On the Seven Towers

Chapter 1044 Strange Reincarnation

Zhang Miao in another world left this body, so Zhang Miao said goodbye and left. He was still somewhat uneasy about his body being dominated by others.

Luo Ling said: "Zhang Miao's words reminded me. Maybe we can do something in this world. For example, go to the hometown of the God of Nature to take a look."

"You mean going to Barcelona?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Yes. Although Agordo has traveled through time, he should still have family and friends, right? At least we can learn from them what kind of person he is." Luo Ling said.

"It makes sense. The gap between the God of Nature and us is really too big. Any method that may help should be tried." Xiao Chen thought for a moment and said, "When my mother was studying in Spain, there should still be many old people. My friend, I asked her if she could help find the address of Agor’s family. I remember you also..."

Luo Ling said: "Yes, I also have friends over there at home. Let's find a way to check it out."

At this time, Xiao Chen felt again, as if these conversations had happened again. Then Luo Ling suggested leaving the Encounter Cafe to have something to eat. Xiao Chen asked, "Do you have a feeling that what you experienced today has happened before?"

Luo Ling was stunned, "Do you feel this way too?"

"Yes. Don't you think everything is going on step by step, and we can say those words and do those things without any effort? It's like someone has set up the script." Xiao Chen said.

"It's not a script." Luo Ling shook her head and said, "I have a feeling that what we experienced is real, and so is you or me. So the biggest possibility is... this is memory..."

"Memory?" Xiao Chen pushed open the door of the cafe. The moment he followed Luo Ling out of the door, he suddenly felt the light around him brighten, and couldn't help but cover his eyes with his hands.

Xiao Chen moved his arm away from his eyes. The morning sun seemed a bit dazzling.

He was waiting downstairs in mathematics, waiting for Luo Ling to come over, and they were going to visit Zhang Miao from the Department of Chemistry.

"Memory... It seems that someone told me this just now, but I can't seem to remember it. But everything around me looks so familiar." Xiao Chen murmured to himself.

Luo Ling hurried down from the chemistry building and saw Xiao Chen thinking deeply: "What's wrong, what are you thinking about?"

"Did you just tell me, 'This is memory'?" Xiao Chen asked.

"I just saw you, when did I tell you..., wait, did you mean 'the most likely possibility is that this is a memory'?" Luo Ling put the fingers of both hands on her forehead and gently Shaking his head lightly, "It seems... something happened. But, I can't remember why I said this."

"Sure enough!" Xiao Chen waved his fist gently.

"But how do you know that this is not a Déjà vu?"

Xiao Chen said: "I also have such a strange feeling. I have an idea. We will carefully observe and recall what happens every moment in our subsequent actions. Maybe we can remember something."

Luo Ling said: "Although what you said is very confusing, I think it makes sense. What's going on?"

Xiao Chen looked at the concrete at his feet and said, "Take a step and see what happens."

The two of them still went to meet Zhang Miao as planned. Everything is so familiar. After waiting for the matter to be discussed, Zhang Miao left. Xiao Chen looked around suspiciously and said, "I think of it more. It seems that we have fallen into some kind of memory trap, allowing us to reincarnate in a common memory."

Luo Ling held the juice cup in her hand and said, "I started to feel this way too. And I discovered the biggest flaw: we can no longer contact that world."

Xiao Chen closed his eyes and felt for a while and said: "That's right. I didn't find this biggest flaw, which shows that our thinking has been induced by others. But this is impossible to happen in World No. 2. The biggest possibility is that we What did he encounter in World No. 1 that led him to fall into this situation.

I have a hunch that when we walk out of the cafe, we will fall into a new reincarnation again. The memory of the previous time will also be cleared by some force. However, this power is not overwhelming enough before our mental power. So...we will always have some memories left. "

Luo Ling said: "I thought of a way. As long as we put the main consciousness of retaining these memories into the world of meditation, we might be able to retain this memory. The world of meditation is the strongest fortress of the Master of the Tower of Dreams. I don't believe this. This kind of interference power can break through all the way into the world of meditation.”

Xiao Chen followed his words and put his main consciousness into the meditation world. Everything was still normal in the meditation world, but several of his most powerful spiritual attendants still discovered problems.

Kona, Tasia and others were staring at the sky with some confusion.

"Xiao Chen, what happened outside?" Tasia asked.

"I seem to have fallen into a mental magic trap. Do you also feel something is wrong?" Xiao Chen said.

"I find that every once in a while, there will be a powerful spiritual magic sweeping outside. This power is even more powerful than your spiritual power." Kona said, "I'm afraid this is not the power of just one person. I I suspect you are trapped in some kind of large magic circle."

"Magic circle? Aren't we sailing in the sea of ​​ice and snow, looking for Gregorio's soul-forging tower? How could we encounter the magic circle?" Xiao Chen said.

Kona said: "Maybe you are already very close to the Soul Forging Tower, but you just didn't notice it and fell into its defense?"

"If, this is the defense of the Soul Forging Tower, it's too exaggerated." Xiao Chen said.

Kona said: "Never underestimate the things of the Dream Tower. As the most magical and mysterious magic tower in the Seven Towers era, the mages of the Dream Tower have many amazing achievements. Otherwise, why do you think the Temple of Nature would compromise with Saint Gomez and allow him to build his own magic tower in a prosperous place like the capital?"

Tasya said: "That kind of power is coming again."

Xiao Chen looked up with them, and sure enough, there was a flash of light outside the sky of the meditation world, sweeping from one end of the sky to the other, as if a ray of light swept across Xiao Chen's spiritual world.

Xiao Chen felt his consciousness blurred for a while. He knew that this was because he was left outside to distract himself and was cleansed by this light. Those memories of reincarnation should have been swept away in this process.

His main consciousness escaped from the meditation world, just in time to find himself putting down his arms. Sure enough, he was standing on the street under the mathematics building again.

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