On the Seven Towers

Chapter 105 Beyond the battlefield

Sir Thor Botero began to laugh at the female knight who was wearing a mask and hiding herself, and the servants around him also started to talk about it.

"This woman has a good figure and shouldn't be stuffed into a suit of armor. Haha."

"Let me touch her, and I'll let her be the leader for a day."

"Girl, spend time with the strong Nero tonight, I'll let you know what a real warrior is. Haha."

Li Jia could clearly feel Sir Arias's anger. She had one hand on the hilt of the sword, with her fingers slightly open. Li Jia had seen this action many times in the morning every day before. He knew that once she pulled out the sword, the bastard named Thor would never see the sun tomorrow again.

Those guys who were shouting didn't know that they were getting closer and closer to the gates of hell.

Why didn't Viscount Ruiz stop it? Li Jia saw that the Viscount just stood there, frowning slightly, but didn't say anything.

Did he abandon Sir Arias so easily? He arranged this team and put her in this situation. It was too unfair to her.

For some reason, he felt a strong anger in his heart. When those guys went too far, unstoppable anger burst out from his mind. He glared, shouted a spell, and stretched out his hand to Sir Thor...

As if with the help of God, a huge gust of wind formed in front of him, violently blowing towards these laughing people, slapping them hard on their faces and bodies. The gust of wind met the obstruction of the body and broke into countless tiny wind blades, which immediately cut them all over. These people were suddenly hit, and they dodged in panic while covering their faces and screaming in pain.

Sir Thor protected his face with his arms and did not suffer any serious injuries, but there was a bloody mark on his chin. He pointed at Li Jia with a shocked and strange expression on his face: "Mr. Messenger, what are you doing? You...you are actually a magician?"

This is...the magic I released? When did I have such power? Li Jia wanted to condense another wind blade, but he felt dizzy, as if his mental strength faded along with the anger.

Looking at the scene he had created, Li Jia was somewhat at a loss. These people were supposed to be reinforcements, but now they were beaten so badly by him. Wouldn't the request for help be messed up? For a moment, he didn't know whether to apologize or blame, and stood on the stage with his mouth open.

Shi Hao and Du Mei beside him were also stunned. However, Shi Hao was a soldier after all. Although he didn't know why Li Jia suddenly used magic, he quickly stepped forward, raised his rifle in his hand, and stopped Li Jia and Du Mei behind him.

Sir Thor's servants also drew their weapons one after another. Those who were not injured were ready for battle, and those who were injured covered their wounds and shouted loudly.

On the parade ground, the atmosphere suddenly became tense, and the fight was about to break out.

Viscount Ruiz had a gloomy face. He was about to step forward to say something, but was stopped by Sir Arias. She whispered: "Uncle Ruiz, since you left the test to me, let me solve it."

Sir Arias jumped down from the high platform and came to Thor and his party. Sir Thor's servants stood nervously in a semicircle around her.

"Put down your weapons!" she said without question. Then she took out a crystal stone from her pocket and held it in her hand. She chanted the spell of healing, and the crystal stone emitted a soft white light, amplifying the power of healing. The gentle light shone on the faces of the injured, and the blood was slowly stopped.

"Healing magic!"

"She can actually control such a large range of magic!" The servants discussed in doubt. Their wounds stopped hurting at first, and then they felt another kind of numbness and itchiness. After more than ten minutes, they touched their wounds again and found that they had scarred.

Sir Arias let go of her hand, and the crystal stone turned into powder and flew away with the wind. She sneered and said, "Under the glory of magic, there is no difference between men and women, only strength. Can't a magician and a magic knight lead you trash?"

"Who is still not convinced? I can let him taste other magic." Her fingers flashing with lightning moved left and right, pointing at those who just spoke wildly, and finally stopped at Sir Thor, "You? You? Or you?"

The warriors, including Sir Thor, dared not be presumptuous anymore, and the one who had just said dirty words bowed his head and trembled.

Sir Arias stepped on the ground in front of him, where there was a shadow of a tree under the moon, only an inch away from the tip of her boots. She ordered, "Get ready to go now. If anyone doesn't pack their luggage when the shadow of this tree passes over my feet, I will let him know what military law is! Go!"


Ji Yijun walked back and forth in the room angrily, "I'm an idiot, I'm a fool." He glanced at the window nailed tightly by thick wooden boards, and wanted to punch it.

Huang Zheng sat on the hard wooden bed and said unhappily, "Don't turn around, we have checked, this room is sealed tightly. There are heavy soldiers guarding outside, don't think about escaping. You should just sit down and recover your strength."

"I shouldn't trust that pretty boy. Pretty boys are not good things. Is this called cooperation? Damn it, is this an attitude toward partners? He used me to trick you all out of the darkness. Now that's it. "We were all caught in one fell swoop!" Ji Yijun cursed, not remembering that he had been called a pretty boy in the past.

"Squad leader, actually... it's not bad to stay here. At least you have something to eat. It's much better than squatting in the grass and getting bitten by mosquitoes." Enrique said while eating barbecue at the coffee table in the corner of the room.

Ji Yijun took off his shoes and threw them at Enrique's head. This blow brought a little bit of fighting spirit. Enrique screamed strangely and rolled away with the barbecue in his arms. The shoe hit the wall hard, leaving a Black mark. Enrique squatted on the ground, glanced at Ji Yijun with a grin, and continued to eat barbecue. Ever since his bloodline changed, he seemed to like thinking with his muscles more and more.

Huang Zheng stood up, called Garcia together, pulled Ji Yijun to the edge of the bed, pressed him down, and said, "At least these people don't regard us as enemies..."

"Can someone who 'protects our safety' like this be considered a friend?"

"It's not yet, but maybe it's true as he said, and we have the possibility of cooperation." Huang Zheng said slowly, "If I were that Adan, I would wait for the right time before taking action. If you fight, you will die. If I can't guarantee that I will benefit, why would I let my subordinates risk their lives? Now that he is controlling us and observing the situation, it shows that he is sincerely seeking cooperation."

"Then there's no need to lock us up!" Ji Yijun argued.

Huang Zheng sighed and said: "Since we are waiting and seeing, of course there is another possibility. If our school does not withstand the attack. Will he let those of us who know his plan live? Will he risk leaking the news and let Cadiz Looking for revenge?"

Hearing this, Ji Yijun gritted his teeth, "I won't sit still and wait for death. We have to take the initiative ourselves. Enrique, come here, let's do this..."


"The situation of the war is becoming more and more obvious." Adan muttered on the bell tower. He turned around and told the guards: "Go and bring that restless boy up."

"Brother, let me go." Aura said, "I really want to see that kid spinning around in anxiety."

Aura led the two guards downstairs while recalling the two meetings with Ji Yijun. The impression this guy gave her... well, it wasn't a good one, was it? He always seems impatient and proud, and his strength is much lower than that of his brother. Such a person will always cause trouble and put himself in dangerous situations. They can always do much less than they want to do, like a lame goat always trying to jump over a wide cliff, always falling to pieces.

During the first martial arts competition, if he hadn't stopped his brother from taking action, he would have died long ago.

And this time he entered his brother's room, which was almost a suicide attempt. If his brother hadn't had other plans, how could he have let him out alive?

However, the spirit of unwillingness to admit defeat in this guy is indeed something Aura has never seen before. Most of the people around her were guys who were doing things by the day, and they seemed to be missing something compared to him.

Aura came downstairs and ordered the soldiers guarding Ji Yijun and his party to open the door, but the scene inside the door surprised her.

The room was in a mess. Ji Yijun was seen lying on his side and curled up on the ground. A chair leg was inserted into his chest. He held the chair leg tightly with both hands, not knowing whether he was alive or dead. Another person fell on his back not far from Ji Yijun, but there was no movement.

"What's going on!" Aura broke into a cold sweat. She rushed in and reached out to touch Ji Yijun. The guard beside her shouted "Be careful!" and tried to hold Aura, but was a step too late.

At this time, a strong force came from behind the door, and the two door panels hit the two guards hard, knocking them out of the room. At this time, Aura also realized that something was wrong. She looked back and saw two young men hiding behind the door. After closing the door, they used two chairs to hold the door latch.

Just as she was about to break the door, she found a hand pressed against the Dou Qi Yuanhai on her lower abdomen.

"You'd better stay still and cooperate with me." Ji Yijun's voice sounded in her ears.

"You are doing something stupid." Aura's face suddenly turned red when Ji Yijun touched her lower abdomen. However, she still put down her arms without resisting. Her intuition told her that this somewhat crazy guy could do things that would lead to death.

"Sometimes, I am a little stupid, but it is always smarter than leaving my life to others." Ji Yijun pulled out a short sword from Aola's waist and put it on her neck, but did not let go of her lower abdomen. That hand.

"My brother was originally going to cooperate with you. Is this how you treat people who may become allies?" Aura asked loudly.

"Cooperation requires some chips. Your brother has too many chips, so I can only borrow some from you," Ji Yijun said.

"Shameless!" Aura was embarrassed and annoyed, but the way she glared at Ji Yijun was not intimidating at all, but rather cute.

At this time, Huang Zheng, who had just been lying on the ground pretending to be dead, also stood up. He patted the dust on his body and said: "There is an old saying in our place, 'Business cannot be done without justice.' With Miss Aola accompanying us, we are not afraid of being disgraced." The business was ruined and the friendship was ruined.”

"If you don't let her go now, the business will definitely be ruined." With a loud bang, the door was kicked open and the door latch was broken into two parts. Adan walked in with a gloomy face. "I swore that if anyone dares to touch my sister, I will kill his entire family. Now you have offended me."

Ji Yijun snorted coldly but did not let go.

"Mr. A Dan." Huang Zheng walked up to A Dan, looked into his eyes and said: "I can see that you are not horse thieves, but people who do big things. In this case, we don't have to play these bandits' tricks. Now The situation is very simple, as long as you send troops to fight with the horse thieves, we will release them immediately. After that, you can kill or chop them as you please. But if you don't do this, we will have to rely on Miss Aura to ensure our own safety. But I promise, as long as we get out safely, she will be safe."

Adan narrowed his eyes and glanced at Huang Zheng and Ji Yijun. Both of them could feel the sharp murderous look in his eyes, "I didn't expect that you outsiders are more bold than the other."

Ji Yijun found it difficult to look directly into Adan's eyes. Huang Zheng was just an ordinary person and felt that his eyes were almost blinded by the other person's gaze, but they still had the courage to look into Adan's eyes.

"Ji! You challenge my bottom line every time, and one day you will kill yourself. Take your dirty hands away and come with me. The situation on the battlefield has begun to change, and the time is almost here." , Adan strode out of the room.

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