On the Seven Towers

Chapter 1052 Capturing the Prey

Xiao Chen could clearly feel the malice in his soul. It was like a tiger, a dragon, rushing towards him mercilessly.

He and Luo Ling each changed a few magic spells and hit the soul. But they soon realized how terrifying the power of the demigod soul was. Obviously in the explosion just now, he had consumed a lot of soul energy in order to offset the power of the Spirit Tower, but the remaining core power was still difficult to shake. Xiao Chen's attacks were like fists hitting a sandbag. Although it delayed the opponent's action, it did not really cause any harm to it.

Xiao Chen even sensed his intention. Half of his skeleton body was already wrapped in the forging tower. That soul wants to take a new body! When it rushed in front of Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen released a shield, but the shield only hindered the soul for a moment before it broke through.

Seeing that this soul was about to rush into his head, Xiao Chen was ready to fight it in the meditation space.

At this time, a red slender petal appeared in front of Xiao Chen's eyes. The petal looked so weak that it had no power at all, but it suddenly stopped the dark green soul that was rushing forward. But the red petals quickly stuck to the soul.

For a moment, Xiao Chen's eyes lit up with red light, and an unknown energy burst out from the petals, which actually split the soul into two.

The soul on the left turns a darker green, while the soul on the right is white.

After the red petals released their energy, they faintly disappeared into the air, but in a daze, Xiao Chen saw a beautiful figure flashing past him.

"You owe me once..." A woman's voice remembered in his ear, "Remember, your only chance is to quietly activate the magic circle on the ground."

"That's... Adriana?" Xiao Chen was surprised.

Most of the fiery red flowers in Xiao Chen's meditation world withered suddenly, leaving only a few blooming flowers in the middle.

He suddenly realized that Adriana's "death" might not be that simple. Otherwise, why would she need to leave a patch of flowers in his meditation world?

But he didn't have time to think too much about Adriana now, because the two groups of souls in front of him were still facing each other in the sky.

The two groups of souls surged in the air and slowly began to evolve into human shapes. The energy burst out from the petals just now was not very strong, but it seemed to have accurately hit a key point in the soul, completely separating the two souls that were connected.

Xiao Chen and Luo Ling retreated quickly, widened the distance between them, and put on layers of shields on their bodies.

He wasn't quite sure why Adriana asked him to open the magic circle on the ground, but he guessed that it must have something to do with the two souls in the sky, and he felt that he had better do what she said.

He briefly explained the situation to Luo Ling, and the two began to quietly repair the magic circle that they had just disconnected.

The two souls in the sky also formed two images respectively. One was an elf wearing a large robe, which was naturally Aldron, and the other was a human mage wearing a mage robe, which Xiao Chen did not recognize.

When they get together, it seems that they are unable to transform into human form due to mutual interference and influence. After separation, they restored the form of their respective souls.

The two phantoms looked at each other, the emotions on their faces were very complicated, including resentment, disgust, and also a kind of understanding after enlightenment.

Eldron's soul raised his head, glanced at the room, and said, "This place turned out to be my prison. I didn't expect that after I was freed from the shackles, I would stay here in a daze for so long."

The logic of the elf's words turned out to be much clearer, as if a madman with chaotic thinking suddenly became normal.

And the white human soul said: "Yes, we have been entangled for thousands of years without knowing it. How does it feel to work for me? Hey, now my memories are clearer. I didn't expect that you had already changed reincarnation." The light has improved to this extent. You are really a qualified Seven Towers mage."

"Gregorio, I can't control my soul. After so many years in chaos, it turns out you were the one causing trouble. You actually merged your soul with mine, turning me into a monster with confused thoughts." The elf said: "However, if that woman Adriana hadn't separated us just now and took the opportunity to hurt me again, you would be just a remnant soul that was suppressed by me. I'm afraid you would be just a little short of being completely assimilated by me."

Gregorio's soul said: "You are right, but in the end, it is the people from our Seven Towers who came here, not the people from your Divine City. Just accept the seal obediently."

"Now that I have gotten rid of my shackles, I don't have time to play with you here." Aldron's soul became clearer and clearer as he regained more and more energy.

Eldron didn't want to take the trouble to fight with these people in front of him. The mages of the Seven Towers always had many strange cards. The power contained in those two crystals also frightened him. He decided to leave here as soon as possible.

In his opinion, the Gregorio in front of him was very weak, and Xiao Chen and Luo Ling were not even saints. The two strange crystals are still entangled with the body and soul he abandoned. Nothing can hinder him.

Eldron's soul stretched out his hand and scratched in the air. He created a crack in the space. As long as he passed through it, he would directly reach the Elf Kingdom from here.

But as soon as his soul entered the gap, he found that a force was pulling his body from all directions, forcing the gap closed and pulling him out.

He looked at the ground and saw runes on the wall. The huge restraining array in the room began to light up slowly at some point and was effective again.

Invisible magic lines bound his soul, making it almost impossible for him to make any moves.

"This is... When was this damn array opened?" Aldron struggled to say. However, the array on the ground was originally used to restrain him. The targeted effect it can exert on this demigod is much stronger than when it restrained Xiao Chen.

Gregorio said: "Did you forget something? This array is designed for you. When our souls are tied together, it has no effect on you, so you can control the skeleton's body to move freely here. But once we separate, it will find you as its prey. Capturing you is its first priority, even without any orders.

Otherwise, why would Adriana separate you and me?"

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