On the Seven Towers

Chapter 108: The trend of retreat

Kadis stood on the high platform where he cast spells, looking at the battle in the distance. Zhang Hong, who was standing behind him, could not see his face, but knew that it would not look good. Because since half an hour ago, people have been running up to him in a panic to report the battle situation.

And at least three of these people have died under Kaddis's sword.

Zhang Hong was afraid of provoking him again and suffering in vain. So he had already hidden in a corner where miscellaneous items were piled up.

Staying in the shadows made him feel a little safe. However, he still knew in his heart that this sense of security was just a lifebuoy in the vast ocean. When the war was over, his fate would also be determined.

Zhang Hong was actually very conflicted. He knew that if Kaddis won, he would not be better off, but Kaddis needed a wise man to deal with the various properties left over from the school, and the winner would often be more "tolerant". But if Kaddis lost here, his life would be in danger. He really couldn't think of any reason for the other party to let him go. He believed that if the rough man named Awan had not died by then, he would be happy to break his neck with his own hands.

What you fear is bound to happen. When Zhang Hong thought of Awan, Awan stumbled up to the platform. However, his appearance shocked Zhang Hong. Awan had completely lost his previous high spirits. There were crossbows on his shoulders and thighs, and blood was all over his armor and clothes. The big knife that he never left his hand was gone. He supported his right forearm with his left hand. The arm was bent at an unnatural angle, and there was a bowl-sized gap on it.

Awan's appearance also moved Kadis. He held Awan's shoulder and asked, "Why are you so badly injured? Where are the people who are guarding you?"

"Ah~~ Boss, they are all dead! The magician... The magician summoned a steel monster! Too, too terrible!" Awan's tone was anxious, as if there were monsters chasing him behind him. "At the beginning, those cowards used magic weapons and crossbows to hit us through the iron fence, but the brothers were very brave. We charged together and climbed over the wall together. Many people followed me inside. Those archery bastards ran away when they saw us. Then we chased them, and then the magician released the monster! Then..."

"Speak clearly! What monster?"

"I, I don't know. It's very big, bigger than a magic bear, with blue skin, round feet, and glowing eyes! It also makes a buzzing sound, and people can sit in its head. That thing is very strong and its head is very hard. It rushed over and killed four or five brothers in one go. Those The magician's guards all ran to his back and shot at us. Everyone was frightened by the monster and ran around everywhere. We...we were defeated like this. "

"Did you hurt the monster?"

"I went around to its side and stabbed it, but the knife got stuck after I cut in. I wanted to use the blood power of the rock giant. But a guard broke my hand with that magic weapon. Garmes and the others dragged me back. They got me out of the wall first, but they were killed inside the wall. "

"Where are the other members of the horse thieves?"

"They! They run faster than rabbits!" Awan said angrily, "There is more than one monster of that kind. I saw different monsters rushing out from several places. Several groups of people saw that the situation was not good, so they all fled. Now there are only places where monsters have not appeared yet, and everyone is still rushing in. But, but..."

"But, those monsters will eventually kill them. "Kadis said hatefully.

Awan lowered his head in pain.

Hearing this, Kadis looked up and looked around. Zhang Hong tried to hide in the dark, but he was still seen by him.

"Get over here!" Kadis shouted angrily.

Zhang Hong had no choice but to go over.

"Tell me, what is this iron-skinned blue monster?"

Zhang Hong looked at Awan, who looked miserable, and then at Kadis, who looked a little haggard. He suddenly felt happy, but he still pretended to be submissive on the surface. "Lord Kadis, that is not a monster, but may be the legendary sacred object "car" guarding the castle. Legend has it that when the castle is in danger, they will be summoned and chase the people who attack the castle to death."

"'Car'? What the hell! I have never heard of this monster. Andrew, what about you?" Kadis asked the wild wizard standing beside him angrily.

"This... the legendary artificial golem also has steel skin and is invulnerable to swords and guns. I think 'car' may be another name for a golem?" Andrew guessed.

"If I retreat now, will that thing really chase me? How does it know who I am?" Kadis asked Zhang Hong again.

"I'm just a manager. I don't know the principles of magic. But I heard that more than ten years ago, a person who tried to steal treasures was chased by a 'car' for two days and nights and died in a far place. The person who was killed seemed to be a strong man who could use fighting spirit." Zhang Hong looked at the ground and said a bunch of nonsense respectfully.

Kadis did not answer immediately, but thought about it.

Zhang Hong was uneasy, and seeing that the other party did not respond, he took the initiative to express his idea: "If you want, I can persuade them to give up chasing you."

Kadis glared at him, stretched out his hand and slapped Zhang Hong to the ground, "Want to run? Don't try to play this trick with me."

"No, no, no, I have no intention of running away. You can send someone to watch me..." Zhang Hong ignored the pain and covered his face to defend himself on the ground.

Caddis stepped on his chest and said, "I don't need any negotiation. I have a better idea. I'm going to use you as a shield to fight monsters like 'cars'."

Zhang Hong's face was ashen, and he knew that his departure would be a disaster. For a time, he once again resented many people in his heart, including Luo Ling who was smiling but hiding his knives, Xiao Chen who was gloating about his misfortune, Ji Yijun who was looking for trouble, sneaky Li Jia, hypocritical and stupid Hong Lifeng and madman-like Caddis...

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion on the east side of the camp, and the horse thieves screamed in surprise. Soon, the horse thief who was in charge of the lookout rushed over and reported: "Boss, there is an enemy attack! A large group of people is coming!"

"What's going on? Don't we have sentries from all directions? Why did a large group of people suddenly appear?"

"It seems that the last batch of scouts didn't come back. But everyone thought they had deserted." The person who reported the news replied in a panic.

"Asshole! Trash!" Cadiz kicked the man to the ground and said to the horse thieves around him: "Everyone follow me to the east gate of the camp and follow closely. If chaos really breaks out, only we can rely on ourselves. Awan, can you... hold on?"

"Although I have a broken right hand, my left hand can also crush someone to death." Awan took the knife handed over by a horse thief and held it in his arms.

Caddis nodded and headed east with more than twenty horse thieves. At this time, the wild mage Andrew caught up and asked, "Lord Caddis, what should I do?"

"Just keep an eye on this magician here." Caddis pointed at Zhang Hong who fell on the ground. "I will come back when I figure out the situation at the east gate."

Zhang Hong was shocked and suspicious at this time. He naturally didn't know the movements of Xiao Chen and Li Jia, so he was very puzzled that a large group of people would come to attack the horse thieves. However, he saw that the wild mage Andrew was also worried.

After Caddis led the people away, Zhang Hong stood up and whispered to Andrew: "Mr. Andrew, while Caddis is not here, I have something to say to you."

Andrew looked at Zhang Hong and felt strange when he saw that the other person had completely lost his previous cautious look.

"You are different from those thieves. They have no knowledge, but you should know that many magical things in legends have actually happened. They think that 'car' is nonsense, but I know that you don't Look at it this way!”

Andrew took out a short staff from his sleeve and said alertly: "What do you want to say?"

"Don't be nervous. The situation is obvious now. The horse thieves cannot capture the castle. Those car monsters are about to come out. What's more, reinforcements from magicians are also coming from the east gate. Do you think these defeated soldiers in the camp can Can you survive a double attack? Huh, if you're lucky, Cadiz can save your life and escape into the hole like a mouse. If you're not lucky, hehe, you'll have to deal with it."

"I'm afraid it's too early to say this now!" Andrew looked around and found that everyone was running around in a panic, and no one paid attention to them at all. He couldn't help but get closer to Zhang Hong.

Zhang Hong also came over and said: "I know that you and them are only in an employment relationship. After using the scroll, you have actually settled everything. That means I can make a deal with you."

"You want me to take you away?"

"Yes, with your identity and strength, it is always no problem to escape from the camp to protect yourself. If you are willing to help me once, I can introduce you to the magicians I serve. Maybe they will have some experience with you Communicate.”

Andrew swallowed. The word "communication" made his heart skip a beat. Wild mages have no inheritance. What they lack most is this kind of communication. If there is an opportunity, let an academic magician give guidance, or even be admitted to the sect. Wall, then it will really turn over.

"But, how do I know that you are not lying to me? What if you don't admit it when I go out? What if I go to your castle and find out that it is a trap?" Andrew asked warily.

Zhang Hong stood up straight and said: "You don't need to enter the castle, just wait for my news in a nearby town. I will leave you a note to prove that I promised to repay you. My status in the castle is not low, magicians They will buy me some face, not to mention they won’t ruin their reputation just for such a trivial matter.”

Zhang Hong noticed that Andrew's face was full of excitement, so he added: "I see that you have packed your bags. You were about to leave. Even if I break my promise, you won't lose anything, right? What if? It’s done…”

Andrew waved his hand and said, "No need to say anything, I'll do it. But you'd better not lie to me, otherwise you won't end well."

"I promise, otherwise the God of Nature will not spare me." Zhang Hong swore pointing to the sky.

I'm about to get on the plane, so I'll start with a chapter before taking off, and continue after getting off the plane.

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