On the Seven Towers

Chapter 1085 The Power of Witchcraft

"And those casualties have nothing to do with me. I have never killed anyone." Crow stood up from the chair, knelt down on the ground without hesitation and said, "Sir, did you come to the Western Continent to save us? Can you? Take me away? Take me to the Eastern Continent? I really don’t want to stay in this shithole anymore. As long as you take me away, I can do anything for you.”

"Oh?" Xiao Chen smiled and said, "Don't you want me to save my companion stork?"

The crow said humbly: "Of course not, but saving the storks is a very risky thing. You have just arrived here and are not familiar with everything on the continent. I can't put you in such a dangerous situation." What's more, you don't even know her, how can I have the nerve to make such a request?"

"What about your other companions?"

"If you want to see them, I can naturally call them all over." Crow said.

Xiao Chen said: "Show me what you are capable of first?"

"What do you want to see?"

"Your best magic, or what you call witchcraft."

Crow stood up, raised his hand nervously, and then put it down. He said, "But will you let me cast spells in this room?"

Xiao Chen said: "Don't worry, just cast the spell with all your strength. No matter what kind of magic it is, you can cast it with your best."

Crow looked at Xiao Chen, but he didn't dare to cast a spell on him like this. He looked around in the room for a while, and finally set his target on a wooden chair in the living room. I saw his hands dancing in the air, and then a ball of flame sprayed out from the palms of his two palms. But just when the flames were about to approach the chair, a light curtain came from nowhere and enveloped the chair. The flames sprayed on the light curtain without any impact on the chair.

Umeda, standing behind Xiao Chen, said: "I have protected everything in this room. Your attack will be blocked by the shield wherever it falls. Use your full strength."

Crow was even more surprised. He thought that most of the people in the room were ordinary guards and maids, but he didn't expect that this woman who looked very young made a move that he couldn't understand at all.

He changed his spell again and released a bolt of lightning, but his control was not good enough. The lightning did not hit the chair, but instead hit Luo Ling next to Xiao Chen. He hurriedly stopped, but at this moment, he found that his The spell was resolved by a strange force. At this time, he finally understood what the adult meant by trying his best. It turns out that he is not the only one who is powerful among these people, everyone is a master that he could not imagine.

Then, Crow tried his best to cast three or four spells that he was good at, such as sleep spell and acceleration spell. The method he used to release it was very rough, and the effect of the magic was very bad, but everyone in the room watched it very carefully, as if they had seen something novel.

Xiao Chen took out a Chinese book from Traveler's Heart, showed it in front of Crow, and asked: "Do you recognize these words?"

After taking the book, Crow looked at it carefully and said, "Sir, I have never seen such writing. Is this writing from your continent?"

"Never seen it?"

"I haven't seen it at all."

Xiao Chen asked: "Have you never seen it anywhere? For example, in ruins, or books, or any other place."

"My lord, there really isn't. The words we use are made up of letters. There are no other languages ​​in the Western Continent."

"Sure enough, no wonder he felt that his mental power did not form magic inscriptions at all during the process of casting the spell." Luo Ling said thoughtfully, "There is no popular magic inscription on this continent. Naturally, a more direct method must be used to cast spells, but this is different from the source. The way of casting spells in the Tower seems to be different. It feels... much different."

After hearing Luo Ling's evaluation, Crow hurriedly said: "Sir, the spells we have here can definitely not be compared with yours. Except for a few secretly inherited spells, most of them are tried by ourselves. Although it is a bit crude, but among them We still have some insights.”

"No, no, no." Xiao Chen said: "Maybe the effect is a little worse, but that's a matter of realm. His technique is very unique, and it seems to be helpful in improving our method of casting spells.

Have you noticed that when we use the Tower of Source method to cast spells, our mental power remains in roughly the same state to trap magic elements. But when he was performing magic, the form of his mental power kept changing. "

Umedada said: "I also discovered this. He just cast six magics, and there are six forms when his mental power comes into contact with magic elements. Although the differences between some forms are very small, they are still different."

Xiao Chen said to Crow: "Can you tell us why your mental power changes like that when you cast a spell?"

Crow said: "The magic power you are talking about should be what we call the source of witchcraft, right? This is something that most wizards know. By changing the structure of mental power, you can control these magic powers in a more targeted manner. Although the improvement It’s not very big, but it’s good to increase the power by 10% or 20%. For a certain kind of magic, the best way to control it has always been the focus of every wizard’s research, and this is what we often trade with each other. thing."

"You mean, many wizards have their own special methods of manipulating mental power?" Xiao Chen asked.

The crow said: "Yes. I am best at operating the source of fire magic. So I can use the same fire magic faster and stronger than others. Of course, it is not worth mentioning in front of the adults, but for me, it is already a very difficult thing. I have studied the operation method of this kind of fire for nearly eight years. Even the great wizards may not be better than me in this aspect."

Xiao Chen had memorized his operation method when he just cast the spell. He stretched out his left hand and touched the magic power as usual, and a fireball formed in his hand.

Then he stretched out his right hand, simulated the mental power pattern of the crow in his memory to gather magic power, and also generated another fireball.

He carefully felt it and said: "It is really effective, the speed is 10% faster, and you can feel the power yourself."

Meidiantian said: "It is about 20% stronger. This does not require any realm improvement, nor does it require additional costs. Everyone can do this through simple learning. This is so valuable! I didn't expect that the magicians here can figure this out in such an environment."

Crow saw that everyone in the room was praising his method, and he was secretly happy. He said: "Because there is no inheritance, it is very difficult for us to improve our realm, so we can only use our brains on these things."

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