On the Seven Towers

Chapter 1033 Getting better

"Yes. Saint Mo Yu said that as long as the inheritance here is stable, he will leave." Parado hesitated for a while, as if he had made up his mind, and said to Losa, "Grandpa, if... I want to go to the land of the Chinese Tower, can I? I think Master Garo is right. If I practice so much just to hide in this place, what's the point? Look at the masters of the Secret Sword Tower. Except for occasionally going out to do things, they stay in the Sword Tower most of the time. Aren't all their skills wasted?

"I don't want to hide in this corner for the rest of my life after I have the skills. Grandpa?"

"You think too much now." Losa said a little irritably, "By the way, how long have you joined the Crazy Sword Tower?"

"Two and a half months. I am already a low-level crazy swordsman. Although I don't know any powerful swordsmanship, I am not an ordinary person. Saint Mo Yu said that crazy swordsmen are born to challenge higher-level warriors. If I were outside, maybe I could deal with a mid-level warrior. Look, Grandpa! "Parado raised an arm, which was already full of muscles. He shouted softly, and white madness overflowed from his body. He walked out of the house in two steps and punched the ground. With a bang, a hole was blown in the mud. Such a punch is enough to kill an ordinary strong man.

Lothar was a little happy, but thinking of what Mo Yu and the others said, he did not praise Parado as usual, but said: "Just practice well and don't worry about those messy things."

Parado did not give up and said: "Grandpa, don't you want to go to the Tower of China to have a look? We have talked to a wizard over there several times through the communication array. People with skills like you will be very popular there. They will arrange you to work in a place called a factory. The money you earn can live a good life. The houses you live in are made of stone and metal, and there are transparent windows. There is meat to eat every day. There will be water, light and fire at home. There will also be a magic crystal-driven carriage when you go out. They all told us. "

"You believe a kid's bragging?" Losa said disdainfully.

"Impossible! Even Saint Mo Yu said it was true. She said her previous home was like this!"

"Instead of daydreaming, you might as well go to bed early and keep your spirits up to continue practicing tomorrow." Losa was originally going to hit Parado's head out of habit, but when he saw the big hole on the ground, he didn't know why he changed his mind and touched his head instead. "People can't think too much, otherwise they won't be able to live a good life."

"But, Grandpa, you told me before that you should look further, not just a few steps in front of you. Isn't this the place where we go to the Tower of China? "

This time, Losa did not reply, but returned to his room.


More than two months later, when Parado returned home, he brought a piece of paper to his grandfather. It was an invitation card, which read "Welcome to the Crazy Sword Tower Achievement Exhibition at 10 am two days later."

Lothar was literate. In fact, most people in the village under the Sword Tower could read a little, but he was confused when he saw the content of the invitation card.

He didn't quite understand what the exhibition was, and he didn't understand it even more when the results were added.

Parado said: "The results are naturally our progress. Saint Gao Wen asked us to practice well and let us have the opportunity to fight when the time comes. Recently, they have not only increased the number of basic training for us, but also taught us a lot of practical experience. I think Saint Mo Yu meant to let you see what we have become after five months of training. Not only you, they seem to have invited people from the Secret Sword Tower. It's just that those people from the Secret Sword Tower don't seem to like us very much, and they have avoided us for the past few months. "

"They don't know what Saint Mo Yu is doing." Losa said. He didn't tell his grandson that Elder Hein had come to him three times and had been asking about his grandson's training.

Although his family had a good relationship with Elder Hein, Losa didn't tell everything. He secretly felt that the people in the Secret Sword Tower had become weird since Mo Yu came, and they didn't do things in an upright manner. On the contrary, Saint Mo Yu would clearly state what he was going to do.

Therefore, he only told Elder Hein that Parado was training seriously, but he couldn't explain the details.

"Grandpa, will you go?"

"Of course, how could I not go to your business. "Losa replied.


Two days later, in the morning, Parado arrived at the Sword Tower before dawn, and together with his classmates, built a wooden platform in the small square in front of the Sword Tower.

Now Mo Yu has more than a hundred apprentices under his command, and they are fully staffed. They started early in the morning and built the wooden platform in just three hours. There is also a white screen behind the wooden platform, which is a wooden frame with white cloth stretched on it. And under the wooden platform, they used long wooden strips to build long chairs as audience seats.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, the invited villagers came one after another. Losa naturally arrived early, and he brought his family here and sat with several neighbors around.

Losa was actually a little curious whether the big shots of the Secret Sword Tower would appear here.

When it was almost ten o'clock, he saw that the gate under the Secret Sword Tower was also opened. Saint Amaranto, Saint Ivette and several elders also appeared in this square. For some reason, they did not sit too far in front, but sat in the middle of the audience area, just next to Losa. Elder Hein saw him, greeted him, and sat down next to him.

"Lothar, it seems that the kid Parado will be in the limelight today." Hein said.

"He is very weak now, but fortunately he has found his own way. But I still want to thank you, you helped a lot before." Losa said.

"It's nothing. If the teacher is still here, he will definitely be happy to see this scene. The Secret Sword Tower and the Crazy Sword Tower are all part of the Sword Tower." Hein said.

"Do you really think so?" Losa asked in a low voice.

"Why do you ask?"

"Many people in the village are saying that you don't like Saint Mo Yu and his people. Especially since they want to take away the entire Sword Tower, you must be very vigilant, right?"

"This..." Hein glanced at Amaranto and Yvette. The two saints must have heard the voices here, but they still stared at the front, "What do you think, Losa?"

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