These people seem to have lost their fighting ability, and they are no better than dogs wagging their tails. She ignored them, walked through the people begging for mercy, came to the leader's body, and pulled out her gun. When those people saw that she had obtained the weapon again, they begged for mercy even louder.

Ye Zi knew that at this critical moment, killing these people was the best choice, but she could not put the gun into these bodies that were no longer capable of resisting.

Just when she was hesitating, a voice suddenly came from behind her. It was a man's voice. The voice was very rough and a little deep: "There is a beautiful woman here who can fight, and she just broke through the battle spirit. It's really strange. ”

Ye Zi turned around, and it seemed that the person coming was a big man who was at least 1.9 meters tall. He was holding a big ax in one hand, with blood still dripping from the axe, and a human head in the other hand, walking quickly towards this side.

"Boss, hurry up and save us!" The horse thieves, who had just been begging for mercy with snot and tears, started shouting for help when they saw this man coming. One of them also said to Ye Zi: "Woman, surrender! Our boss is the strongest warrior in the surrounding mountains. There is no way you can defeat him!"

Ye Zi didn't speak. She was really shocked when she saw the severed head for the first time. She couldn't imagine or accept that a friend from the same school, a person from modern society, would encounter such an ending. Separation of body and head was undoubtedly more cruel than death from a gun or crossbow, and it made her heartbroken.

She looked hard, trying to identify who it was, but as the man came closer, she discovered that the head was covered with blond hair. The blond hair... could only be a local who was absorbed into the guard camp. She couldn't help but feel relieved, but then she felt guilty again.

I really wonder what happened to the other people on the front lines? She found that the sound of fighting ahead was almost gone.

"Don't look, we have killed all the people in front of you. My little cubs will be able to chop off their heads if you use it for a while. You weird people are pretty good at fighting, and the fire-breathing pole actually made me I feel so sorry for the death of so many brats. But I didn’t expect that there would be a treasure like you here.” The big man smiled gloomily, wiped the blood on the ax with the golden hair on his head, and then threw it away like garbage. He threw the head into the grass on the roadside, "In order not to lose money, I have to snatch this little beauty like you back..."

At this point, a burst of air suddenly burst out from under the man's feet, and the tall figure was thrown over like a boulder by a catapult. Ye Zi had no time to dodge and used all his strength to resist the blow with the barrel of his gun.

Sure enough, it’s also vindictive! But it was far thicker and more violent than hers, like an exploding boulder.

Ye Zi was knocked seven or eight meters away and hit a tree. She endured the severe pain in her back and tried to use the gun to prop herself up again, but with a "click"...

The gun is broken.

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